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Prevent Instant Death Thread - Post Thoughts inside.

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Since when? I got insta-killed yesterday.

I like the idea of having instant death off as it vastly improves the player experience, especially when you spend an hour on mission setup, 15mins to get to an AO only to be instantly killed. At least there's a chance a medic can save you, being unconscious in the AO is often better than waiting at base for transport.

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Prevent instant death is useful if you want to give medics a job and make it a bit more realistic in certain areas but overall the damage system is just about as fucked as it was in the first place, it's either take a shot to the head and survive or take a shot to the leg and die.


Overall though, I'm gunna like this feature a whole lot more! Finally most medics will have a job rather than just be there to sew wounds.

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Oh yes! I got insta shot as Plt.Co last weekend and it fucked up the AO so bad. I lost comms with my pilots and it took bloody ages to get back and I had a full Alpha and half Bravo squad standing around doing nothing for over 15 minutes until the crate was slingloaded in.


While dieing as Plt.Co is part of the game being insta shot from half a mile away was incredibly frustrating for all parties involved.

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I'm liking the change.  So many communities I watch A3 videos for are actually using ACE basic medical or just the basic Arma3 Revive system - obviously they are doing it so they can keep the players in the AO and playing, rather than imbued in the realism of a headshot kill.  I think it balances it out nicely, when you contrast it with AI who can shoot you through trees and grass.

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That is true, but having seen how people play on Eu3... it not unlikely that you would shoot the HVT, a number of times. also after having done a HVT mission recently, you would tell if he has gone unconscious, and you would shoot him again. 


I gather that this is a pain, but we are doing a trial period, and it will last until Sunday, and from what i have gathered from this thread, there is a general agreement to the change. so if there are any big issues, or any way we can change the player values but keep the Ai values the same.

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The prevent insta death and ACE Revive system are really awesome features but don't get utilised, I have not even have to do CPR to anyone whilst playing as a medic and never really been stressed on saving a life. It's usually "I need morphine" and I havnt seen much difference in that. We just seem to take more bullets before death now!

Do we have the ace revive function activated or just the prevent insta death? As I believe they work well together.

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