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Posts posted by Noah_Hero

  1. 15 hours ago, Minipily said:

    I also see that CSAT is killing the population? I've been playing a mission recently where CSAT have also been doing that, I have no idea where people have been getting the idea that CSAT kill civilians though haha.

    I'd guess from the IDAP-campaign-mission ('The Redacted') where you are playing as CSAT and call in an Airstrike on Oreokastro even though there are still non-combatants in the city. Though it is left open wether it actually were CSAT special-forces or NATOs CTRG but since you played the whole time only as CSAT people tend to associate only them with the airstrike.?

  2. Feels bad that you`re leaving as you always had an open ear for improvement-ideas, etc and were one of the most helpful and friendly staff members. Anyways good luck along the path and as that crazy-AWE-boat-guy that I am, I very much like that the Navy was your choice!??⛵??️

  3. AW MVP 2018: @kennychr

    AW most friendly admin/staff member 2018: @Chuck

    AW most helpful admin/staff member 2018: @Mark T

    AW most helpful user *Non-staff* 2018: @Stanhope

    AW strictest admin/staff member 2018: @Solex

    AW most absent staff member 2018: @SkullCollector

    AW most active staff member 2018: @Lindi

    AW friendliest user 2018: @Amentes

    AW most tacti-cool ARMA player 2018: there is just no way it isn´t @MoonFire

    AW most incoherent ARMA player 2018: @Noah_Hero because either I was not not around, or a lot around and when around I was either super serious or getting annoyed and started to meme or just insta-Alt+F4ed.

    AW best ARMA pilot 2018: @Amentes

    AW worst ARMA pilot 2018: this guy backflipping his heli:

    AW funniest person on Teamspeak 2018: @MoonFire

    AW best drunk member 2018: Cpt. Liver-failure aka @Johnson

    AW best moment 2018 (can be in any game or on teamspeak/forum): starting this:

    AW best forum post 2018 (please put url in): according to @MoonFire definitly (he loved that one)

    AW best driver 2018: @Johnson as no powlers were flipped this year

    AW worst driver 2018: still @Amentes

    AW best baby 2018: idk @fir_nevs

    AW best fail 2018: biggest fail has to be starting to host SQUAD as it failed miserably

    AW best banned member 2018: @TheScar

    AW best TeamSpeak channel of 2018: Navigation Deck
    AW best game of 2018: Arma3

    AW best official server of 2018: AWE

  4. 11 hours ago, Mark T said:

    We now have a dedicated Invade and Annex page added to the website:


    Seems a bit misleading that the soldiers are using RHS gear even though I&A isn´t modded. So maybe replace that picture with something that only shows available gear to not confuse people.

  5. 13 hours ago, Joebillibob said:

    Zeusing cannot be random now. You have to ask weeks in advance to host as Zeus. I understand the staff position to not give access to everyone other than moderators to avoid abusers. Having trusted zeus without having to moderate would be nice tho.

    Just for reference: Zeusing was never random but there where a few moderators like KPJ who did great missions just midweek-straight-outta-nowhere within Stiletto/AWE, or just stopped the mission-AI and builded a completely new random mission from scratch but before you joined the server there was a bit of ranting and rage-quitting so now we have no more of them left.

  6. 1 minute ago, BorderLive said:

    AWE has never been 100% serious play. It has always been a place for Team-play and fun. Immersion on AWE has MOSTLY been provided by user made missions such as Karate's Prometheus series.

    Sure but these aren´t happening anymore so people like me tend to not play anymore.

    1 minute ago, Sodda said:

    So if that "ruins game-immersion" i guess Norway should just sell their new F-35s cause they're American and that ruins my immersion...

    I`m talking about people going full spec-ops-look-at-my-coolest-boiiii-EUWest-loadout-style instead of standard army of whatever nation. Also being in a fireteam made up of soldiers of 4 different nations plus one whatever-spec-ops-guy seems fairly unrealistic?

  7. 1 hour ago, Joebillibob said:

    AWE is a place for mods, there is no denying it.

    Sure but still it would be enough to just go for ACE and TFAR as these are the mods that create the immersion. The rest is just cherry-on-the-top-cosmetics. As I said it doesn´t have to be heavily modded to create good gameplay and if people really can´t live without more IRL-assets then just add a bit of RHSAFRF and RHSUSAF.

  8. Even though everyone knows my opinion anyways: Less is more

    + very faction specific Arsenal (i.e. if you are USArmy you can only use UCP & OCP gear, etc.) but if too many people were complaining that they could no longer use their favourite weapon than the restrictions could only be applied to Vest, Helmets, Uniforms.

    + focus on RHS as Core mod as it provides a ton of stuff in decent quality

    + TF Radio as we already have it and people got used to it but I also wouldn´t complain if we`d go back to ACRE

    + STUI as it is better than the vanilla-group-UI

    + ACE as otherwise we could just play vanilla-Arma

    - SMA as it offers not all that much more than RHS

    - CUP as I dont want to play Arma 2 and it also offers a lot of RHS duplicates

    - LMount as it was a nice idea but is horribly annoying if you cant just change your scope in the arsenal because that mod forces you into an annimation...Also I dont feel like that many people were abusing the instant-sight-swapping-possibility

    - MGP as RHS really stepped up their game when in comes to vests wich means that we don´t need another ton of vests and it other than that just offers a bunch of uniforms wich goes against the idea of a "faction specific Arsenal" anyways

    - Special Saus because no one needs these beards

    ~ maps as for me the vanilla maps are good enough and I dont really need other ones.

    ~ FIR because I am never flying on AWE so I can´t tell you wether we need it or not

    ~ 3CB is genereally a nice mod and fits with the idea of a "faction specific Arsenal" but I would not really miss it if it was gone

    (+ = keep, - = ditch, ~ = idk)


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