John McClane Posted June 4, 2013 Share Posted June 4, 2013 Guys, our servers have been hacked twice today, the core staff is aware of this and are doing there best too figure out what and who is going on. If people keep hacking our server please notify an admin and be patient. We are trying to find out who it is through a process of elimination. If you get kicked from one of our servers and you are not the hacker just stay out of the server for a bit and come back when its restarted or things are under control. Information that can help us! - Recent unknown players that connect before the hack - Players not being affected by the hack - People who are being funny - What exactly is happening Please be carefull on who you accuse. And be patient with the AW Staff. Tactical_Beard, SilenceFiction, Warg and 5 others 8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kamaradski Posted June 4, 2013 Share Posted June 4, 2013 yup, and remember to stay calm, if you start team-killing in such situation because you think it wont matter anyway.....Well your wrong, because all admins are on their tiptoes during a hacker-spree so you are likely to draw negative attention to yourself and be kicked too.... Just try to continue playing and\or wait it out in patience. These script kiddies like the chaos they are creating, so if you just stay calm it will be less fun for them, and they might stop sooner to move on to the next server. Just bare with us, we should have more protection (battle-eye) when Beta goes live ! PiranhA, Jester and razgriz33 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
razgriz33 Posted June 4, 2013 Share Posted June 4, 2013 staying calm is a big factor. Take time to be sure who it is, there's a lot to do in a short space of time 1. get UID (#userlist) 2. kick suspect(s) 3. if hacking stops issue a ban, if not congrats you have not banned an innocent person like most of the idiot communities 4..back to 1 if 3 was false protips: latest connections appear at the bottom of the playerlist in the map when using #userlist go to the map so you can page up/page down and see more names keep everybody in that "bored of hackers" frame of mind, don't get all excited. kamaradski 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sm0 Posted June 4, 2013 Share Posted June 4, 2013 If you guys would also 'admin' the EU server. Some guy with the name 'SEXHAVER ' was grabbing vehicles, driving them into choppers, direct explosive trigger at landing, going outside the no-kill zone and shoot people in the base, drive over people. 3th night in a row this happens, usually I join in the morning, but I guess this is how the EU server is going empty. He's probably browsing the forums now, jerking off to the fact that someone actually did complain about him. Pretty sure it's the same guy as yesterday with a different profile. Between 03:00 and 06:00 there are no admins available on TS , he had the full 3 hours to wreck the server until he got bored because everyone left. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John McClane Posted June 4, 2013 Author Share Posted June 4, 2013 If you guys would also 'admin' the EU server. Some guy with the name 'SEXHAVER ' was grabbing vehicles, driving them into choppers, direct explosive trigger at landing, going outside the no-kill zone and shoot people in the base, drive over people. 3th night in a row this happens, usually I join in the morning, but I guess this is how the EU server is going empty. He's probably browsing the forums now, jerking off to the fact that someone actually did complain about him. Pretty sure it's the same guy as yesterday with a different profile. Between 03:00 and 06:00 there are no admins available on TS , he had the full 3 hours to wreck the server until he got bored because everyone left. Well if an admin is in the AFK channle or even in a private channle dont hesitate to poke him right away and when they get back they will deal with it. It is possible to get Player UID's after they left the server. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sm0 Posted June 4, 2013 Share Posted June 4, 2013 Did not know about that 'poke' thing, seems quite usefull. Thanks for that. I did left a message behind on TS general chat. Not that I would expect any help at that time. Don't want to wake up the moody ppl. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iLLGT3 Posted June 4, 2013 Share Posted June 4, 2013 sm0, I don't want to insult your intelligence here so if you know this, ignore what I am saying lol If you type a message in the channel tab, only the people in your channel can see what you've typed. I've gotten several messages the past few nights about trouble makers. Only once have I actually logged on and caught the person so please understand that we will do everything we can in our power to keep your game fun. We are very limited as to what we can do at the moment. From my understanding, BattleEye isn't fully functioning yet. (someone will have to back me up on that) Also, this thread might need to be sticky'd for the time being.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kamaradski Posted June 4, 2013 Share Posted June 4, 2013 Consider yourself backedup At the moment there is no battle eye at all, this will be released during the Beta. With battle eye atleast some of the hacks will be detected, and offenders can be globally banned. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jester Posted June 4, 2013 Share Posted June 4, 2013 Someone needs to make a script for TS that if you get a message on TS it will text message your phone. I would have no problem waking up in the middle of the night to take care of our servers. or is there already one out there? O.o Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John McClane Posted June 5, 2013 Author Share Posted June 5, 2013 I agree with jester. I myself am staying up as much as i can to try and be avalible for the servers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Titanium Posted June 5, 2013 Share Posted June 5, 2013 My friend was playing on this server with my account and i think he got be banned for some reason. Every time when i join it says "you got kicked" whatever he did it will not happen again so if you could unban me i would be greatfull becuase this is my favorite arma 3 server btw it was on the uk server i probebly got banned and my arma 3 name is Titanium. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kamaradski Posted June 5, 2013 Share Posted June 5, 2013 Hi Titanium, and welcome to the forums ! Make a ban appeal in the ban appeal thread and stick all information in as described so we can deal with your request. tombguy5 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ale Posted June 22, 2013 Share Posted June 22, 2013 Hey. I don't wanna just start preaching on my first post, because I know how it feels since I help run my own game servers for different games, and I'm pretty sure what Im about to say has already been said before. I've only been playing for a couple of days on your server. But you guys suffer from little to no active moderation on the servers. I'm sitting at the base right now and there are several people mic spamming in side chat, one of them is just heavily breathing down his mic and has been doing it for about 20 mins. One repeat TK offender (Tumz0r) he's been in here the past couple of days just taking helicopters, loading them up with people and then just crashing it into the ground, and when he gets kicked he just rejoins later and keeps doing it. Not to mention the other people intentionally TKing other players once we're out of the base. I want to continue playing here, but I'm finding it in really hard since we can't get out of the base because of people crashing choppers on purpose, and then when we finally do get out of base, a friendly just guns us down or satchel charges us. It's causing a lot of people to quit your server and never come back. It's in your best interest to stop this sorta thing. EDIT Zept0r has started playing hard dance music in side. Sorry If I come across as an ass, I really don't intend too, I'm just a bit bored of the stupid shit going on in the server. I just wanna play Arma as a team. Itchy and lexota 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
danne Posted June 22, 2013 Share Posted June 22, 2013 Well. We usually remove obstructive players as soon as possible. But we can't sit in a server and just wait for stuff to happen. Even if we are almost properly staffed, we all have a life outside the computers and there will come times, like the last few days, when most of us happen to be busy with other stuff (like sleeping, being at work/school, vacation, having a party, or just taking a break for a while). If you are playing and no admins seems to be connected when needed, try teamspeak. Also, when "hackers" are attacing a server, there might already be one or more admins on it and tries to identify the culprit. We don't want to tip the script kiddie off by announcing our presence. A restart isn't effective either as the script kiddie probably is still around and even more hidden or he could just leave and make it impossible to identify. When we get a report in TS of someone misbahaving, we try to get in to the server in question as soon as possible (we still have to wait for open slots). Then we will observe the behaviour and depending of the severity take an action. We try to warn or kick as a first resort. If the person come back on the same or one of our other servers and continues with his bad behaviour he will be banned. We don't ban people on hearsay from people we don't know and trust, there are obvious reasons for that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hawthorne Posted June 22, 2013 Share Posted June 22, 2013 Guys, our servers have been hacked twice today, the core staff is aware of this and are doing there best too figure out what and who is going on. If people keep hacking our server please notify an admin and be patient. We are trying to find out who it is through a process of elimination. If you get kicked from one of our servers and you are not the hacker just stay out of the server for a bit and come back when its restarted or things are under control. Information that can help us! - Recent unknown players that connect before the hack - Players not being affected by the hack - People who are being funny - What exactly is happening Please be carefull on who you accuse. And be patient with the AW Staff. ArmA 3 Alpha: ============ Teamkilling? To Digital Combat Simulator (DCS), some servers use ServMan by the username---Panzertard. With this program in place, 3 teamkills be it A.I. or "real" player, will get oneself booted for an hour. Repeated offenses will get oneself banned permanently via the guy's IP address. And word spreads about bad guys and they tend to be banned from the other servers---just in case. I do not deliberately teamkill, but accidents do happen due to the nature of the mouse' scroll wheel does not sometimes highlight in yellow a friendly player. I am very careful not to teamkill and have ended up "Critically Wounded" a few times because I hesitated to verify whether my target was really the enemy. I have been deliberately teamkilled, repeatedly, by a guy and his chums on your servers because he disagrees with my gameplay tacticts---I was not cheating. Teamkilling is teamkilling and even for glorious, "righteous" reasons, it is still teamkilling. As to the other crap? I use Norton 360---best I have found. I also use MalwareBytes and Spybot S&D. Because of the nasty people out there, I quit building web-pages, and forget about a dedicated server. The crap you just experienced is illegal in the USA, just notifly law enforcement and the FBI, age of the offender does not matter. People leave traces of their online adventures, they are retrievable with the proper incentive to go-get-'em and a warrant to search. -+- Haw lexota and Ducky 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Big Al Posted June 30, 2013 Share Posted June 30, 2013 This may be a simplistic idea, but as the script kiddies are executing scripts via a tool made by IN***AR. Would it not be possible for an admin to also execute that tool and use it to toggle off or mitigate the negative effect? From what I have seen on YouTube, the script kiddie simply clicks on a menu option to embugger the server in one of many ways.For example, the spawn point is moved to a random location by the script kiddie, so an admin uses the tool to move it back. I don't know if it would work, but it might be worth a look as an interim measure? Cheers, BigAl. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kamaradski Posted July 1, 2013 Share Posted July 1, 2013 For example, the spawn point is moved to a random location by the script kiddie, so an admin uses the tool to move it back. Funny, but no thanks, i will not sit for hours playing games with some script kiddy Takes me only 5 min to BAN his ass, and create a grief free place for all other players too \0/ Welcome to my ban-sync you are automatically banned from all our servers in less then 60sec so gone in 60sec for real, hahaha PiranhA 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dingo Posted July 16, 2013 Share Posted July 16, 2013 Script kiddie last night about 21:30 / 22:00 on EU2 (John Mc Clane restarted server Thanks John) couldn't tell for sure from user list who it was too many people joining and disconnecting before and after the hack. Just a note after the script had finished teleporting and before restart I was unable to leave Spawn area i could take 3 steps and then i was pinned to the ground from what i could tell i was the only one effected by the pinning, I was also the only one on the server with AW .xml tags, everyone else seemed to be playing normally i tried respawning a few times but still got pinned, went back to lobby and rejoined still pinned, logged out totally from game rejoined pinned, then changed profile no .xml and all was ok, changed back profile after reset and was ok. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cev Posted July 24, 2013 Share Posted July 24, 2013 Mass TKing and hacking by players "Pvt. Rly Good" & "Buhnahners" on the AhoyWorld US #2 COOP server. Seriously, word of advice, recruit admins for your fucking servers. They are genuinely enjoyed by thousands of players each week, and our fun is ruined when immature cunts join and decide to hack like little faggots. I am putting my hand up to admin as a community member. I play for hours on end (generally 10+) and stream a lot of my gaming (although not lately, Feel free to contact me on [email protected] if you wish to take me up on this offer. My in-game name is Joseph, I'm sure a lot of players can vouch for me as a chill dude & skilled Sniper who would ban with a genuine and unbiased approach. Regardless of outcome, please start monitoring your ArmA3 servers more closely, god. Inzann 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Apollo Posted August 31, 2013 Share Posted August 31, 2013 SGT Hayes needs a ban, he was on right now ramming at base. I got screens, where he admits as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inzann Posted February 23, 2014 Share Posted February 23, 2014 Mass TKing and hacking by players "Pvt. Rly Good" & "Buhnahners" on the AhoyWorld US #2 COOP server. Seriously, word of advice, recruit admins for your fucking servers. They are genuinely enjoyed by thousands of players each week, and our fun is ruined when immature cunts join and decide to hack like little faggots. I am putting my hand up to admin as a community member. I play for hours on end (generally 10+) and stream a lot of my gaming (although not lately, Feel free to contact me on [email protected] if you wish to take me up on this offer. My in-game name is Joseph, I'm sure a lot of players can vouch for me as a chill dude & skilled Sniper who would ban with a genuine and unbiased approach. Regardless of outcome, please start monitoring your ArmA3 servers more closely, god. I couldn't agree with you more, I love the AhoyWorld ARMA3 servers but they are really lacking any active admins. I have played on and off for months and I rarely ever see any admin on. Usually someone has to go grab them on TS. No guarantee there will be anyone there either.. You should really consider recruiting some active and trusted community members to moderate your ARMA 3 servers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dingo Posted April 11, 2014 Share Posted April 11, 2014 To paraphrase the obese yellow skined balding oaf that resides on fox network ^^ just a little necro it's still good it's still good ^^ just a little wrong thread it's still good it's still good ^^ if your looking to be un banned read this then post here It's still good it's still good technerd89 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jani4ar Posted April 11, 2014 Share Posted April 11, 2014 To paraphrase the obese yellow skined balding oaf that resides on fox network ^^ just a little necro it's still good it's still good ^^ just a little wrong thread it's still good it's still good ^^ if your looking to be un banned read this then post here It's still good it's still good Thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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