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  1. Like
    lexota reacted to fir_nev in Looking for admins to support the EU1/2 servers   
    I think U meant "I am pleased that most members would rather help new players than take a bullet to the head".
    I was lucky to be guided by nice players during my first few outings.
    Hopefully, we get admins from the US to control TKers and trolls but the Player Report form has been a very useful tool as a workaround.
  2. Like
    lexota reacted to Minipily in Another Shacktac Mod Thingy!   
    Step One: Watch Video
    Step Two: Insta-like

  3. Like
    lexota reacted to PERO in EU 2 - Dedicated Admin?   
    Usually EU1 is more problematic, hence admins usually sit on there.
    I always try to follow the chat of EU2, see if any problems arise and react to them, but I`ll try to play a bit more on it due to the admin team slowly extending.
  4. Like
    lexota reacted to Ryko in EU3 TRAINING NIGHT - THURSDAY MARCH 3 19:00 GMT   
    Time of preparation @ TS: 18:45 GMT (13:45 EST)
    Time start: 19:00 GMT (14:00 EST)
    Time end: 22:00 GMT (ish)
    Mods: EU#3 Repository Mods
    Hi folks,
    With an influx of new players, we're going to have another training night.  Same mode as before: basic training for new players, and advanced training for players who have been out in the field a few times.
    Basic training looks like this:
    Introduction - what it means to play on EU3 - how it's different from EU1 / other servers - what we expect from players.  Ie., the obligatory boring but happily short talky-talk part Radios - how to use ACRE - how to communicate well & efficiently - understanding how & why the radios work. Working as a team - formations, movement, cover, battle buddies, chain of command. ACE medical - how to treat your own injuries - how to help a medic (or other team members) treat another team members' injuries effectively. Advanced training topics this week will be ADVANCED ACE MEDICAL and LONG-RANGE MARKSMANSHIP.
    Volunteers interested in leading basic training and advanced topics are appreciated - just message me in this thread, through steam, or through a forum message.
    No signups necessary, but posting your intent to participate below is welcome.
    Training will be on Shapur Training - which is >< almost working properly.
    Following training at 21:00 will be Gauntlet standard, with the map chosen based on the composition of the platoon.
  5. Like
    lexota reacted to xSniper1982 in EU 2 - Dedicated Admin?   
    Hi guys,

    I was wondering if it would be possible have someone on EU 2, marked as a dedicated Admin for that server.

    Mainly because there are times where we have multiple teamkillers or people just trolling the server every so often,
    We don't like having to constantly move to the other channels to ask an Admin to stop what they're doing and to come to help.

    Just today we had to call on Chuck multiple times to deal with people just Tking or messing around with vehicles in deployment because they were ruining the experience for everyone else.

    I'm sure there's a few people who are dedicated to playing almost exclusively on EU 2, as I do, that would be willing to do the work if there's no one available from the Admin team who would want to do that.

    It is only a thought, but it's one that a few of us have discussed a fair amount in Teamspeak during days where the trolls come out to play.

    Thanks for taking the time to read.
  6. Like
    lexota reacted to Chuck in EU 2 - Dedicated Admin?   
    Hi xSniper1982, yeah today was a abnormally bad day for team killers i think. Dave as he said in  this post, http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/5190-taking-the-reins/ He will be adding more admins to the team. 
  7. Like
    lexota reacted to DudeX in helicopter stuff   
    greetings all,
    i have spent quite a few hours flying choppers on your server recently. i want to share some observations regarding selection of LZ's:
    1. too close
    troopers hate to walk, i guess. i prefer to keep  1km away from the ao in order to avoid getting shot down by vehicles. as the battle progresses and own troops secure more and more terrain moving the lz forward becomes feasable.
    2. bad choice of terrain
    lz's are often chosen on a front slope facing the ao and all it's lurking apc's, vehicle cannons, infantry guns and whatnot. arma maps are awesome. it's easy to recognize terrain features meaning one can select a covered lz, i.e behind a ridge or similar.
    3. impatience
    troopers don't like to wait. some think i'm their personal cab driver. i'm not. personally, i ferry a minimum of 2 guys (so they can support each other on their enterprise). also, changing the destination midflight requires some adjustments the pilot needs to make which take time, too, such as referring to the map, planning an ingress/egress route and, of course talking/typing in chat.
    4. the hilltop
    a seemingly favourite lz is any given hilltop. i mean seriously! people love to bunch up on a peak and snipe down for an hour. hilltops are crap. they are obvious features in the countryside and any halfbaked enemy will have his own sights on them, too. being a little more creative and choosing different terrain from which to attack an ao is fun, too. fire and maneuvre, you know...
    5. extraction
    dont just type " i need extraction". that's not much information for a pilot. mark a preferred pickup point on the map and be ready with a smoke grenade (one is enough). throw it when the chopper arrives (when you hear it) and tell the pilot which color of smoke you just popped (in case there is other smoke in the area, which maybe you don't even see yourself).
    and then some observations on pilot etiquette:
    with 5 or so pilots all shuffling troopers back and forth i'd like to see a little more team spirit, meaning if a chopper arrives at base second  let the helo which already sits there take off first. if you're booked by a squad for an individual task that's different, but other than that hang back a little. it's a team game after all.
    that was it.
    i haven't seen any guidance or instruction how you prefer the piloting on your server to be conducted. so please add or correct anything i posted here. until then this here is at least something i prefer doing. i found that it also helps getting more troopers to the frontline alive :-)
  8. Like
    lexota reacted to TheScar in EU #1 vs. EU #2   
    EU1 all the way !
    I recall EU2 as "I+A Stratis" server and ever since i try to stay away from it (unless EU1 is down) - also i came for the game but i stay for the drama ...
    Tactical / realism gameplay is what you make out of your gametime and i never face issues when walking from Kavalalalalalaaa back to base cause i got the skill of imagination to keep me busy
    But i wouldnt mind setting a server to VETERAN diff. to spice things up (3P only for vehicles/choppers) ...
    Then again,addicted to EU1 - so why would i care for EU2 or the mod infested EU3 that would take away even more from my limited playtime ...
  9. Like
    lexota reacted to Ryko in Private Training Thingy   
    Heya Miczils,
    I fully support this idea.  Now that I've got Gauntlet 41 off the ground I'll put a little love on the Training map.  It was always my intention to make that map freely available to anyone who wanted it.
    - R
  10. Like
    lexota reacted to MessedUpSmiley in 'EU3 Veteran' XML & Tags   
    1. There is no skill attached to the whole being Veteran, it just signifies your position as a long time and active EU#3 player.
    2. What would you define as an actual veteran member? I would call it someone who has been practising something over a long time. Seeing the mods we are still frequently subject to change I'd say a small catching up and evaluation period would suffice for the older members to become eligible. Being inactive for a long time, will most likely result in you getting removed from the program.
    As another point I'd like to raise up the part of the XML having the ability to add a remark, if you want to play a bit milsim-like; even though we are not a milsim community - feel free to insert in that remark a couple of area's which you excel at.
    More teamspeak tags would probably not be a very good idea, seeing we would like to keep things nice and simple and ... <read bold text above with strict tone>.
    Also, it's all up to the creator of the event to designate people to slots, so if he'd rather have veteran players in important slots or slots they are dedicated to, that's totally fine. You're showing other people the ropes anywhat, what better enviroment than a gamenight, right?
  11. Like
    lexota reacted to Pancake in 'EU3 Veteran' XML & Tags   
    Exactly what Amentes said, instead of a single TS grpup for veterans skill tags would be nice, indicating those who excel in certain fields, medic, rotary pilot, fixed wing pilot, comms, engineer/demolitions, team/squad/Plt leader (corporal, sergeant and LT rank markers respectively?) that kind of stuff. So someone who is tagged as a veteran medic would be better suited as a medic in a game night compared to a new-to-ACE-med person
  12. Like
    lexota reacted to Jason. in Do Not Put Medics At Risk!   
    I could probably list a hundred stupid things that players often do around minefields. But to keep it simple, nobody should be going anywhere near the minefield unless:
    They have explosives to take down the Radio Tower AND there are not others already in the minefield.
    Medics are obviously very useful and it is very important that they are kept alive, so I'd recommend AGAINST going into a minefield unless absolutely necessary.
    However I understand this is something that will probably never change. I suspect that the sorts of players who are always getting blown up in minefields won't be reading this post.
  13. Like
    lexota reacted to Werzion in Hola amigos   
    30 years old swede and part time Marksman within the Swedish Armed Forces (with a PSG90, a.k.a. Arctic Warfare).
    Playing Arma 3 since 2013, been on and loved the Ahoyworld #1 and #2 all since I found them the first time, about a year or so. Just had a long period where I was tired of gaming at large, but recently got a real desire to start level up the gaming, mainly Arma, and with joining server #3 for more serious/coordinated gaming.
    Mostly play as MMG or AT, also got a little extra love for UAV and Helicopters but doesnt take those slots on the servers, I still suck to much as pilot for that hehe
    See ya on the battlefield!
  14. Like
    lexota reacted to zissou in Taking the reins   
    One quick point on the availability of staff to questions. Take into account who you're asking what eg don't ask the site owner what weapon sight would be best on a mg for eu2 or the classic "tker on eu1" then no more info. There are plenty of people around who can help everyone else so make use of that resource rather than taking it straight to the top, who while they are at the top, may not be the best placed for the particular inquiry or question.
  15. Like
    lexota reacted to David in Taking the reins   
    Hi all, those who attended the meeting (and from looking at this forum) will know, Raz stepped down as leader today, handing over to me.
    For those that missed the meeting, here is the link to the recording.
    So what is changing?
    As I said in the meeting nothing will be changing immediately, I need to survey properly where our weaknesses are and how we can improve. I will however be looking at the following:
    Improving coordination between staff members.
    At present it is difficult to keep track of user records, in particular users who have been warned but not banned, it is easily lost information and tracking will become tedious if it’s not done properly. It won’t happen overnight and it will require careful planning.
    Improve communication from staff to the community.
    It was raised in the meeting that quite often things are pushed through without consulting with the community, this is a problem all through the ranks not just between users and admins. I recently made a judgement call which blew up quite spectacularly which highlighted the fact this is prevalent everywhere, we knew it was a problem, but underestimated the extent to which it reached. Consultations will be on the up!
    Removal of the US server
    I brought this up in the meeting, it costs us £85 per calender month, was hosting Squad which is not populated and not bringing us any income. It was incredibly quick to resolve, here’s why:
    Graduated offences
    Something I have been looking at is a graduated offences system, instead of warning, kick and ban for all broken rules there would be 2 or 3 thresholds, racism would be your top tier and get you and instant permanent ban from our servers whereas spamming VON would land you a warning. Another possible avenue was different consideration dependant on membership status. This is just at idea phase.
    EU3 Mods & Spartans
    We have all regarded Spartans and EU3 Mods as the same rank, it isn’t clear though. I am not a fan of different routes for different play styles as it may not be equal, one route may favour another. I’m not sure what to do with this as I don’t really want to shake these up too much. Again, this is just an idea.
    Community engagement
    Our current community engagement is very low, far lower than it should be. Basically a lot of our admins don’t play on EU1/2 a lot, this means we don’t engage with the non members and that means they don’t become members. My plan is to drive up community engagement, gain members, promote people into the lower ranks (Field Ambassador etc) more frequently to end up with a broader admin team, this spreads out the workload for admins and in turn makes playing on EU1/2 less stressful for them, making them more likely to play. In short, not playing on EU1/2 means it’s more work in the long run.
    Regular community meetings
    Something we are lacking is meeting with the members, we do it from time to time but nowhere near enough to really connect, I’m aiming for quarterly.
    Both my predecessors got caught up with was delegation. I work away during the week but I keep in contact via the forums, both my predecessors found themselves trying to do so much and ultimately succumbing to stress. I’ve been a part of communities where the owner eventually took his own life, I have no plans to get in that deep. I can’t afford to be trying to do everything, I work away during the week and the rest of the admin team have my complete trust and are more than capable of making educated decisions about their sectors for me not to worry about them. I aim to be guides on the side of a bowling alley and nothing more.
    Taking suggestions to the top
    I can’t stress this enough, we will always listen to you, you can come to us any time on TeamSpeak with a suggestion, failing TeamSpeak we have the ideas forum, specifically for this, please don’t be hesitant in bringing things to us, we don’t bite.
    New website
    For a while we have been developing a new website and this was discussed in the meeting this evening, it’s not been a matter of urgency and it’s not an overnight job. We were planning for wordpress, it’s on the cards for the future, but it’s not our top priority.

    Raz has done a fantastic job for the last two and a half years since Rarek left in which was not a clean break. Leading from this is remarkable and we have made great strides in the years. It truly is incredible. I have known Raz for over 7 years, I am nearly 22, that’s over 30% of my life and he has been nothing but a great friend to me.

    Now on to me, I will make mistakes, I am not perfect, I do not have a handbook, I do not have any business or management experience. I got to where I am by making good decisions, but I will no doubt bring some terrible ideas to the table and horrific mistakes. I managed to delete half of TeamSpeak and the entirety of EU3 throughout my time here and I will continue to make mistakes (although I hope these are few and far between) and I rely on you the community, to tell me when I am making errors.

  16. Like
    lexota reacted to TheToxicPixels in Thanks Razgriz33   
    Thank you Raz for your service to this amazing community! Also goodluck Muckduck, try not to go insane over running this place
  17. Like
    lexota reacted to Mark T in Hello Guys   
    did you use the correct directories and plugins?
    quote from Josh
    Once the TeamSpeak plugin is installed, make sure that you enable it. In TeamSpeak go to Settings->Plugins to enable it.
    That is it, you should be ready to start playing!
    Remember to run TeamSpeak 3 and Arma as administrator
    make sure ACRE2 is ticked, if its not showing then click reload all, if you still have problems like chicken said hop in to TS and we will be more than happy to help
  18. Like
    lexota reacted to chicken_bananas in Hello Guys   
    Welcome to the community, do you mean, that you are having problems with ACRE? Feel free to message me on teamspeak, i see if i can help
  19. Like
    lexota reacted to Chuck in Hel- oh, heck, everyone says 'hello'. Wotcher, folks.   
    Welcome! We sure do have our fair share of nutters at Ahoyworld. See you in-game soon.
  20. Like
    lexota reacted to Tarran in Hello!   
    Long time player,first time member,playing arma over a year now and still learning new tricks, love the ahoy servers and do a lot of piloting choppers and recon squad side missions, love those first kills and Team tactical squads, so hello to you all ,and a good night or good morning ?cos arma makes the days and nights fly by, see you on the battlefield brothers and sisters.
  21. Like
    lexota reacted to PiranhA in Gday all   
    -Have fun
    -Create fun
    -Support fun
    And welcome, have fun!
  22. Like
    lexota reacted to Scat in I really do hate titles   
    Hey ya all.
    Not much 2 say about meh.
    Just looking for casual tactical-ish game experience while i am trying to figure things out.

    Gotta admit i got really frustrated in the beggining of my arma 3 experience because the things i saw online had nothing to do with my real game experiences.'till i found eu3 ofc ;D

    And thats all for now!
    See ya arround
  23. Like
    lexota reacted to Winter in I'm not good at introductions, but..   
    ... Hey, my name is Leonard. I'm 18 years old and come from Germany. I'm playing on EU 1 for quite a while now and enjoy being a pilot and AT specialist. Some people may already know me under my alias "Winter". And yeah, that's about it! I like cats and pizza.. and complain a lot - Typical german.
    See you on the battlefield!
  24. Like
    lexota reacted to Hawthorne in What To Do when: Hackers & script kiddies & Teamkillers   
    ArmA 3 Alpha:
    To Digital Combat Simulator (DCS), some servers use ServMan by the username---Panzertard.  With this program in place, 3 teamkills be it A.I. or "real" player, will get oneself booted for an hour.  Repeated offenses will get oneself banned permanently via the guy's IP address.  And word spreads about bad guys and they tend to be banned from the other servers---just in case.
    I do not deliberately teamkill, but accidents do happen due to the nature of the mouse' scroll wheel does not sometimes highlight in yellow a friendly player.  I am very careful not to teamkill and have ended up "Critically Wounded" a few times because I hesitated to verify whether my target was really the enemy.
    I have been deliberately teamkilled, repeatedly, by a guy and his chums on your servers because he disagrees with my gameplay tacticts---I was not cheating.  Teamkilling is teamkilling and even for glorious, "righteous" reasons, it is still teamkilling.
    As to the other crap?  I use Norton 360---best I have found.  I also use MalwareBytes and Spybot S&D.  Because of the nasty people out there, I quit building web-pages, and forget about a dedicated server.  The crap you just experienced is illegal in the USA, just notifly law enforcement and the FBI, age of the offender does not matter.  People leave traces of their online adventures, they are retrievable with the proper incentive to go-get-'em and a warrant to search.
  25. Like
    lexota reacted to Ale in What To Do when: Hackers & script kiddies & Teamkillers   
    Hey. I don't wanna just start preaching on my first post, because I know how it feels since I help run my own game servers for different games, and I'm pretty sure what Im about to say has already been said before.
    I've only been playing for a couple of days on your server. But you guys suffer from little to no active moderation on the servers. I'm sitting at the base right now and there are several people mic spamming in side chat, one of them is just heavily breathing down his mic and has been doing it for about 20 mins. One repeat TK offender (Tumz0r) he's been in here the past couple of days just taking helicopters, loading them up with people and then just crashing it into the ground, and when he gets kicked he just rejoins later and keeps doing it. Not to mention the other people intentionally TKing other players once we're out of the base.
    I want to continue playing here, but I'm finding it in really hard since we can't get out of the base because of people crashing choppers on purpose, and then when we finally do get out of base, a friendly just guns us down or satchel charges us. It's causing a lot of people to quit your server and never come back. It's in your best interest to stop this sorta thing.
    Zept0r has started playing hard dance music in side.
    Sorry If I come across as an ass, I really don't intend too, I'm just a bit bored of the stupid shit going on in the server.  I just wanna play Arma as a team.
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