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Do Not Put Medics At Risk!


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I am pretty sure that players of AhoyWorld playing medics in EU 1 & 2 know what they should and should not do.


My biggest worry is when medics risk their lives going into minefields to revive downed soldiers.


In my opinion, operating near minefields, medics should:

  1. operate in, at least, groups of three
  2. tell any nearby rifleman / SL (if available) to drag the casualty out
  3. be the last person to enter

On the other hand, personnel(s), near minefields, should:

  1. volunteer to enter if you see medics at the perimeter
  2. not rush in if you see a medic already inside (let the medic complete the revives alone)
    • I witnessed at least 2 unlucky medics killed by mines triggered by onrushing medic(s) or non-medical personnel(s) this week
  3. try to extract the nearest downed medic first

I know that this is just a simulator which we enjoy playing but it does not hurt practising. I look forward to your inputs and opinions from other Corpsman/Medic. Do point out any mistakes.


Much appreciated. :)

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EU1 & EU2 Those are the public servers, well, don't expect too much, half of the players on those two servers just run into AO shooting sometimes, sometimes at enemies, sometimes at friendlies(also at friendly choppers, what is most annoying -.-), sometimes just for the sake of shooting.  


But you have a good point.

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I could probably list a hundred stupid things that players often do around minefields. But to keep it simple, nobody should be going anywhere near the minefield unless:

They have explosives to take down the Radio Tower AND there are not others already in the minefield.

Medics are obviously very useful and it is very important that they are kept alive, so I'd recommend AGAINST going into a minefield unless absolutely necessary.


However I understand this is something that will probably never change. I suspect that the sorts of players who are always getting blown up in minefields won't be reading this post.

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Good point, i do see lots of people being blown up from entering the minefield, which then sets of many more creating a massive cluster fu*k of dead bodies. And yes Jason most of the players are people that wont step foot near this forum unfortunately.

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Just for the record, I regret writing anything angry in the chat. I was really pissed, but I should've kept a calm head.


Even when U scolded them, they just kept going in. Two people who advanced further into the minefield got killed too.


Mhhh Minefield whats that ;P


most of the guys they go in a minefield dosent now thats a minefield or they dont care so we need blockers  ...


That's one great idea!

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I've played medic roles on EU2 a lot, and it's very tempting to go into a minefield, as your job is to help downed soldiers, but you just have to find a balance of when and/or if.


There is the issue of them being public servers, or people screaming medic while in the middle of a minefield and then getting pissy when you don't go and get them immediately, but the call is the medics, not the person bleeding out; (ditto for pilots and passengers, passengers suggest an LZ, the pilot decides if its good or not.)


Of course the worse thing is when you do try to get them from the minefield, then as you get there they re-spawn because they are bored of waiting...


Oh and medics should always attempt to revive medics first, as long as its safe to do so, you'd be amazed how often that doesn't happen,  and don't all try to revive the same group of people, as one explosive later you have 3 dead medics with good intentions, rather than 1 dead medic and 2 with a chance to revive him.

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I've played medic roles on EU2 a lot, and it's very tempting to go into a minefield, as your job is to help downed soldiers, but you just have to find a balance of when and/or if.


There is the issue of them being public servers, or people screaming medic while in the middle of a minefield and then getting pissy when you don't go and get them immediately, but the call is the medics, not the person bleeding out; (ditto for pilots and passengers, passengers suggest adn LZ, the pilot decides if its good or not.)


Of course the worse thing is when you do try to get them from the minefield, then as you get there they re-spawn because they are bored of waiting...


Oh and medics should always attempt to revive medics first, as long as its safe to do so, you'd be amazed how often that doesn't happen. Oh and don't all try to revive the same group of people, as one explosive later you have 3 dead medics with good intentions, rather than 1 dead medic and 2 with a chance to revive him.


What happens when you try to please people...



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Totally agree...
Had a great example last night in EU 2...

I'd got together with a couple of guys and put together a Medical HEMTT, that I drove down to the AO with a Hunter Escort.
We took our time advancing into the town and stopped twice to give aid and for me to pass out spare First Aid Kits to guys already in the AO.

Then... We reached the Tower...

3 guys ran forward and... BOOM.
Then more ran Forward and...... BOOM.
Then even more and... you guessed it.. BOOM.

Only me and 2 other guys were left standing, I was the only Medic...
One of them started to move towards the minefield..
So I quickly switched to Direct Chat and told him to stop moving... He stopped.

I moved in and helped up the first guy, then dragged the second one out and treated him,
at which point I told them to slowly drag the other guys back, ONE by ONE...

It went great, everyone listened and did as instructed and within a couple of minutes we'd got every single one of them back on their feet..

In this one 5 minute section.. I revived 16 people...

Then we jumped in the HEMTT and headed back, stopping only to pick up 2 more casualties...

Then we got blown up by CAS... <_<

Totally agree with the Lemmings part.. Unless someone is there to TELL them to stop, they just keep on running in blind.

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Ok noobish 'ignorance or stupidity' you got to deal with it on EU1/2 servers. it's sometimes hard to play your role but with the engagement you've got, you are going to fit in very well if i may speak for all the other members. I had the privilege to play together with you and it was a good game. You just cant expect other people (being smart) following the normal course of ingame battle but in my opinion, if you want to avoid this kinda gameplay and are looking for teamplay² and a good vibe, check out the Ahoy EU3 server ;) YOU WILL NOT BE DISSAPOINTED SOLDIER! HOOAH

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Hello, lexota! Agree with you on EU3. I will visit again someday when I have longer playing time.




At least U get to stop the running guy. For me, when I looked away, the five guys were already crawling in the minefield!

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