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    possiblyEOD reacted to Gambit in An Open, Constructive Platform Discussing The Current Issues Within Ahoyworld   
    You all know me, im not chiming in on everything on the forums, and when i do i usually make some ppl mad, thats almost a given, but you cant make scrambled eggs without breaking some (l)eggs, so here are my 2 cents, as a simple member who cares.
    I understand both sides of the argument, and without pulling in personal experience from interactions with the multitude of ppl i met here and my personal conclusions about said ppl's characters, i agree with the CS decision, although it is definitely a "damned if you do, damned if you dont" case. It should be clear, accusations are not enough, no matter how strongly we agree with said accusations and how strongly we feel its right. It would be nice, but sadly, we cant. I would have been banned for multiple lifetimes on the grounds of pissing ppl off if that would be the case

    On the united front of CS, well @Xwatt, me and you go way back on disagreeing and agreeing on millions of things, and with your phrasing i cant agree. The drama lama is dancing amongst CS and you chose your words poorly in this instance painting a dark tone future. Cheer up bud, everything will be allright.
    Personally i think the ppl will prevail, friendships will survive, and to be fair... i dont give a f*ck about who plays where and with who. On the other hand, if somebody has a role, and accepts a certain package of responsibilities in another community i find it hardly beliveable to uphold two rule sets on two communities, have the same amount of focus and enthusiasm on both places at the same time, and with every job, if you cant do it you are either honest about it and say it, step down.
    I, personally, think, no matter what, a CS decision should be respected, im pretty sure they put their time in it (just looking at how much time has passed since the report and the conclusion, seeing the core staff channel filled, mods being kidnapped from other channels with the sentence of "hey, do you have a minute to talk"), and we all have lives, jobs, that demands our attention, and just to remind everyone, CS was chosen specifically because of their skillset to juggle their responsibilities, so blaming CS for "the lack of swift action" is uncalled for. Please be respectful as you called everyone to do so, and as former CS you should know what its like to have responsibilities on multiple fronts, how much sacrifice is goint into maintaining a community. Plus if its not an open and shut case, discussions has to happen, the more ppl involved the longer the discussions will take, etc etc. Whats more important, stopping the drama quickly or being thorough, cant have both, back to damned if you do damned if you dont.
    Blaming gamenight player turnout on the commmunity being torn apart by petty drama and bruised egos is another thing. Before the whole drama, gamenights had different turnouts, i have my reasons why i dont attend every gamenight, but to list a few, theme is not interesting for me (lasers and arma doesnt mix for me), some mission expectations are a no for me (ie pvp focused, forced to something i dont want to), i dont enjoy the zeus' playstyle running the gamenight, im fed up with arma in general for a week, installed game i have in my library since 2013 and booted it up for the first time and got sucked into it, and the list goes on.
    Ppl look for big scale operatons, more milsim, etc, and yet the gamenights were frequently disrespected, "just for the memes", doing stupid things like mass tk at the end, etc. Thats why the turnouts are low, trust was ruined by differing expectations, not because we cant have more milsim, or cant have big scale missions, and need to find another community to satisfy that need. To be fair, i dont want to sit and do hoops in virtual boot camp, once was enough. I strongly advise ppl who crave for that to get off yer ass and find the neares recruiting office and sign up for real. If i wanted ppl to call me sir every damn minute, i would have never left. Thats my take on tryhard milsim armchair generals. Wanna do it like for real? Do it for real then.
    On the transparency note, it goes both ways. If you dont tell CS when there might be potential conflict of interest, there will be fallout when (not if, its a when because ppl will talk) they find out. If you dont have anything to hide,.... thats up for the reader's interpretation. Ive been open about playing other games, with other ppl, or other servers if ppl ask (i know, sacrilege) and i dont hold, never intend to, any responsible position in this community other than being the guy who says stuff nobody dares to. I can understand not spreading the drama far and wide, contain it to staff who has to make a decision, nobody else, just like the ban appeals. (i might be partially better off than most of ya, im not in discord so i missed the daily *pling, pling* drama updates and side dms of "have you heard..", i have enough drama in my life hence why im not on discord)
    Blaming CS for NOT discussing the whole drama WHILE the investigation and conversations WAS STILL IN PROGRESS is a bad route to go down. I would much rather have a clear, consice decision, with clear path on how CS ended up on a decision then have constant update and backtracking on previous updates about the drama while in progress just to shove it out the doors and inform everyone hows it going. Im pretty sure thats what made ppl fed up with the issue and just tired to the point when they dont even want to log on, cuz they dont want another "hey have you heard that x told..."
    For example, if i get banned i would much rather have an explanation from yall why, instead of me looking at a forum link to appeal a ban and explain why i think its unjust (i dont think i need to bring up specific cases, right?). I can stand behind CS decision of innocent until proven guilty and the proof of burden lies with the accusator instead of the accused, proper examination of evidence instead of rushed decision because thats what the community wants. I have seen thousands of situations in my career where you leave the decision up to the masses it will always produce a huge bias. Its not about whats right, its about what can be proven.

    On the other hand i find it funny that outreach doing the reverse outreach instead of trying to implement what other playstyle you want here. I mean, cmon, the whole point of EU1 is if you want to play a certain style, you will find some random ppl wanting the same tagging along, how much harder is it to ask whos in, lets do it... or at least try. Much harder to build something from nothing, than get in on something already built. But thats just my opinion.
    On the front of "divide within CS" and "not a monarchy", well, thats what democracy is, there will always be divide amongst ppl, even on the smallest and most meaningless matters. If you call for a united front of CS, thats a dictatorship in disguise. Whos voice should be the one to follow? The problem lies with ppl not handling said divide, just "you dont agree with me? well see ya then...poof" instead of trying to reach a concensus and understand every move is a precedent setting case, rules applied, community will look back years later for guidance.
    Its said to see ppl go, oldtimers aswel. Not everything will ever go however you want it, and the sooner yall accept it, the sooner yall get over the drama lama. Welcome to real life. I know this will hurt some feelings, and you all know what my stance on that is.
    Life will find a way, ppl will come and play arma, AW stood for a long time and sure it will still be here when arma5 releases, heck not uncommon to see eu1 filled to the brim on some days and have 15-20 ppl on prarie fire at the same time. So i think the turnout on different gamenights is more of a reflection on the style and theme appealing to a more foused subset of interest rather than struggling to get new players to engage. I know i personally skipped gamenights just because it wasnt for my taste. Having those smaller number gamenights can show the interest of the community, and they are good to satisfy the needs of the few for their sacrifice on attending the more populated and laid back gamenights.
    That being said, the community lives because of the players, not because who is at the reins and what decisions they make if they make it by the rules and apply it equally fair instead of going for what feels right. And thats why i personally think whoever is on any responsible role and holds another at a different community will not have the time to mingle and get to know the community, keep their fingers on the pulse of the community.
    And yes, i think the incentivicasion of recruitment (attaining zeus or admin priviledges with said medals on a webprofile insted of meritocracy at least thats what i heard from multiple credible sources, but i dont know much about that other community, thankfully have no personal experience with them, not here to advertise their greatness on how they handle things, to be frank i dont care at all) is bad enough, but its down to individual cases. I can understand the time needed to evaluate said cases, and happy to see it thoroughly investigated instead of applying a blanket ban/no ban statement rushed out the doors just to please the masses with pitchforks and torches. Lack of discussion and information, i see no reason to involve for example me in the decision, its the rules, agree or disagree, im here to have fun not get involved in drama, so i have no issue about not knowing what was happening and why until a decision was made. And if you ever ask me to sit down and read the gods knows however many pages of accumulate evidence and screenshots and all that crap, i'll beat you to death with a god damn rubber ducky.
    Most importantly, if we cant be honest with ourselves and admit when we made a mistake, how do we ask others to be honest with us. Losing years of friendships doesnt worth it. In my opinion, the ppl causing the issue moved on, unhindered by the drama, so why are we still spinning on this, just to make our days miserable? I say
    Im still around on TS, and ill be as long as fun ppl are around, made some friends disagreed with them on a lot of things and agreed on a few more, and im not about to sacrifice the possibility of meeting new ones just because i have to sort out the not so friendly ones or have some disagreement sometimes. Even tho i disagree with you @Xwatt on a few points and how your call to open discussion's tone is shaping some ppls opinion already without prior knowledge on what actually happened or with partial information, i still think you are an honourable c*nt, we can agree to disagree sometimes.
  2. Like
    possiblyEOD reacted to SiegeSix in An Open, Constructive Platform Discussing The Current Issues Within Ahoyworld   
    While I want to remain neutral, this point is excellent. 
    We are lacking players and I've had to cancel two otherwise perfectly accomedative operations because of this. 
    Knowing what has happened on (almost) every side of this drama, I know that every decision made by individuals can be defended. When I found out about the whole charades, I didn't care initially until we started dropping in numbers, that's when I started having an unsatisfied attitude towards the ordeal. While I know some of the members of this other community is still playing from time to time, I still see a lack of attendence in general.
    As a mission maker, I want players to attend gamenights.
    As a veterinarian & critically acclaimed diplomat within AW, I find it sad to loose so many friends, regular players and staff members because of this.
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    possiblyEOD reacted to Xwatt in An Open, Constructive Platform Discussing The Current Issues Within Ahoyworld   
    The following is a statement about the current affairs within AW, and the opportunity to provide, an open, constructive platform raising issues currently present within AW. Whilst I understand the decision to lock the other thread due to fears of exacerbating the situation, AW is a community ran by the players, and one that provides complete transparency and a space to openly discuss differing opinions. This is the way Mark T originally set out to run the community, and one that I followed up on myself, and therefore I ask for Core Staff to respect the right to openly discuss, without having to delve into private discussion. The following replies to this thread (If I get any) will be from members who wholly care about AW, and therefore CS should see this thread as a foundation to build on, and to read the criticisms provided and use it as an opportunity to shape the future of Ahoyworld.
     In an ideal world, members of the community can openly play within other communities, and there should be no repercussion in doing so. Perhaps, they seeked out other communities due a lack of what AW is offering. Other players want to be in communities that have operations on a massive scale, with a playerbase that provides that. Some people want operations that are more tuned to the milsim aspect, and again I see no issue in that. People have different wants and needs, and therefore they can seek out other communities if they cannot find that here at AW.
    The issue comes when it is from a community that openly incentivises and rewards players for recruiting within their own, and other communities. In this, they create a discourse and divide in other communities, and as a result gain a healthy boost within their own playerbase, without any repercussions or remorse about the divide they create in other communities. And we see this clearly now, said community has managed to create an argument within Core Staff about how the situation should be handled, as such this has then leaked down into the staff team, creating further arguments, and ultimately leading to the loss of some of the most senior staff, setting AW back again into a dire state that we found ourselves in not too long ago. So, in conclusion, who got the last laugh? Ahoyworld, or the other community that managed to create such a discourse within the highest ranks of staff, that ultimately, they benefitted themselves a lot more than it benefitted us.
    I love Ahoyworld, but once again there are blaring issues that will lead once again to the downfall of the community. The first comes from the lack of unity within Core Staff, and the lack of swift action to reduce the impact created. If CS were united from the start, do you really think this many staff would of left, or if the member of CS who stepped down was so wrong, why did half the staff team leave with him?  While I understand there were guidelines to follow in how a report should be handled, the lack of input from the other members of staff and the wider community in general, made the final decision seem like it benefitted the bias of CS rather than what the community themselves felt was the right decision to make. Ahoyworld is not, and will never be a monocracy, the lack of transparency and willingness to hold open, public discussion has once again led to the downfall of the community.
    And then after all that, leaves the AW we have today. Many others and I involved have spent the last however many years building up a solid, dedicated playerbase once again after AWE had originally fell apart. It was a long, gruesome process, and it was a struggle finding new players as the ARMA community is extremely aged, and therefore there is not a constant flow of new players or talent anymore. This is a concern, because it means that rebuilding the staff team is a hefty feat, as there isn’t a flow of fresh blood to promote, but more importantly, it means you’re struggling now to get the large scale, combined operations that AW has always loved, with the 25-30+ people that we all desire. It’s evident from Sieges and many other people’s operations, where he now has to scale his operations down to accommodate for the lack of players, rather than creating these massive, expansive operations. I just wonder, how many “rebuilds” will it take for Ahoyworld to finally flourish or is it’s “golden era” limited to the memories some of the more senior members have about the past of the community.
    To conclude, I want this thread to be a civilised, open platform for Ahoyworld. Respect the privacy of others, and more importantly keep it constructive and make it somewhere where we can state our desires for the community moving forward, what it is doing wrong currently, and how it can be improved in the future. Staff have every right to remove abusive comments and directed hate, so I ask you to keep it civil and behaved.
  5. Thanks
    possiblyEOD reacted to MidnightRunner in Statement relating to Loss of Public Staff members   
    Note to all members from the Core Staff team:
    As several of you have already noted the public staff team has been reduced in number, I will detail here what information I can while respecting the privacy and confidence of those involved.
    On May 20th Core staff received an admin report (Note 1) against 2 members of staff. Within 3 hours a member of Core Staff concluded in favour of the report and took action against one of the reported parties, removing them from a staff role they held, this is not in line with the standard practice for admin reports (Note 2). 
    In the days that followed Core Staff followed the procedure noted below in Note 2. 
    We believe that our ability to investigate the situation in the manner described in Note 2 was harmed by the way the report was handled initially. This fostered an "Us V Them" mentality and likely led to the reactions explained in the next paragraph.
    During this time following the demotion of a staff member, several members of staff aware of the demotion and of the admin report (aware of its existence but with no access to its content) came to the conclusion that the reported persons were guilty and should be banned. 
    Some even stated that they would resign should Core Staff not find in their favour.
    Core Staff asked for calm while they completed a proper investigation into the matter.
    Following the several day investigation Core Staff met and reviewed all the gathered and available information and found that there was no clear evidence that a rule had been broken. There was what could be called circumstantial evidence but nothing more. 
    A number of members of staff unhappy with decision resigned, including the member of Core Staff who had acted in error in the first instance.
    Core staff believe that they acted with fairness to all parties in mind.
    We would be setting a worrying precedent if staff members were allowed to dictate who was guilty without reviewing the evidence first, especially in the case of an admin report. (Note 3) 
    I would like to stress that other than the person described above no members were removed from a staff role.
    The nature of these events is unfortunate and regrettable.  Many of the staff members who resigned were members whom I call my friends, and I along with the rest of the Core Staff team would like to thank them for all they have done for Ahoyworld during their tenure and wish them the best in the future. 
    If anyone has any questions relating to this please direct them to me and I will be happy to share any information I can while respecting the privacy of those involved.
    Note 1
    An Admin report is the tool available for members to submit a report relating to a member of staff. It is similar to that of the "Player Report" function except an Admin Report is visible to Core Staff only. Both can be found along the top bar of the forum under the report heading.
    Note 2
    The normal procedure when Core Staff receive an admin report is to spend a number of days speaking to those involved and collating all available information on the matter before meeting as a team and reviewing the information gathered and making a decision on the matter.
    This allows Core Staff to  investigate a situation thoroughly, with discretion taking our time to come to a fair conclusion on the issues reported.
    Note 3
    Staff members are routinely included and their conclusions used in respect of player reports but not Admin reports as it would not be appropriate. 
  6. Like
    possiblyEOD reacted to MidnightRunner in PMC Ops REVENGE Week 1 @ 18:00 UTC 25/06/2021   
    Mission Name:
    PMC Ops Revenge Week 1
    Server Details: 
    Port: 2302
    Mods Required:
    Arma 3 Preset CHADS Revenge.html (Plus usual optional mods)
    TS address: ts.ahoyworld.net
    Expected Mission Length: 120+ minutes (may go over or under expected mission length)
    Player Slots:  43 
    Platoon // 3 man element
    Alpha - Delta // 9 man elements
    Nomad // 2 man recon element
    Vortex // 2 man pilot team
    The CHADS have deployed to Chernarus as a contract force to securely deliver humanitarian aid. Corporate has also accepted an unofficial contract to covertly help the local resistance undermine the Chernarus government. 
    The local government, backed by Russia, has been putting down a rebellion and the civilian population has taken the brunt of the reprisals.
    There are also criminal organisations operating in the area which the CHADS may encounter.
    1 x UH-60M
    1 x MH-6M
    Various ground support vehicles
    Friendly Forces:
    UN Observation force
    Chernarussian rebels  
    Enemy Forces:
    Officially none
    Neutral Forces:
    Chernarus Defense forces
    Russian Military observers/advisors
    Civilian presence to be expected, concentrated in built up areas.
    Our first mission is to deliver 6 units of aid to 3 locations in the local area. While this happens we must also make first contact with the local rebel elements.  
    1. Deliver aid supplies to the designated targets
    2. Meet with the rebel elements at the agreed meeting point
    3. Maintain the cover supplied by the humanitarian mission
    Movement Plan:
    At Commanders discretion
    Rules of Engagement:
    Enemies may be engaged on sight based on current squad orders
    Civilians are present in the area so collateral damage is to be kept to a minimum.
    Admin & Logistics
    Equipment & Resupply:
    At the commander’s control, assets are available at base to facilitate this.
    At commanders discretion, transport assets are available.
    Command & Control
    Overall command lays with codename "Overlord" who will set objectives and ROE.
    Operational control on the ground lies with the Platoon Commander.
    Radio channels are set for each element and can be viewed as part of the map. Platoon has limited discretion for change but structure is to be maintained.

  7. Like
    possiblyEOD reacted to Nibbs in Invade & Annex DLC Maps Version History & Feedback thread   
    I gotta say, I'm really missing the night fighting, with flare illumination, so had a bit of a play in editor... Would it be possible to 
    Add the RTO backpacks as limited to just JTAC and squad leaders
    Add the Radio Supports module via Eden
    Add to/create the attached to the descriptions.ext file

    Result should mean anyone with a radio backpack can bring up the radio supports menu, with the following limitaions
    The Aircraft list only allows the seahorse to spawn in and drop 4 short lived flares in a line (5 min reuse timer)
    The Artillery list only allows an 8 round burst of 105mm illum rounds on a 2 min reuse timer (~6 mins of illumination and with the call in delay it works out to about a 4min reuse timer allowing some coverage of both main AO and side)
  8. Thanks
    possiblyEOD reacted to Stanhope in Helicopter changes?   
    The taru bench has already been removed from the reward pool and the asraam doesn't use radar so the little bird not having radar is not an issue.  Yes, you have to fire it without a lock but that does not make it useless. 
  9. Like
    possiblyEOD reacted to Th3Hated in ArmA 3 Screenies & Videos Thread   
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    possiblyEOD reacted to Whigital in Attaching Tarupods to a Lift-Taru   
    Feature added, will be in next release (3.4.04) ....
  11. Like
    possiblyEOD reacted to Stanhope in Attaching Tarupods to a Lift-Taru   
    So I've talked to the people in charge and we're gonna implement it this way:
    An additional taru (without a pod) will be placed at guardian All of the taru pods will be placed at guardian The fuel hemtt will be removed from guardian You'll only be able to attach and detach the pods when landed
  12. Like
    possiblyEOD reacted to Bomer in Frontlines Feedback Thread   
    It seemed like terrain had an impact on it as in an open space surrounded by trees(30-40 Meters every direction) only people within the open space were able to hear me but anyone beyond the treeline wasn't. Despite being within 152 and LR range.
    This even occurred on a open field with no trees or buildings for 100 or more meters.
  13. Like
    possiblyEOD reacted to Mikael in Frontlines Feedback Thread   
    Hey guys.
    On todays gamenight, we had quite a bit of TFAR issues, especially around how long the radios reached.
    I know @Bomer had some issues, where he could receive the other party, but was not able to transmit back to them.
    I also experienced some weird range issues later, ref video: https://youtu.be/SCruQ4gr0E4
    I'm not quite sure what to make of it, or if its something we can fix on our end, but I felt it needed to be registered anyways.
  14. Like
    possiblyEOD reacted to Whigital in Invade & Annex 3 Version History And Feedback Thread   
    Respawn script issue, fixing it now ....
  15. Like
    possiblyEOD reacted to Dressler in How did you guys find out about AhoyWorld?   
    Ahoy guys.
    EU1 and EU2 gave me the initial push.
    Cooperative gameplay... that is what i looked for.
    Than there is a youtube video in german. JR's Video about 'finding a clan for Arma3'. Afterwarts i lokked a view videos on youtube.
    Now i'm here. 😅
  16. Like
    possiblyEOD reacted to Dressler in A frindly Hallo form a german player   
    Hallo at all.
    My Name is "Dressler". I´m a player located in Germany, 43 years old.
    I´m playing the Arma Series since the original "OFP" and served in Arma 1,2 and 3. But my first "service" in a Clan was with Arma3.
    It was a MilSim Clan.
    My playstile is Cooperative and Team oriented. Mostly as a Medic (seved in the Combat medic in the Bundeswehr) i always have an Eye on my Teammates
    Never served as a "Team Leader" "Squad Lead" or so. But I´m interested in it.
    Because i have an active real live i have not the time for "hardcore Mil Sim" with 2 Training days and a 4h Operation on Saturday night.
    So i have played in the last weeks on the Ahoy server 1 and 2 (Mike Force brought me back on the track)
    I hope we will have a lot of fun! looking forward to it.
    In my Steam Bib you can find:
    - Squad
    - Hell let losse
    - Post Scriptum
    - the whole Arma Series 
    Best regards
  17. Like
    possiblyEOD reacted to JJ Cakes in I&A3 Event Idea: End Game - aka - All Your Base Belong to Us   
    I've never seen a situation where we have all the FOBs and from what I understand there is an actual end-game if we complete all the missions.  I don't know what happens, probably we all get nuked.
    So here is my dumb/brilliant idea:  We have an event that runs on a weekend day, we hype it and try and get the server full right from server restart and maybe try and coordinate so the really early/late slots are full, but the idea is we want all slots full for the event.  We could try and see if the Arma3 Twitter account would boost the event and isn't there some popular Arma podcast we could pitch this to?  It seems like a fun way to try and get the community together for a common cause and see if we can actually beat I&A3, and since Invade & Annex is at least semi well known, get some free advertisement that Ahoy is where I&A was born and maybe get some new players.
    What inspired this idea is the motorsports endurance race where drivers/crew/etc... take stints to try and get their car over the finish line first.  It would be an endurance race... of murder!
    There's probably all sorts of other fun ideas that could be incorporated into this, but I'll leave that to the AW community if anyone thinks this idea has merit.  But really, I think it would be fun to try and band together to beat I&A3.  Nothing would make me happier than being unable to find a open slot for this event as long as someone streamed it.
  18. Thanks
    possiblyEOD reacted to Stanhope in Invade & Annex DLC Maps Version History & Feedback thread   
    Right to catch up a bit: too many units garrisoning in one building will be fixed in the next update, the AA missiles of the jet should be fixed in the next update, max distance from FOB for side missions will be looked into, and bamboo cages will be fixed in the next update.
  19. Like
    possiblyEOD got a reaction from Havoc in Invade & Annex DLC Maps Version History & Feedback thread   
    Could we add a max distance from nearest base/FOB modifier for side missions, EU2 usually has less people online than EU1, so it's less likely there'll be a pilot online, and due to the size of the map side objs can be a long way away(17 km cough, cough), taking a while to get to, only for the mission to fail soon after you get there 😞
  20. Like
    possiblyEOD reacted to Nibbs in Prairie Fire I&A   
    Firstly, I'm loving the Prairie fire, I&A, thanks so much for making it for us.
    I'm not sure if the current utilisation you guys see on it, is enough for you to want to invest much time into it currently, but thought I'd make a suggestion.

    Problem 1:
    The F4C Phantom requires (Skill + a good server ping + the server to decide to play nice + luck) to land on the carrier, people have been complaining they trap the wire, but the plane doesn't decelerate fast enough

    Problem 2:
    The FSG gunner needs to spend an extremely large amount of time driving all the backroads (likely in the slow ammo truck) to be able to set up in range (4km max) of a AO. Which is extremely frustrating, when you know on top of all that work, you still need someone to request mortar support for you to be able to be put to work. This is especially problematic at night when you're the most crucial support asset for providing illumination
    Proposed solution:
    Move the Hueys to spawn at the main base  (near Lac My)
    Remove the carrier, and turn Maxwell field into the spawn point for CAS assets
    Add a M101 105mm Howitzer and Ammunition container near the airstrip, but just outside of base protection range of the support base

  21. Like
    possiblyEOD got a reaction from MrPewPewLaser in Hello there   
    Welcome to the forum man
  22. Like
    possiblyEOD reacted to Rickard in Invade & Annex DLC Maps Version History & Feedback thread   
    Need Mosins and AK.
    AOs gotta have random sniper trees, spider holes, punji traps and groups of viet cong hiding.
  23. Like
    possiblyEOD reacted to Art3misZA in ArmA 3 Screenies & Videos Thread   
    Successful after Chicken's first Zeus Op on I&A Prairie Fire.

  24. Like
    possiblyEOD reacted to MrPewPewLaser in Hello there   
    Been playing for a while and finally decided to join the forum and give some support to the creators.
    I hope to see you all out there! 😄
  25. Like
    possiblyEOD got a reaction from SenileDysfunction in Tada!   
    Welcome to the forum, good to see you!
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