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Looking for admins to support the EU1/2 servers


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Ok so, first of all Hi :) and for the members or public people that are warping in black holes i would like this topic to be read.

Maybe i missed an old thread about this topic but i am sure one of our dedicated corestaff would give me a headsup if me myself where to blind to see :P


About the (desperate?) need for more admins on the EU1/2 servers, i really want to dig a little deeper into this topic.


As member (for a while now) i allways aim to (except my own plus gameplay) to make sure everybody has a good time on our public servers. If not in my position i would (demand) or at least appreciate all the help i could get from our community towards new players/members. As many people of our community i am well please that most members rather take a bullet in the head themselves rather than to help new players members and i think that as a good community, this is one of the most important reasons our community keeps expanding (correct me if i'm wrong ;) )


I allready asked Raz about the question from Ahoyworld to look for new admins and ty Raz you have been really helpfull with the info.


I was just wondering if me myself could mean anything extra to make our EU1/2 servers like as if ZEUS in person was in control :)


I've noticed since i am a full on Ahoymember, people are pretty behaving when i am online (or any other AW member) but i was wondering if i could be more of  a support to our community.


I don't know what to expect or what would be expected from me but on my personal chat with Raz, he allready got a good feeling about me (as so for david ;) )


I'm not asking for any priviliges or to be crowned as knight but i would like to hear what the staff is expecting from his members especially on the topic of making the EU1/2 servers more monitored and controlled by reliable community members.


If no answer on this topic, you can send me a private message or just talk to me on TS in a private channel and we can discuss the issue in person ;)


Not only am i honored but also engaged and i am trying to keep or even better expand this community to the max. But before i offer myself with such extrta duties i would like a close and personal chat with many questions and offcourse, a wave of overwhelming intel :)



Thats it guys, going to bed but no doubt i will hear from you guys soon ;)




Grtzz Lex



Oh and sorry if my english isnt that great but as a man from belgium i hope i am doing pretty good to let you fully understand where i am getting at ;)



See you on the battlefield!

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I think during the Day, and EU prime time we have plenty of admins, right now our hardest time is when more of the US players start getting on and EU players start getting off, including our staff, so then sometimes the server is left unattended because there arent any staff on.


So right now we are trying to keep an eye out for players that are in or around the US timezone. 


Everyone has lives, so it isnt expected that you be on 24/7 and monitor the servers, i think the biggest thing with being apart of the staff is following the rules and setting an example to the other players, and another thing is being approachable, dont get pissed off with a player because they interrupted your game Either Arma 3 or another game, yes you would like to play but you might be the only staff online at the moment, and being apart of the staff sometimes you gotta give up the game for 5-10 minutes at a time to handle a situation. 


But you just gotta prove yourself, be active on the forums and ingame and eventually you will be asked to be apart of the Field Ambassador and then from there you can work your way up the ranks. 

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On the subject of Field Ambassadors, I personally find that the people with the title are a bit underrepresented on EU1, they mostly seem to be EU3 players.

As a dedicated EU1/2 player and TS user, I dont often talk Field Ambassadors, but I do know a lot of people from EU1/2 that I would consider eligible for the title.

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As many people of our community i am well please that most members rather take a bullet in the head themselves rather than to help new players members and i think that as a good community, this is one of the most important reasons our community keeps expanding (correct me if i'm wrong ;) )


I think U meant "I am pleased that most members would rather help new players than take a bullet to the head".


I was lucky to be guided by nice players during my first few outings.


Hopefully, we get admins from the US to control TKers and trolls but the Player Report form has been a very useful tool as a workaround.

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On the subject of Field Ambassadors, I personally find that the people with the title are a bit underrepresented on EU1, they mostly seem to be EU3 players.


This is probably one of the things EU3 Veteran tags comes to fix. From my understanding, they're basically Field Ambassadors for EU3 only.

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On the subject of Field Ambassadors, I personally find that the people with the title are a bit underrepresented on EU1, they mostly seem to be EU3 players.

As a dedicated EU1/2 player and TS user, I dont often talk Field Ambassadors, but I do know a lot of people from EU1/2 that I would consider eligible for the title.


To be honest, but judging the amount of EU#3 players; known EU#3 players playing other games on Teamspeak and being actually signed up to the forums leads me to believe there is just a little bit more of them actually involved - such as Colsta^ .

Don't worry Mr. Shorts - with the right attitude you'll get there eventually; as long as you don't create posts about 'Why did he and him and not me' as we've seen that end horribly in the past.

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Did you really had to take that shot at the guy already on the ground?





When it comes to admins for the servers - in a perfect world - you had for each server 4-5 core guys/players that are online at different times over the day/night to react to problems/issues that occur.

But,lets do the math quickly (ARMA only)  - EU1 x4,EU2 x4,EU3 x4  - thats 12 guys being able to make decicions in behalf of AHOY and all of em should have a decent sense of justice/rules/problem solving/representation of AHOY.

The Staff need to make sure those very admins are trustable and dedicated - you r not looking for 2month admin,you want long term relations with your game admins,in order to keep the machine running smoothly.

Then you d might want a different rcon access pw for EACH server,so one game admin cannot corrupt all 3 servers,but thats just a tech. thing aside...

I m only talkin game admins here,dont forget the staff thats required o keep the servers updated/restarted on regular base/etc.


Basic point is,even the staff likes to play ARMA at times,they should not suffer due continues monitoring of servers /chat,too

So,everyone on AHOY (members and regular players) should take some responsibility to assure AHOY servers stay the way we enjoyed em in the past ...

friendly,helpfull and a fun time to be had on em




Edited by TheScar
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Overall I hope with the new approach to leadership at the top we will see expansion to the team with more core/admins coming in. It's greatly needed to help release the pressures off the current team. 

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I did have a long post written out here but I hit the back button (cause that makes sense, right?).


In short, if we promote too early we run the risk of giving off the impression, Field Ambassador is to reward the members who are mature, play well, report problems properly, integrate, don't cause arguments, help others out etc. It doesn't have anything to do with length of membership although we do need to have known them for it to happen, it can be difficult to pick out the members who do deserve it though, it's a massive pool of members, if you feel you deserve it, the best course of action is to continue doing what you're doing & we'll wake up eventually! If anyone speaks up and says "Hey I deserve Field Ambassador!" the first thing we'll do is consider it immature.



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