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    TheToxicPixels reacted to kennychr in EU3 Meeting   
    Excuse me ? 
    I spent hours making functions etc to try to get it sorted with channel naming so that eu3 players could have a easy usage of it instead of having to use the map to put down channel markers. And this was after I said I was moving to Valiant. Also there was a lot of players using Arsenal radios which broke it too so that was a variable we could not control.
    Bacon spent hours too trying to fix it too by tweaking and altering what I wrote.
    Hell I even wrote code when I was on a business trip...
    Me, Ryko and Origins was on to something that eventually didn't pan out as; well it worked on one dedicated but then stopped working so now we are not using channel names any more. So now it works straight out of the box as long as you don't use Arsenal to get your radio.
    So before you go and say stuff you clearly don't know about get your fucking facts straight cause you just shit all over my work trying to fix it.
  2. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to Minipily in EU3 server   
    The training sessions are usually held on friday's in the evening GMT timezone, hosted by Ryko.
    However, the community is there to help, look for people with the "veteran" tag, these are usually EU3 regulars.
  3. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to David in Taking the reins   
    Hi all, those who attended the meeting (and from looking at this forum) will know, Raz stepped down as leader today, handing over to me.
    For those that missed the meeting, here is the link to the recording.
    So what is changing?
    As I said in the meeting nothing will be changing immediately, I need to survey properly where our weaknesses are and how we can improve. I will however be looking at the following:
    Improving coordination between staff members.
    At present it is difficult to keep track of user records, in particular users who have been warned but not banned, it is easily lost information and tracking will become tedious if it’s not done properly. It won’t happen overnight and it will require careful planning.
    Improve communication from staff to the community.
    It was raised in the meeting that quite often things are pushed through without consulting with the community, this is a problem all through the ranks not just between users and admins. I recently made a judgement call which blew up quite spectacularly which highlighted the fact this is prevalent everywhere, we knew it was a problem, but underestimated the extent to which it reached. Consultations will be on the up!
    Removal of the US server
    I brought this up in the meeting, it costs us £85 per calender month, was hosting Squad which is not populated and not bringing us any income. It was incredibly quick to resolve, here’s why:
    Graduated offences
    Something I have been looking at is a graduated offences system, instead of warning, kick and ban for all broken rules there would be 2 or 3 thresholds, racism would be your top tier and get you and instant permanent ban from our servers whereas spamming VON would land you a warning. Another possible avenue was different consideration dependant on membership status. This is just at idea phase.
    EU3 Mods & Spartans
    We have all regarded Spartans and EU3 Mods as the same rank, it isn’t clear though. I am not a fan of different routes for different play styles as it may not be equal, one route may favour another. I’m not sure what to do with this as I don’t really want to shake these up too much. Again, this is just an idea.
    Community engagement
    Our current community engagement is very low, far lower than it should be. Basically a lot of our admins don’t play on EU1/2 a lot, this means we don’t engage with the non members and that means they don’t become members. My plan is to drive up community engagement, gain members, promote people into the lower ranks (Field Ambassador etc) more frequently to end up with a broader admin team, this spreads out the workload for admins and in turn makes playing on EU1/2 less stressful for them, making them more likely to play. In short, not playing on EU1/2 means it’s more work in the long run.
    Regular community meetings
    Something we are lacking is meeting with the members, we do it from time to time but nowhere near enough to really connect, I’m aiming for quarterly.
    Both my predecessors got caught up with was delegation. I work away during the week but I keep in contact via the forums, both my predecessors found themselves trying to do so much and ultimately succumbing to stress. I’ve been a part of communities where the owner eventually took his own life, I have no plans to get in that deep. I can’t afford to be trying to do everything, I work away during the week and the rest of the admin team have my complete trust and are more than capable of making educated decisions about their sectors for me not to worry about them. I aim to be guides on the side of a bowling alley and nothing more.
    Taking suggestions to the top
    I can’t stress this enough, we will always listen to you, you can come to us any time on TeamSpeak with a suggestion, failing TeamSpeak we have the ideas forum, specifically for this, please don’t be hesitant in bringing things to us, we don’t bite.
    New website
    For a while we have been developing a new website and this was discussed in the meeting this evening, it’s not been a matter of urgency and it’s not an overnight job. We were planning for wordpress, it’s on the cards for the future, but it’s not our top priority.

    Raz has done a fantastic job for the last two and a half years since Rarek left in which was not a clean break. Leading from this is remarkable and we have made great strides in the years. It truly is incredible. I have known Raz for over 7 years, I am nearly 22, that’s over 30% of my life and he has been nothing but a great friend to me.

    Now on to me, I will make mistakes, I am not perfect, I do not have a handbook, I do not have any business or management experience. I got to where I am by making good decisions, but I will no doubt bring some terrible ideas to the table and horrific mistakes. I managed to delete half of TeamSpeak and the entirety of EU3 throughout my time here and I will continue to make mistakes (although I hope these are few and far between) and I rely on you the community, to tell me when I am making errors.

  4. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to Chuck in Changing of the leader   
    As you may not know Razgriz33 has chosen to step down Raz has handed down this role to Core Staff Muckduck! This video shows the changing of the Ahoyworld leader!

  5. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to PiranhA in Thanks Razgriz33   
    You can do it David, take some inspiration from...Gordon Ramsay!

  6. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to David in Thanks Razgriz33   
  7. Like
    TheToxicPixels got a reaction from aalp234_Game in Thanks Razgriz33   
    Thank you Raz for your service to this amazing community! Also goodluck Muckduck, try not to go insane over running this place
  8. Like
    TheToxicPixels got a reaction from PiranhA in Thanks Razgriz33   
    Thank you Raz for your service to this amazing community! Also goodluck Muckduck, try not to go insane over running this place
  9. Like
    TheToxicPixels got a reaction from xOderusUrungusX in Thanks Razgriz33   
    Thank you Raz for your service to this amazing community! Also goodluck Muckduck, try not to go insane over running this place
  10. Like
    TheToxicPixels got a reaction from lexota in Thanks Razgriz33   
    Thank you Raz for your service to this amazing community! Also goodluck Muckduck, try not to go insane over running this place
  11. Like
    TheToxicPixels got a reaction from Amentes in Thanks Razgriz33   
    Thank you Raz for your service to this amazing community! Also goodluck Muckduck, try not to go insane over running this place
  12. Like
    TheToxicPixels got a reaction from Tylermaniac in Thanks Razgriz33   
    Thank you Raz for your service to this amazing community! Also goodluck Muckduck, try not to go insane over running this place
  13. Like
    TheToxicPixels got a reaction from SkullCollector in Thanks Razgriz33   
    Thank you Raz for your service to this amazing community! Also goodluck Muckduck, try not to go insane over running this place
  14. Like
    TheToxicPixels got a reaction from MessedUpSmiley in Thanks Razgriz33   
    Thank you Raz for your service to this amazing community! Also goodluck Muckduck, try not to go insane over running this place
  15. Like
    TheToxicPixels got a reaction from Mark T in Thanks Razgriz33   
    Thank you Raz for your service to this amazing community! Also goodluck Muckduck, try not to go insane over running this place
  16. Like
    TheToxicPixels got a reaction from Chuck in Thanks Razgriz33   
    Thank you Raz for your service to this amazing community! Also goodluck Muckduck, try not to go insane over running this place
  17. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to Retribution in Dedi server setup help for I&A   
    Hey folks! What a great community you have here! I'm Retribution and I have LOVED the invade and annex mod for years. I am very interested in setting up a server on a dedicated box for a community that i help admin. My server host is OVH. I have been very pleased with them thus far, but when I asked if they could setup a I&A server they pretty much drew a blank and said i would be on my own.
    I would like to know if there is a guide or post that I can read through or anyone can take a few moments to give me a brief overview here of exactly how to setup the server.  I have looked around on google and I have yet to find anything helping me out. Thats not saying its not out there, i just havn't found it. We have an exile server, so how much diff is it? We are running a windows server 2012r2.  I know this is pretty basic stuff, but alas I am not the most savvy. I really look forward to giving love to AhoyWorld and Rarek for such a great mod and game mode on my server and would appreciate any assistance anyone could lend. 
    p.s. - i hope this is in the right spot on the forums if not I do apologize. 
    Thanks in advance for helping out a fella like me! 
    Edit - just to clarify - I have the .pbo all ready to go and tweaked the way I like it, with proper credits of course, no probs there. I just don't know how to actually start/launch the mission and set restarts every 6 hours or so. Using Firedeamon. Again, any help would be appreciated. 
  18. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to razgriz33 in How to host an event on AhoyWorld.   
    Here's How, this document will be kept up to date
  19. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to MessedUpSmiley in 'EU3 Veteran' XML & Tags   
    Hello brothers in arms,
    As you may or may not have deduced from the title we are implementing a new sort of system in the EU#3 community, the veteran system.
    This means that players that meet the qualifications can be added to a new Squad.XML, specially designed for EU#3 Veterans with as motto "Exemplo Ducemus" - which is Latin for 'leads by example', which is exactly what we're expecting from the veterans.
    Furthermore we have redesigned the 'Experienced @ EU#3' Team Speak server group into a Veteran tag -with real dogtags, yes- which will, next to being added to the XML, only be handed out to the Veterans.
    What we expect from the Veterans is that they - with the new respect their status should give them - provide an example and a grip for both new players and players that have been with us for a while, to show them the ropes and provide them, along with yourself of course, the best playing experience possible.
    Seeing we - as staff team - are trying to foster a special environment on EU#3 the selection procedure is going to have a couple of requirements, after you meet the requirements (listed below) and are eager to sign-up you should talk to an EU#3 Moderator, who will pass your name on to the entire moderator team and after a short discussion about the candidate you will hear whether we think you belong on the XML or not.
    Should be regularly active in the EU#3 community.
        Has been active on EU#3.
        Should have a total playtime of around 40 hours on EU#3.
        Is able to attend some community events throughout the year. No bans in the last 6 months or warned for serious infractions in last 3 months. Trustworthy in representing the AhoyWorld name and logo. Moderators agree on you getting the tag. (as stated above)  
    A serious infraction or getting banned will result in losing the status. Also repeatedly cancelling events for invalid reasons will be frowned upon.
    Re-instatement will be possible after a cooldown period of  either 3 months on any serious infraction or 6 months after recieving a ban. After which you will be watched and any other infraction, however small might still lead to losing the status (again)

    Both images, XML & Tags:

    Post will be moved to the EU#3 section in a few days.
  20. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to David in Community Meeting - 27th February 2016 - 17:30 GMT   
    Good day to all, we will be hosting a community meeting on the 27th at 17:30 GMT right after the EU3 meeting. We will be discussing some very important topics, some news to share and we would be grateful for your input. This is an incredibly important meeting so we would appreciate it if you could attend. This is also an opportunity for you to raise any questions you may have. Hope to see you there.
  21. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to Josh in EU3 installation video   
  22. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to BACONMOP in ACRE: The worst mod to ever come to EU3   
  23. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to Scat in EU3 For Beginners   
    And by beginners i mean people that have never used any arma 3 mods again like me and/or its their first days in Arma 3.

    I will try to provide some instructions on basic stuff that got me confused in the beginning.
    So , the procedure to join and enjoy EU3 is :

    -Register in the forums.
    -Activate the account in your email.

    -Follow THIS GUIDE to download all the mods u need to play in EU3.

    -Once you are done , close ts3 and arma 3.
    -Set Ts3 and Arma 3 run as administrator.

    -Open ts3 , Go to Settings->Plugin Options.Select ACRE2 and click settings.Max out the sound volume.
    -Close ts3.

    -Read the rules.
    -Read the rules Again.

    -Read these to get a generic idea of how things work:

    -Open Ts3 and Arma 3 (as admin).
    -Join EU3 in a basic kit like Rifleman or Assistant rifleman.

    Windows key + Control opens the interactions menu.
    Use the earplugs when there is chopper noise.

    Control+Alt+Caps brings up the Radio.
    On the top of your radio u will see the Antenna on the left, the radio channel button in the middle and the volume control on the right.
    Use Left and Right mouse buttons to switch between channels and volume.
    You should be on your squads channel by default.
    If not , open up your map and zoom out.
    You will see the channels for each squad marked there.
    Use the Radio (Arma 3 VoN feature , CAPS LOCK) to communicate with your team.
    Use the TS3 Button for Direct communication aka those who are nearby.
    If i am not mistaken voice will fade out the more away you get from your mates.
    Hills,trees,valleys etc will affect the Radio Signal and your Voice volume.
    When people die or are out of hearing range, they get muted .

    Keep in mind that  TS3 Push to Talk  button and Arma 3 one should be different.Arma 3 default key is CAPS LOCK.

    Escape -> configure -> controls and on almost bottom right u will see an option saying "configure addons".
    This is where your mods keybindings are located.

    In the middle bottom of your screen u will  see a new interface.
    Thats the ShackTac.There u can see your squad mates in relation to you.
    Each circle represents a different distance.Look this out.
    Oh and the one shown there with the diagonal line is your Squad Leader.

    Thats all i can think for now.
    At some point i will update it with more info on map reading etc.
    Feel free to post more tips - instructions in the comments and i will update the post.

    Edit 1: Added a few info about ACRE the Radio addon
  24. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to kennychr in Valiant Update #001   
    So I am guessing from stuff I have glanced on at the forums that there is a small(large?) need for info about Valiant.
    Ill give a quick update about where its at now, what has happened since it was first started and where im currently at.
    Since the first init of the codebase of valiant I have done :
    60 commits during 106 days
    Added: 20k lines of code( DAC and the way FSM is regarded in git subtracted roughly).
    Removed: around 5k lines of code( DAC and the way FSM is regarded in git subtracted roughly).
    Made some alterations in the way the FSMs act, fixed countless stray variables.
    Added logging to all relevant states in the states off all mission currently in the framework to ease debugging.
    There is currently 4 main missions and 2 side missions, more will be added but mission generating is on hold until my current 
    feature is completed and tested in a AW TC (coming soon). 
    Honestly a lot more work that I cant remember cause I probably suppressed cause headaches.
    What im currently doing work in is a rewrite of the missions(completed) and other aspects of the mission to accompany 
    diffrent modsets(ref units etc) so that when it goes public outside of AW. Users\communities have a mission param to 
    select what modset they use. In the start this will be limited to RHS,CUP and Vanilla as those are the most mainstream IMO.
    A Test Candidate will probably be tested on EU#3 in either this weekend or the next one. Ill see how much time I have to work on it tomorrow.
    For now here are two pictures of the threats other than ambient you will face.
    Positioning will be fixed.


  25. Like
    TheToxicPixels reacted to Someone in Other Ways To Support Ahoy World ArmAC?   
    Behave on the servers
    Follow the rules, and encourage good sportsmanship. Simply, encourage good behaviour and discourage people from raging/flaming. Tell people in a gentle manner when they're breaking the rules, let them know that what they're doing isn't allowed and give them a chance to change behaviour. If they keep on breaking the rules, get on TS and fetch an admin.

    Help out never players
    Answer newer players questions, both on the forum and ingame
    Take rookies/new players under your wings, by inviting them to your group and make them feel welcome
    Encourage your squad to go on TS to communicate better and get to know eachother, after all, we're a community - make some friends.

    Try out different roles
    It is important to know how the different roles play. Some people rage on pilots becase there isn't one at the heli pad the second they spawn, or because they get shot down by an enemy jet while in a hummingbird etc.

    The different roles play quite differently, don't just yell for a medic if you're downed in a field where you're clearly visible from enemy troops, get someone else to move you to safety. Concider helping the medics by moving troops, don't put your medics in scenarios where they have to do all the work and then yell at them for a squad wiping.

    If you know the different roles, it's alot easier to understand why different people act/behave in different ways, and you can use that knowledge to utilize those players better, making everyone happier.

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