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    TheToxicPixels reacted to Pancake in Pancake Day   
    So since today is some sort of worship and consumption ritual of my namesake, I come bearing gifts of auditory hell I created in the past.
    Don't question them, just listen.
    Tiem by Herns Zimmpfer: 
    Something... words can't really describe this one: http://picosong.com/8Xfx/
    This one is genuine ear sodomy, I made this as a joke a long time ago, low volume if you want to listen to it: http://picosong.com/uY3v/
    A modification to the marching anthem Erika: http://picosong.com/SRFS/
    The sound of PTSD: http://picosong.com/6WdK/
    Crawling by Linkin Park, only better: http://picosong.com/AjZq/
    Rare WW2 footage: 
    May god have mercy on your soul if you click them all in quick succession, it will be loud.
    All I can really say is that I'm sorry. Hopefully these musical abortions I create will get better with practice.
    Also happy Shrove Tuesday
  2. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to Brows in Hello   
    Hi guys,
    I played a bit of Arma 2 and was to take Arma 3 more seriously.
    Looking forward to the training night on Friday.
  3. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to Pvt. Zwerger in BREAKING NEWS!   
  4. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to PERO in British Equipment   
    No, 3 reasons:
    1. both mods are old and no longer supported
    2. we won`t go into adding stuff for certain nationalities, because we will end up with 20+ uniforms mods
    3. we are trying to reduce the uniform numbers anyway
  5. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to Cellhawk in Iron Front (mod )   
    I'd totally play that.
    Or the Vietnam.
  6. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to razgriz33 in A plea: Other Games Sub Channels   
    The picture below is exactly what we were trying to avoid. I'm pleading with you before I revert the change, interact with the community, don't sit in a channel on your own!!! sit in the lobby and actually socialise. If this does not change soon I will reverse the changes.
    To quote myself:

    I'll merge the thread with the main thread on this issue after some time has passed
  7. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to Origins in Prevent Instant Death Thread - Post Thoughts inside.   
    Well, if you haven't already noticed we have implemented in the Ace Prevent Instant Death option.
    This post is here to post your thoughts and opinions.
  8. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to Josh in AhoyWorld Start of the year update   
    Hello fellow Ahoyworlders! Welcome to 2016! We hope everyone had a good, enjoyable festive season. This post is just going to somewhat be a start of year update of what is going on internally and externally here at AhoyWorld and what you can expect over the coming weeks.
    New moderators!
    It’s with great pleasure that I announce six new moderators to the EU#3. Young Wolf, Ryko, Miksi, Gamerhero, Origins and Icy. I hope you can all join me in welcoming them to the team.
    We’re always continuing to look for new moderators and admins to join our ranks.
    How do you join the team? We don’t work on an application system. The way we work is that one of the team will suggest you in our private forums. Then everyone on the team who has experience with said member will input how they feel this member would do. At the end of the process the Admin Liaison takes all the input and makes the final overall decision.
    EU#3 and the mods!
    So with Gauntlet no longer being supported we move onto its successor, Valiant.
    Valiant is in the depths of testing at the moment and is not to far away from being publicly released to EU#3. We also moved EU#3 to a new, separate box all just for EU#3. Taking the pressure off flagship which already runs EU#1 and 2, Teamspeak, Squad and a few others.
    Moving onto the mods and the repo. We’re looking into plans to thin down some of the repo. Mainly looking to remove mods which we can use some of the current larger mods instead of. But more details of this will come in the coming weeks.
    For new and current users we’re working on a whole EU#3 section on the website. This means you’ll no longer have to browse the forums for the guide, rules, and such like. However all discussion about the server will continue in the forums. We believe this will allow newer users a more friendly approach and easy to locate information.
    We also just introduced the new Report forms system. They can be found here.
    These forms are to be used to report trouble makers, bugs and issues, and give any feedback/ideas that you have. We’d really like to see these been used regularly and moving away from everyone starting threads in the forums about these type of things.
    The Moderator team came together over the weekend to discuss a list of matters with EU#3. Just to report some of things on the plate:
    Planned re-structure of the “Experienced @EU#3” tag. Also the addition of an XML for it.
    Updated the pinned threads in the EU#3 Forums (WIP)
    EU#3 video trailer competition.
    Other matters which will come to light in the near future.
    The EU#3 video trailer competition will be announced at the end of this week/start of next. For those whom want to start collecting video footage.
    AhoyWorld Summer Meet up!
    For those of you who haven’t yet seen AhoyWorld is hosting a Summer meetup this year July 15th-18th In the North of Holland. If this is something you’d be interested in please check the post here. I recommend you be quick as places are limited.
    As most of you know last year saw the end to the Ahoy+ scheme in which donations were done through a set fee, recurring payment. In its place we now have Ahoy Donators. This program allows for you to donate any amount you wish and you can choose if you’d like it to be recurring or just a one off payment.
    We’re always on the lookout for new donators to help keep us up and running. If this is something that you feel like looking into click here!
    Final notes
    2015 was an amazing year for everyone here at Ahoyworld and we strongly hope to continue that into 2016. We thank everyone for the support over the last few years and for the support in the future.
    If you have any questions about the above post please feel free to reply below.
    Thank you all, Ahoyworld Staff.
  9. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to Rave in AhoyWorld Start of the year update   
    Congratulations and welcome to the new mods and the members that have joined us this year past. Here is to another great year for AW!
  10. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to Miczils in AhoyWorld Start of the year update   
    A big welcome to new Moderators.
    Next great year for AW?
  11. Like
    TheToxicPixels got a reaction from Josh in AhoyWorld Start of the year update   
    Congratulations to all the new moderators, Ahoyworld has truly been a great community for me over the last year and I can't wait to see what comes over the following months
  12. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to Ryko in INSURGENCY EU3 GAME NIGHT - FRI JAN 22 20:00 GMT   
    Time of preparation @ TS: 20:00 GMT (15:00 EST)
    Time of operation start: 20:30 GMT
    Time of operation end: 22:30 GMT
    Type of gameplay: CO-OP
    Mods: EU#3 Repository Mods
    Version 0.23 of my Insurgency mission is ready to roll out!
    This mission is based on Project Reality's "Insurgency" game mode, but a lot more detailed.  In a nutshell: the city of Fallujah is overrun by insurgent forces, and your MARSOC team has a mission to take out several weapons caches hidden in the city.  You don't know where they are exactly, but you have a vague idea, and gathering intel will help you narrow down their exact location.  You have two hours to accomplish your objective.
    We had 45 signups on 31 roles last time, so sign up early.  We have more roles and if we fill up I will have some overflow slots in a squad of resistance fighters, which could be good fun in and of itself.
    Notable changes in 0.23:
    [FIXED] Sniper adjusted loadout: now has a PRC-343, and scope changed to Kahlia [CHANGED] Adjusted medic loadout to give more medical supplies. [ADDED] TANGO covert team. [ADDED] WHISKEY platoon command element (commander and JTAC). [CHANGED] Two Little Bird helicopters have been turned into UH-1Y Hueys. [ADDED] Helicopter co-pilots may paradrop loaded supply crates. [ADDED] Cargo supply area at Auxiliary Truck park. [CHANGED] How objective caches spawn so they don't blow up prematurely. [ADDED] Dynamics on how AI reacts to Tango team. For full mission details, check the last game night text:
  13. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to MessedUpSmiley in Missing Toxic   
    Best of luck for the coming weeks Toxic :-) See you around soon
  14. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to Josh in ZEUS EU3 Night with Luetin (8 Jan)   
    I'll be on if possible
  15. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to Minipily in My new youtube account!   
    Everyone pay close attention to the spedo, we will catch him speeding and ban him for 24 million years.
  16. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to Josh in My new youtube account!   
    So i've started a new youtube account for my dashcam videos from my car.
    Feel free to check it out, subscribe and all that shit. More content to come!

  17. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to MessedUpSmiley in My french toaster is dead   
    Stop trying to heat up baguettes in a regular toaster!

    See you again soon   (Hopefully)
  18. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to Rave in Ahoy World Altis Life?   
    Dont forget the initiation, you get knocked out and 12 people steal your kidneys. Ahh those were the good ol days.
  19. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to Minipily in Ahoy World Altis Life?   
    A true simulation of real life.
  20. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to Danny_S in Ahoy World Altis Life?   
    I can say with almost 99% certainty that this will not happen. Reason being is simple. 
    In the time I have been here (roughly 2 and a half years) we have run an Altis Life server 3 times, each of those times a tonne of work goes into it, a handful of community members play on there for about a month or two and then it sits empty until it eventually gets shut down again. At this point, with the other things that our staff team have to concentrate on both here in the community and IRL, I think you will struggle to find one that is willing to give up/has the time needed to get an Altis Life server started and subsequently maintained.
    Of course I could be totally wrong and there might be an admin who has been waiting for this very opportunity!
    I appreciate you coming to the forums to share your ideas for the community though
    - Danny
  21. Like
    TheToxicPixels got a reaction from Josh in Ahoy World Altis Life?   
    sounds about right!
  22. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to Johnson in Hail Hydra   
    If you ever fancy playing, what some may call an even more team play and coordinated Arma 3 experience, you can always jump in to Ahoy World's third Arma server EU#3.
    EU#3 is different from the more popular and commonly used EU#1, mainly due to EU#3 being a modded server running about 30 different addons.
    I can assure you that 90% of the time you will find EU#3 a more team based and organised server (if thats what your in to which some may not) where the majority of the people are friendly and willing to help as well as motivated in working together and keeping it at a realistic but equally fun experience for every player.
    EU#3 is, however, a bit of a steep learning curve but I can promise you that if your in to or looking for a more realistic or simply team based and fun experience then EU#3 tops many of EU#1's limitations in doing so.
    A guide on how to get EU#3 working (which some, including myself, may struggle with due to the set up of it) can be found here: http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/3174-how-to-download-the-allowed-addons-the-modded-addons/
    If you do decide to follow this guide and join us on EU#3 then I would highly recommend ignoring the 'TFAR' part of the guide as we no longer use that mod and instead I suggest you jump on to Ahoy World's TeamSpeak and look for assistance from a EU#3 Moderator or possibly a EU#3 player (look for the TeamSpeak tags next to peoples names to find this). This assistance will be beneficial in installing the recently added 'ACRE' mod.
    If you do decide that EU#3 is what your looking for I hope to see you on. I think EU#3 is never truly pressed for player slots as EU#1 is and could always use more people to join.
  23. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to Minipily in Ahoy World Altis Life?   
    We had Altis Life...
    I was kidnapped by Josh and BaconMOP and was thrown down an elevator shaft.
    10-33 officer down.
  24. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to Ryko in Ryko's Christmas present #2 for 2015   
    Get ready! Once they target you, they'll chase you down!
  25. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to Icy in 19/12/15 Live Zeus Gamenight   
    19/12/15 Live Zeus Gamenight
    Time: 19;00 UTC/20:00 CET.
    Hody folks,
    As you may have seen there is no "official" Gamenight post up for this weekend. With the holidays coming up I also don't expect nor plan on a game night until probably early January.
    So I decided to take it on myself to throw together a simple (but always classy) Live Zeus Created Gamenight so that we can all have some fun times with some unique content before we all stuff ourselves with the Christmas stuffings!
    As you might already have seen I have created a couple of polls to obtain your opinion on which map, Loadouts and assets I shall put in the Gamenight. Please do vote!
    Keep in mind that with such a short time until the Gamenight I might not obtain all of your votes in time so please share the thread and I will monitor the results until Saturday afternoon when I add or remove parts of the mission basics!
    There will be no sign up sheet, just show up with good attitude, game night rules do apply as usual and lets make it a pleasant Tactical focused night.
    I will most likely ask people who are interested in a leading role, have a team together for a armored unit or would like to be a pilot to sent me a ts message Saturday when we are in the lobby.
    Hope to see you on the battlefield soon and don't forget the Ahoyworld meeting Saturday afternoon!
    Hope to see you on the battlefield soon and don`t forget the Ahoyworld meeting saturday afternoon!
    EDIT: Will be voting for first/third person at the start of the session using Strawpollerino.

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