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  1. Downvote
    zissou reacted to Phillipo Blendvigski in ZEUS actions   
    I feel like this post is "how u become a better zeus, because u shit and i can do it x1000 better, but im too lazy to apply"
  2. Like
    zissou reacted to PiranhA in Tests for specific classes   
    If people are breaking the rules, report them (by teamspeak or the forum). 
    If its the annoyance is too big, give eu3 a try. 
    At all times, stay calm and try not to get frustrated. If its getting too much, go take a walk.
  3. Like
    zissou reacted to fir_nev in Tests for specific classes   
    @Daniel00 Whatever U do, dun TK them. Record and report.
  4. Like
    zissou reacted to Cebi in Tests for specific classes   
    @Daniel00 What you are suggesting can be accomplished with a closed community. Not on the public server. Invade and Annex server is more aimed towards new players so you can expect to meet some players that are clueless or just trolls. If you can spot a difference you can help clueless one with advice and POLITE communication. Dealing with troll is much more simple, you record or document with print screen what he is doing wrong and then you can report it via this LINK
  5. Like
    zissou got a reaction from Aegis_RVIR in Yazz   
    Seeing as it's been two years and im in a bubbly mood today, I've decided to unban you!! Yayyyy GO ME!!!
    Best admin evaaaa!!
    Any sort of those shenanigans in future will get you banned again tho so make the best of the chance we're giving you!
  6. Like
    zissou reacted to GamerbugUK in Wacky and Wierd   
    I agree that it can be frustrating when a side mission is failed by someone fluffing it with a poorly chosen AT round or tank shell, but to remove AT or vehicles seems harsh. There is often a fair bit of armour at side missions, and not taking those out is pretty much suicide, small arms aren't going to stop a tank. I think the most often seen message on the servers besides "any medics at the AO" is "we need AT at the side mission".
    It would be lovely if those at side communicated, called out targets and what not to blow up etc, but it doesn't happen that often.
  7. Like
    zissou got a reaction from Amentes in Wacky and Wierd   
    Well it comes down to this, on the public servers we don't police the style of play. If someone wants to mess up the side mission then that's just how it is if you'd like more structured game then we offer eu3. But unless someone is actively breaking the rules we are not going to get involved. If you can wrangle everyone to play in the manner you would like them to play great but it's unlikely that we're ever going to implement rules that need policing on a continual basis. We can't make people play the way one particular person wants them to play nor are we even inclined to try. 
    As to what piranha said, he's right the people messing up your side mission are not likely to be avid readers of the forum. In terms of side mission there is no one better qualified to talk about them than piranha, the guy has been a constant on our servers for as long as I can remember and has done more side missions than the rest of us combined. 
  8. Like
    zissou got a reaction from Auntystatic in We're back!   
    Obviously the details of the hack will not be made public so we are unable to answer detailed questions. But I will attempt to answer things more generally. 
    Could it have been prevented?  
    Not at the time, and not reasonably by the admin team.
    What is done to fix it?
    The vulnerability exploited has been closed.
    What is being done to prevent it happening again?
    What will be done in the future to prevent it from happening again?
    Everything possible, remember it was staff as much as members who were the victims and it's in our best interest that this doesn't happen again so rest assured that we are doing everything we can to avoid a repeat.
    That's about as much info as we're comfortable releasing at the moment.
    While I know this answer is far from complete you will understand our reluctance to divulge too much and again remember this was a hack that affected us all.
    We hope you understand and thank you for your patience during this trying time.
  9. Like
    zissou got a reaction from Karate Pyjamas in Question about TS avatars and the rules behind them   
    It's included in the first rule. 
    You could argue that it doesn't mention usernames, channel names, group names, avatars or xml logos ingame specifically but is much more general and that's to aid the running of the community if we have a rule for usernames and avatars someone might join eu1 create a in game group name that's not acceptable, then could complain that it wasn't in the rules. 
    I'll admit that there is a variance of what's acceptable amongst the admin team and that's to be expected given the variation in life experiences we've all had. 
    Good rule of thumb is if it's done to elicit a reaction or its something you'd not use in front of your mother than don't. In any case the person is always asked to change it unless it's way out of line. Where that line is up to each admin. 
  10. Like
    zissou reacted to David in Admin Reports   
    Following the events that unfolded during the last week with numerous allegations flying around about members of our admin team I have been working this week to bring you all a way to anonymously report any actions of our admin team that you believe crosses the line. We pledge our allegiance with you our members, and long may that continue but you need to report it right after the fact! To show this, here is the poll we had in the admin forums, the admins were all 100% in favour 11 votes to 0!
    It should go without saying that abusing this function for your own personal gain are prohibited and abuse of this function may lead to the termination of your account.
    You can find it under the player tab and clicking whistle, you will also find the player report function here too
  11. Like
    zissou reacted to MessedUpSmiley in PokemonGO   
  12. Like
    zissou reacted to Minipily in PokemonGO   
    OH fuck this was bound to happen at one point or another.
    [Grabs M1]
  13. Like
    zissou got a reaction from PiranhA in TS3 Address changed   
    This is a test message please ignore
  14. Like
    zissou got a reaction from PiranhA in test thread   
    guess what? it's a test
  15. Like
    zissou got a reaction from Kyle Clements in A new "No, we cannot lift the Slammer." Billboard   
    Already in the pipeline 

  16. Like
    zissou got a reaction from David in Yazz   
    Seeing as it's been two years and im in a bubbly mood today, I've decided to unban you!! Yayyyy GO ME!!!
    Best admin evaaaa!!
    Any sort of those shenanigans in future will get you banned again tho so make the best of the chance we're giving you!
  17. Like
    zissou got a reaction from Chuck in Yazz   
    Seeing as it's been two years and im in a bubbly mood today, I've decided to unban you!! Yayyyy GO ME!!!
    Best admin evaaaa!!
    Any sort of those shenanigans in future will get you banned again tho so make the best of the chance we're giving you!
  18. Like
    zissou got a reaction from Aegis_RVIR in [CPA] plane000   
    I kicked you telling you to practice in the editor. When I dragged you to the channel I was in you were adamant that you were a competent pilot yet you struggle to land the chopper and crashed multiple times. 
  19. Like
    zissou got a reaction from PiranhA in Savage Owl   
    I asked you twice and you decided to disconnect, i would have given you a warning but instead you tried to hide the fact that it was you and disconnected. We take ban evasion seriously and you could have easily avoided any trouble had you just owned up to it. I do believe you are sincere so I'm going to knock this back to a two week ban but there will be no third chances. Message me in a fortnight and I'll lift the ban.
  20. Like
    zissou got a reaction from Grezvany13 in EU1 & EU2 NOTICE TO PILOTS RULES ARE CHANGING   
    Over the last while we have noticed a trend on the public servers of piloting getting steadily worse. One way pilots, constantly crashing pilots, pilots abandoning aircraft, pilots unable to land to list but a few of the issues.
    These rules changes will not affect competent pilots.
    Pilots are in charge of their aircraft they should make all efforts to keep the aircraft airworthy.
    If aircraft are damaged they need to be fixed, not destroyed. If this means getting a repair specialist to travel to fix the aircraft so be it.  
    Flying in a manner conducive to having you aircraft destroyed will result in discipline.
    These rules will be enforced and pilots will be expected to abide by them.
    The respawn time on Aircraft will be increased to encourage better flying.
    They will be coming into effect on 01.04.16
    Pilots seen to be breaking the rules will be asked to leave the pilots slot in which case they should return the aircraft to spawn and switch roles. If they refuse they will be kicked and if we see repeat offenders we will be forced to ban.
    Examples of Poor Piloting:
    Misuse of aircraft: CAS with the AA jet, practising, showboating and wasting resources. Landing too close, or flying over, the AO. It shows the pilot is not aware of the situation around him and if it results in the lost of aircraft or team mates will considered destroying assets or teamkilling. Abandoning aircraft in the field, this is all to prevalent and steps will be taken to weed out pilots who do this. Making no effort to repair damaged aircraft. Allowing your door gunners to teamkill. It's the pilot's responsibility to lock turrets. Teamkills will be attributed to the Pilots. Pilots should make a reasonable attempt to land if damaged. For example engine failure or tail rotor loss are not unrecoverable. If you don't know what autorotation is you simply should not be flying a helicopter. Not repairing aircraft in the field. If your aircraft is repairable then it must be repaired. While these are not technically new rules they will be enforced much more actively, and it is the pilots responsibility to make sure you are able to fly within the rules.
    For any possible scenarios not mentioned here or indeed any questions about the rule change please feel free to add a comment. 
  21. Like
    zissou got a reaction from Liru the Lcpl. in XenosInq   
    So at the time you were not on the server playing just watching Luetins stream and hanging out with players who were playing, and giving them info, however little or vaguely of what was being placed down? This after all players were sternly warned that any stream sniping would be harshly dealt with.
    There had been mention of stream sniping in the group chat with someone telling someone not to do it. 
    Why were you even in the ts server in one of the game groups and not in the spectators room? 
  22. Like
    zissou got a reaction from Jocky in XenosInq   
    So at the time you were not on the server playing just watching Luetins stream and hanging out with players who were playing, and giving them info, however little or vaguely of what was being placed down? This after all players were sternly warned that any stream sniping would be harshly dealt with.
    There had been mention of stream sniping in the group chat with someone telling someone not to do it. 
    Why were you even in the ts server in one of the game groups and not in the spectators room? 
  23. Like
    zissou got a reaction from Liru the Lcpl. in WordmenCz   
    You've already posted this and it's already been denied so do yourself a favour and don't push your luck.
  24. Like
    zissou got a reaction from Noah_Hero in Invade&Annex - Roles of the players and chances of just using the Arsenal   
    EU2 is running an early build of I&A restrictions will be implemented as they are on EU1 the sneak peek build has only been out for a couple of days so what you see on EU2 is not finished product.
  25. Like
    zissou got a reaction from Liru the Lcpl. in Invade&Annex - Roles of the players and chances of just using the Arsenal   
    EU2 is running an early build of I&A restrictions will be implemented as they are on EU1 the sneak peek build has only been out for a couple of days so what you see on EU2 is not finished product.
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