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About Art3misZA

  • Birthday 06/18/1984

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  1. This is the wrong place for this. Please post it under the relevant section (I&A / EU3) in the suggestions thread.
  2. To add items from a CDLC would limit the number of players who will have access to the server. That is not in keeping with what I&A is about imho, as we want the server to be as accessible as possible. Doing a change like this would keep many long-time players from playing. I think the relative failure of the Prairie Fire I&A server is a good example of this.
  3. Art3misZA


    Hi Harei. Upon review and given that it's been over two years since the ban, we believe that you have done the time. Please review our rules / code of conduct and welcome back to AhoyWorld! Ban Appeal Successful!
  4. I feel that nothing dredged up here adds value or anything new. What I have learnt from this (and we are all aware of my role) is that this is, in the end, a game. It should not affect you so much. Let people play where they want and and instead ask "what can we do to make this community thrive?". Time to go outside, touch some grass, and stop dwelling on this.
  5. Most Friendly AW Member @Gambit becuase I said I would. Be glad I haven’t actively campaigned for this this year hahaha. Will add more when I can.
  6. I am failing to understand what the actual issue is. I do not feel this has ever been unclear for 99% of the players and the "awaiting-request" behavior you mentioned is also not really a thing as pilots will fly to and from AO's without actively being requested to do so. Should the player base require RTB or trasnport to the objective of their choice this is also pretty much handled and understood. Exfil is also not always expected from the general player base due to the use of their own vehicles. If pilots are bored and taking passengers to and from the AO is not possible, the option to offer logistical support is there. This is better facilitated by clever scripting allowing the drop-off of resupply crates. Further to this, if a pilot is really bored and not being called in for anything, including CAS, he has the option to switch slots and go as ground infantry. It is important to remember that EU1 is a casual server. I feel that amendments to your perceived "grey areas" are not in keeping with the expectations of the majority of the player base.
  7. Art3misZA


    Many thanks for informing us and my condolences. We will miss his good humor.
  8. My only real issue with this new players suddenly having to switch sides with who they PID. Unintentional tk is already a problem and now to rotate who you are shooting at is only going to make this 10x worse. I don’t feel this would work considering the majority of players on server are reasonably new. This also means an overhaul of FOBs, the assets they spawn and also probably cosmetic features as well. I honestly don’t think our smart dev people have the capacity for this change but obviously that’s not for me to say 100%.
  9. As I suggested in chat tonight, a CAS-off could be fun. Every pilot gets a certain number of disabled armored targets to hit in a specific time limit / with limited ammo. Person who clears them all in the fastest time is the Best AW Pilot (TM).
  10. Art3misZA


    Welcome officially! Hope to see you around more on our other servers too.
  11. I would love Vindicta or Antistasi as options every now and then for something different.
  12. Welcome! Hope to see you on our Invade and Annex servers.
  13. Must not shoot civilians. Must not shoot civilians… Though yay! I am excited!
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