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    GamerbugUK got a reaction from Callonz in Callonz says hi!   
    I'm 50% German, 50% English, my inner turmoil is war! 
    Welcome and look forward to seeing you around. 
  2. Like
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from HotleadColdfeet in New to Arma III Multiplayer: Some Questions   
    The thing you will find with public servers is that it's a mixed bag. However I find I have got some great sessions on AW on EU1 and 2 (I won't defend how good EU3 is, as everyone else will do it :-)). 
    Stick with it and you'll have a good time here. Oh and talented pilots are always welcome. 
    Welcome and see you on the battlefield. 
  3. Like
    GamerbugUK reacted to Eagle-Eye in Just a question   
    Same thing with random guys hopping in Ghosthawks and just firing the guns at base... You can lift off and go to some remote place, but they just jump out, die, respawn, take the next helo.
    Not a lot you can do at that moment, except call an admin on TS. If none are available or you don't have the time to call one, I'd suggest taking video/screenshots of whatever's happening and later use the report tool on this site, so that admins can take appropriate actions.
  4. Like
    GamerbugUK reacted to Amentes in Just a question   
    Get a hold of an Admin.
    If something is afoot, chances are many people are writing the word "admin" in chat. Anyone logged into RCON will see a pop-up when that word is used, and as such may already have reacted.
    If that's not the case however, the next step would be to get onto TeamSpeak, where I'd always recommend you be whether you need admin assistance or not.
    Naturally one person moaning about another player is not enough to warrant a kick, but in your given situation the uproar on Side chat would undoubtedly be clear enough for an Admin to simply make that kick happen. Said Admin would of course also be able to see any TKs going on, and as such, do not ever TK a TKer. That simply muddles the waters, and does nobody any good.
    So in short, don't bother trying to make the greifers life harder, it does nobody any good. Simply get a hold of an Admin.
  5. Like
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from Arctic Wolf in New player in need   
    Welcome and just in addition to the links, you don't need any mods for EU1 or 2,  you do for EU3 however.
    EU1 and 2 mods are optional, you can play vanilla. 
  6. Like
    GamerbugUK reacted to PERO in _,!,, Ahoyworld ,,!,_ Just BAAAAD Admins all round!   
    *cracks finger* *shouts "Let`s do this!"*
    Note: I only read the first couple of senteces of your post, then decide the rest is a waste of time.
    I remember you, have you not said you will not be creating a forum account? Yet here you are. Weird....
    You were told you can post a ban appeal on here, yet you declined that. Fine by me, you were given an option that you decided to not take.
    Now, lets focus on the actual data we have about your GUID.
    Your GUID is 83287e3639d8c936bcc20281a2e3ab9f.
    You can calculate your GUID here, type in your game player ID found in your profile: http://ghostzgamerz.com/GUID-converter/
    You were banned on July 20th by us for being abuse to one of our admins. We have a full chat log of it that could be shared here. We got nothing to hide. The name you used was UrbanFolklore.
    23:54:26 | Player #31 UrbanFolklore kicked! 23:54:26 | Player #31 UrbanFolklore (83287e3639d8c936bcc20281a2e3ab9f) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Kick (tk) 23:57:26 | (Side) UrbanFolklore: Aye ADMIN!!! IDIOT!! I know you wanted to kick someone... there was no need for it... The twat I shot was a friend... Just thought you might wan 23:57:29 | (Side) UrbanFolklore: want to know 23:57:37 | (Side) UrbanFolklore: Next time BUT OUT 23:57:49 | Player #30 UrbanFolklore kicked! 23:57:50 | Player #30 UrbanFolklore (83287e3639d8c936bcc20281a2e3ab9f) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Kick (watch yourself) 00:00:56 | (Side) UrbanFolklore: .LOL ABUSIVE ADMINS ON HERE!!! DUDE IVE RECORDED IT! 00:01:43 | (Side) UrbanFolklore: ADMIN NEEDS TO GROW THE FUCK UP 00:01:59 | (Side) UrbanFolklore: wink! 00:02:12 | Player #41 UrbanFolklore banned! 00:02:12 | Player #41 UrbanFolklore (83287e3639d8c936bcc20281a2e3ab9f) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (UrbanFolklore - zis -abuse)  
    Then I don`t know how, your ban was somehow deleted from the logs (might have something to do with some internal stuff we were busy with) and you got banned again for advertising another Teamspeak address on September 10th. This time you used the name of DevilsUrn.
    You see why this is ban evasion? You do, don`t you?
    Then you came on Teamspeak and decide to annoy one of the admins about your ban. He has pointed you towards the forums and ban appeals, but you said no, you ain`t gonna do that. I do have that chat saved. You joined the next day and procceded with same behaviour. We had enough of you and banned you of Teamspeak.
    <19:15:52> "UrbanFolklore" pokes you: You've managed to get that cock out of your ass gay boy ? You see why? Right?
    As of you blaming us and saying we have double standards, if an admin was not present (you know, some of us do have a life), we are advertising on our servers that we do have a "Player report" function.
    I do have to be honest and share my opinion with you. If you would kept your temper and posted a ban appeal, a lot of stuff could have been discussed in it. You refused that and now you are posting this "flame" topic. Seriously, why? Is there something bothering you IRL? Internet is no place to release you anger, especially in a nice community like AhoyWorld is. I do suggest you seek some professional help, its not healthy to be angry as this. One of our members always says: "If you are angry/annoyed/pissed off, take a walk. Seriously, it works". Try that don`t you.
    Any more flaming post/topics from you, we will be forced to apply a site ban as well.
  7. Like
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from Pac Of Man in Games Chats   
    It's all about having time these days. Arma 3, especially EU1 and 2 are easy to drop in and out of, no hassle if you are there for 30 mins or 3 hours.
    I love games like Sykrim, GTA V, Witcher, but just don't have time to sit and play them for any length of time, kinda sad really.
  8. Like
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from Silveo Richard in Greetings, All!   
    Welcome to the community, interesting list of acheivments, though the last two aren't really achievements to brag about
  9. Like
    GamerbugUK reacted to PiranhA in Favourite Class on EU1/2   
    In the beginning i was into flying alot, but it became a bit boring and sometimes frustrating.
    Theres not a role i dont like, learned to play all roles by trial and error.
    Most played lately:
    -FSG gunner/Spotter
    -EOD specialist
    -UAV operator
    I can adjust and change role when needed. I like to play in little squads with a max of 3 to 4 players. Ive been a medic once with the scar and we didnt die one time in hours and hours of playing.
  10. Like
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from PiranhA in Favourite Class on EU1/2   
    So didn't find a topic like this, so either it's very old or my search terms sucked, but regardless do you have a favorite class to play on EU1/2?
    Is there a go to class for you, one you scroll through the list to find ASAP? Do you actually care about the class you have chosen or are they all the same to you? Are there classes you avoid like the plague?
    Personally I always choose medic, just get a lot of value out of playing as a role that can actually revive people on the battle field, and hopefully postpone that long chopper ride back to the AO.
    Beyond that, AT, as I hate being faced with a tank and having to hide behind a rock for however long until someone shows up who can deal with it.
    After that, don't really mind but often pick squad leader as no one else does and at least it keeps the specific slots open for others, this is the class where I don't really stick to playing the role, as no one cares to listen.
    I avoid the pilot slot, I can fly, but nowhere near as good as others, best to leave it to the talented.
  11. Like
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from Amentes in GRANDAD73.2 OLD 4 IT   
    Hi and welcome.
    Assuming your mic is plugged in and set as the default recording device then its simply a case of pressing the right buttons to activate it in game. By default this is caps lock, you hold to talk and release when you've finished talking. To switch channels you press the comma (,) key, best to only speak in direct, vehicle or squad chat, do not speak in global, side and command.
    There are a lot of ways to find the server you can load them all and then filter by mission type, that way all I&A servers will be listed together and scroll through them, or go to the search function and typing ahoyworld in the host box should do the trick. Once you have been on a server, you can hit recent servers and it should display.
    Alternately IP Port 2302 (this is Altis) / IP Port 2402 (this is Tanoa/Apex required)
  12. Like
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from zissou in Wacky and Wierd   
    I agree that it can be frustrating when a side mission is failed by someone fluffing it with a poorly chosen AT round or tank shell, but to remove AT or vehicles seems harsh. There is often a fair bit of armour at side missions, and not taking those out is pretty much suicide, small arms aren't going to stop a tank. I think the most often seen message on the servers besides "any medics at the AO" is "we need AT at the side mission".
    It would be lovely if those at side communicated, called out targets and what not to blow up etc, but it doesn't happen that often.
  13. Like
    GamerbugUK reacted to Amentes in Separate and differentiate Spotters and Marksmen   
    Yeah, I have brought up thiis idea previously, and it was shot down because AW didn't wanna limit the then-new Marksman DLC stuff.
    Now, however, there's limits imposed on most classes already, and we already have two weapons that only two slots have access to, so it seems a very small step to do that.
    Personally, I'd be fine with limiting Spotters to MXMs and below, and just lock the high-caliber semi-autos to Snipers to give them two more weapons to choose from, but I doubt that would fare as well on-server.
    My main focus, though, is limiting Marksmen to 7.62, largely because that ties better into those classes on the Squad level. Currently, most Marksmen play as Snipers with MAR-10s.
  14. Like
    GamerbugUK reacted to Someone in EU #1 vs. EU #2   
    Wouldn't it be nice if EU1 and EU2 accually differed some? Back when there were an "accidental" first person lock on EU2, that was amazing, I personally loved it. It does so much for immersion.

    I've had most of my fun on EU2, I keep telling myself that it's less "messy" there than on EU1, but I have nothing to back that up with. It just feels as if the people on EU2 generally play more as a team, but I might be wrong.
  15. Like
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from fir_nev in Do Not Put Medics At Risk!   
    I've played medic roles on EU2 a lot, and it's very tempting to go into a minefield, as your job is to help downed soldiers, but you just have to find a balance of when and/or if.
    There is the issue of them being public servers, or people screaming medic while in the middle of a minefield and then getting pissy when you don't go and get them immediately, but the call is the medics, not the person bleeding out; (ditto for pilots and passengers, passengers suggest an LZ, the pilot decides if its good or not.)
    Of course the worse thing is when you do try to get them from the minefield, then as you get there they re-spawn because they are bored of waiting...
    Oh and medics should always attempt to revive medics first, as long as its safe to do so, you'd be amazed how often that doesn't happen,  and don't all try to revive the same group of people, as one explosive later you have 3 dead medics with good intentions, rather than 1 dead medic and 2 with a chance to revive him.
  16. Like
    GamerbugUK reacted to fir_nev in Do Not Put Medics At Risk!   
    What happens when you try to please people...
  17. Like
    GamerbugUK reacted to Werzion in helicopter stuff   
    One thing that needs to stop is pilots getting to close and to high near an AO.
    A majority of my deaths are because of this stupidity...
    I mark out a good LZ with a hill as cover (a.k.a. I put the LZ on the other side of the hill), never the less a majority of the pilots fly either so high that the hill doesnt work as cover from all the artillery, tanks and AA-infantry in the AO, and/or tries to land ON the hill or the AO-side of the hill...
    I know the pilot-slots are "public property", but god damn this annoys me as hell. 
    *EDIT* I vote court-martial on that shit!
    And to end with something positive, today (on EU #2) I got alot of good assistance and rides from the pilots, putting AT-missiles in the heli-inventory and meeting me up far outside the AO to hand 'em over. Awesome! 
    *EDIT 2*
    Old but forever golden!

  18. Like
    GamerbugUK reacted to Mr.Mustache in EU5 Modded Invade and Annex server   
    so i see that the EU5 servers has been made into a Invade and Annex server but whit modded maps.
    it could be nice if we could Arma 2/Arma 2 OA weapons and vehicles on the server. 
    i have spoken to some admins about it and they told me that the server would just turn into EU3.
    but how cool could it to use Mods on Invade and Annex servers.
    so there will be an Invade and Annex server whitout mods EU1 and then then one whit mods EU5
  19. Like
    GamerbugUK reacted to Dingo in Is the admins on this site immature and bad   
    Hardly worth the effort replying, fairly simple you're (REDACTED) butthurt 
    1. your forum name & appeal, is you trying to push the boundaries - it crude and very childish, go outside and play like the rest of the 4 year olds, then go back inside and learn some basic morals.
    2. the name you got banned for is a derogatory term derived from the other n word, used from circa 1960 - 1970's as a slur against black & mixed race people, when it became immoral and not accepted to use the other term, particularly on TV in the 70's it would be slipped into scripts in Rising Damp and a few others 
  20. Like
    GamerbugUK reacted to razgriz33 in Is the admins on this site immature and bad   
    Can't find anything to do with ice cream related to the name niggnogg, you also sign up with an offensive name so i figure you know exactly what you're doing.
    Topic stays open so that you can all have your opinions either regarding the immaturely named "pedofingers" calling us out to be immature? or whether i need to invest in sponges to clean up all the tears, perhaps even cream for our apparent butthurt.
    I'm sure you'll find our ban appeal process to be as fair as it has ever been as our team has an independent community referee. In your specific case i can't speak for everyone but we don't want our community associating with paedophilia or racism thank you.
  21. Like
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from PiranhA in ArmA 3 Screenies & Videos Thread   
    Another video I finally got around to rendering from a few weeks ago; once again on a quiet EU2 server.
    In this one I'm an AT soldier on a lone mission, though I am backed up on two occasions by other players (at very timely moments).
    It's a long video but theres a fair bit of action in there. Thanks to Pascal for the revives and Ben for the sniping support.

  22. Like
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from razgriz33 in ArmA 3 Screenies & Videos Thread   
    From a month or so ago, managed to finally piece this footage into something.
    Very quiet night on EU2, myself and a sniper called "Ben" (see the video) doing most of the work on an AO with me solo assaulting the main compound (though most threats were already taken out long range).
    Just shows you don't need lots of players to have fun (though more than 2 does help!)

  23. Like
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from PiranhA in How did you guys find out about AhoyWorld?   
    First time around was Arma 3 Alpha on Stratis using the server search, eventually took a break for other games.
    Then came back with it on Altis for a while, eventually took another break.
    Now playing regularly on EU2; the community is mainly good, and I promote it where I can.
    However finding Altis a bit dull already and may be taking another break again soon; really need a different map on one of the (Not EU3) servers, maybe switch Stratis for Chernarus. Can't wait for them to release Tanoa for a change of scenery.
  24. Like
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from Josh in ArmA 3 Screenies & Videos Thread   
    More medic action on EU2. Lots of comrades in need of my help, and glad to be of service.
    This is the same session where my other video "Ultimate Rescue" happened, though I cut that part out so as to not repeat myself.

  25. Like
    GamerbugUK got a reaction from kamaradski in Hey Peeps   
    HI All
    Gamerbug here, just dropping in to say hello.
    Loving the AW Arma 3 I&A server and play there almost exclusively when I can get into it (popular little bugger aint it!)
    Especially love those days when everyone actually plays their role; I personally love being a medic, but if not you'll find me sniping from the hills (Or stepping off a chopper and getting shot in the face!).
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