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Gauntlet Version History

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Hi folks,


Gauntlet 45 is slowly being released, as a result of the RHS upgrade and some miscommunication about the MELB Little Bird MOD the old maps have to be upgraded.  At the same time it's allowed me to delve into a few things I wanted to delve into...


As of right now we have two maps, Chernarus and Altis, that have the 0.45 code.  Well, technically Chernarus has 44C code, which doesn't have some of the nifty new features that Altis has, namely:


1) Two of the RG-33 MRAPs have been switched out for the new M1117 vehicles;

2) The virtual arsenal has been updated with the new RHS content for weapons, uniforms and so forth;

3) There are two new parameters in mission setup, which allow you to choose the BLUFOR and OPFOR factions.  Right now this just affects the default loadout for players, and the OPFOR unit types; 45A code will load different player vehicles based on the BLUFOR faction that's chosen.

4) There's a new role in the Platoon Command squad, the UAV operator, along with a Yabhon CAS UAV.  This is a test to see how the UAV integrates with Gauntlet.  The UAV operator is not classed as a pilot, but there MUST be a command element - either Platoon Command or Alpha Squad Leader - present in order for someone to take that role.  In testing, the UAV did not respawn.  So use it cautiously.

5) One of the Speedboats got swapped out for the new MK5 SOCOM boat (that thing can hit 115kph! Damn!).


As always, please report bugs / comments / suggestions here in this thread.




- Ryko


Gauntlet history:


Gauntlet version 44 is now available, on the following maps:


1) Altis - US Army vs Russian VDV

2) Chernarus (Summer & Regular) - US Army vs Russian VDV

3) Fallujah - US Marines vs Takistan insurgents

4) Panthera - British Forces vs Russian insurgents

5) Stratis - US Forces vs Russian insurgents

6) Takistan - British Forces vs Russian VDV Desert


There's a new op in Panthera & Stratis - secure the airfield - bring Stingers.


still to come:


7) Al Rayak

8) Zargabad

9) Sarahni

10) Takistan Mountains


Thanks to the 1.58 update the server difficulty settings are messed up.  We will hopefully clear these issues up shortly but I think most of the Arma community is waiting for a new version of TADST to come out for this, including us.


- R




Answers to some FAQ:


a ) Are there IEDs?

No. I can place them, but they don't explode, thus they're not that useful.


b ) Are there civilians?

Not intentionally.  CUP insurgent vehicle drivers are sometimes civilian models, but they are technically OPFOR, so don't lose any sleep about accidentally shooting them.


c ) How do I rearm / repair / refuel vehicles?

See this post.


d ) Do vehicles respawn?

Yes, but only if they're destroyed.  They'll respawn in base where they were taken, approximately three minutes after they were destroyed.  Long story short: if you abandon vehicles in the field, they will not respawn.


e ) Who is in command of the mission?

The chain of command is structurally like this: Platoon Commander, Alpha Squad Lead, Bravo Squad Lead, Charlie Squad lead.  The highest ranking person in these roles is for mission functionality purposes, THE COMMANDER.  For practical issues if no one is in these roles it is the highest ranking player (ie., a Team Leader is a sergeant).


f ) Can we skip time?

Yes, the Commander (as enumerated in e) above) can access a host of options at the Command building, on the whiteboard via scroll action.  These functions include aborting the current mission, selecting the next mission, adjusting ambient AI, and skipping time in 3/6/12 hour increments.


g ) Why isn't weapon XXXX in the arsenal?

A few possible answers to this question:

   1) The weapon is futuristic, overpowered, or otherwise not being used in any real-world situation.  We go for realism here on EU3.

   2) The weapon is indeed in the arsenal, but your role is not permitted to use it.


h ) I've checked, and I really think the weapon should be in the arsenal.

The code for the virtual arsenal is here.  You need to understand Arma's class names to figure out what is in the arsenal.  The best way is to export your loadout with the gear you think should be there and search for it in the code.  If it's not there, and you think it should be, post a comment to this thread.


i ) Why do I keep tripping when someone runs into me?

We suspect this is an issue with the new CUP British Armed Forces uniforms.  Choose another uniform.  You can also stand yourself back up by using the ACE Headbug fix (ESC -> ACE Options)


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Thanks for the update:


Some suggestions/wishes:


I miss:

 - rhs_weap_m14ebrri (used to be in the default DMR loadout)

 - CUP_srifle_CZ750 (in role post, commented in code, I guess you have reason why you disabled it)


Bad names for ACRs







It is:











Would it be possible in future update move the extra ammo/launchers/etc. crate on Cherno Summer closer to the arsenal. Multiple people (me included) could not find the box at first.


Also did you add the 200rnd (mixed) we spoke of ("rhs_200rnd_556x45_M_SAW")


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@Ryko : You've created loadouts on the beginning. And it's awesome for gamenight since we don't need arsenal box. Well. BAF uniforms and collisions is another story. But what if you give us only uniforms in non gamenights? I mean people always go to arsenal to change their loadouts.(it's the same waiting time). Will it be any of significant loading improvement client-side? What about server-side?


What will happen if you just remove the arsenal at all?


QST: Is it possible to remove everything from vehicles? I mean also unload ammo from turret guns? Sometimes fire discipline is problem on EU#3.


Suggestio: Please consider removing timers on vehicle respawn. What we have, we have/had. If we destroy everything we are switching to foot transport.

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@Ryko : You've created loadouts on the beginning. And it's awesome for gamenight since we don't need arsenal box. Well. BAF uniforms and collisions is another story. But what if you give us only uniforms in non gamenights? I mean people always go to arsenal to change their loadouts.(it's the same waiting time). Will it be any of significant loading improvement client-side? What about server-side?


BAF uniforms will be commented out in 44B, I didn't do it for 44A because I wanted to give people time to save their loadouts with new uniforms (if I comment the uniforms out now, then people will not be able to load previously saved loadouts with BAF uniforms).


Client-side won't see an improvement in performance if the arsenal is removed.


QST: Is it possible to remove everything from vehicles? I mean also unload ammo from turret guns? Sometimes fire discipline is problem on EU#3.



Not sure what the in-game benefit of this will be as occasionally you do need to fire the weapons outside of base.


Suggestio: Please consider removing timers on vehicle respawn. What we have, we have/had. If we destroy everything we are switching to foot transport.


I think when that happens everyone will vote for a new map.


- R

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Ryko I think you have misunderstood me. I've meant remove preloaded which you created and only import empty uniforms so we don't appear naked. And only loading with that stuttering might be fixed IMO.


Well if you need to fire, whoever plays engineer or if we get along together we can go by vehicle and supply the vehicle. Like it should be in real-life. If you have mission then you supply vehicle with ammo.


Disable respawn timers for vehicles.

Disable vote admin. so basically it's impossible to restart the mission :). Whoever has persistence to finish the AO goes to wall of famous on forum thread with ribbons (which we create for type of mission and where mission took place). That way you have some kind of achievement :). I'm just shooting the ideas.

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It should only show up once, as the missions are defined at the start of the op.  If it's showing up multiple times, that's a problem.


Technically, there is an array of missions, and then a cycle which chooses (by default) four of them; as a mission is chosen, it's removed from the array.  So it shouldn't be showing up more than once.  But if it is... ick.


Right now, all missions are weighted equally to be chosen.


- R

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The problem with that Airfield missions is that it gets old pretty quickly, even though it is fun mission. We get it almost each time we go Stratis.



Few more suggestions:

Ammo box in base:

(mentioned before)

*Change 200Rnd M855A1 for (Mixed) variation.

*Add 6.5 and 5.56 CUP variation.

*Move the box on Cherno closer to Arsenal.


*Change NLAW - currently it has preloaded Dummy Missile. Use both CUP and BI variation.

*Add CUP AT4(M136) as well

*I dont think the boxes need 200x each ammo type. 50x should be enough and it will make space for more different ATs (and possibly help server load times?). In general the number of stuff could be lowered, half of the time it is not used at all. And if it is, we use like 10% (except the missiles) of one box( and we have three boxes).


I would be happy to get a chance to look at the code for mission selection (I am really curious how stuff like that works for ArmA so I can get into mission making with proper background knowledge).

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Server load times aren't affected by default inventory loadouts - it could be 2,000 and it'd be the same - plus those boxes are overloaded already so if we want more AT I can just jam more in there.


If you want to look at the mission code, you already have the mission in your MPMissions folder, just open it up with a PBO manager and you're golden.


- R

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Thanks for the info. Didn't thought about that.


By the way, checking end of array with "XX", while you have knowledge about length of array and current pointer number, is a bad practice. :D

Also spotted some possibly obsolete (cannot find their actual use anywhere in code, but maybe I am just blind/misunderstood) minor things.


Post Scriptum:

Don't take me too seriously/get annoyed. I am perfectionist and fault-finder with too much free time, sorry for that. You are doing great job.

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No worries. ;) The XX is there because of Zargabad, where the first mission didn't count towards the overall number, thus between Zarga and other maps, you are not 100% sure of the total number of missions.

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Could not interact with radio to retrieve the codes.

Fallujah - Operation Eagle Feather - cca 9:55 CEST(GMT+2)


Radio table spawned on the ground, the transmitter itself was inside the building (colliding with it).

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Hey folks, for situations like this I really need to know what the next mission was supposed to be: regular players can do this by consulting the whiteboard in the command centre when playing as a squad leader or platoon commander: mods and admins can either do that or run the command "hint str missions" locally to get the readout of what missions where scheduled to spawn.

When a mission completes successfully, it tries to spawn the next mission, and an error in the next mission is what prevents that from happening. So I need to know what the next mission is supposed to be.


- R

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My fault:

I've managed to broke ACRE again with Arsenal two days ago: Can't give you loadout since I've deleted it. Radio343  was saved inside vanilla vest then loaded out. I've never done it before.


1.Info on Gauntlet044:

1.1. Fallujah044/ review need also on other missions - Engineer slot - disable shotgun explosive rounds.

1.2 Fallujah044 / assistant autorifleman A1 with HK417 16IN. Reece

1.3. Fallujah044, Stratis044A2 / Mission: 4 hostages;

    Medical facility point not clear. We put hostages inside medical tent mission won't complete. I know you've changed from medical helipad inside medical tent, still not working. At first when it was on medical helipad it was working fine. just on weird location.

1.4. Sarahni: No MK10 LCU

1.5. BAF uniforms blacklisted in arsenal until when they fix them.




2.1. Supply depot with AT Launchers (current launcher crate: 2xHEDP, 2xHEAT, 1xNLAW BI; 1x Stinger, 1x Stinger missile, 3x kitbag)

2.1.1. launcher crate consists of: 5x m136 HEAT pcs, 5x m136 HEDP pcs , 5x M136 (CUP) pcs

2.1.2. separate AT (name AT:launcher crate) AA (name: AA launcher crate). AA launcher crate consisting of: 1x Stinger (variant with actual name Stinger) with 3x additional Stingers inside box (Stinger launcher will spawn without missile in it. There are 2 variants of missiles. Need to check which one is going with actual Stinger named one. Not sure how to check it. One cannot load into second launcher and vice versa.

2.2: Supply drop with airplane. - This is here just for logs. ;)

2.3.Consider adding different vehicles to certain missions. For example I see pilots liking CAS littlebird on Altis which they don't have. I'm not a pilot, just observing what pilots want on mission.

2.4.Altis044: deliver medical truck - please don't remove bigger enemy number scaling for this one like you have mentioning something earlier, We all agreed last Altis was awesome when we had to fight tanks and infantry everywhere.

2.5. More enemy helicopters with certain missions. - we rarely have enemy AO. @Nicolai is doing awesome job but I can't task Nicolai all the time. - Maybe timer (I know you hate timers) with occasional and probable enemy CAS spawn on OpFor side. Let us work out our way to the AO.


Something is bugging me like I've forgot when we last talk @Ryko. :(


I can't wait for future development of Rukavica. Awesome time we had there. When you continue to develop it tell me so I can provide more input about last experience. Takistan Mountains is a bad map but also awesome concept like Rukavica. The map is just bad in general - layout, terrain.

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If you JIP as autorifleman assistant on some maps (stratis for example) you dont have option to equip other magazines your autorifleman is using becouse how arsenal works with limiting shown magazines based on equiped weapons. Only option you have is to meet fresh spawned AR and ask him for some M249 boxes.


Thank you for your work on this mission!


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There are static non-arsenal ammo crates nearby which contain all manner of standard ammo, including m249 ammo boxes. Obviously if your AR chooses to take something other than a m249 you're SOL.


- R

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For the Marksman the range card, Kestrel and AtragMX seem to not be working. They don't show up in the ace interaction menu. Unless I'm missing something. Hard to really use the marksman well without the ranging.

Edit: You need to have them in your vest or uniform, I have them in my backpack in my loadout.

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