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About razgriz33

  • Birthday 07/20/1991

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  1. We've shared so many memories with Ody, If you didn't know him, he's the kinda guy to bring people together buying gaming bundles for his friends to join him in whatever crazy adventure he could find next, payday, life is feudal, red solstice, dayZ, Mount+Blade.... this list goes on. We'd joke about him rage quitting but that feisty personality that always fought for what was fair for the people is the oderous I love. Equally he's a chap you could sit down and chill with, watch some youtube playlists (including who killed captain alex, world star, failarmy!) and I'm sure a few of you reading this have fond memories of that! Our inside joke was that we'd share "sea chanties" with each other (which were actually just grime, hip hop and similar tunes!). I'm gonna miss you Jeff... all of our crew will... Peace...
  2. Stan's made valid points, Let's read what's here and try to self reflect on it.
  3. razgriz33


    Or draining the oil?
  4. I'm sure many of us learnt many lessons from this event. Now we just have to reflect on our feedback and apply what's relevant.
  5. What a great game night! Thanks for organising it.
  6. razgriz33

    Plat-co Best-Co.

    touché my good man
  7. razgriz33

    Plat-co Best-Co.

    Told old war stories or listened to old war stories?
  8. Q1: Your team will have range fingers amongst them (most likely) and if you have a great spotter he might be able to give you scope corrections. you just stay on target and let the team pull together. If they don't help you, or are alone then you will obviously find it harder, as anyone would. Q2: Flying is flying, be proficient but don't showboat. If you can make smart decisions like performing a go around in bad situations (Hot LZ, bad approach etc) you'll be fine.
  9. razgriz33

    Plat-co Best-Co.

    Awww all sat there like it's story time.
  10. Have the CV in all of it's glory and spawn there indeed. However find an appropriate zone on the carrier (If it has one of those amphibious bays that would be perfect). In this zone have boats/landing craft but also have a teleport addaction that when executed, fades the screen to black and teleports the player onto a makeshift amphibious landing site/base. This will therefore retain the ability to drive into the AO vs Fly and provide an appropriate level of immersion. Easy to set up too.
  11. razgriz33

    wrong time wrong place

    "Requesting permission to sit on the tower" "negative ghost rider, the pattern is full"
  12. Why not draft an edit up for the community? (editing mission files i mean) If it works out well and is in line with the plan then it should get incorporated into the mission. I'm not sure at this stage.
  13. razgriz33

    How Not To Vortex

    That's how helicopters scratch their bellies
  14. Ahoy, Those of you that have been with the crew for a long time will know our beloved server, the mighty "Flagship". It's only fitting that tribute be paid to her as she has served us well over the years. She's seen 3 captains in her days on operations and many different staff have manned her gun ports (giggedy), Hosting things like ArmA, Teamspeak, Squad, Kerbal space program, Farm sim, various racing titles, and probably more titles. It's fair to say that many people have enjoyed her service (how many innuendos?). However there comes a time when you need the Germans to build us a new one. And so, she has been laid up in dry dock and the new Flagship'o the line is setting sail out of port, her sea trials went well and we're happy that she's going to be available for all you scurvy dogs for all of your future adventures! (Special thanks to Soziopath for his hard work in this). That said, never forget the great times you had on our beloved Flagship, those memories are priceless. Lads, charge your glasses and raise them high! To flagship!
  15. Perhaps this is a good idea to post onto whatever mod controls ambient AI? ALIVE is it?
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