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Mikael's Achievements

  1. AW MVP 2021: @DomT AW Most Friendly Admin/Moderator/Spartan 2021: @chicken_no6 AW Most Helpful Admin/Moderator/Spartan 2021: @Bomer AW Most Active Staff Member 2021: @MidnightRunner AW Strictest Staff Member 2021: Honestly, y'all are pretty chill AW Best Team Player 2021: @Johnson AW Most Helpful Member *Non Staff* 2021: @SiegeSix AW Most Friendly Member 2021: @RiverWolf AW Tacti-cool member 2021 : @Moto AW Underrated Member 2021: @SkullCollector AW Most Incoherent Member 2021: @Walk'N (Sorry :)) https://youtu.be/S2HtF_HiyTE AW DAAASSS BOOOOT 2021 - The drunkest member of 2021: @RiverWolf AW Best/Worst Pilot 2021: AW Best Voice 2021: @Jenkins AW Funniest Person on Team Speak 2021: @FrOzT - Not for your soundboard AW Worst Joke 2021 : @FrOzT's soundboard AW Best Moment 2021 (can be in-game, on Teamspeak or Forum): So many good ones, but I want to highlight AWE Aegis https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1148749416?filter=highlights&sort=time (This whole OP was insane, VOD is here https://youtu.be/Md5klJ2qfJA) AW Best Forum Post 2021 (please put URL in): https://forums.ahoyworld.net/topic/18594-task-force-sol-operation-situation-report AW Dankest Meme Post In Discord 2021: @Stanhope carrying the meme channel with his programmer humor AW Best Driver 2021: @Jochem - For his Rallye efforts AW Worst Driver 2021: @FrOzT (I'm just bandwagoning here, but I dont know where else to put you) AW Best Fail 2021: "You need to be a pilot to use this vehicle" AW Best Ban of 2021: Nope AW TeamSpeak Channel 2021: No AW Best Screenshot 2021: @LH5's FL teasers AW Worst Call-out 2021: Everytime TFAR just goes blank AW Candidate for the Hague 2021: @Sho_Iwaizumi ... I mean, its just yours as this point, although it probably isn't deserved this year AW Role Model 2021: @LH5 For putting in so much hard work AW Best Shot/Worst 2021: @LH5https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AIbZ_xMt-k I'm sure I forgot a lot of people, and a lot of fantastic people and situations that just don't fit into one of these categories
  2. Thank you Dom, your efforts are really appreciated Thank you also to everyone who has helped by making factions and maps. Frontlines is really starting to be quite unique with a lot of great features
  3. Had a super weird FOB spawn today. I mean, I get that our frontline is a bit weird right now, but thats pretty far off It's the first time i've seen it so we might not want to spend a lot of energy on it, but at least its logged somewhere now.
  4. I've been thinking about the guerillas and how they often seem to attack places at bad times when they are not really wanted or needed. Would it be possible to make an option so that for instance the SL or maybe platco could call them in as a favor from the guerillas? Maybe it could come at the cost of some resources and intel, with an option to choose a stronger guerilla group for more resources? Like three options, one with only infantry that cost some ammo, one with a tekkie or whatever in addition that costs more ammo, some fuel and supplies and one that is bigger that cost even more. It would also be cool if we could choose what direction they would come from. So for instance, you could get a list of enemy objectives sorted by distance that you can choose to attack. You would then choose from a list of the nearest friendly civilan objectives that decides the distance. You then have a third option for the different sizes along with their respective cost, kinda like the build menu. What do you think? I also don't know how feasible it would be to code this, but that's not my problem (I mean, in fairness most of the code is already there, its just a manual trigger and some different compositions to spawn in, while being able to pick the spawn location, right?)
  5. Hello. I don't want to take anything away from Bravo's experience, but I feel like the debrief went a little lopsided, so I wanted to share charlies version of last nights events. I 100% agree that getting our stuff together in the start took far too long, not sure what happened, but it happened. The flight out was also way too long, but I can understand why one would want to have the carrier far out as the AI sometimes freaks out over nothing if it gets too close. All in all the op was really enjoyable from Charlies side While the thermal goggles made us quite OP, I enjoyed playing the spec-ops sneaky beaky style for a change. Anyways, I am sad that Bravo did not get more action. I've been there myself, sitting on a hill with nothing to do for way too long and I know it sucks. That being said, I think we all have a responsibility to inform the chain of command, and if that does not work, maybe even ping zeus. Sometimes there are tactical reasons why one has to sit on a hill doing nothing, while other times, there is simply an oversight or a gap in the plan that could be filled if the right people knew about it.
  6. Oh my god, this looks so cool Don't think i can make it though
  7. Mikael

    Do you play DCS?

    I would like to fly the F-16 and the F/A-18C, but they would both have to be at a 50% sale before its even remotely sensibly priced. There's no way i'm paying 2x triple A game pricing for two airplanes.
  8. I was unable to attend today, but I just watched the VOD, and it was good. Thank you for hosting the meeting. One item I would like on the agenda going forwards would be a simple recap since the last meeting. What have happened since last time, aswell as a recap of the points from the previous meeting and any updates on progress for the previous items.
  9. Hello everyone. I am not entirely sure if this is the correct place to put this, as its not a mod request per se, but I have been watching Dslyecxi's videos lately and the AAR reports are absolutely fantastic. You can see an example here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CC9gmF2re0 I've been searching around, but it seems that shacktacs's AAR mod is private and not accessible to the public. Would it be possible to create a similar system for AWE? I realize that its probably not doable for Frontlines/I&A (although it would be absolutely awesome), but I think we could learn a lot from our gamenights by using it. Even if we dont get the fancy 3D graphics, having a tool like this: https://github.com/OCAP2/OCAP might do the job almost as well, although we lose altitude info from air assets. OCAP2 also supports a website, so it can be publicly accessible. Anyways, I know we have some fantastic dev's, so you guys would have to comment on the feasability of this. It would also have to be tested for performance impact and stability of course. What does everyone think? Would you be interested in sitting down and having a look back at what happened? I think at least for me, when squad leading, it would be a fantastic tool for learning.
  10. I don't think I can make it unfortunately. Could it be recorded? Or at least make sure we have the minutes made available here? Also, could we have this in the event calendar along with all the other scheduled stuff? I'd like to add one more thing to the agenda: what is the future plans for AWE, not just frontlines but in general.
  11. Mikael

    [Mod] BettIR

    Just as a heads up, arma devs is working on changing IR for the next version https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/140837-development-branch-changelog/?page=58 Dont know if we should wait to see what comes out of that, or go ahead with a mod that might be outdated soon-ish? Edit just to be clear: I absolutely agree something should be done about nighttime ops
  12. Yesterday was the first I heard of this, so I dont have all the facts and all of that. I've been trying to comment on this since yesterday, but I find it really difficult and I don't know what to say. It kinda feels like i'm the child of some messy divorce That being said, its important to me that AhoyWorld is an open community where you are free to roam between here and other places, even as staff. No one can force anyone to stay here. As long as you are doing your job as staff here as well as expected of you, then you can do whatever you want wherever you want as long as you are not representing AW. Whether you can take on staff roles at other places aswell, might be a different story, but I don't think that has happened here? I would also like to say that no one can blame the one making the report. A report is simply saying that "Hello, there is something here I think you should have a look at. Here is what I see, do what you would like with this information". It's then up to the ones who receive this report to decide what to do with it and how to deal with it. I cannot say anything about how the case was handled, as I first learned of it yesterday. What I will say is that I think there should be a full postmortem with a blameless root cause analysis where you go over why this happened, why the outcome became as it did (And what the outcome is, I don't feel like this has fully played out yet), and what we should do to prevent this in the future. This has to be led by corestaff (Or a mediator, but they would need full access to the report and all the closed forums involved in this). It would also have to include the reporter, the one being reported on, all the corestaff and anyone who decided to step down and leave, in order to get the full picture. I would like to challenge all the involved party members to participate in this as it will help not only AW grow, but the whole arma community. (It might also be good for all the parties to get to talk together with everyone having good intentions) Lastly, I would like to say that while this sucks, there are a lot of people here showing a lot of emotions, which tells me one thing: WE ALL CARE DEEPLY FOR AHOYWORLD! We might not always agree on the path we should take or how to get there, but in the end, I see a whole lot of people that care a lot and that is good. It also means that tempers flare sometimes and feelings get the upper hand. We are all humans, we all make mistakes, including staff.
  13. Yeah, it seemed to happen around trenches aswell, making me wonder if trees and trenches are counted as buildings. That being said, i've not had this issue before so something seems to have changed. Whether its TFAR updating and actually modeling interference from building, or if its server config after some gamenight is unknown. Could also be the mission, but it seems unlikely
  14. Hey guys. On todays gamenight, we had quite a bit of TFAR issues, especially around how long the radios reached. I know @Bomer had some issues, where he could receive the other party, but was not able to transmit back to them. I also experienced some weird range issues later, ref video: https://youtu.be/SCruQ4gr0E4 I'm not quite sure what to make of it, or if its something we can fix on our end, but I felt it needed to be registered anyways.
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