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    lexota reacted to duffyman in Quick Duffy Training   
    Voice Radio Procedure

    Phonetic Alphabet
    When communicating over the radio you must always use the phonetic alphabet.

    For example, if I wanted Charlie squad to engage grid B1 marked on the map I would say
    "Charlie this is Delta 0, you are to push South and engage grid Bravo 1, how copy?".

    Key Phrases
    Phrases/terms to remember and use.

    Roger: Message received and understood.

    Over: Transmission finished, reply expected (short for "Over to you").

    Out: Transmission finished - no reply expected. For example "Copy that Delta, we will engage the target. Out." Note: only the sender should terminate traffic with “Out”.

    Wilco: Your message is understood and we Will Comply (usually combined with Roger: "Roger, Wilco").

    Confirm: Indicate whether a message has been understood or that a sent message has been understood correctly. For example:
    "Stalker 1, confirm coordinates are 045,091 ?"

    How Copy: Ask receiver if message was received and understood correctly. Correct responce would be Solid Copy (if heard and understood correctly) or Bad Copy (if not heard correctly or not understood).

    Repeat Last: Ask receiver to repeat last transmission.

    Standby for orders: Await further orders, usually shortened to Standby.

    Affirmative: Yes (sometimes abbreviated to Affirm).

    Negative: No

    Zero: The highest rank at a location within a squad/section. For example Delta squad's commander would be "Delta Zero". If I wanted to speak to Delta's commander I would say
    "Delta Zero this is Charlie Zero, confirm we are to push South and engage grid Bravo 1?"

    Locstat: Location at the current time. Usually when a callsign is moving. e.g. "Send locstat, over".

    Sitrep: Situation Report = how you are getting on with an assigned task or the state of your unit.

    Redeploy: (Vehicle) Move to a different location. When given with a grid or location, it is effectively a move order.

    CAS: Close Air Support. For example "This is Charlie to Stalker 1, requesting CAS on grid 041,048, how copy?"

    CasEvac: Casualty Evacuation.

    FAC: Forward Air Controller. A designated marine within a section/squad that will act as the middleman for sending traffic between air and ground.

    When using a radio, remember the mnemonic CLAP:

    AS an order with 

    That is how all of your messages should be spoken. Don't shout or swear. Don't talk when someone else is talking - wait for them to finish, including any response they are expecting. 

    All spellings should be spoken using the phonetic alphabet.

    All numbers should be spoken as digits (i.e. two one, not twenty one).

    All callsigns should be spoken as digits and phonetics.

    Do not use the radio for chatting. Use DIRECT for this purpose.

    Marines will be issued with a PRC 343 radio for squad-to-squad communication. Section Commanders, Fireteam Leaders and Forward Air Controllers will be issued with a PRC 117/119 long range radio.
  2. Like
    lexota got a reaction from Santhiras Nostaroi in Let's talk about more convoy usage   
    Enjoy! Evey person for him or herself but once i learned to play eu3, the pubs just didnt had that thing i was looking for. Glad i could help See you on the battlefield!
  3. Like
    lexota got a reaction from GhostDragon in Behalf on arvobrendon   
    Hey i just met youAnd this is crazy... I have tourettes So f*ck sh!t gravy Love this song
    grts lex
  4. Like
    lexota reacted to Santhiras Nostaroi in Let's talk about more convoy usage   
    Ok yes i think youre right i played about 1,5 hours today on eu3 and it was pretty awesome and tactical as you said i will play on the eu3 in future
  5. Like
    lexota reacted to PiranhA in Behalf on arvobrendon   
    My advice for you my dear hackmelo: 
    Be honest and dont drool on the floor, its just cleaned and polished.
    Go find urelf some work and maybe an education in some sort of creative work like painting.
    You will find out it works satisfying creating something positive and maybe harvest some compliments. It will do good to find out you can develop skills everybody appreciates ... and without any extra efford you can contribute to mankind on a positive way.
    You can express yourself and your feelings, tell people about it in colours without using the words.
    It will make you a better person and if youre really talented you might get famous for your work.
    If you fail: you can blame me...if you get rich and famous: keep the credits, you dont need to mention me.
    Now goodbye, have fun and be nice, it makes life better, really it does
  6. Like
    lexota reacted to Chuck in admin fail   
    Hello Brendon, How are you on this fine day?
    Im good myself thanks for asking, 
    About an hour ago i was in a tense CSGO competitive game on dust 2, i then saw you name pop up on my second monitor, quite a few times actually.... I swiftly alt-tabbed and had a look what was going on. 
    16:30:09 | (Side) Berylbrendon: stop spamming gay boy   <-- mature
    16:32:25 | (Side) Berylbrendon: don't fire a gun asshole
    16:53:33 | (Side) Berylbrendon: mother fucker simon if you crash any helicopter or plane in here
    16:53:41 | (Side) Berylbrendon: i'm going kill you everytime you spawn
    16:55:42 | (Side) Berylbrendon: don't act smart here asshole
    16:55:55 | (Side) Berylbrendon: a admin abuse his rights
    16:56:20 | RCon admin #2: (Global) Chuck: Berylbrendon please calm down 16:56:26 | (Side) Berylbrendon: maybe you should get a life   And the lovely PM's some admins recieved after you ban?   S0zi0p4th, [29.04.16 17:25] <18:22:57> "berylbrendon": it's good that your admin ban me because your server is full of retarded people maybe 20% <18:24:15> Your chat partner has disconnected.   Chuck, [29.04.16 17:27] <17:23:45> "berylbrendon": no wonder you a british how weak your admin are <17:23:52> "berylbrendon": get some management level <17:24:21> Your chat partner has disconnected.   Is this a ban appeal or a rank im struggling to tell? Yes we do appreciate these, you are not wanted in this commmuntuy and i think most people agree with me goodbye. And yes i did win my CSGO game 14 / 4...
  7. Like
    lexota reacted to Archon in FSG Gunner   
    This is a pretty good overview to watch, and there are more in depth tutorials if you want to become a proficient mortar operator
  8. Like
    lexota reacted to Amentes in Snipers and Spotters on EU 1&2 Scopes   
    I don't know what goes into disabling Thermal on the scopes, but it seems like a good idea to me. Keeps it fun, rewards teamwork.
  9. Like
    lexota reacted to Equastro in Snipers and Spotters on EU 1&2 Scopes   
    Something you could do is disable thermal vision all together on the nightstalker & TWS. These then only have the night vision and normal mode. You could then open these up and limit these to sniper/spotter & squad leaders.
    Spotters can still use the laser designator for spotting targets with thermal then.
    That way snipers & spotters can actually play the way they are supposed to play (long range) during the night and other infantry are unaffected by this change.
    It is also more realistic in the sense that any sniper should have a decent night vision scope.
  10. Like
    lexota reacted to PERO in We are not mind readers!   
    To add to that, I daily or every 2 days actually check the reports and act on them if sufficient amount of info is provided.
  11. Like
    lexota reacted to David in We are not mind readers!   
    Contrary to popular belief by many in this community the administration team have yet to master telepathy, if we aren't there in person to witness rule breaking we will not know about it, it is as simple as that. There are far too many users expecting us to do things about things we know nothing about!
    REPORT TROUBLEMAKERS: http://www.ahoyworld.net/pr
  12. Like
    lexota reacted to TheScar in We are not mind readers!   
  13. Like
    lexota reacted to Ryko in Gauntlet Version History   
    Yes, I can place a zillion mines under Zeus. But until recently I didn't know how to script them into the mission.
    That's changed, so the next version... be afraid.
    - R
  14. Like
    lexota reacted to Stody in Stody - TBL @ 27/04/2016 - 19.00 CEST/20.00 BST   
    I can't say more, but that I am sorry for what I've done. It was inappropriate I admit. That had never happened before and I can guarantee that It won't happen again in the future. I'd really appreciate a second chance. Afterall I am not a ragemonster or a disrespectful someone. I just got angry and lost my temper. We all make mistakes. Please forgive this one from me.
    With respect,
  15. Like
    lexota reacted to Max in Good Morning   
    Welcome, Phteven!
  16. Like
    lexota reacted to David in Community Meeting 30/4/16 1900UTC   
    Hi all,

    I would like to gather you all on 30/4/16 at 1900UTC for our first community meeting since the exchange of ownership from raz. I have a number of topics I'd like to discuss and I want to hear your views too.

    Hope to see as many people there as possible, hope you all have a good week!
    Link to Recording
  17. Like
    lexota reacted to Ryko in Gauntlet Version History   
    Hi folks,
    Gauntlet 45 is slowly being released, as a result of the RHS upgrade and some miscommunication about the MELB Little Bird MOD the old maps have to be upgraded.  At the same time it's allowed me to delve into a few things I wanted to delve into...
    As of right now we have two maps, Chernarus and Altis, that have the 0.45 code.  Well, technically Chernarus has 44C code, which doesn't have some of the nifty new features that Altis has, namely:
    1) Two of the RG-33 MRAPs have been switched out for the new M1117 vehicles;
    2) The virtual arsenal has been updated with the new RHS content for weapons, uniforms and so forth;
    3) There are two new parameters in mission setup, which allow you to choose the BLUFOR and OPFOR factions.  Right now this just affects the default loadout for players, and the OPFOR unit types; 45A code will load different player vehicles based on the BLUFOR faction that's chosen.
    4) There's a new role in the Platoon Command squad, the UAV operator, along with a Yabhon CAS UAV.  This is a test to see how the UAV integrates with Gauntlet.  The UAV operator is not classed as a pilot, but there MUST be a command element - either Platoon Command or Alpha Squad Leader - present in order for someone to take that role.  In testing, the UAV did not respawn.  So use it cautiously.
    5) One of the Speedboats got swapped out for the new MK5 SOCOM boat (that thing can hit 115kph! Damn!).
    As always, please report bugs / comments / suggestions here in this thread.
    - Ryko
    Gauntlet history:
    FAQ :
  18. Like
    lexota reacted to Equastro in Lets talk about blufor Tanks on I&A   
    Problem is that the orca / kajman is also a threat to any other vehicles, but the same goes for AT personnel too. Instead of spawning in another AT helo, it's also possible to increase the spotting range of the AT AI. Though I'm not sure if that also has any effect on the lethality of the rounds because of a possibly greater loss of velocity.

    Regardless, I think it's pretty balanced already. When an AO is far away, sure the tank will hardly face any real dangers anymore because it took so long to arrive, but at the same time, it is also less fun or rewarding because by that time it usually doesn't have any real fancy targets anymore to shoot at either. So imo it's a balanced sort of trade-off.
  19. Like
    lexota reacted to Ryko in eu3 latest version of fallujah and veichle repairing?   
    My apologies for not explaining this in greater detail...

    1) Service pads will do nothing automatic for you.  A player must always repair a vehicle through ACE.
    2) The following roles are now classed as engineers:
         i) Vortex & Logi Pilot & Co-pilots
         ii) Torch & Hammer commander
         iii) Command Engineer & Logi Engineer (these two are repair specialists, one rank higher than engineer - at some point these roles may be necessary for a full repair)
    3) Only engineers or the above roles can repair vehicles. Any role can rearm or refuel any vehicle.
    1) All engineer roles can repair all vehicles, as long as they have a toolkit equipped (typically fits in your backpack)
    2) In the field you can repair any segment of a vehicle, I believe up to 60%
    3) In base, you can fully repair any vehicle, so long as it is parked on a repair pad (technically there is no difference between an air service pad and a ground service pad)
    4) I believe you can also fully repair any vehicle in the field if the repair truck is parked next to it
    5) You get a "full repair" option on the repair pad or next to the repair vehicle, which will repair all parts of the vehicle at once.
    1) You have to have the vehicle parked next to the Huron Ammo Pod, these are located at the service pads
    2) ACE interact with the ammo pod, you get an option for "Take Ammo" and the vehicle; doing this will produce an ammo box which I believe you are now carrying
    3) Move over to the vehicle, ACE interact with the vehicle to load ammo.  You have to do this for every weapon system that requires re-arming
    1) You have to have the vehicle parked reasonably close to the fuel bladder (or fuel truck), these are typically located at the service pad
    2) ACE interact with the fuel nozzle on the fuel bladder to take the nozzle into your hand - you actually go over to the vehicle and attach the nozzle to begin fuelling.
    3) If you're not close enough to the fuel source you may have to reposition the vehicle closer - the nozzle is connected by a hose which is only so long.  You will be notified if it can't reach.
    4) Begin fueling via ace interaction either on the nozzle end or the fuel bladder end. You'll be notified when it's done.
    5) return the nozzle when you're done.
    - R
    ps. Many people have asked why this changed.  A three-fold reason, the first being that it didn't fit with the nature of EU3 that there was a magical repair pad which almost instantly repaired, refueled and rearmed a vehicle.  Second, ACE didn't have its expanded r/r/r functionality when the repair pads were introduced.  And thirdly and most importantly, the way the old magic repair pads worked was through a trigger, and the first thing it did was turn off your engine when you drove into it... so helicopters and planes flying over service pads could occasionally fall from the sky.
  20. Like
    lexota got a reaction from Origins in Ohai o/   
    Hello Svennif, Have a blast on Ahoy and check out the eu3 server if you want that little extra
    See you on the battlefield!
  21. Like
    lexota reacted to PERO in gamerdude1996   
    So, lets begin then.
    I can see why you don`t know which name have you used, at least we know of 3.
    You`ve been banned by me on 26/10/2015 for trying to start a teamkilling spree with your friend. You decide to take autonomous MGs (OPFOR ones) and regular ones just to the outside of the base, set them up pointing towards our spawn area, probably trying to wipe out everything in the base.
    You and your friend both recieved a temp ban. Name you used was "us army retired ptsd vet". Shortly after you decided to try again with a different name "i see that".
    You were banned by another admin on 20/11/2015 (9 days after previous one ran out) for doing the same stuff as above (teamkilling and ramming vehicles in base), this time it was a permanent one. Of course your friend helped you at it, again.
    Name you used was "fallout4killsonnukebosto".
    When the admin approached you, you said the servers are shit and began to insult him.
    So, this ban appeal is full of BS, you are full of BS and goodbye, have fun being a dick somewhere else!
    Ban appeal DENIED.
    Community Referee
  22. Like
    lexota reacted to Equastro in Equastro reporting for duty   
    Hey all!
    I've been playing on AW's arma 3 servers for a couple of days now and I really enjoy it.
    I played a lot of arma 3 epoch and exile in the past, but always fancied playing more seriously and realistically.
    Because of that I love the different roles in I&A and when people squad up and coordinate well.
    So I'll definitely check out EU3 sometime soon.
    My preferred roles tend to focus not so much on front line combat, but more so on vehicles and supportive roles.
    I love to pilot, help out driving heavy armour or support trucks as a repair specialist for FOB missions for example, or give supportive fire with mortars or as AT/AA specialist.
    And before I forget, I'm 27, male and from The Netherlands. I'll always be on teamspeak when I play, though I can't always put my mic on.
    See you on the battlefield

  23. Like
    lexota reacted to Amentes in EU 3 Vest and Headgear Armor Ammount   
    Dear god, no, we already have enough issues with people not wearing helmets. It will save your ass, and if your ass don't get saved, you won't be there to cover mine.
    Wear your damn armor
  24. Like
    lexota reacted to Ryko in EU 3 Vest and Headgear Armor Ammount   
    I don't think arma uses a linear system - rather it is random. I have increased a player's hit points so I think people die a lot less, but getting one shot is still a thing.
    If you truly think armor is useless, feel free not to take it - you will have a ton more stamina for running.
  25. Like
    lexota reacted to Colsta in Mod Suggestion for EU3   
    For VSM... it just adds clutter to the arsenal, honestly, and bloats the repository unnecessarily. As far as I know, we're keeping RHS and we have a custom made pack of uniforms that look better than CUP's. Last resort, use vanilla stuff, it's pretty okay.
    For AEM, it was suggested not long ago here, and has been previously suggested from the looks of it. This was the staff answer:
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