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    KingFronXos reacted to Eagle-Eye in Enemy positions on the map   
    Don't think they will, since EU1/2 are public servers. Public servers tend to go for "lowest common denominator", to include/attract as much people as possible, even if that's less than realistic. If you're looking for more realism (semi-milsim, or tacticool as it's sometimes referred to), try the AW Enhanced server.
    That being said, I'd be interested in a test run and see what the community feedback is, to be honest...
    + Would perhaps give recon, snipers and UAV some more purpose than just killing stuff.
    - Could make it really hard to find the last few guys in an AO. Having a heli or jet fly over usually reveals those units now.
  2. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to Lost Bullet in AWE Repository change - Adding "AW_" prefix to all mods   
    As we discovered this week there are some Arma3Sync setups that are conflicting with mods downloaded from other sources (e.g. Steam Workshop).
    To address this issue we decided to rename our modset and include a prefix ("AW_") to all the mods available to clearly identify them and in the process making A3S identify them as unique mods.
    The repo has already changed and to minimize downloads we recommend manually renaming all AWE mods by adding the prefix "AW_" to all of them (help instructions below).
    Open Arma3Sync and go to Addons Tab
    and open your mod folder with the windows file explorer
    (e.g. normally C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3)

    Now rename all the folders matching the AhoyWorld Enhanced modset to include a “AW_” prefix, as example:
    “@ace” rename to “@AW_ace”
    The mod version should also be removed from the version (e.g. “@spec4gear.v4.6” renamed to “@AW_spec4gear”
    NOTE: In the end of these instructions there’s a optional setup that can
    change all the folders at once.
    Synchronize the modset and make sure nothing is left to update (Total files to update:0)

    Go to Addons and press “Refresh” followed by update the Modset by pressing in the Modsets option and selecting “Ahoyworld Enhanced”.
    “Ahoyworld Enhanced” folder should now list all the mods starting with “@AW_” as in the picture below:

    All the duplicate warnings should be gone and if all is synced correctly, launch arma and Join us at AWE!

  3. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to S0zi0p4th in Operation Gudbrand   
    Like you used your left  hand foir anything inportant
  4. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to kennychr in Operation Gudbrand   
    Sorry for the long wait for a AAR\De-brief, been busy IRL. @JaSmAn Usually I set up a teleport for people that havent played\are waaay far off the main force if MEU\LOGI isnt up and running and can do transport in the start
    De-Brief 3/3-17
    After some problems getting started AW forces started screening the MSR West towards Kavala from Depot 1. In the start the movement plan was to resupply and reorganize at main HQ before rolling in a convoy to GRID [057150] to secure the stadium for LOGI to setup a second depot. After the main forces secured the location they split off in 3 rough cardinal directions: N,S,W to either clear out towns or establish a OP position.
    Alpha went up North and secured the location of the power-plant before moving up and clearing Negades which was found deserted, next they swung up by Agios Konstantinos where they engaged in urban warfare against 20+ insurgents and also sustained a casualty when a civ drove over a IED in the road.
    Bravo went down South and screened the whole way down to Edessa and when returning hit major contact in the town of Panochori where they sustained a couple of casualties[PATREP Lacking] and had to retreat East towards Edessa after sustaining wheel losses on their MRAP. But not before clearing out over 40 of the enemy combatants.
    Charlie was given the task of establishing a OP point on the hill located 1.5 KM SW from Depot 2 and establish Intel gathering on the town of Kavala and the nearby suburbs. On their approach to the hill they took heavy contact from the suburb located N/NE of the hill and had to pull back to regroup as the fire from 7 squads proved too much. 
    Upon retaking the hill and making progress neutralizing the incoming fire a ammo depot was spotted and dealt with.
    ENDEX was called 3,5 hours in, after all most all squads had completed their rough outlined orders.
    De-Brief END
    This sums up the actions of the squads bar MEU and LOGI which I am considering converting into more infantry squads as each element has a medic and a mechanic that can take care of the trivial things as repairing stuff to a working order.
    But this would have to wait till the next map as I kinda don't want to touch the mission too much and break the persistence.
    Earplugs was at a crate at base and also at depot 1 and I will make a crate for the next session which is looking to be the last session on Altis as Kavala and the surrounding areas is thought to contain the last insurgents,  if they haven't maneuvered some around us while we where going down the MSR or setting up the depot.
  5. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to Ryko in Question about protocol (from a newbie)   
    A couple of things:
    Not within arma: your best bet would be to use teamspeak's chat system to coordinate if you're really unsure who / where you should join.  When the server has lower numbers, we want people to fill up Alpha before going into specialized squads like MAT / HAT / MMG, but it sounds like you weren't in that situation.  As a new player, it's tough when you just want to run as a rifleman and they're all filled up.  In that situation I recommend joining the next available rifleman slot (in the case you're describing, a Charlie-1 rifleman) and then reach out to the first team lead you see in-game.
    Radios are synchronized to our standard channels when you join, so you can switch yourself to Alpha's net (channel 2, frequency 50) or Bravo's net (channel 3, frequency 51) and go from there.  Keep in mind personal radios are limited in range, so that could be why you weren't getting an immediate response.
    Ok, that's definitely tough for a new player to interpret, because it could mean a variety of things.  In the heat of the moment, my guess is that he wanted you to follow Bravo on their orders and provide them support.  But it could also mean a few other things:
    1) Use the ACE Interact menu to "Join" a Bravo fire team.  We generally frown on this because it can cause confusion for players joining from the lobby: you are still in the lobby role, but in game you're in a new squad.  However outside of Alpha, Platoon Command and the specialized squads, it's probably not a huge deal, and would have really helped you in this circumstance as you would have seen other players on your cTab, and on the shackTac HUD.
    2) Join Bravo's radio channel, and coordinate with them about where to go.  Not super helpful, from your example.
    The other thing that wasn't helping you is that if you joined as a regular rifleman, you are only equipped by default with a MicroDagr cTab (default keybind is "H" to bring that up) which will show you your position on the map, and the position of the other members of your group. An android and a full cTab will show you every other player, so if you're alone in your squad, them telling you to just "join Bravo" isn't super helpful because, as a grunt member of Charlie, you won't even be able to find them on your cTab.
    In that circumstance, especially as a new player, the most productive thing you can do is just follow another player who looks like they know what they're doing.  Make sure that you're familiar with the rules of our server (https://forums.ahoyworld.net/topic/7678-ahoyworld-enhanced-rules-and-guidelines/) as we have certain standards we want to have followed, like following the chain of command, not over-using the radio channels, and taking inappropriate gear.
    All in all, I hope it was an enjoyable experience for you, despite your difficulties.  Something else you can do if you're truly lost is to poke a moderator or admin on Teamspeak, and they can help you figure out how best to integrate in the game.
    - Ryko
  6. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to SkullCollector in AWE Repo Consistent Naming   
    With the last repo update for EU3 AWE, we had 16 GB of updated stuff thrown at us.
    How A3Sync works is that it checks for folder names, so when it can't find the one from the repo server in your Arma directory, it is blind to everything else, even if it's just a tiny revision. So if you had ACE, then comes along and changes a couple PBOs, the rest should be unaffected and the download would be a few MB at most to replace just those. But if the version number were in the folder name, A3Sync would look for @ACE_3.6.1.0, but only find @ACE_3.6.0.0, ignore it and proceed to download the entire mod again.
    That's mildly annoying for small mods such as ACE, but absolutely infuriating in the case of RHS or CUP.
    If you know about this, you can rename the mods in question yourself, but most players will either not be aware of it or do not comprehend the procedure. It's tedious as, if you mix up your dashes and your underscores, you'll have achieved nothing.
    My proposal thus is to rename all mods with version numbers or otherwise variable names on the repo server itself. @CUP_Terrains_Core-1.3.0, for example, will then become @CUP_Terrains_Core. @ProjectOPFOR was re-downloaded because it now has an underscore in it, so if things like that remained consistent from now on, we could save a bit of traffic.
    All future repo downloads of this week's magnitude would be cut down by gigabytes with a quick global change.
    That's not to say to go out of your way to do so now. Perhaps just bear it in mind for the next update cycle.
  7. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to Lost Bullet in AWE media distribution   
    "Finally!" said Nicolai while watching the tanks burn.

  8. Like
    KingFronXos got a reaction from Jorgensen73 in AWE media distribution   
  9. Like
    KingFronXos got a reaction from Vlk in AWE media distribution   
  10. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to kennychr in Operation Gudbrand   
    De-Brief 24/02-2017
    AW forces completed their orders with outstanding effort during this OP, pushing further into enemy held territory than before, however this was not without trouble as Alpha found out when their convoy struck and IED on the MSR 1.2KM away from Depot 1. While under fire they radioed Bravo for support and together managed to withdraw while under enemy fire.
    A request was sent to Overlord to procure one of the LOGI hmmts to fix the MRAP up, which was allowed seeing as we were only two squads up at the time. With aid from Bravo for a while Alpha secured the MRAP and started repairing the vehicle up while taking light contact from the NW. After this the vehicle was towed back for a refuel.
    When everything was squared away Alpha and Bravo element continued on with the original mission of securing the nearby towns to the East, heading towards more heavy enemy presence.
    After 5 hours of intense fighting with some lulls in the seemingly unending contacts Alpha and Bravo accomplished between themselfes:
    - Destruction of 15 enemy installations including a recruitment center which will setback the enemy effort to secure more soldiers
    - Clearing out the towns of : Agios Dionysios, Lakka, Stavros, Neochori, Katalaki, Poliakko, Therisa and finally Zaros 
    The town of Zaros was a combined effort between Alpha and Bravo maneuvering in a pincer hitting the town from both N and S side. The enemy count in the town was estimated to be 4-6 groups of enemies but real time intel gathered from the Raven drone suggest it was more like 10 squads and a technical with a DSHKM on.
    Drone/Headcam footage from IED incident:
  11. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to Shadow Knight in How the sausage is made (or - what's happened / is happening with TS Tags)   
    Kirk. What the Fuck are you on about?
  12. Like
    KingFronXos got a reaction from Vlk in AWE media distribution   
  13. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to Miksi in Changing of the Guard   
    I, for one, welcome our new Canadian overlords. 
    I believe Ryko will be able to handle the pressure with help and support.
    I also understand Davids need to step out of the role, being on the road most of the time.
    Many joyful hours of Ahoyworld to both to come hopefully.
  14. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to kennychr in Operation Gudbrand   
    De-Brief 17/02-2017
    AW forces captured the main airfield with light contact in the town of Rodopoli. After that elements spread to their respective sectors and 1 IED factory was found and destroyed.
    AW forces sustained minimal casualties and only lost 1x MEU medical evacuation chopper.
    The element that saw most action was Charlie, hitting 2 separate contacts with 1x EI squad and one engagement with 2x EI squads.
    Overlord is pleased with our progress and the next mission will be to conduct probing patrols into known enemy occupied areas and also conduct door to door searches in the nearby towns around "Depot 1".
    With that out of the way, i cant guarantee that everyone hits contact at first patrol as everything is random in terms of where the AI move, next op ill have us probe the known enemy territory so that should increase the threat factor a lot.
  15. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to Ryko in Changing of the Guard   
    Hello all AhoyWorld members!

    As a result of long term ongoing discussions, @Davidour site leader for almost a year has decided to move on and pass leadership forward. After extensive discussion I have been elected to take his place.

    We thank David for his leadership and contributions to the AhoyWorld community and wish him all the best in his future endeavours. He has agreed to stay on temporarily in an advisory capacity until things smooth out, however his decision on whether he decides to stay with us long term has yet to be decided.

    For my part, I'll appreciate your patience and support during this period of transition and I look forward to seeing you out in our various virtual battlefields.
    - Ryko
  16. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to Numbnuts in [AWE] [GAMENIGHT] Desert Storm Phase 2   
    Tiger 1 dream team assemble!
  17. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to BenjaminHL in Why We Should Have a Map(s) that Defaults to Russian   
    So to get straight to the point, I am bored in class and asking myself why don't we have default maps as the Russian. It is a whole other side of gameplay that we simple don't explore or simply give a damn about. Some argue that it is too hard or sometime admins say that people don't take it seriously. To that I have to say pick you balls up off the floor take the challenge and you might have some fun, and for the second point I have to say that if you make it a standard then people will get used to it and calm down. The problems will work themselves out. 
    I also think now is a great time to do this as RHS has been bringing more and more modern Russian military gear into the game. Some of the weapons can even mount western attachments and optics, and some of the vehicles including the new bomber and Mi-28 and t-90 out class US gear and would be great to use as well. 
    I would like to suggest that we add Cherno and Taskistan as the two maps that have the Russians on default. They not only make sense setting wise but are also commonly played so testing would be rapid. We also have seen how an alternative style can be very fun and effective on Gorgona so I think this is a logical next step. 
    The other side to this is that admins change the params based on what they players want all the time so it is not like if people don't want to play the Russians but the US or Brits instead they easily can. Another thing is that it is not in the requests forum, but I really wanted the communities input an opinions and if people like this then I will be more than happy to make a formal request or if a conclusion is made here all the better. 
    Thanks for listening,
  18. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to Chuck in Invade And Annex 3.1!   
    Hello guys,
    We have been working on a update to I&A3. The most noticeable difference will be the new bases at La Rochelle Airdrome on Tanoa (EU2) and Selakano Airfield on Altis (EU1). 
    We've removed the ability to spawn hunter/prowlers as it wasn't needed and was open to abuse.
    We've introduced a heli lift zone, this is where you can wait with your hunter or quad ready to be lifted to the AO. This is the stop people running around like headless chickens trying to get a pilot to lift them. 
    Removed two Ghost Hawks and replaced with a Huron and a Hummingbird. Also the VTOL Blackfish (Vehicle Transport) has made a reappearance!
    Background scripts have been worked on as well.
    Hope you enjoy this, post any bugs you may find here.
    Ahoyworld Staff Team.
  19. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to JimboUK in Long time Arma player, multiplayer newbie   
    So I tried AhoyWorld for the first time last night, after watching one of Leutin09's videos.  Sure enough I bumped into TheScar the second I joined AW EU1  He was thrilled to see another newb I'm sure.
    Anyway, I've been playing ARMA (or should I say Operation Flashpoint!) since the original OFP.  I remember playing OFP1 online with some dutch guys many moons ago, but since then things have got in the way, family, renovations, work, the usual stuff.  I still don't get much time to spend online but having spent a couple of hours last night on this, I think I've found something I could sink my teeth into.  
    I'd love to get a bit more involved, but with 2 young kids, time is a bit of a premium so I'm unlikely to be able to guarantee a timeslot every week!  I'm a software developer with 10 years experience having graduated in 2005, so would be very interested in helping out with any of the techy parts of the community.  (Speaking of which, the OAuth link to sign up with Google is broken, as is the link to the "Introduction Forum" in the message sent to me when I signed up  )
    Hope to see you all online.  I'm "Jimbo" on both Arma and Teamspeak
    Shoutout to the guys I played with last night, sorry I can't remember all the tags exactly!
    and anyone else I forgot
    And that Drunken Pilot! Good flying.
  20. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to [Luftwaffe]fr4q in [Luftwaffe´s Christmas Present]   
    There is my little cutie born at 17.12.2016 with 3375g and 50cm ♥ Happy Christmas everyone ♥ *EDIT* Its´s a Girl

  21. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to TheScar in Hello and plz help?   
    EU1 is your best choice to get started in the A3 universum,then work your way up according to your taste of playstyle.
    Dont pay to much attention on the boys by the bike garage (yet) - they just try to fill their EU3/AWE/millionofmodsserver with cannonfod ... dedicated recruits i mean.
    Yea,thats what i ment.
    EU1 > *  tho


  22. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to GhostDragon in AWE Training nights   
    Hi guys, 
    SkullCollector, Amentes and I will begin providing regular training sessions as detailed here.
    These sessions are going to be run on Thursdays and other days are still to be decided.

    We will create a topic underlining the specific sessions that are taking place on these days and will take feedback from the community as to what they feel is needed to improve the gameplay experience on the server.
    The first sessions will be covering the basics of the enhanced server to ensure a baseline for the community and then we will begin to cover more specialised roles and tactics. 
  23. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to PERO in Stepping down   
    I`ve thought in which section should I post this, here should be the best.
    I`ve decided to step down from the role of an admin to a regular member/player, purely out of personal reasons. I`ll drop all the boring details behind this decision, the only thing I`ll add is, it has not been made over-night.
    I`ve had a lot of fun, I`ve met a lot of new people, a lot of great people. I want to thank Staff (new and old - yes, you Raz) for giving me a chance to contribute to the community, be a part of its leadership. I hope we`ve all learned things together, in good or bad times, and I have no regrets.
    I`ll stay around, just as a regular player and user.
  24. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to Mark T in Newbie   
    Welcome to the forums!
    Sounds like AWE will be your best bet, you can get all the relevant details here https://forums.ahoyworld.net/forum/86-enhanced-server-information-and-discussion/
  25. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to Chuck in Discord   
    Well that was very funny ha ha...
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