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    Schubz reacted to ansin11 in PMC Ops Hell Week 7 04/09/2020 @ 17:30 UTC   
    The Tale of Bravo as told by team leader ansin11
    A comedy in five acts
    During the final hours of the CHADS' deployment to Hell, the legendary Bravo team was comprised of five experienced operators: @Assault, @Miksi, @Schubz, @Toasted_Bread_Slice and @ansin11.
    The story begins after Bravo, shining in a last moment of undimmed glory, leads the CHADS convoy to the first staging point (after the previous lead vehicle, manned by Alpha, stayed back to heroically face the enemy).
    Act 1: Bravo attempts to complete the first objective
    The first objective assigned to Bravo is simple: Get to a road just north of Sunray's location and provide security for the rendezvous with him. Bravo dismounts 200 meters away and moves in on foot.
    Cresting a hill not ten meters from the road, team leader ansin11 makes a mistake that triggers a series of unfortunate events: He spots one or two Russians walking down the road towards him and his team, but he fails to obtain more information on the enemy force as he hastily retreats behind the hill in an attempt to hide. But in vain - as Bravo realizes far too late, the enemy has seen them and moves in to engage. Only Miksi survives.
    Act 2: Bravo attempts to reach the first waypoint
    Four members of Bravo are reinserted by Vortex. The LZ at the Staging Point is lukewarm (Toast dies), but the survivors manage to disengage and link up with Miksi at their GAZ-233014 MRAP. New orders come in: Bravo is to secure the first waypoint on the bumpy road to extraction, ahead of the main convoy. Sadly, Bravo never achieves this. Seconds after regrouping with freshly reinserted Toast, Bravo's MRAP loses both rear wheels to enemy fire. Toast loses connection.
    Act 3: Bravo attempts to get airlifted
    The Bravo team abandones the immobile vehicle and retreats to the tiny settlement of Kangas. Platoon commander @kman dispatches Vortex to airlift the team, but the MH-6M comes under fire and has to land hastily. The main rotor collides with a compound wall and is lost. Fortunately, after the crew has conducted emergency repairs (twice), the Little Bird is able to take off with Bravo on board.
    But the joy of flight is short-lived, as the aircraft's engine and rear rotor are taken out by autocannon fire three swift kilometers later. Pilot @Norris expertly carries out an emergency landing in a field northeast of Troihari, but the moment of relief is brief (somewhere in the region of around five seconds), as two Russian MRAPs are on the road just 200 meters to the northwest. When PC arrives on the scene just seconds later, Vortex are the only survivors.
    Act 4: Bravo attempts to reinsert
    Back at the safehouse, Bravo is temporarily reunited with Toast, but he soon takes off on a bicycle. The rest of the team is joined by Charlie member @FrOzT, and after acquiring another GAZ they embark on the long journey towards extraction.
    In a completely unprecedented display of tactical driving skill, Assault safely navigates the MRAP through what is referred to by professionals as a non-permissive environment, masterfully breaching a roadblock (as seen in Attachment 1) and taking several patrols head-on. The enemy, unable to counter this remarkable feat, is forced to resort to shooting Bravo in the back with an AA turret (as seen in Attachment 2). Only ansin11 survives.
    Act 5: Bravo attempts to exfiltrate
    At the safehouse again, Toast rejoins the returning three Bravo members, and together with Frozt, they begin their second attempt to reach the extraction point. Meanwhile, retaining only a fraction of the normal amount of blood in his body, ansin11 demonstrates basic SERE capabilities and narrowly evades being captured or killed by enemy forces.
    After a while (and one hell of a ride), the others manage to pick up the team leader and the MRAP heads towards the extraction point - which is, unbeknownst to the six heroes, occupied by friendly forces.
    Just as Bravo prepares to engage the units at the extraction point, the mission ends.
    And thus, thanks to Bravo's essential contribution to the operation, the other CHADS elements were able to successfully complete the mission - and they lived happily ever after.
  2. Like
    Schubz reacted to Bomer in Friday Night WW2 Hype   
    Or put one german in each squad as translator.
  3. Sad
    Schubz reacted to Noah_Hero in Friday Night WW2 Hype   
    Alpha already did D-Day this year: https://forums.ahoyworld.net/topic/14780-war-for-altis-act-2-mission-8-modded-zeus-ops-190420-1630-utc/?do=findComment&comment=131344
  4. Like
    Schubz reacted to MidnightRunner in PMC Ops Hell Week 7 04/09/2020 @ 17:30 UTC   
    Mission Name:
    PMC Ops Hell Week 7
    Server Details: 
    Port: 2302
    Mods Required:
    TS address: ts.ahoyworld.net
    Expected Mission Length: 120+ minutes (may go over or under expected mission length)
    Player Slots: 35 (5 Teams of 6, command and vortex )
    Following the Russian airbourne incursion and assault on the Farm, the Combat Hounds withdrew to their safehouse, a petrol station disused after an FLF attack. From here they seek to regroup and plan their next move. Obviously the CHADS are not equipped to fight a full on ground war so it is time to leave. However, getting out of the area may prove to be tricky. We have maybe had one stroke of luck. The Finnish government minister Codename Sunray was in the area when the Russians landed, he too has retreated to a safe position. Finnish authorities have agreed to extract the remaining Combat Hounds from the area but only if the Combats Hounds deliver Sunray to the extraction site safely.
    1 x MH-6M Littlebird
    Various ground transport and support vehicles
    Friendly Forces:
    Finnish Maavoimat (Army)
    Enemy Forces:
    Militant Extremists group known as Suomen vapautusrintama or Finnish Liberation Front
    Russian VDV
    Large civilian presence to be expected.
    Find Sunray and deliver him safely to the extraction zone in the West. 
    1. Find and secure Sunray
    2. Escort Sunray to the Extraction site safely.
    Movement Plan:
    At Commanders discretion
    Rules of Engagement: 
    Marked military vehicles may be engaged at will. Change in ROE 
    Return fire only in all other circumstances.
    Civilians are present in the area so collateral damage is to be kept to a minimum.
    Only buildings clearly being used for a military purpose may be engaged.
    Civilian life must be protected (Hearts and minds)
    Admin & Logistics
    Equipment & Resupply:
    At the commander’s control, assets are available at base to facilitate this.
    At commanders discretion, transport assets are available.
    You are now able to check everyone's role through the map and settings tab.
    Command & Control
    Overall command lays with codename "Overlord" who will set objectives and ROE.
    Operational control on the ground lies with the Platoon Commander.
    You are now able to check everyone's role through the map and settings tab.
    Radio channels are set for each element and can be viewed as part of the Diary accessible through the map . Platoon has limited discretion for change but structure is to be maintained.
  5. Like
    Schubz reacted to Norris in PMC Ops Hell Week 6 28/08/2020 @ 17:30 UTC   
    The only thing I will add is the communication was very congested... and to your question kman there are very few places i know of that use command to all elements... usually radio protocol dictates that it goes YOU [Alpha] ME [Command] with the message being after this. Think of it like a verbal handshake. It takes a lot of practice to know what to say on the radio and how to say it. If you ADD a bunch of words like the movies or tv shows the message will be very long and maybe hard to digest. Before you press the PTT button think of what you want to say and then shorten it by filtering out non-essential words. Think of radio traffic like a precious metal, hard to come by and is extremely valuable...so you do not want to waste it with long drawn out conversations, especially when it could save someones or a squads life.  
      Alpha this is Command. ISR has reported the location of the drone to be in north east of the forest and is currently having troops approach it from the east. That is a lot of info to digest with many filler words being put in.
      Try, Alpha, Command. ISR marked drone on map, enemies approaching from the east. Short, simple and easy to digest even if you are in a firefight.
  6. Like
    Schubz reacted to Gambit in PMC Ops Hell Week 6 28/08/2020 @ 17:30 UTC   
    Vortex is pretty autonomus in regards of picking LZs, we just need information. Most of it is gathered by the transported infantry and listening on the squad channels (at least thats how i do it) i rarely ask pltco for an LZ. A FAC is more accessible to gather confirmation on the gathered info, or a more direct and quick update but in my opinion not 100% necessary. If we have one ,happy days, if the ISR is otherwise heavly tasked understandable that he cant handle FAC.
    What i think contributes to information being ignored (conclusion from the long line of pltcos/sls so far) is when leading roles step into the fight. In my opinion the higher you are up the chain the more you have to remove yourself from the front line and focus on what is happening around you, shift the priority towards listening instead of dakka dakka away, spend time anticipating enemy positions and plan ahead accordingly, even plan the radio messages. Long, drawn out radio messages which clutter the plt channel comes from hasty reports, pressing the transmit button before knowing what to say. Trying to hit an enemy 300+ out who is ducking between cover and concealment sure makes ppl ignore radio chatter not to mention processing information, draws focus away from the big picture. In my opinion ISR being on plt net is beneficial, he has the most information. Even if the info is not specifically for you, if you are having some downtime, you can process that info and see how you can help out other teams and plan ahead, and avoid situations where a zsu rolls in on your flank and the whole squad is paniked because the info wasnt specifically prefixed with your squad's callsign and the squad who was protecting your flank was mowed down by it. This is the burden of a leadership role. Less pew pew more thinking. 
    I have one more personal opinion about how the second half was handled. Invasion begun, half of the platoon gave up at that point, started joking around, while others were still out there. And the things i heard, "shut it down" "make it stop" then "i didnt get any action for 40 minutes now" while sitting at the new respawn point. I dont like that, but that is just me. What if we flip the situation, you are the ones out there, how would you lot feel about us leaving you there, instead of mounting an effort to get some action just sit and complain about not getting any action. Teamwork being praised, advertised, and when i heard those sentences i was disappointed. Storytime about your legendary death has its own time, after the mission is finished. Maybe its just me, but i think teamwork begins when you start caring.
  7. Like
    Schubz reacted to kman in PMC Ops Hell Week 6 28/08/2020 @ 17:30 UTC   
    PMC Hell, my role: PLT
    Zeus: @MidnightRunner
    ISR: @SiegeSix
    A @Ryko, B @Miksi, C @Jochem
    VRT: @Gambit, @Norris
    Thanks for this mission Midnight, it was rly fun even if tough for me.
    With the benefit of hindsight, it might have been easier to stay in base as PLT because of hectic comms, but still glad I got to be in field.
    Alternatively a FAC could have been helpful, since A, B, C, 2xVortex and ISR on top, make for a LOT of traffic.
    Any feedback on my mess and what to improve will be appreciated.

    Also an afterthough:
    I believe it was Jochem, who mentioned that he didnt hear the info about objective location being discovered by ISR, since he can miss (filter out) any comms not mentioning his callsign.
    It is true, that several times during this mission, I have opened comms with:
    "Command to all elements...<message>"
    I used this for objective being discovered by ISR (to redirect all teams to it) and also to call retreat and inform teams about fallback position (or lack of thereoff, once I believed Secondary was overrun).
    I do not know, if this is acceptable radio form, or if it is better to use: "Alpha, Bravo, Charlie...<message>" to make callsigns notice better
    Maybe Norris would have input to that.

    PS: The whole miscommunication with Secondary Extraction being overrun kinda made the mission frustrating and even more fun at the same time, only Arma can give you moments like that.
  8. Like
    Schubz reacted to MidnightRunner in PMC Ops Hell Week 6 28/08/2020 @ 17:30 UTC   
    Mission Name:
    PMC Ops Hell Week 6
    Server Details: 
    Port: 2302
    Mods Required:
     Arma 3 Preset PMC Hell.html
    TS address: ts.ahoyworld.net
    Expected Mission Length: 120+ minutes (may go over or under expected mission length)
    Player Slots: 35 (5 Teams of 6, command and vortex )
    After multiple instances of trespass in their airspace Finnish authorities have shot down an unidentified and unresponsive aircraft which has crashed south of our position. In order to discover the source of this jet the Finnish authorities have requested we attempt to recover a flight recorder or something similar which will give insight into the source of this aircraft. Early reports suggest it was a jet from the Mig family. ISR is reporting an increased level of activity around the crash site, suggesting that the FLF are looking for the same thing, possibly to cover up the information we are trying to recover.
    1 x MH-6M Littlebird
    1 x Bell UH-1H
    Various ground transport and support vehicles
    Friendly Forces:
    Finnish Maavoimat (Army)
    Enemy Forces:
    Militant Extremists group known as Suomen vapautusrintama or Finnish Liberation Front
    Large civilian presence to be expected.
    Find and recover the flight info from the crash site before the FLF can get their hands on it.
    1. Recover the flight recorder data from the crashed jet 
    Movement Plan:
    At Commanders discretion
    Rules of Engagement: 
    Marked military vehicles may be engaged at will. Change in ROE 
    Return fire only in all other circumstances.
    Civilians are present in the area so collateral damage is to be kept to a minimum.
    Only buildings clearly being used for a military purpose may be engaged.
    Civilian life must be protected (Hearts and minds)
    Admin & Logistics
    Equipment & Resupply:
    At the commander’s control, assets are available at base to facilitate this.
    At commanders discretion, transport assets are available.
    You are now able to check everyone's role through the map and settings tab.
    Command & Control
    Overall command lays with codename "Overlord" who will set objectives and ROE.
    Operational control on the ground lies with the Platoon Commander.
    You are now able to check everyone's role through the map and settings tab.
    Radio channels are set for each element and can be viewed as part of the Diary accessible through the map . Platoon has limited discretion for change but structure is to be maintained.

  9. Like
    Schubz reacted to SkullCollector in [AWE] Liberation SUNDAY -- NEXT: 30/08/2020 @ 1730 UTC   
    Mission Summary
    Every Wednesday This Sunday, we turn a regular bout of Liberation around to show off what we can do when we put our minds to it.
    Expect a solid experience with high emphasis on teamwork and structure, with an established Chain of Command formed before the mission. Staff will support it all.
    These are the days when we push for harder objectives or complex operations in combined arms, or try things we normally would not.
    Modset Required
    AW Liberation Lythium.html
    For first-time players, read till the end for a setup guide.
    Mission Runtime
    Roughly 2 hours with a chance to carry on open-ended
    Friendly Forces
    Russian Armed Forces
    Opposing Forces
    A Russian combined-arms counter-insurgency task force has been deployed to the mountainous region of Lythium to deter and squash a local uprising. The insurgents have captured every town and base in the area of operations and are therefore overly well armed, including an armoured corps and jets from the military airfields. They are supplemented by outdated surplus.
    Our forces have established a preliminary foothold between Razbula and Afsher to create a forward buffer zone.
    Clear the region of insurgent forces. Capture strategic objectives. Establish favourable relations with the local populace.
    TBD by Acting Command on Sunday every Wednesday
    1x 3-man HQ (CMD, RTO, UAV)
    3x 9-man Rifle Squads
    1x 3-man Fire Support Group
    1x 3-man Hammer Crew
    2x 2-man Air Crew
    1x 2-man Logistics
    Admin & Logistics
    - Unlimited
    - Re-insertions via air at CMD/RTO's discretion
    - Vehicle deployment at CMD's discretion
    - Ammunition and supplies available at the supply depot
    - FOBs act as an arsenal 
    Command & Control
    Operations and ground control lie solely with the platoon commander. RTO handles air traffic and can supplement comms.
    Squad leaders are responsible for the operational effectiveness of their teams.

  10. Haha
    Schubz reacted to RiverWolf in ArmA 3 Screenies & Videos Thread   
    I upgraded his Kart later that evening 😄

  11. Like
    Schubz reacted to Norris in Screenies and Videos Thread   
  12. Like
    Schubz reacted to Lindi in [official poll] TFAR vs. ACRE on AWE (read!)   
    I'm going to say either one is fine for me. My very limited experience with ACRE made me feel it is a very solid mod and I believe the range/signal limitations could add a layer of challenge/team play that we've not seen before.

    I rather enjoyed the unsung campaign as well where the radios were limited and squads had to stick with their team leaders if they wanted to be part of the action.
  13. Like
    Schubz reacted to back_in_a_minute in Hi guys, from Holland.   
    I'm a new member here, and would like to introduce myself.
    My name is Eise (back_in_a_minute), i'm 55 years old and live in the Netherlands.
    I recall to have played ARMA-2, the free version, so i became curious for ARMA-3.
    I have played BF-2, 3,4 a very long time now, but i am getting tired of those hacker that play.(Origin doesn't bother about that).
    I also saw a topic about "my rig", will come back later for that.
    That's all  about me.
  14. Haha
    Schubz reacted to SiegeSix in Operation Lion's Den 31/07/2020 @ 17:30 UTC   
    I tried to translate "never gonna give you, never gonna let you down, never gonna turn around and desert you" and put english words between the commas, but I can translating it back makes more sense
  15. Haha
    Schubz got a reaction from WinterMute in Letters From The Front - 29/07/20   
    Hello my beloved brother Oleg!
    It is me, the little brother of you. I hope you are in good health and things are of greatness in Motherland Russia.
    Please tell mama and babushka that I‘m in good condition and I have a great time here in [УДАЛЕНО] with my comrades.
    I’m of writing to you in English because old friend Wanja told me that you learn the language of the spies as well as me. ха ха!
    We were ordered of taking part in an operation this [УДАЛЕНО]. All went some kind of well for our team of soldiers. This time we had of 4 or 5 foreign brothers in arms from the brother land of nemezki in our group. At one time while on our way to the objective our transport apparat of wheels got in conflict with the terrain and the velocity - and your little brother got „yeeted“ out from the gunner seat to a flight (like sputnik) over the hard ground of [УДАЛЕНО]. ха ха! I went to the hospital but got back to my comrades very shortly after. It was like of some magic going on.
    We arrived at hour first hold in [УДАЛЕНО] were we had to secure the south valley and saw some bad guys coming to us from far away. Im proud to say that I/we managed to stop these guys over a distance of the 3 quarters of a kilometrov. Despite the fact that I'm of not having scope and no magnification. 
    So xarasho so far for us until we got to our main objektifnaya where we switched between of fighting from distance from a njet good spot towards [УДАЛЕНО]. At some time we were of storming to the compounds down the hill but got soon wounded and worse. Blyat. ха ха!
    You can surely be proud of us, because my comrades and me were of able to eleminate the threads sooner and later. And I was even of possible to clear many buildings and took fotografias of the colorful carpets inside of the houses in [УДАЛЕНО]. We found a minefield around a kaput bus in the middle of that city, it was of very weird and your stupid brother managed to walk through that place avoiding all the explosions, but I didn‘t know about mines that time. Two of hour friends weren‘t of luck and got blown to pieces.
    Two of our members in the squad were of problema with the radio apparat, but I think it was because they were of using amerikanski radio wave transmitting device. Instead of using the superior apparat from our Warsaw Pact.
    Finally we arrived at the [УДАЛЕНО] of [УДАЛЕНО]. We saw many tanks and angry men there and one tank shoot me with his big kanonskaya and I swear by the founders of our motherland the thing just appeared behind your unaware brother. 
    After I was back, I was of shooting and hitting with the little rocket pipe to damage a starting Suchoi that appears to be struggling to take off from the high velocity starting road. xa xa! 
    It was of big chaos at this time and I lost nearly all of my team members and also was of very short of bullets for my kalashnikov, but got joined with the [УДАЛЕНО] team and we fought our way trough the rest of the [УДАЛЕНО]. 
    It was surely a great mission and our team leaders and commanders and pilots and tank brothers did the best to bring us to be of fighting brave and organized and efficient. 
    Whoever was of designing and planning and commanding this assault will become big hero of russia some day, I'm of sure.
    After the combat we all visited nice town of  [УДАЛЕНО] and I was of buying a couple of nice and prekraznuyi little things for you, mama and babushka. 
    I’m full of hopings to see you all soon in good health.
    Take care of you, brother and tell babushka and mama to not be of sorrow. 
    We will win this war for our prekraznaja motherland!

  16. Thanks
    Schubz got a reaction from GhostDragon in Letters From The Front - 29/07/20   
    Hello my beloved brother Oleg!
    It is me, the little brother of you. I hope you are in good health and things are of greatness in Motherland Russia.
    Please tell mama and babushka that I‘m in good condition and I have a great time here in [УДАЛЕНО] with my comrades.
    I’m of writing to you in English because old friend Wanja told me that you learn the language of the spies as well as me. ха ха!
    We were ordered of taking part in an operation this [УДАЛЕНО]. All went some kind of well for our team of soldiers. This time we had of 4 or 5 foreign brothers in arms from the brother land of nemezki in our group. At one time while on our way to the objective our transport apparat of wheels got in conflict with the terrain and the velocity - and your little brother got „yeeted“ out from the gunner seat to a flight (like sputnik) over the hard ground of [УДАЛЕНО]. ха ха! I went to the hospital but got back to my comrades very shortly after. It was like of some magic going on.
    We arrived at hour first hold in [УДАЛЕНО] were we had to secure the south valley and saw some bad guys coming to us from far away. Im proud to say that I/we managed to stop these guys over a distance of the 3 quarters of a kilometrov. Despite the fact that I'm of not having scope and no magnification. 
    So xarasho so far for us until we got to our main objektifnaya where we switched between of fighting from distance from a njet good spot towards [УДАЛЕНО]. At some time we were of storming to the compounds down the hill but got soon wounded and worse. Blyat. ха ха!
    You can surely be proud of us, because my comrades and me were of able to eleminate the threads sooner and later. And I was even of possible to clear many buildings and took fotografias of the colorful carpets inside of the houses in [УДАЛЕНО]. We found a minefield around a kaput bus in the middle of that city, it was of very weird and your stupid brother managed to walk through that place avoiding all the explosions, but I didn‘t know about mines that time. Two of hour friends weren‘t of luck and got blown to pieces.
    Two of our members in the squad were of problema with the radio apparat, but I think it was because they were of using amerikanski radio wave transmitting device. Instead of using the superior apparat from our Warsaw Pact.
    Finally we arrived at the [УДАЛЕНО] of [УДАЛЕНО]. We saw many tanks and angry men there and one tank shoot me with his big kanonskaya and I swear by the founders of our motherland the thing just appeared behind your unaware brother. 
    After I was back, I was of shooting and hitting with the little rocket pipe to damage a starting Suchoi that appears to be struggling to take off from the high velocity starting road. xa xa! 
    It was of big chaos at this time and I lost nearly all of my team members and also was of very short of bullets for my kalashnikov, but got joined with the [УДАЛЕНО] team and we fought our way trough the rest of the [УДАЛЕНО]. 
    It was surely a great mission and our team leaders and commanders and pilots and tank brothers did the best to bring us to be of fighting brave and organized and efficient. 
    Whoever was of designing and planning and commanding this assault will become big hero of russia some day, I'm of sure.
    After the combat we all visited nice town of  [УДАЛЕНО] and I was of buying a couple of nice and prekraznuyi little things for you, mama and babushka. 
    I’m full of hopings to see you all soon in good health.
    Take care of you, brother and tell babushka and mama to not be of sorrow. 
    We will win this war for our prekraznaja motherland!

  17. Haha
    Schubz got a reaction from RiverWolf in Letters From The Front - 29/07/20   
    Hello my beloved brother Oleg!
    It is me, the little brother of you. I hope you are in good health and things are of greatness in Motherland Russia.
    Please tell mama and babushka that I‘m in good condition and I have a great time here in [УДАЛЕНО] with my comrades.
    I’m of writing to you in English because old friend Wanja told me that you learn the language of the spies as well as me. ха ха!
    We were ordered of taking part in an operation this [УДАЛЕНО]. All went some kind of well for our team of soldiers. This time we had of 4 or 5 foreign brothers in arms from the brother land of nemezki in our group. At one time while on our way to the objective our transport apparat of wheels got in conflict with the terrain and the velocity - and your little brother got „yeeted“ out from the gunner seat to a flight (like sputnik) over the hard ground of [УДАЛЕНО]. ха ха! I went to the hospital but got back to my comrades very shortly after. It was like of some magic going on.
    We arrived at hour first hold in [УДАЛЕНО] were we had to secure the south valley and saw some bad guys coming to us from far away. Im proud to say that I/we managed to stop these guys over a distance of the 3 quarters of a kilometrov. Despite the fact that I'm of not having scope and no magnification. 
    So xarasho so far for us until we got to our main objektifnaya where we switched between of fighting from distance from a njet good spot towards [УДАЛЕНО]. At some time we were of storming to the compounds down the hill but got soon wounded and worse. Blyat. ха ха!
    You can surely be proud of us, because my comrades and me were of able to eleminate the threads sooner and later. And I was even of possible to clear many buildings and took fotografias of the colorful carpets inside of the houses in [УДАЛЕНО]. We found a minefield around a kaput bus in the middle of that city, it was of very weird and your stupid brother managed to walk through that place avoiding all the explosions, but I didn‘t know about mines that time. Two of hour friends weren‘t of luck and got blown to pieces.
    Two of our members in the squad were of problema with the radio apparat, but I think it was because they were of using amerikanski radio wave transmitting device. Instead of using the superior apparat from our Warsaw Pact.
    Finally we arrived at the [УДАЛЕНО] of [УДАЛЕНО]. We saw many tanks and angry men there and one tank shoot me with his big kanonskaya and I swear by the founders of our motherland the thing just appeared behind your unaware brother. 
    After I was back, I was of shooting and hitting with the little rocket pipe to damage a starting Suchoi that appears to be struggling to take off from the high velocity starting road. xa xa! 
    It was of big chaos at this time and I lost nearly all of my team members and also was of very short of bullets for my kalashnikov, but got joined with the [УДАЛЕНО] team and we fought our way trough the rest of the [УДАЛЕНО]. 
    It was surely a great mission and our team leaders and commanders and pilots and tank brothers did the best to bring us to be of fighting brave and organized and efficient. 
    Whoever was of designing and planning and commanding this assault will become big hero of russia some day, I'm of sure.
    After the combat we all visited nice town of  [УДАЛЕНО] and I was of buying a couple of nice and prekraznuyi little things for you, mama and babushka. 
    I’m full of hopings to see you all soon in good health.
    Take care of you, brother and tell babushka and mama to not be of sorrow. 
    We will win this war for our prekraznaja motherland!

  18. Haha
    Schubz got a reaction from Mikael in Letters From The Front - 29/07/20   
    Hello my beloved brother Oleg!
    It is me, the little brother of you. I hope you are in good health and things are of greatness in Motherland Russia.
    Please tell mama and babushka that I‘m in good condition and I have a great time here in [УДАЛЕНО] with my comrades.
    I’m of writing to you in English because old friend Wanja told me that you learn the language of the spies as well as me. ха ха!
    We were ordered of taking part in an operation this [УДАЛЕНО]. All went some kind of well for our team of soldiers. This time we had of 4 or 5 foreign brothers in arms from the brother land of nemezki in our group. At one time while on our way to the objective our transport apparat of wheels got in conflict with the terrain and the velocity - and your little brother got „yeeted“ out from the gunner seat to a flight (like sputnik) over the hard ground of [УДАЛЕНО]. ха ха! I went to the hospital but got back to my comrades very shortly after. It was like of some magic going on.
    We arrived at hour first hold in [УДАЛЕНО] were we had to secure the south valley and saw some bad guys coming to us from far away. Im proud to say that I/we managed to stop these guys over a distance of the 3 quarters of a kilometrov. Despite the fact that I'm of not having scope and no magnification. 
    So xarasho so far for us until we got to our main objektifnaya where we switched between of fighting from distance from a njet good spot towards [УДАЛЕНО]. At some time we were of storming to the compounds down the hill but got soon wounded and worse. Blyat. ха ха!
    You can surely be proud of us, because my comrades and me were of able to eleminate the threads sooner and later. And I was even of possible to clear many buildings and took fotografias of the colorful carpets inside of the houses in [УДАЛЕНО]. We found a minefield around a kaput bus in the middle of that city, it was of very weird and your stupid brother managed to walk through that place avoiding all the explosions, but I didn‘t know about mines that time. Two of hour friends weren‘t of luck and got blown to pieces.
    Two of our members in the squad were of problema with the radio apparat, but I think it was because they were of using amerikanski radio wave transmitting device. Instead of using the superior apparat from our Warsaw Pact.
    Finally we arrived at the [УДАЛЕНО] of [УДАЛЕНО]. We saw many tanks and angry men there and one tank shoot me with his big kanonskaya and I swear by the founders of our motherland the thing just appeared behind your unaware brother. 
    After I was back, I was of shooting and hitting with the little rocket pipe to damage a starting Suchoi that appears to be struggling to take off from the high velocity starting road. xa xa! 
    It was of big chaos at this time and I lost nearly all of my team members and also was of very short of bullets for my kalashnikov, but got joined with the [УДАЛЕНО] team and we fought our way trough the rest of the [УДАЛЕНО]. 
    It was surely a great mission and our team leaders and commanders and pilots and tank brothers did the best to bring us to be of fighting brave and organized and efficient. 
    Whoever was of designing and planning and commanding this assault will become big hero of russia some day, I'm of sure.
    After the combat we all visited nice town of  [УДАЛЕНО] and I was of buying a couple of nice and prekraznuyi little things for you, mama and babushka. 
    I’m full of hopings to see you all soon in good health.
    Take care of you, brother and tell babushka and mama to not be of sorrow. 
    We will win this war for our prekraznaja motherland!

  19. Like
    Schubz got a reaction from Xwatt in Letters From The Front - 29/07/20   
    Hello my beloved brother Oleg!
    It is me, the little brother of you. I hope you are in good health and things are of greatness in Motherland Russia.
    Please tell mama and babushka that I‘m in good condition and I have a great time here in [УДАЛЕНО] with my comrades.
    I’m of writing to you in English because old friend Wanja told me that you learn the language of the spies as well as me. ха ха!
    We were ordered of taking part in an operation this [УДАЛЕНО]. All went some kind of well for our team of soldiers. This time we had of 4 or 5 foreign brothers in arms from the brother land of nemezki in our group. At one time while on our way to the objective our transport apparat of wheels got in conflict with the terrain and the velocity - and your little brother got „yeeted“ out from the gunner seat to a flight (like sputnik) over the hard ground of [УДАЛЕНО]. ха ха! I went to the hospital but got back to my comrades very shortly after. It was like of some magic going on.
    We arrived at hour first hold in [УДАЛЕНО] were we had to secure the south valley and saw some bad guys coming to us from far away. Im proud to say that I/we managed to stop these guys over a distance of the 3 quarters of a kilometrov. Despite the fact that I'm of not having scope and no magnification. 
    So xarasho so far for us until we got to our main objektifnaya where we switched between of fighting from distance from a njet good spot towards [УДАЛЕНО]. At some time we were of storming to the compounds down the hill but got soon wounded and worse. Blyat. ха ха!
    You can surely be proud of us, because my comrades and me were of able to eleminate the threads sooner and later. And I was even of possible to clear many buildings and took fotografias of the colorful carpets inside of the houses in [УДАЛЕНО]. We found a minefield around a kaput bus in the middle of that city, it was of very weird and your stupid brother managed to walk through that place avoiding all the explosions, but I didn‘t know about mines that time. Two of hour friends weren‘t of luck and got blown to pieces.
    Two of our members in the squad were of problema with the radio apparat, but I think it was because they were of using amerikanski radio wave transmitting device. Instead of using the superior apparat from our Warsaw Pact.
    Finally we arrived at the [УДАЛЕНО] of [УДАЛЕНО]. We saw many tanks and angry men there and one tank shoot me with his big kanonskaya and I swear by the founders of our motherland the thing just appeared behind your unaware brother. 
    After I was back, I was of shooting and hitting with the little rocket pipe to damage a starting Suchoi that appears to be struggling to take off from the high velocity starting road. xa xa! 
    It was of big chaos at this time and I lost nearly all of my team members and also was of very short of bullets for my kalashnikov, but got joined with the [УДАЛЕНО] team and we fought our way trough the rest of the [УДАЛЕНО]. 
    It was surely a great mission and our team leaders and commanders and pilots and tank brothers did the best to bring us to be of fighting brave and organized and efficient. 
    Whoever was of designing and planning and commanding this assault will become big hero of russia some day, I'm of sure.
    After the combat we all visited nice town of  [УДАЛЕНО] and I was of buying a couple of nice and prekraznuyi little things for you, mama and babushka. 
    I’m full of hopings to see you all soon in good health.
    Take care of you, brother and tell babushka and mama to not be of sorrow. 
    We will win this war for our prekraznaja motherland!

  20. Sad
    Schubz reacted to SkullCollector in Letters From The Front - 29/07/20   
    30 June, 2020
    Dear █████ ████████,
    It is with great sadness that I must inform you of your son Efreitor ████████’s passing in the events of 29 June, 2020. He fought valiantly for the lives of his comrades and brothers, and ultimately lay down his own as a hero.
    His duty and skills as a combat engineer proved invaluable to his comrades, and the world is without a doubt a safer place because of him.
    As well that I may not disclose the details of his last act, I assure you that, without it, many of his friends could not hence speak his name in such gratitude and reverence. It is little solace, but solace I cherish all the more for it.
    With solemn regards,
    Lieutenant █████████████
    503rd SPD, █████ ASL
    Exhibit 1 of 34
  21. Like
    Schubz reacted to Mikael in Letters From The Front - 29/07/20   
    Dear brother Dmitry.
    I hope you are doing well, I miss you very much here on the front. How are things back in the motherland?
    Today was an interesting day, we were tasked with providing overwatch for Alpha during an assault.
    The day started like any other in the army, spending more than an hour just to get to the AO.
    Once there we dug a ton of trenches, my back hurt like hell but we kept digging until some unknown voice chimed in over the radio on channel 51. 
    <<That's probably enough trenches guys, server is struggling with FPS as is and it will be even worse once Alpha starts their assault>>
    I had no idea who it was, or what he was talking about, but I asked the others and they heard the same message, so we figured we should take it as an omen and stop digging.
    I’m not complaining, by this time my hands were blistered as well, but the medic just said “toughen up buttercup”.
    After a lot of waiting, we had a small group of insurgents flanking us from our left side, we delivered a decisive counterattack and quickly dealt with them, but we lost a comrade in the initial contact. While mourning the loss of our comrade, Alpha requested assistance.
    We quickly dumped some static weapons into the truck and made our way over to the hill next to the village to provide fire support.
    After digging some trenches, despite what the weird voice said, we had a good overwatch going, but the situation was pretty much handled by then.
    There was a lone straggling insurgent flanking alpha and we had to take quick decisive action, no time to call it in.
    We managed to kill the insurgent, but it seems we angered alpha and they fired back at us.
    Fortunately, alpha are not very good shots, so we took no casualties. 
    While we were helping alpha, another group of insurgents were attacking our main trenches from the right side. We loaded the gun back up and drove back to help.
    Unfortunately we were too late.
    Coming back into the trenches, we returned fire on the insurgents and managed to push them back, but we lost more comrades, including our SL.
    While trying to deal with the last of the attack, one of them managed to get me, I am not sure what happened, but I woke back up in our operations base, eager to return to the battle.
    Vortex picked up myself and some re-inserts for alpha and flew us back into the field.
    Unfortunately the area was still really hot and we have to choose an LZ quite far away from my group.
    I radio bravo squad lead and tell him I am on my way, but far out.
    While walking back to bravo, I came across a perturbed tank crew. It was kinda hard to hear what they were saying over the noise of the tank, but it seemed they were having some problems with a guy with an RPG.
    As I crested the hill, I couldn’t see what they were complaining about, so I scanned the hillside but no one presented themselves.
    As I turned back around to face the tank, I heard a bunch of yelling. 
    I turned around to see the RPG guy lining up a shot!
    I managed to quickly dispose of him and his teammate, but they had another friend.
    The insurgent managed to hit me, but the great russian body armor saved my hind, and I took cover behind the hill and patched myself up before dispatching the last insurgent.
    The tank crew seemed very relieved and even let me steal an ammo box from their tank.
     I wonder how they will explain the missing ammo to platco, but I thanked them and started the long trek back to my squad. 
    Once back, i got tasked with building even more trenches, blyat!
    While we were setting up, reaper did a gun run which seemed to piss off the entire HQ we were attacking (Who would have thunk). Luckily our mortar team was quick on the trigger and managed to put a salvo right into the middle of the HQ, destroying an MBT and most of the guard towers. 
    The enemies fired mortars back at us, but our crew managed to not only kill the enemy mortar team, but to save one of the mortars for ourselves!
    I charged into the HQ alongside my comrades in red team!
    We had a quick and decisive victory, but lost some people in the battle. We managed to stabilize an unconscious comrade and placed him in a barrack for the medic to fix properly. 
    Once the medic arrived, he got intercepted by someone else who wanted a doctor and he decided to help that one first.
    I wondered about the decision to prioritize someone who was walking, over an unconscious casualty, but the medic is the boss so I let him do his job. 
    You should have seen the inside of this HQ, it was a maze, so once the medic was done with the first guy, I helped him find the casualty and he managed to save his life while we were repelling a counter attack.
    By this time I only had one box left, the one I stole from the tank crew. I put it to good use, taking down some enemies that were attacking my SL. 
    I asked where our supply truck had gone, but apparently no one knew, it did not blow up or anything, just disappeared.
    I suspect alpha was still pissed and stole it, but I can't be sure. 
    We tried asking the voice in the radio, but either he did not hear us or could not help us.
    I requested more PKP ammo from my SL, but we did not have time to wait for vortex.
    So off I went, looting shitty AK’s with ironshites.
    I definitely felt my aim was off, but I did good work even without our fancy new optics.
    Anyways brother, I always drone on for too long in these letters, sorry for that. 
    Please, take care of mother and say hello to the family from me.
    Always yours
  22. Thanks
    Schubz reacted to WinterMute in Letters From The Front - 29/07/20   
    "Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but there's a phone-detonated IED, so Kalae Me Maybe"
    Attack on Kalae - 2020-7-29
    Alpha 2, Rifleman (AT), Green squad
    My account of events, which may be accurate: 
    A mad dash to load up vics, absolute hive of activity, followed by a long old convoy to the objective alongside Hammer, with a few IEDs spotted and dealt with. We achieved early eyes on Kalae Village, dismounted and approached in defillade to go loud a bit closer to the enemy.

    During this I got domed, but while I waited for reinsert everyone else got killed as well.
    After reinserting, I think we lost Hammer and I unknowingly had a broken radio. We managed to capture Kalae Village North (taking some losses to a VBIED set off by a guy with a dead-mans switch and then to blue-on-blue caused when the bomber was being targeted by another squad... didn't help that the victim was CLS!)

    Highlight is me hitting the wheels of a vehicle from 550m with an RPG that only ranged out to 300m.
    Regrouped, discovered the broken radio situation, remounted and moved to a plateau further down the mountain. Dug in some trenches behind smoke and proceeded to draw a lot of attention, with primary threats being an M113 and a sniper, as well as a few attacks via defillade from Kalae Base.

    I launched about 5 RPGs at the M113 and decided that I shouldn't quit the day job...
    We made good use of vehicle mounted guns in the attack on the base, but lost both vehicle gunners during the attack (I was one) and so I missed the rest of that objective. I then ditched the RPG part of my loadout in favour of light weight.
    Reinserted again, near the radio tower, and retraced steps down to the base, then down into Kalae Village South, where we were working on regrouping with the surviving Alpha force as we ended up in a literal minefield. Patched up 2 engineers who had made a good attempt at disarming a mine, and learned a lesson about spacing.
    Regrouped with Alpha. Was given a functioning radio, and proceeded to Kalae HQ with 1 Gaz (the other remained at Kalae Base), where as far as I can tell a total MASCAS happened.
    Reinserted (see the theme?) at Kalae Village North, hoofed it down to Kalae HQ, where we transported down to Kalae HQ and linked up with Bravo. We had achieved Phase line Blue.
    The next target was Kalae Barracks. Under cover of smoke and mortars, we pushed across the runway and captured small outposts en route to the HQ, providing cover from incursions from other local objectives whilst Bravo went capturing the objective. An Su-25 attempted to take off but was dispatched rapidly.
    Whilst this was in place we received word of a counterattack to the West, focussed on the HQ we had previously taken, so we moved to a small outpost East of the runway and suppressed some enemies, and then... my connection failed.
    Feedback type stuff:
    Other than the comms issues (that I and Riverwolf experienced), which pissed me off immensely, I enjoyed the op. It did feel at times that we were not particularly working in concert with other elements, the later assault with Bravo across the runway was a highlight in multi-squad co-operation and a big morale boost after a challenging OP.
    Don't know the nitty gritty of how comms were between squads because I don't monitor 30.
    I'd rather not take an RPG in the short term. I think I am more effective in other roles.
    I would like it if we have a Forward Operating Base that is close to the front line as the convoy there and the reinserts were lengthy.
    The pacing was very strange as a result, and it was theoretically possible to spend 20 minutes out of the battle and immediately have to respawn.
    Some weird thing went on with TFAR.
    Ok, let's hear your side of the story...
  23. Like
    Schubz reacted to SiegeSix in Operation Lion's Den 31/07/2020 @ 17:30 UTC   
    Mission Summary
    The US is about to finish their last and final rotation, meaning they'll leave the Lythium side of Afghanistan. The russians has taken advantage of this, establishing a base north of the US base. Russia hopes to exploit this land for many new possibilities and options in terms of warfare.
    Modset Required
    AW_Liberation_Lythium (4).html
    Mission Runtime
    Roughly 2 hours 
    Friendly Forces
    Russian Special Forces
    Opposing Forces
    The FSB has managed to put us in contact with a Tribal Leader with a small army in the nothern region of Lythium. The idea is to create an ally of this small army, so we have local support on our hand. The leader agree to an alliance, but prefers to discuss the details of the deal in person.
    Meet & discuss the details of the deal. 
    PlatCo / 2-man command element
    Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot / 5-man infantry teams
    Reaper / 2-man strike team
    Admin & Logistics
    - Unlimited
    - Mobile respawn at disposable
    - There will be a restricted ACE arsenal
    - Anything that is unlocked
    Command & Control
    Overall command lies on Overlord, but the decision in the field lies on the Platoon Commander. 

  24. Like
    Schubz reacted to MidnightRunner in Midnight's Gamenights   
    Hey all,
    I will be afk for a while due to family medical stuff. This means that there will be no game night from me this week and possibly for the next 2 weeks. 
    If anything changes I will post here and on Discord.
  25. Like
    Schubz reacted to Jenkins in [POSTPONED] War for Altis - Act 3 Mission 8 Modded Zeus Ops 19.07.20 @ 16:30 UTC   
    No need to apologize, these gamenights are a luxury not a right.
    Hope its nothing serious, get well soon fella! 👍
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