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    Origins reacted to Amentes in Any People To Play The Division with?   
    While I personally consider The Division to be a steaming pile of excrement, there's routinely people on the TeamSpeak occupying the channel for the game. I'd suggest you star there?
  2. Like
    Origins reacted to Ryko in Notes on using MODs for EU3   
    There's a misconception floating around that you must have all MODs from the repo enabled in order to play on EU3.  This isn't the case: you just need to have the MODs that are required for the mission in question.  In addition, you can happily add any client-side MODs you wish that play nice with the server, for example Blastcore-Phoenix for splashier explosives, or if you're an admin like me, Ares which augments Zeus functionality.
    For example, many people play with the ALiVE and DAC MODs enabled, even though the Gauntlet mission does not require either.  In this case there's no harm in leaving them enabled - it'll just take a little longer for Arma to start up, and in the case of ALiVE, your interface will change and disconnecting will take longer.
    I've attached a screenshot of my Arma3Sync mod list, to give you an example of how you can reduce your overhead and utilize A3Sync's functionality to serve you best:

    As you can see, I have disabled ALiVE, enabled Ares, (BC-Phoenix is currently disabled because if I have it enabled while exporting the Gauntlet mission, everyone else will need to have it), disabled DAC, I have the JS_JC_FA18 mod in there for local testing, but it's disabled to play on EU3, and I have the fancy new PLA mod (China) but I've disabled it for now because none of the Gauntlet missions use that OPFOR faction as of yet.  On Friday I'll enable ALiVE to join the Collier's mission, for which it's required (assuming I get a slot), but for now, it's not necessary.
    If I was super picky, I could even disable certain maps if I knew we weren't going to be playing them (if we were playing nothing but Al Rayak, I could probably disable Fallujah and Panthera, but there's no real advantage to doing so).
    So you may well be asking yourself, how do I know what MODs are required for the Gauntlet mission?  The quick answer is to try and join the server: if you get an error message, it'll tell you what MODs are required, and what MODs you've enabled that are not.  The slightly less quick answer is to look at the image above: if I can get on the server with that list enabled, so can you.
    (PS, the server is in the process of being updated, so at the time of writing, you'll get an error after joining with the new MODs)
  3. Like
    Origins reacted to Reidy in Return to Zargabad   
    If there is a Bar Gate please auto-animate it!
  4. Like
    Origins reacted to Gamerhero in EU#3 Repo update about the update   
    Hi again,
    It's been a while since the previous topic about the repo update, since then you guys have voiced your opinion about the change.
    We have heard your voice and decided to tweak the repo update slightly.
    So first of all the update will happen Soontm (hopefully this week).
    Second of all we are sticking to the strategy of providing a transition period so you guys can change you loadouts.

    So let's get down to business and see what's changing.
    We decided to keep RHS as a whole. Since apparently a lot of you guys really like the uniforms & weapons it gives.
    Furthermore we are also not fully implementing CUP and instead going for our very own selection of CUP parts.
    I wont hold you from the list any longer, here are the changes we plan to do with the repo:
  5. Like
    Origins reacted to razgriz33 in The Apache   
    This is in response to the OP I'll say firstly
    I find it's more of an attitude thing. for example earlier today (i won't name any names in specific because that would be unfair on the poor asshat) there was just a horrible "I don't care about you, what you think, or what the plan is" attitude coming from a particular pilot.
    So no matter how many rules or what specific rule set you want to enforce it will always roll back to the person behind the controls. If you have a pilot who is switched on and has the interests of his team at heart you'll find that he will actively switch into whatever role is required. Should he or she detect that there is a logistical problem then he or she would hopefully react accordingly to keep the team's momentum up and the same goes for if he or she detects that ground assets require hard targets knocking out.
    You can set as many rules as you like but it won't remedy this stinky attitude. Make a point of leading by example if you are a frequent pilot, if you detect that a pilot isn't so switched on then tell them, simply put they're going to end up ruining your game experience and (as you've done already) make you not want to wait around at base for them. Finally if you still see problems as a last resort, shadowplay them at their worst and report their stinky attitude in confidence to an admin.
  6. Like
    Origins reacted to zissou in EU1 & EU2 NOTICE TO PILOTS RULES ARE CHANGING   
    Over the last while we have noticed a trend on the public servers of piloting getting steadily worse. One way pilots, constantly crashing pilots, pilots abandoning aircraft, pilots unable to land to list but a few of the issues.
    These rules changes will not affect competent pilots.
    Pilots are in charge of their aircraft they should make all efforts to keep the aircraft airworthy.
    If aircraft are damaged they need to be fixed, not destroyed. If this means getting a repair specialist to travel to fix the aircraft so be it.  
    Flying in a manner conducive to having you aircraft destroyed will result in discipline.
    These rules will be enforced and pilots will be expected to abide by them.
    The respawn time on Aircraft will be increased to encourage better flying.
    They will be coming into effect on 01.04.16
    Pilots seen to be breaking the rules will be asked to leave the pilots slot in which case they should return the aircraft to spawn and switch roles. If they refuse they will be kicked and if we see repeat offenders we will be forced to ban.
    Examples of Poor Piloting:
    Misuse of aircraft: CAS with the AA jet, practising, showboating and wasting resources. Landing too close, or flying over, the AO. It shows the pilot is not aware of the situation around him and if it results in the lost of aircraft or team mates will considered destroying assets or teamkilling. Abandoning aircraft in the field, this is all to prevalent and steps will be taken to weed out pilots who do this. Making no effort to repair damaged aircraft. Allowing your door gunners to teamkill. It's the pilot's responsibility to lock turrets. Teamkills will be attributed to the Pilots. Pilots should make a reasonable attempt to land if damaged. For example engine failure or tail rotor loss are not unrecoverable. If you don't know what autorotation is you simply should not be flying a helicopter. Not repairing aircraft in the field. If your aircraft is repairable then it must be repaired. While these are not technically new rules they will be enforced much more actively, and it is the pilots responsibility to make sure you are able to fly within the rules.
    For any possible scenarios not mentioned here or indeed any questions about the rule change please feel free to add a comment. 
  7. Like
    Origins reacted to zissou in The rules page   
    Take it from whomever is telling you that it's against the rules then it probably is. If you're trying to justify some action by pointing out that it's not specifically outlined in the rules then already you're not playing in the spirit of the rules. Also if this is happening often just have the ruleset on your phone/tablet so you can reference them quickly.
  8. Like
    Origins got a reaction from Tylermaniac in Side Chat   
    Command Chat is all that should be... Side chat encourages typing instead of using the radio system
  9. Like
    Origins reacted to Ryko in The Apache   
    In my opinion the CAS Apache can only be used when there are at least 18 players.  First pilot at 9, for transport operations, or one-man CAS if authorized by command, and the second pilot at 18 (the co-pilot can be player 17).  But either way the priority for pilots needs to be player transport, simply for all the reasons Kieran has indicated.
    Having CAS support is a luxury, and is not the default state.  A plan that is often created involves transporting the players in, and then the pilot going back to base and swapping aircraft to take out a CAS bird of some kind.  The problem with this is of course when the players start dying and need to be ferried back to the AO.  It's not impossible with the Little Bird, which can carry 2 players in addition to the pilot, but in the Viper or Apache, it's not possible.
    - R
  10. Like
    Origins reacted to Ryko in EU3 Training map - download link   
    Practice offline by downloading from here:
  11. Like
    Origins reacted to kennychr in Valiant Update #003   

  12. Like
    Origins reacted to razgriz33 in We Will Not MilSim.   
    my view put as simply as possible to avoid walls of text:
    in the same sense that many casual things are against the law, such as speeding, soliciting, overtaking, illegal turns. You don't choose to turn a blind eye but you might not decide to impose a harsh punishment.
    for example, in the above cases a slap on the wrist applies. so perhaps there may have been a lull in transport helicopters for example, you can either remove the sub par pilot or allow another one. you just have to remember what was the rule trying to achieve? in this case i just described the rule was trying to avoid needlessly filling pilot slots before any other slot but as my case describes, there is a requirement for another (for whatever reason)
    another case would be filling in plat co before filling up alpha. it's not such a huge problem that you should CONSTANTLY bug the player in the platco slot to GET OUT RIGHT NOW!!!!1!one because if the server is filling up, chances are you'll want somebody in that slot eventually and a slot change from alpha squad leader to platco would disrupt alpha squad as a whole.
    use your heads and think why the rule was made and what it's trying to achieve.
    Again that's my view, what a member of staff will do is up to them and my good friend who regulates them
  13. Like
    Origins reacted to fir_nev in We Will Not MilSim.   
    I choked on my saliva reading this.
    I am all for adapting but we do not tell the host to adapt to us, visitors. We, visitors, must adapt to the rules of the host. That is why our home countries have law-enforcers...
  14. Like
    Origins reacted to Copey in We Will Not MilSim.   
    Why can't I give you all my $$ Amentes..oh why
  15. Like
    Origins reacted to Reidy in We Will Not MilSim.   
    Why does the size/popularity of the server automatically mean we have to drop the quality? Why can't we keep the high standards of gameplay that most of us downloaded the mods for? If anything a more popular server will result in a higher flow of new players as word of mouth spreads and then maybe the quality of gameplay will fall as new players don't fully understand the rules UNLESS they see them being enforced. Then this will cause people to recheck the rules presuming they don't want to be removed from the gameplay.
    In my opinion the staff have acted accordingly to the increase of players recently, ensuring the quality of our gameplay and helping the server run smoothly.
    Keep it up EU#3 staff!
  16. Like
    Origins reacted to PERO in We Will Not MilSim.   
    As John McClane said, we are looking into it and discussing it with the whole staff personnel. Creating a ban appeal does not mean it will always be succesful, it's an option for a player to come clean amd share his story. Staff also has other things to do, some might be absent for a few days, hence us waiting for their replies.
    Saying you won't snitch people is childish IMO, especially you accusing us of hidding stuff from you. We never hide stuff and all decissions are documented.
    Staff will never go around and pester members to talk to them about issues. If you have something to say, come forward. Don't keep it back and then throw it forward in a topic like this.
    Rules are rules, you know them for a long time, yet you've gotten in trouble. EU3 is administrated far harsher than public servers due to people actually reading through rules and accepting them.
    To touch the original concern. MilSim communities are ones where you have to call people by RL names and ranks, asking permission to speak on TS, follow rank structure by the letter, always play ONE role(the one you certified through training).
    AW is and will not be a community like that. Having/making people following rules has nothing to do with being MilSim.
    You can't say we are enforcing rules harsher just to mess with players. Not following the rules is disturbing the gameplay and will be punished. Really simple.
    Sent from my toaster
  17. Like
    Origins reacted to Pancake in We Will Not MilSim.   
    In response to Zaks initial point and most likely the reason this was made in the first place:
    The rule to fill up alpha before taking bravo slots and subsequently bravo slots before charlie it to promote teamplay and keep the blufor tracking on the map fairly neat. It's also a method of stopping "lone wolfing" or people grabbing all three marksmen slots then re-enacting American Sniper, only with more civilian casualties. If you're suggesting that encouraging team play is a stupid idea, which is what it came across as today when you had a hissy fit then quit, then you probably want to re-evaluate what it is you want in a gaming community. Also the tone you used with david after the restart was downright rude and unprovoked.
    To what Frag had been on about with staff "abuse" (abuse isn't the right word to use for that but I can't remember what one would be suitable to describe it):
    The only whacky incidents I've seen staff doing out with the rules on EU3 was the spawning in of vehicles by a Zeus and Bacon taking the FAC role when there wasn't a platoon commander online. Hardly serious offences
  18. Like
    Origins reacted to ParabolicAJB in We Will Not MilSim.   
    Threads/posts like this are not constructive, never have been and never will be. They don't affect change - they only serve to entrench people's opinions, no matter how 'right' or 'wrong'.
  19. Like
    Origins reacted to Rave in We Will Not MilSim.   
    Anyways back to rule enforcement  - we have recently increased the size of the Eu3 moderator team which is why you might see the enforcement of rules more, in my mind it's a good step and if you cant act like an adult and play by the rules on this wonderful free server (TY donators) then quite frankly you can go elsewhere.
    As for the allegations of Staff misconduct how are we supposed to monitor/ rectify it if it isnt reported? I personally havent seen any as of yet, and i dont want it to happen as it negatively affects the player's/community's preception of our staff. Any allegations can be made to whoever you want - even me i'm impartial and have not been around for a bit due to work - i don't know the recent history. 
    Unfounded allegations are shit stirring and TBH i support David when he says "Say something or you're stirring the pot." and if this childish "I'm not a snitch" rubbish comes out and you DO NOT WANT to help the community by reporting misconduct then you have been given the cake now eat it or go away. 
    Remember if they do not want tea - do not pour it down their throats.
  20. Like
    Origins reacted to Josh in We Will Not MilSim.   
    Because people don't follow the rules. Now it is time to clean up and make sure that certain people do. 
  21. Like
    Origins reacted to MessedUpSmiley in We Will Not MilSim.   
    You could see it from a different POV; if you would just play with common sense, we wouldn't need to enforce any rules.
    The rules are only here to gain the quality of gameplay the biggest part of our playerbase desires, if you can't cope with that; feel free to hop on EU#1 or EU#2.
    They have even got sniper teams!
    ~ IGN
  22. Like
    Origins reacted to David in We Will Not MilSim.   
    No they haven't, it's always been the same. We aren't milsim, we just don't want people taking the piss in what they do because that ruins the experience of others.
    It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.
  23. Like
    Origins reacted to kennychr in CUP - Is it an Upgrade   
    I am working on something that hopefully will get the best from both worlds but nothing is given the greenlight yet =) 
  24. Like
    Origins reacted to Plant1ing in Letter status 28022016   
    First time in writing these letters I actually don't know how to start it. I'm looking at this plain white paper and I'm starting to feel uncomfortable of how scary it is while it's empty, without words. You know the feeling when you haven't interact with something you've enjoyed for months. Suddenly you feel lost, cut-off from exploring.
    I'm finding calm in previous letters and how Community of Ahoy members have enjoyed it by engaging into direct conversations and expressing their observations, arguing, discussing and I thank them to that. Words are the fuel of this community.
    Recent change in management.
              @Raz has left. Now we need to repair AW wing. David has stepped out. And he is asking for our help. Rough ride like Raz said. But we will find that ride in greatness of success which Raz was reaching. With David, it has to be another awesome ride for Ahoy Community.
    Communication to David is the key. And I agree on that. And I'm sure we're all agreed on that. This forms community. Our Ahoy Community. He also suggested meetings to become more regularly. This way we can express ourselves verbally. I don't know David very well (except from
    ) but I'm sure he will try to do his best to keep gears running. He just asks for our support. Nobody can drive any community by himself.          @Amantes brilliant observation and thinking: Community Meetup 27022016, 12:45; @David:
    On Community involvement; In which direction leader wants to go so we can push in his direction. I can't describe better than @Amantes on point.
    On changes overtime; what new players and members expect and what changes bring onto them.
    Nor any idea shall be shut off under my watch!
    I witnessed a couple times where members of EU#3 actually expressed their concerns or applaud about changes. Either way those concerns were listened by members and expressed on forums (yeah please use forums in that matter, don't have long chick-chats while we are on the mission). I encourage everyone to use forums for expressing their opinions and concerns. Every opinion will have its own conclusion with explanation for it.
              Second part of conversation (~44:00) was about timing in training and gamenights which continued on forum style and organization. Maybe the problem relies with the site. I'm not sure. People don't like to go on forums trying to find thread. Maybe a side-site can help it out with all future events which are sliding like food in sushi restaurant, or fixed ones which are “highlighted”¹. Which brings the question who will organize the timeline or make those sushi dishes? We love to eat it, but how many of us actually know how to make a good sushi?
    Suggestion: Primary gamenights with mission well described and thought have ribbons. Maybe that's the way we can attract more people to gamenights if population is concern. Then, on forums we can have drop down list with all ribbons near our name (with name of the gamenight as well as organizator name) which all can see. That way we give credit for members who played it and especially for hard work of members organizing it.
    I want to thank @Origins for recording this meetup.
    ¹ @Amantes observations on gamenights and training.
    EU#3 Temple
              For centuries people gather around to share their experiences. And I remember those great rides. EU#3 was my morning that became night. I sound like I'm worshipping these four symbols. Every time I've entered that temple I felt diversity of what I can accomplish, unlocking all my abilities to make great moments and memories.
    But now, I won't feel at home. I know I'll struggle at the re-beginning. Peace of mind won't come with my skills, It will come with people surrounding me; fighting for same cause. I know I'll have someone to lift me up when I fall.
    For all of us the new players, AW's EU#3 is the place where together, through effort we can accomplish everything. That is the feeling having a great supportive Community. Joke: No It's not group therapy.
              I'm sad I can't talk much on gameplays take. I still have to catch up and justify Ambassador title which I was entitled to. I want to give all the support for members of Ahoy Community, the support I've had when stood the ground thinking I'm alone.
              There were struggling times when people just don't visit EU#3 at all. I was really sad seeing people go playing something else or living their life. This weekend I'm surrounded by warmth seeing EU#3 TS channel all popped with players.
    Now, let's go for another ride, shall we?
  25. Like
    Origins reacted to Rave in Good Bye Everybody   
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