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EU #1 vs. EU #2


Server battle of the century!  

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  1. 1. What's your favorite?

    • EU #1
    • EU #2
    • I like trains... (asdf)

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Just returned from playing two hours on EU #1.

Some things I noticed that seperate them a little.


1) EU #1 has third person view, that has been disabled on EU #2 just a few days ago.


2.1) There were ALOT of players.


2.2) It was little to none teamwork or communication that I could notice on EU #1. All were just one giant Zerg-horde rushing the main AO over and over again (with success never the less...)



Maybe I just had a bad luck this evening, but EU #2 sure all hell feel more serious.

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I assume it's not intended (like Mark said), but maybe it could stay with 3rd person disabled, I think it's a waste to have 2 servers running the exact same gamemode/settings etc. Maybe this could be the start of making EU2 a SLIGHTLY more tactical/realistic server compared to EU1.

I don't mean anything major, same I&A and still no required mods but it could fit nicely between casual EU1 and more tactical EU3.

This might not be the best place to post this idea but I was reading this thread when I thought of it :D

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EU1 all the way !





I recall EU2 as "I+A Stratis" server and ever since i try to stay away from it (unless EU1 is down) - also i came for the game but i stay for the drama ...

Tactical / realism gameplay is what you make out of your gametime and i never face issues when walking from Kavalalalalalaaa back to base cause i got the skill of imagination to keep me busy :blink:


But i wouldnt mind setting a server to VETERAN diff. to spice things up (3P only for vehicles/choppers) ...

Then again,addicted to EU1 - so why would i care for EU2 or the mod infested EU3 that would take away even more from my limited playtime ...



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2.2) It was little to none teamwork or communication that I could notice on EU #1. All were just one giant Zerg-horde rushing the main AO over and over again (with success never the less...)

No bad luck, this is most of the time, but you can find a small fragments of organized teams, good UAV ops and mortar teams. Pilots as well of course.

If you say EU#2 is more organized, I might actually check it out sometime.


And no, there's no reason to have it on First Person only. That's definitely an oversight by admins. All servers, even EU#3 use Third Person when not part of gamenight. Reason is simple. Servers are public, therefore it is up to player which view does he prefer. We're not playing milsim.

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the poll results show that the majority don't give a S***, so...


Assuming you think those people voted they like trains dont give a Station, well, ure wrong. Let me lay down the tracks for you. 


I have steamed around quite some time on the both servers. And tho it appears Eu1&2 are both having the same destination, i find the ride very diffrent. EU1 is more fast paced and seems to be a bullettrain from time to time. The ride on EU2 is smoother in general. In both cases it matters what kind of passengers are onboard. Most passengers start to travel around on EU1, they dont know station sometimes. Can be nice and funny. EU2 is more home to the folks who have started on EU1. EU1 is more on track in my opinion. I have seen EU2 parked in the garage for repair more often. In both cases you can have i nice ride, thanks to the servicing staff of the Ahoyworld-railway company.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wouldn't it be nice if EU1 and EU2 accually differed some? Back when there were an "accidental" first person lock on EU2, that was amazing, I personally loved it. It does so much for immersion.

I've had most of my fun on EU2, I keep telling myself that it's less "messy" there than on EU1, but I have nothing to back that up with. It just feels as if the people on EU2 generally play more as a team, but I might be wrong.

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Wouldn't it be nice if EU1 and EU2 accually differed some? Back when there were an "accidental" first person lock on EU2, that was amazing, I personally loved it. It does so much for immersion.

I do agree with you there, it  would be nice to have that added variety but as evidently proven the server became less populated


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I started on EU 1 and enjoyed it there, but I felt it got a little TOO crazy for me with the way some people just messed about, or rushed forward.

I moved over to EU 2 for a Luetin Zeus Night, and stayed from then on.
The Player base on EU 2 just feels a little more disciplined and polite... For the most part ( It does have it's fools)

I do think it would be nice to have EU 2 as a kind of half way point between the Pub style EU 1 and the Tac/Sim style of EU 3.
Some people come for the tactical type of gameplay but either don't have space for/or don't want to download all of the Mods/Add-ons.

Personally I would LOVE to be a part of a more tactical/disciplined style of gameplay, but without all the EXTRAS.

But that's a topic for another thread.. :D

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Is it even 3rd person lock on eu3? It wasn't the first time I played and i got really surprised. They have all these mods to make it more realistic but it's not locked to first person. Personally I would love to have eu2 and EU 3 to make it a bit more hardcore.

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Is it even 3rd person lock on eu3? It wasn't the first time I played and i got really surprised. They have all these mods to make it more realistic but it's not locked to first person. Personally I would love to have eu2 and EU 3 to make it a bit more hardcore.

I think the biggest problem with 1st person is that it is UNNATURALLY restrictive in Field Of View.

You have next to no peripheral vision at all.

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Is it even 3rd person lock on eu3? It wasn't the first time I played and i got really surprised. They have all these mods to make it more realistic but it's not locked to first person. Personally I would love to have eu2 and EU 3 to make it a bit more hardcore.


EU3 does not have a 3rd person lock because although we like the more realistic feel with the mods we are not a simulation server and it is still a game so the lock is not enabled, however if you prefer only playing in 1st person then you can just unbind the key so that you can not switch your POV.

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I always chuckle when people keep calling U  by Ur squad 'Luftwaffe' instead of fr4q for evacuation. LOL


Well, theres that, and you can guarantee that within seconds of him joining, he'll ask if theres a Vortex slot free :D;) 


Still, hes a pilot who will take some risks to drop a squad in.

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