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I was thinking about this scenario for Quite a     while now and I thought I would fling it onto the Community. My question is, would my actions be acceptabele in the scenario I would describe below?


The scenario:


Random person is in a Hunter/offroad armed/e tc and is ramming People and equipment at the base. I Will than be the huron pilot that watches mayhem unfold and decided to slingload him and drop him off at a location far away or simply inpossible for him to get out of.

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Well its not team killing, but it's wasting an asset. Might be seen as causing grief (Griefing a griefer might be a thing?).


Plus you'd be taking a large transport chopper out of action for however long it took for you to slingload them (assuming you could) and then transport them, and by they time you did that they'd probably just respawn, wasting your time and none of theirs (after all they enjoy the grief they are causing).


Honestly for all the trouble that is worth, jut get on TS and talk to an admin.



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1 hour ago, Cryo said:

Random person is in a Hunter/offroad armed/e tc and is ramming People and equipment at the base. I Will than be the huron pilot that watches mayhem unfold and decided to slingload him and drop him off at a location far away or simply inpossible for him to get out of.


I have to admit, ive done it multiple times. Dropping them in the water or miles away from base. All they do is respawn and continue with their operation. Just what GB said.

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Same thing with random guys hopping in Ghosthawks and just firing the guns at base... You can lift off and go to some remote place, but they just jump out, die, respawn, take the next helo.


Not a lot you can do at that moment, except call an admin on TS. If none are available or you don't have the time to call one, I'd suggest taking video/screenshots of whatever's happening and later use the report tool on this site, so that admins can take appropriate actions.

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Get a hold of an Admin.


If something is afoot, chances are many people are writing the word "admin" in chat. Anyone logged into RCON will see a pop-up when that word is used, and as such may already have reacted.


If that's not the case however, the next step would be to get onto TeamSpeak, where I'd always recommend you be whether you need admin assistance or not.


Naturally one person moaning about another player is not enough to warrant a kick, but in your given situation the uproar on Side chat would undoubtedly be clear enough for an Admin to simply make that kick happen. Said Admin would of course also be able to see any TKs going on, and as such, do not ever TK a TKer. That simply muddles the waters, and does nobody any good.


So in short, don't bother trying to make the greifers life harder, it does nobody any good. Simply get a hold of an Admin.

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In my personal opinion, I wouldn`t have an issue you air-lifting him out of the base if it prevents any further mayhem. Make sure he knows why are you doing it and DO NOT drop him out of the sky (to kill him) unless he tries to damage your heli.


As people pointed out, a player report option is also available. Make sure you catch plenty evidence before submitting it.

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1 hour ago, Amentes said:

I've tried several times in the past, but it's possible an update has made it possible since.


In my past experience, the second your target vehicle moves, the sling will cancel.

That is possible, but as Long as the crosshair doesnt go too far from the Target, the lock and the progressieve should remain.

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