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  1. Like
    Miczils reacted to Ryko in New game-mode idea: SpecOps - Mission   
    Hi GrandBravo,
    The problem as you state it:
    I agree, there is a certain security in being able to always RTB after a mission is complete. I do like your idea, but there's one major problem: what do you do if the players are wounded, killed or run out of ammo or supplies necessary to complete a mission?  In both I&A and AWE, if you're near to the next AO and you have no particular need to RTB, you probably won't - most players want to get on with the next mission.  But if players are out of ammo, or half the group has died and is in the spawn area waiting for pickup - it doesn't make sense to just continue on to the next objective.
    If you've got a good solution for that - I'm all ears.
  2. Downvote
    Miczils reacted to D34TH in DEATH   
    no problem
  3. Like
    Miczils reacted to Origins in DEATH   
    Hi, death
    After assessing the evidence you will still be on a permanent ban, however feel free to appeal in the future. However your TS ban will be lifted.
    Finally I would like to apologise for the lengthy time this took to come to a conclusion.
    Sent from my MotoG3 using a phone app that is really irritating because it constantly advertises itself.
  4. Like
    Miczils reacted to BenjaminHL in Split: Cluster Munitions   
    Although @Amentes and @S0zi0p4th already started to out line some rules against the use of cluster munitions I do believe that they have there place and instead of being banned I believe they should instead be highly regulated. The only bomb I have a real problem with is the cbu-89 as it will cuase havoc even if used correctly. All the others serve a good purpose.
    The cbu-105 could be used to destroy an artillery position for example, that was very well concluded and dispersed over a large area. 
    Other cbu and agm types like the agm-154a could be used to eliminate large enemy counter attacks or destroy heavily fortified positions.
    The server already has rules which restrict the engagement of ground targets from the air and when ground and air commanders follow these rules and look out for friendlies there is no reason that these weapons can't be used safely and in a way that the gameplay is fun for all. And just like any other rule on server, any not safe or appropriate usage of the weapons will be enforced by the staff. 
    Two side notes as well. Cluster munitions can be used by ASL via his artillery options already and as far as I know there is no concrete way to stop the usage and loading of cluster bombs. So in my mind the best way to stop abuse of these weapons is education about how to use them and when, not ban them. 
    Just my thoughts,
  5. Like
    Miczils reacted to Copey in Pilot/Player Competence   
    I wholeheartedly agree that this MUST be an effort from everyone in the community. It cannot and should not be left to official, designated means. We should all muck in together with enabling new community members develop their skills; as this is the only way we can as a group of players, achieve this collective goal.
  6. Like
    Miczils reacted to Colsta in Pilot/Player Competence   
    That's one way to get banned.
  7. Downvote
    Miczils reacted to D34TH in Pilot/Player Competence   
    1 listening to all sides is a major prerequisite for any improvement (and not any personal vendetta)
    2 the truth also
    3 "warnings" instead of teaching him something about advanced models flight characteristics / AO veteran approach tactics etc obviously didn't improve anything
    4 as  a "veteran",  getting shot down by a BMP (not an AA asset) didn't teach the kid by example much either, disconnecting right after the "wrong doing" (avoiding thus any kind of responsibility) taught him even less and he picked up on it, behaving exactly the same way later, once himself got shot down
    5 after 1h , finding the desired slot taken by the kid and starting a "personal vendetta", still not giving him any advice but continuously looking for evidence of wrong doing (even while you were offline!?!) while he was trying to play his role and do his job of flying people and equipment wasn't helpful at all. You did not want to teach the kid anything at that moment, you just stood there watching him fail, that's the truth. "Tacticool, milsim-ish" = we don't just watch friendlies fail and die, right ?
    6 make an objective, transparent, tough test, like a pilot's license, everyone takes it if wants to be certified and allowed to fly, once the pilot gets his license then all trolling and picking on must be completely stopped
    7 judging an idea based 100% on the issuer and not the content is a major lack of "professionalism and focus on improvements"
    plan B :"Kid i see you would like to fly. In this server we have strict rules about slotting and advanced flight model assets. If you want to learn i could teach you a lot at x o clock on the x of July if you desire , because the server is usually empty then"
    plan C:"Kid i see you would like to fly. In this server we have strict rules about slotting and advanced flight model assets. But i am sure, given that the server is almost empty, nobody would truly mind  a veteran taking a kid as co-pilot and teaching him something useful. Hop in as co-pilot for 10 min, but not more, because the rules must still be enforced here"
    If he refuses and still trolls, shoot him in the head, report him and perma-ban him like the worst kind of traitors deserve.
    just the little devil's advocate point of view  (overemphatic, against the tide, lacking omnibenevolence, omnisciently delusional, suicidely non dogmatic, indisputably black sheep-ish) ...
  8. Like
    Miczils got a reaction from Amentes in Pilot/Player Competence   
    I have to agree, I have never seen anyone say no when asked to help understand/get a hang of something on AWE, even, often I see people offering to help themselves. It's just that in my stay in the community I have seen two or three people actually ask for help. I see a little more people agree to helped, but as Amentes said, very often people are simply too proud, and don't even agree to be helped / taught something.
    Sent from my SM-G935F using a phone app that is really irritating because it constantly advertises itself.
  9. Like
    Miczils reacted to Amentes in Pilot/Player Competence   
    I've never felt that there was a lack of willingness to help new players learn the ropes on AWE/EU#3.
    Through years of being on the server, I've never seen a player ask for help and not get it. I have seen plenty if players who don't accept help when it is given.
  10. Like
    Miczils reacted to Minipily in SpcShaw (Minipily)   
    In-game name when banned: SpcShaw (Minipily)
    What message displays when you attempt to connect? (Origins/SpcShaw(Miniply)/see user tracking))
    Why do you think you were banned? Well I think "see user tracking" explains enough. I was an idiot for a long time and frankly, wasn't grateful for anything and hence began to earn a negative reputation that I'm sure very much still exists as of now. Most notably I was being brutally sarcastic towards players that I'm sure could be seen as directly insulting them and honestly, the serious player in me got so built up on anger to certain things that it died, when I should have left such petty reasons aside.
    Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted? Well that's a good question and I'm sure it wouldn't take much internal discussion time to answer that one with a no, which I can accept. But I would be grateful, something that I should really give the staff more of considering the work they have done and the patience they have given me in the past, and would endeavor to prove that I am sorry. The fact that I was mucking about on the server, honestly, was because I did not like the direction it had taken. Myself and many other players that date back to the first ever days of EU3, now known as Ahoy World Enhanced, had watched the server change in so many and a lot of us did not like the variation and direction and thus, a lot of us acting like (ahem) pricks, towards the staff that were pursuing the needs of the server as a whole rather than the needs of the few (us). I know now though, that Enhanced is to cater to the needs of the server so that the majority may be happy and the server continues to strive. I cannot stress it enough how sorry I am that I did not accept that at an earlier date. I know that this has happened in the past, hell, this isn't my first permanent ban and the last time I had to sincerely apologize to Razgriz and David in PM's about it, I felt that doing that was the best approach to getting myself back on the servers. Honestly, apart from that I was also a little embarrassed and scared to actually make a public appeal about it given my reputation at the time, but I will not be doing that again. This time I am giving my sincere apologies to everyone who reads this, I'm sure that those who do remember the name will have a negative memory about my stupidity but I'm sure they will also have a positive or two in there somewhere, whether it was my screams in the heat of danger before getting overwhelmed or the incredible combat we got into with each other. So with that, I do hope I'm given another chance, but I do understand if the "last time" really is going to be the last time. If further discussion must be done, I'd gladly talk in PM's or TS about it, should the chance be given to me which I cannot stress enough, I would be grateful for given everything that's happened.
    Which administrator banned you (if known): Origins
    When were you banned: 01/09/2016
  11. Like
    Miczils got a reaction from JANXOL in Flares/Countermeasures of MH-6 Littlebird ineffective   
    LWIRCM isn't anything like flares, it means Light Weight Infrared Countermeasures - Pretty much an electro magnetic countermeasure system, i don't want to go indepth but in basic words, it pulses electromagnetic waves trying to confuse the Infared guidance system on the rockets used by MANPAD's.
    Sorry to say, that's how it works. And the only thing to do, is learn how to do evasive. Quite often I survive a few missiles, it's just the matter of understanding how the Countermeasures work. Littlebird is a helicopter made for special purpose and therefore it isn't as sturdy as say blackhawk or a merlin, it's not supposed to be, it's supposed to be as light and agile as possible, it isn't supposed to be used when enemies are known to have AA coverage, flares add to the weight, and trust me, you don't want it to be heavier than it is. I am happy that we at least have the Electro Magnetic Interference Countermeasure system, as in real life only the very special purpose Mission Enhanced Littlebird have any kind of advanced countermeasures. As, well, it's not really in need of any kind, because when used according to what it was made for, in the time it takes the enemy to lock it, it will be long gone and if it was the armed variant, the enemy manpads will be gone too.
    My advice, train in using the speed and agility of the helicopter in addition with LWIRCM, to evade the threat, hide behind hills, turn hard and fly faster than enemies can track you. Appear, deliver democracy and freedom and dissappear again. That's what the Mission Enhanced Littlebird was made for. Don't rely on the electro magnetic jamming to work like flares, that you can just pop flying in a straight line and hope for the best. And if a lead tells you to do something else, just inform him, that he put you in the wrong helicopter. It's not the machine that is the problem, it's just used where it shouldn't be.
    Sent from my SM-G935F using a phone app that is really irritating because it constantly advertises itself.
  12. Like
    Miczils reacted to Teddy in first come - first serve   
    To add: the reward system is being worked on, and I've seen it and it still has a bit of work to go for it to work as intended, but i must regretfully inform you that there is more important bugs to fix (for example the many bugged AOs) than work on the reward system so your Kuma can be saved every time you get one. The dev team is working hard but unfortunately we all have real lives and sometimes some of them have to step out months at a time for numerous issues as we all do. Reviving a thread and complaining wont make it come any faster.
    Like i said months ago, EU1 is a public server, don't expect people to respect your "dips" every time you call it out.
    In fact, since this thread is probably going to de-rail into madness again, and you've got your answers (albeit months ago), its getting locked.
  13. Like
    Miczils reacted to Ryko in first come - first serve   
    We're well aware of the issues of the rewards system. It's not perfect, but finding a better solution has a lot of moving parts that seem simple, but in practice, will be equally infuriating.
  14. Like
    Miczils reacted to PiranhA in first come - first serve   
    Its NOT about first come first serve, this is a bullsh*t argument, it really is. People who go by this rule are selfish pr*cks.
    Just have the common curtesy to let other people have some rare items and fun with it aswell. Elitist bullsh*ttery as with someone dosnt know how to handle the given items couse hes a noob/dosnt know how to use "it"is another non-argument aswell, YES its frustrating seeing they cant handle the item, but what most people forget is the fact we all play for fun. Together.
    Consider it/this a general statement/point of view, not pointing to anyone.
    I wish i was there when the moment happend, but im in a very, very strange situation with spare time being almost non-existent. Even so hectic ive decided to get a smartphone to deal with the situation and no, ...im not sick...
  15. Like
    Miczils reacted to Teddy in first come - first serve   
    Scar, you cannot possibly expect any Admin to tell a player to leave a vehicle because you simply called dibs on it. Whoever gets the vehicle first means it is theirs. You might forget but the side missions arent designed specifically for you.
    EU1 is a public server, you should expect people to not have any awareness (you've mentioned stuff like this before on many occasions) and take any vehicle they see regardless of whether you did the side mission all by yourself. 
  16. Like
    Miczils got a reaction from Kirk76 in Flares/Countermeasures of MH-6 Littlebird ineffective   
    LWIRCM isn't anything like flares, it means Light Weight Infrared Countermeasures - Pretty much an electro magnetic countermeasure system, i don't want to go indepth but in basic words, it pulses electromagnetic waves trying to confuse the Infared guidance system on the rockets used by MANPAD's.
    Sorry to say, that's how it works. And the only thing to do, is learn how to do evasive. Quite often I survive a few missiles, it's just the matter of understanding how the Countermeasures work. Littlebird is a helicopter made for special purpose and therefore it isn't as sturdy as say blackhawk or a merlin, it's not supposed to be, it's supposed to be as light and agile as possible, it isn't supposed to be used when enemies are known to have AA coverage, flares add to the weight, and trust me, you don't want it to be heavier than it is. I am happy that we at least have the Electro Magnetic Interference Countermeasure system, as in real life only the very special purpose Mission Enhanced Littlebird have any kind of advanced countermeasures. As, well, it's not really in need of any kind, because when used according to what it was made for, in the time it takes the enemy to lock it, it will be long gone and if it was the armed variant, the enemy manpads will be gone too.
    My advice, train in using the speed and agility of the helicopter in addition with LWIRCM, to evade the threat, hide behind hills, turn hard and fly faster than enemies can track you. Appear, deliver democracy and freedom and dissappear again. That's what the Mission Enhanced Littlebird was made for. Don't rely on the electro magnetic jamming to work like flares, that you can just pop flying in a straight line and hope for the best. And if a lead tells you to do something else, just inform him, that he put you in the wrong helicopter. It's not the machine that is the problem, it's just used where it shouldn't be.
    Sent from my SM-G935F using a phone app that is really irritating because it constantly advertises itself.
  17. Like
    Miczils reacted to S0zi0p4th in AWE - I&A Server message   
    Tbh in theory the msg is correct   and noah is also correct
    We never changed the text 
    When I am home again I will either change it or just total remove it because I hate them on a modded server
    This of course is depending on the amount of rep I get for this post
  18. Like
    Miczils got a reaction from SkullCollector in Flares/Countermeasures of MH-6 Littlebird ineffective   
    LWIRCM isn't anything like flares, it means Light Weight Infrared Countermeasures - Pretty much an electro magnetic countermeasure system, i don't want to go indepth but in basic words, it pulses electromagnetic waves trying to confuse the Infared guidance system on the rockets used by MANPAD's.
    Sorry to say, that's how it works. And the only thing to do, is learn how to do evasive. Quite often I survive a few missiles, it's just the matter of understanding how the Countermeasures work. Littlebird is a helicopter made for special purpose and therefore it isn't as sturdy as say blackhawk or a merlin, it's not supposed to be, it's supposed to be as light and agile as possible, it isn't supposed to be used when enemies are known to have AA coverage, flares add to the weight, and trust me, you don't want it to be heavier than it is. I am happy that we at least have the Electro Magnetic Interference Countermeasure system, as in real life only the very special purpose Mission Enhanced Littlebird have any kind of advanced countermeasures. As, well, it's not really in need of any kind, because when used according to what it was made for, in the time it takes the enemy to lock it, it will be long gone and if it was the armed variant, the enemy manpads will be gone too.
    My advice, train in using the speed and agility of the helicopter in addition with LWIRCM, to evade the threat, hide behind hills, turn hard and fly faster than enemies can track you. Appear, deliver democracy and freedom and dissappear again. That's what the Mission Enhanced Littlebird was made for. Don't rely on the electro magnetic jamming to work like flares, that you can just pop flying in a straight line and hope for the best. And if a lead tells you to do something else, just inform him, that he put you in the wrong helicopter. It's not the machine that is the problem, it's just used where it shouldn't be.
    Sent from my SM-G935F using a phone app that is really irritating because it constantly advertises itself.
  19. Like
    Miczils got a reaction from BloodInTheSand in Flares/Countermeasures of MH-6 Littlebird ineffective   
    LWIRCM isn't anything like flares, it means Light Weight Infrared Countermeasures - Pretty much an electro magnetic countermeasure system, i don't want to go indepth but in basic words, it pulses electromagnetic waves trying to confuse the Infared guidance system on the rockets used by MANPAD's.
    Sorry to say, that's how it works. And the only thing to do, is learn how to do evasive. Quite often I survive a few missiles, it's just the matter of understanding how the Countermeasures work. Littlebird is a helicopter made for special purpose and therefore it isn't as sturdy as say blackhawk or a merlin, it's not supposed to be, it's supposed to be as light and agile as possible, it isn't supposed to be used when enemies are known to have AA coverage, flares add to the weight, and trust me, you don't want it to be heavier than it is. I am happy that we at least have the Electro Magnetic Interference Countermeasure system, as in real life only the very special purpose Mission Enhanced Littlebird have any kind of advanced countermeasures. As, well, it's not really in need of any kind, because when used according to what it was made for, in the time it takes the enemy to lock it, it will be long gone and if it was the armed variant, the enemy manpads will be gone too.
    My advice, train in using the speed and agility of the helicopter in addition with LWIRCM, to evade the threat, hide behind hills, turn hard and fly faster than enemies can track you. Appear, deliver democracy and freedom and dissappear again. That's what the Mission Enhanced Littlebird was made for. Don't rely on the electro magnetic jamming to work like flares, that you can just pop flying in a straight line and hope for the best. And if a lead tells you to do something else, just inform him, that he put you in the wrong helicopter. It's not the machine that is the problem, it's just used where it shouldn't be.
    Sent from my SM-G935F using a phone app that is really irritating because it constantly advertises itself.
  20. Like
    Miczils got a reaction from Karate Pyjamas in Flares/Countermeasures of MH-6 Littlebird ineffective   
    LWIRCM isn't anything like flares, it means Light Weight Infrared Countermeasures - Pretty much an electro magnetic countermeasure system, i don't want to go indepth but in basic words, it pulses electromagnetic waves trying to confuse the Infared guidance system on the rockets used by MANPAD's.
    Sorry to say, that's how it works. And the only thing to do, is learn how to do evasive. Quite often I survive a few missiles, it's just the matter of understanding how the Countermeasures work. Littlebird is a helicopter made for special purpose and therefore it isn't as sturdy as say blackhawk or a merlin, it's not supposed to be, it's supposed to be as light and agile as possible, it isn't supposed to be used when enemies are known to have AA coverage, flares add to the weight, and trust me, you don't want it to be heavier than it is. I am happy that we at least have the Electro Magnetic Interference Countermeasure system, as in real life only the very special purpose Mission Enhanced Littlebird have any kind of advanced countermeasures. As, well, it's not really in need of any kind, because when used according to what it was made for, in the time it takes the enemy to lock it, it will be long gone and if it was the armed variant, the enemy manpads will be gone too.
    My advice, train in using the speed and agility of the helicopter in addition with LWIRCM, to evade the threat, hide behind hills, turn hard and fly faster than enemies can track you. Appear, deliver democracy and freedom and dissappear again. That's what the Mission Enhanced Littlebird was made for. Don't rely on the electro magnetic jamming to work like flares, that you can just pop flying in a straight line and hope for the best. And if a lead tells you to do something else, just inform him, that he put you in the wrong helicopter. It's not the machine that is the problem, it's just used where it shouldn't be.
    Sent from my SM-G935F using a phone app that is really irritating because it constantly advertises itself.
  21. Like
    Miczils got a reaction from S0zi0p4th in Flares/Countermeasures of MH-6 Littlebird ineffective   
    LWIRCM isn't anything like flares, it means Light Weight Infrared Countermeasures - Pretty much an electro magnetic countermeasure system, i don't want to go indepth but in basic words, it pulses electromagnetic waves trying to confuse the Infared guidance system on the rockets used by MANPAD's.
    Sorry to say, that's how it works. And the only thing to do, is learn how to do evasive. Quite often I survive a few missiles, it's just the matter of understanding how the Countermeasures work. Littlebird is a helicopter made for special purpose and therefore it isn't as sturdy as say blackhawk or a merlin, it's not supposed to be, it's supposed to be as light and agile as possible, it isn't supposed to be used when enemies are known to have AA coverage, flares add to the weight, and trust me, you don't want it to be heavier than it is. I am happy that we at least have the Electro Magnetic Interference Countermeasure system, as in real life only the very special purpose Mission Enhanced Littlebird have any kind of advanced countermeasures. As, well, it's not really in need of any kind, because when used according to what it was made for, in the time it takes the enemy to lock it, it will be long gone and if it was the armed variant, the enemy manpads will be gone too.
    My advice, train in using the speed and agility of the helicopter in addition with LWIRCM, to evade the threat, hide behind hills, turn hard and fly faster than enemies can track you. Appear, deliver democracy and freedom and dissappear again. That's what the Mission Enhanced Littlebird was made for. Don't rely on the electro magnetic jamming to work like flares, that you can just pop flying in a straight line and hope for the best. And if a lead tells you to do something else, just inform him, that he put you in the wrong helicopter. It's not the machine that is the problem, it's just used where it shouldn't be.
    Sent from my SM-G935F using a phone app that is really irritating because it constantly advertises itself.
  22. Like
    Miczils reacted to Ryko in Tanks on Enhanced   
    There are a variety of reasons tanks don't get used a lot.
    1) Tanks on their own can devastate a mission when that mission is intended for infantry, so it's not that interesting unless there are a lot of players on, whereby the mission automatically scales up and adds additional enemy armour units.  Tanks become a bit more useful then.
    2) If a mission is 10 klicks away from the base, it can take you a long time to get from base to the mission.
    3) Most players just aren't that experienced at using a tank, and end up getting wrecked.  Ie., charge into combat because you think you're invincible, get destroyed by a single anti-tank soldier because you didn't see him.
    4) Most players enjoy infantry combat over vehicle combat, so even finding enough players to get a tank squad going can be a challenge.
    That said, you are certainly welcome to ask to use a tank, even if Alpha and Bravo aren't filled: Platoon Command or Alpha Squad Lead is empowered to flex the standard unit composition rules if it's beneficial to the players' enjoyment of the mission, or just makes sense to do so.  As well, any vehicle which doesn't require a commander, or has a heavy barrel gun, can be used as a transport vehicle - this includes most of the new Strykers.
  23. Like
    Miczils reacted to Amentes in Tanks on Enhanced   
    When Tanks or IFVs are used, they invariably end up dead very early on. It has in the past been extremely rare for a tank to not end up destroyed, leaving the infantry to deal with the remaining units that spawned in AO due to the use of a tank. This often makes for a very poor infantry experience.
    Adding more Armor to an AO when tanks are in use will not fix that problem
  24. Like
    Miczils reacted to Copey in Flares/Countermeasures of MH-6 Littlebird ineffective   
    Honestly miczils has given us the best answer you really could hope for.
    Have some rep for that!
    Sent from my ONEPLUS 3T using a phone app that is really irritating because it constantly advertises itself.
  25. Like
    Miczils got a reaction from Kingfisher in Flares/Countermeasures of MH-6 Littlebird ineffective   
    LWIRCM isn't anything like flares, it means Light Weight Infrared Countermeasures - Pretty much an electro magnetic countermeasure system, i don't want to go indepth but in basic words, it pulses electromagnetic waves trying to confuse the Infared guidance system on the rockets used by MANPAD's.
    Sorry to say, that's how it works. And the only thing to do, is learn how to do evasive. Quite often I survive a few missiles, it's just the matter of understanding how the Countermeasures work. Littlebird is a helicopter made for special purpose and therefore it isn't as sturdy as say blackhawk or a merlin, it's not supposed to be, it's supposed to be as light and agile as possible, it isn't supposed to be used when enemies are known to have AA coverage, flares add to the weight, and trust me, you don't want it to be heavier than it is. I am happy that we at least have the Electro Magnetic Interference Countermeasure system, as in real life only the very special purpose Mission Enhanced Littlebird have any kind of advanced countermeasures. As, well, it's not really in need of any kind, because when used according to what it was made for, in the time it takes the enemy to lock it, it will be long gone and if it was the armed variant, the enemy manpads will be gone too.
    My advice, train in using the speed and agility of the helicopter in addition with LWIRCM, to evade the threat, hide behind hills, turn hard and fly faster than enemies can track you. Appear, deliver democracy and freedom and dissappear again. That's what the Mission Enhanced Littlebird was made for. Don't rely on the electro magnetic jamming to work like flares, that you can just pop flying in a straight line and hope for the best. And if a lead tells you to do something else, just inform him, that he put you in the wrong helicopter. It's not the machine that is the problem, it's just used where it shouldn't be.
    Sent from my SM-G935F using a phone app that is really irritating because it constantly advertises itself.
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