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  1. Haha
    Sho_Iwaizumi got a reaction from RiverWolf in Frontlines Feedback Thread   
    Building Alignment didn't work and that stuff blew up and is now stuck in the air. We placed a new one and want refund

  2. Like
    Sho_Iwaizumi reacted to Havoc in Frontlines Feedback Thread   
    Would like an item in the self interaction menu that quickly toggles yourself unconscious, because sometimes a player that's been unconscious wakes up but it won't update on some clients and when a zeus toggles the player unconscious, and that seems to fix it.
  3. Haha
    Sho_Iwaizumi got a reaction from RiverWolf in PMC Ops REVENGE Week 8 @ 18:00 UTC 13/08/2021   
    At my work hep = Hepatitis
    Does that mean we spread some illness and they thanked us for that 🧐😂
  4. Like
    Sho_Iwaizumi reacted to DomT in Frontlines Feedback Thread   
    Done for next update, will show in brackets the number of players within 100m (irrespective of height) within the centre of the FOB or mobile respawn
  5. Thanks
    Sho_Iwaizumi reacted to TheScar in Invade & Annex 3 Version History And Feedback Thread   
    uh,is this even necessary?
    in fact,i´d rather love to see a decrease in UAVtools (1xGreyhawk,1 Sentinel by default,max 3 UAVdrones accessable at one time),get rid of the side reward chance to earn another Sentinel as UAVop has a shitload of tools accessable for 1 player only ( Spartan Gorgon,etc.)
    we r talkin about a "chance for ATGMs for UAVs",which might give a twist for regular UAVops when using those - but i d like to take a chance on limiting the goddamn on their own performing UAV fuckup s i m facing any given Sunday
    why is this even necessary to hint to players what the next AO will be 30sec ahead?
    it s a impact in server performance/scripts on the regular for every AO imo and has barely any use for the players
    i do approve testing different spawn delays for AO´s on game flow (1 min delay - 2 min delay - 5 min delay)
    offtopic :
    i do understand that there s a interest for new priority objectives,but i m tired of fighting all those com HQs and bunker shit in order to stop the overflow of enemy inf units (paratroopers) in a AO continuesly
    Priority objs need to have a certain danger and consequence element attached to them so the public acknowledge it as a threat and is motivated to eleminate the consequence .
    The perfect example there is the radiotower,that spawns jet in a certain time format (which also should be more randomized in time interval) and jets are a threat as well to our air elements as to the regular MBT camping that 3k off AO hill.
    Why not even add more Kajmans and Xians into the chain of end AO reinforcement choppers to spice things up and not Hellcats and Mohawks getting shot mid landing or on approach,making it just another day in the office.
    And for god sake,stop the use of the ammo truck as continues waves of fire with no end are happening.
    Hence,i watched a bunch of pathetic nubkins spamming the Pygros with not only grenades launchers (static Mk19 GMG) but also static AT launchers which is way off normal logic.
    Might edit the amount of ammo a ammo truck holds,but i guess that easily overruled once you drive over the FOB rearm points - or even let the respawn script kick in quicker and regardless of the 500m player range once the truck gets parked and has no driver ...
    There s definatly no easy fix for this thinkable,as there s also the guys that do repair and rearm as a game service/fetish.
    Addding to that there s not even a AW guideline in the admin team if this practice above is tolerated or frowned and if it needs actual moderation.
    It highly depends on the indivual admin that s there at the time.
    Also not to forget - OPTIMISATION of the mission file
    Out of my experience,the mission runs fine for 3-4h on my end,the longer i play the more tight is my mission performance.
    This wasnt always the case,i recall sessions of 10+ hours where i barely noticed issues regarding lagg or loading issues or partial game freeze for up to 40sec and more
    Is there any possibility of sliming the mission and enhancing the long time performance?
    While im at it,decrease the AO total count as on a 24h cycle there is no chance to keep the possibility of 456 AOs .
    We barely ever achieve more than 3 of 5 FOBs in a day,which is also a point ot tweak (6-8 AOs then a FOB AO,6-8 AOs > nxt FOB AO,etc)
    Or change the server restart time to 48h.
    Well,there s more to pinpoint and discuss on,but i m stopping myself there.
    Lookng forward to the community meeting or as i call it ....
  6. Like
    Sho_Iwaizumi reacted to MidnightRunner in Invade & Annex 3 Version History And Feedback Thread   
    @TheScar a lot to unpack here so let me know if I miss something
    ATGMs on UAVs: Something to add a little variety to the role, if it turns out to be unbalanced or negative to other players experience we can revert.   
    AO Hint: For the most part it helps pilots not get caught with an AO underneath them. A few seconds warning is not enough for anyone to get an unfair advantage on the next AO but could allow pilot to dive and run. Again if this turns out to be the opposite we can always revert.  
    Command HQ & new sub obj feedback: Thanks, will discuss how to better balance these objectives. Feedback was generally good for these but can understand they may be too aggressive. Will also discuss % of drops by attack craft.  
     Ammo trucks: Has been an issue from the start. Ammo trucks have a legitimate use and when used correctly are quite a positive thing but when used incorrectly are just game breaking. We have looked at several potential fixes but most options need a large rework of certain items which adds bloat to the mission. The admin team don't generally look well on this activity as it does fall under rule 4.2.1.Exploiting bugs, glitches, loopholes, exploits, … for personal gain will not be tolerated, but I do understand the mission has no automatic way of dealing with this when there is no admin present  
    Optimisation: When did you start noticing this? (Rough idea of when can indicate a version number when it started etc)  
    AO numbers: Reducing the overall number of AOs required to win, would require a change to the code but may not be difficult (honestly no idea what is required). I will discuss with the dev team.
  7. Like
  8. Like
    Sho_Iwaizumi reacted to MidnightRunner in Upcoming Friday Misisons   
    Hi All,
    Quick update on Friday stuff since we have had a 2 week break.
    Firstly Vietnam will return this Friday and continue for the next 3 to 4 weeks. Then, I have a 2 to 3 week story based set of missions, with some different mechanics than we are accustomed to but I think will make it interesting. Following this the CHADS will make their return in a new setting, to make some money while getting some payback for previous offenses against them.
    More info will be revealed on these in the next few weeks.
  9. Like
    Sho_Iwaizumi reacted to MidnightRunner in AW Mod Feedback Thread   
    Please post any suggestions / comments / constructive criticism in relation to the AW Mod in this thread.
    We have started a wiki here:
  10. Haha
    Sho_Iwaizumi got a reaction from RiverWolf in Command Channel and More Emphasis on Squads   
    From experience and ruleset on Liberation:
    Outside of Liberation Wednesday and usually below the player count of 5 you shouldn't expect other players to follow your command if you selected the Role of Platoon Commander or Squad/Team Leader and are new to those Players.
    On low player count we usually just agree on an objective with no "real plan" and bring equipment that we seem fit.
    So you might see a Medic running around with a Sniper/Marksman Rifle and an RPG *pokes @RiverWolf* xD
    Just an advise from a (former) "Liberation Resident" and AW Candidate for the Hague 2020 🤪
  11. Sad
    Sho_Iwaizumi reacted to Norris in Invade & Annex 3 Version History And Feedback Thread   
    Below is the change log for 3.3.68. It will go live after the restart on 02/17/2020.
    - [Added] Zeus Prio/Side exclusion zones
    - [Added] Zeus rewards dialog
    - [Added] Main AO subobjective: Command and Control
    - [Added] Main AO subobjective: Communications Hub
    - [Added] Steve's nephew Steve to FOB Last Stand
    - [Added] Steve's distant cousin Steve to FOB Marathon
    - [Added] Functionality for mission persistence
    - [Tweaked] BLUFOR vehicle customization scripts
    - [Tweaked] Arsenal/item restriction scripts
    - [Tweaked] Pilot and engineer refuel actions
    - [Tweaked] Dead player body ejection from vehicles
    - [Removed] CAS helis from Main AO
    - [Removed] Main AO subobjective: HQ Building
    - [Removed] Main AO subobjective: Supply Cache
    - [Removed] Infantry and Heli CAS from Prio: Factory
  12. Thanks
    Sho_Iwaizumi got a reaction from JJ Cakes in I was around in the early days of Ahoyworld (Summer 2013)   
    is it this one ?
    snatched it from TS File Browser when it was open
    Ahoy World Support.mp3
  13. Thanks
    Sho_Iwaizumi got a reaction from Karate Pyjamas in I was around in the early days of Ahoyworld (Summer 2013)   
    is it this one ?
    snatched it from TS File Browser when it was open
    Ahoy World Support.mp3
  14. Like
    Sho_Iwaizumi reacted to MidnightRunner in Vietnam 2: Napalm Boogaloo Week 1 29/01/2020 @19:00UTC   
    Mission Name:
    Vietnam Campaign Week 1
    Server Details: 
    Port: 2302
    Mods Required:
    AW Unsung.html
    TS address: ts.ahoyworld.net
    Expected Mission Length: 120+ minutes (may go over or under expected mission length)
    Player Slots: 41 (3 Squads of 11, Vortex and a 4 man command element)
    Having just been deployed to Vietnam your unit finds itself in the odd situation of being cut off from your designated patrol base.
    An offensive by the North Vietnamese has overrun the area and all friendly forces have withdrawn. Now that the enemy offensive has mostly been halted, your task is to restore order in the region and push the enemy out.  No air assets are currently available due to weather conditions.
    Once the FOB has been retaken aircraft will be able to operate from there. 
    6 x PBR MK.II
    Various ground support vehicles
    Other Assets will be available one the FOB has been established
    Friendly Forces:
    US Armed Forces
    Enemy Forces:
    North Vietnamese Army
    Viet Cong
    Civilian presence to be expected, concentrated in built up areas.
    Make your way down river by boat as weather has grounded most aircraft. Engage any enemy forces encountered and re establish to FOB and Patrol Base.
    1.Locate and reclaim the designated bases
    2. Engage and neutralise any enemy forces or equipment encountered
    Movement Plan:
    At Commanders discretion
    Rules of Engagement:
    Enemies may be engaged on sight based on current squad orders
    Civilians are present in the area so collateral damage is to be kept to a minimum.
    Admin & Logistics
    Equipment & Resupply:
    At the commander’s control, assets are available at base to facilitate this.
    At commanders discretion, transport assets are available.
    Command & Control
    Overall command lays with codename "Overlord" who will set objectives and ROE.
    Operational control on the ground lies with the Platoon Commander.
    Radio channels are set for each element and can be viewed as part of the Diary accessible through the map. Platoon has limited discretion for change but structure is to be maintained.

  15. Like
    Sho_Iwaizumi got a reaction from Pickle in AI drivers for vehicles.   
    That would be really sweet for solo players and you could singlehandedly take over an objective, which is not how you are meant to play on this server. The game mode is coop.
    As much as I like to play Solo, it is not something that I would want to have on EU1. It would be too Overpowered.
    I think you either mean the Game mode Warlords or Liberation where you can buy infantry with points or resources.
  16. Haha
    Sho_Iwaizumi reacted to souldeath1 in Knudde [DECO]   
    In-game name when banned: Knudde [DECO]
    What message displays when you attempt to connect? banned racism
    Why do you think you were banned? racism i called someone nigger but it was not really meant to be racism it was actually a joke.
    Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted? because ima good boy
    Which administrator banned you (if known): i think it was midnight runner or lindi
    When were you banned: about 3 or 4 months ago
    What server were you banned from? ARMA3 EU1/2
  17. Like
    Sho_Iwaizumi got a reaction from Schubz in AI drivers for vehicles.   
    That would be really sweet for solo players and you could singlehandedly take over an objective, which is not how you are meant to play on this server. The game mode is coop.
    As much as I like to play Solo, it is not something that I would want to have on EU1. It would be too Overpowered.
    I think you either mean the Game mode Warlords or Liberation where you can buy infantry with points or resources.
  18. Like
    Sho_Iwaizumi got a reaction from Everett in RPG-7 in i&A   
    To correct your english and make it more formal (although you already requested the Head Range Plus TrackIR Mod once already):
    Hello Moderation and Admin Team, My questions are:
    1) is it possible to have the RPG-7 on the I&A Server or is it not
    2) Head Range Plus - TrackIR Mod is a mod for people that have TrackIR and using that to look around. Here are pictures and videos on it: 
    (Insert Video Link here) -------> when you can't look behind your jet, with this you can
    (Insert Video Link here) -------> Here where you can not look out, but with the Mod you can do it
    or when you are sitting in a Mohawk or Huron (Chinook) and (sorry I don't understand this part at all so I can't translate or correct it)
    You can't know if some people are inside or not.
    TrackIR is a Client sided but I can't use it on the server because it is not allowed on it.
    3/8) That's all. I hope I get a reply/message with "no we don't do it" or "we are checking on it and something else"
    Sorry if I have some misspellings in here.
    But thank you and see you in the game
    ENG: Please try to avoid unnecessary content.
    I recommend you to make use of Google Translator as it isn't as bad people think it is/was.
    GER: Bitte vermeide unnötige Inhalte in Forum Posts.
    Ich empfehle dir Google Übersetzer zu nutzen, da es nicht so schlecht ist wie die meisten Leute denken.
    Greetings/Viele Grüße
    Another German/ein anderer Deutscher
  19. Like
    Sho_Iwaizumi got a reaction from Schubz in Ahoyworld End of the Year 2020 RESULTS   
    Aye thank you all for voting me in as Candidate for The Hague 2020.
    I shall hand myself to The Hague in with an ArmA3 T-Shirt (and some cuffed POWs) as soon as Rona is over 😂
  20. Haha
    Sho_Iwaizumi got a reaction from Art3misZA in Ahoyworld End of the Year 2020 RESULTS   
    Aye thank you all for voting me in as Candidate for The Hague 2020.
    I shall hand myself to The Hague in with an ArmA3 T-Shirt (and some cuffed POWs) as soon as Rona is over 😂
  21. Haha
    Sho_Iwaizumi got a reaction from RiverWolf in Ahoyworld End of the Year 2020 RESULTS   
    Aye thank you all for voting me in as Candidate for The Hague 2020.
    I shall hand myself to The Hague in with an ArmA3 T-Shirt (and some cuffed POWs) as soon as Rona is over 😂
  22. Haha
    Sho_Iwaizumi reacted to RiverWolf in Ahoyworld End of the Year 2020 RESULTS   
    Thanks guys for the nominations <3 Going to have to make sure not to pick up the most drunk award next year 😆
  23. Like
    Sho_Iwaizumi reacted to Toasted_Bread_Slice in Ahoyworld End of the Year 2020 RESULTS   
    I am honored to recieve AW Worst Pilot 2020
    i'll go pickup a copy of flying for dummies
  24. Like
    Sho_Iwaizumi reacted to Lindi in Ahoyworld End of the Year 2020 RESULTS   
    Thank you everyone, I am humbled.
  25. Thanks
    Sho_Iwaizumi reacted to Norris in Ahoyworld End of the Year 2020 RESULTS   
    Congratulations to the members below, you earned it!
    AW MVP 2020: @Stanhope
    AW Most Friendly Admin/Moderator/Spartan 2020: @Lindi
    AW Most Helpful Admin/Moderator/Spartan 2020: @Stanhope
    AW Most Active Staff Member 2020: @MidnightRunner
    AW Strictest Staff Member 2020: @LH5
    AW Best Team Player 2020: @Bomer
    AW Most Helpful Member *Non Staff* 2020: @Gambit
    AW Most Friendly Member 2020: @Art3misZA
    AW Tacti-cool member 2020: @Minipily's moustache
    AW Underrated Member 2020: @RiverWolf
    AW Most Incoherent Member 2020: @RiverWolf
    AW DAAASSS BOOOOT (formerly Drunkest member) 2020: @RiverWolf
    AW Best Pilot 2020: @Gambit
    AW Worst Pilot 2020: @Toasted_Bread_Slice
    AW Best Voice 2020: @Murph He's Batman
    AW Funniest Person on Team Speak 2020: @WinterMute
    AW Worst Joke 2020: @LH5 the shear amount of "Hi back" among other jokes was...well you earned it!  
    AW Best Moment 2020 (can be in-game, on Team Speak or Forum): @MidnightRunner rendition of "Sick note" 
    AW Best Forum Post (please put URL in): 
    AW Dankest Meme Post In Discord 2020: N/A
    AW Best Driver 2020: @Minipily
    AW Worst Driver 2020: @Xwatt 
    AW Best Fail 2020: @Jochem, there were many different situations you were in to get you this. ACRE was second
    AW Best Ban of 2020: 
    AW Team Speak Channel 2020: Setup room
    AW Best Screen Shot 2020: 
    AW Best/Worst Call-out 2020: @Stryker990, many different situations here.
    AW Candidate for the Hague 2020: @Sho_Iwaizumi
    AW Role Model 2020: @MidnightRunner
    Thank you all for participating. Next year we will have a new format for you to fill so it should be easier. Once again congratulations to the winners and we will see you next year.
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