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    duffyman reacted to Josh in Gamenight: Sunday 29th   
    Hello and welcome to this weeks game-night  
    We will be playing Operation Valiant - Insurgency
    On ArmA3 EU#3 MODDED. 
    The map is Takistan
    The meet up time will be as follows:
    Sunday - 3 PM GMT Mission start
    Brief: We will have a randomly select primary objective to take care of in this mainly infantry based game mode.
    However, we will have to patrol through towns and valleys as an insurgent force is working to recruit and train new members.
    Building clearing will be a major part in this patrol based operation.
    I will provide a much large brief at the gamenight but for now that will do.
    If you sign up for squad leader please be prepared to turn up 30 minutes early for a briefing.
    You will not be allowed to JIP once the mission briefing is over..
    Click here to apply for a slot! Failing to do this my mean you are not guaranteed a slot.
    I'm stressing that any mucking about while we are doing this event will be met with according punishment for degrading other players enjoyment of the event. Normal EU#3 rules apply
    Hope to have a good turn out and I will see you on the battlefield
    For info on how to get the mods click here.
    With this game mode we also are able to provide some statistic tracking on the operation.
    To be able to track your data please sign up here: http://alivemod.com/war-room
    Make sure to fill in your UID.
    Then click join group and search for "Ahoyworld".
    Apply to join and you'll be set to go! 
  2. Like
    duffyman reacted to MessedUpSmiley in Suggested add-on: Chernarus Winter   
    Have played too much Cherno already. I'd rather play another snow map like Thursk if you guys really want one.
  3. Like
    duffyman reacted to razgriz33 in Is the admins on this site immature and bad   
    Can't find anything to do with ice cream related to the name niggnogg, you also sign up with an offensive name so i figure you know exactly what you're doing.
    Topic stays open so that you can all have your opinions either regarding the immaturely named "pedofingers" calling us out to be immature? or whether i need to invest in sponges to clean up all the tears, perhaps even cream for our apparent butthurt.
    I'm sure you'll find our ban appeal process to be as fair as it has ever been as our team has an independent community referee. In your specific case i can't speak for everyone but we don't want our community associating with paedophilia or racism thank you.
  4. Like
    duffyman reacted to kennychr in Valiant alpha test   
    Introducing: AW_Valiant
    So what is this Valiant you speak of ? 
    Valiant is the natural "Evolution" of Gauntlet as in a lot of stuff could be done 
    better in gauntlet coding and performance wise in the back-end and instead of
    just rehashing and doing stuff to Gauntlet code i decided to just start fresh.
    This resulted in a back-end that is in 90% of the cases hassle free to port to a
    map as it doesn't rely on preplaced markers etc for missions spawns as it now uses 
    ​functions to find different areas etc.
    Hopefully this "start from scratch" approach has worked out some 
    of the quirks Gauntlet had.
    It also is alot more modular in terms of settings when you start the mission,
    arsenal, spectator etc. are all definable in mission params in the role select lobby.
    Okay... cool, so is there anything new ? 
    Yes! Theres is now side missions running alongside the main missions, there is emplacements
    of various kinds(in this alpha it will only be running AAA emplacements).
    And im also looking into some other stuff that is still TBA.
    Sweet so what should I do ? 
    I'm stress testing the mission for 2X players this coming date: 13-11-2015 @ 1900GMT
    and I need you to put you'r name in this FORM
    The first 2X players that sign up is going to get to play and will be briefed about 
    different aspects before we step off
    I hope to see a good turnout for this small stress test of Valiant.
  5. Like
    duffyman reacted to TheToxicPixels in Congrats Duffy!   
    Congrats on becoming mod!  
  6. Like
    duffyman got a reaction from Josh in Squad key giveaway!   
    hell yeah
  7. Like
    duffyman reacted to Josh in Squad key giveaway!   
    Ahoy folks it's time for me to give ONE squad key away.

    This will include the "Squad leader tier" features as follows:

    - Closed Alpha access
    - Steam Early access
    - 1 Standard game key
    (Full game w/ Early Access)
    - Founder patch in game
    - Founder Tag in Forums
    - Alternate Primary weapon skins (AK and M4)
    - Digital copy of the “Squad” soundtrack
    - In game name in Credits


    -Must of been registered on the forums for over two weeks.

    How to enter:

    Just enter your forum name in the form below.
    I will use the random number generator here: https://www.random.org/ to select a number between 2 and the max sign up. The persons whom name matches the number wins the key.

    Results will be drawn on the ahoyworld twitch on Sunday the 8th. Entry form will be locked at Midday UK and the live stream will begin one hour later on twitch.tv/ahoyworld or www.ahoyworld.co.uk

    Any questions please post below.
  8. Like
    duffyman reacted to David in New donation system up and running!   
    I managed to make quite a bit of headway today, more than I thought I would be able to anyway! Following on from my previous post (http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/4603-ahoy-subscriptions-phased-out/) the new donation system is now up and running properly. A note for Ahoy+ subscribers with active subscriptions, when your subscription expires it will most likely remove the Donator forum group from you (TS unaffected) and you will need to let a core staff member know so we can reapply it. This is unfortunately out of our control due to the old Ahoy+ setup as this is all automated.
    To use the new donation system simply click on the "Donate" tab at the top of the website, click on the PayPal donate button, follow the process and then enter your PayPal transaction ID on this page: http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/index.php?app=groupjoin&module=apply&section=apply&do=apply&group=7
    You should be directed to this page after you finish your transaction but just in case it doesn't it's at the top of the website under Donate>Register Donation
    We hope you enjoy the changes to the system!
  9. Like
    duffyman got a reaction from FrOzT in Arma 3 Iron Front Server   
    would be amazing to get a game night mission like saving private raz
  10. Like
    duffyman got a reaction from Bomer in Arma 3 Iron Front Server   
    would be amazing to get a game night mission like saving private raz
  11. Like
    duffyman got a reaction from razgriz33 in Arma 3 Iron Front Server   
    would be amazing to get a game night mission like saving private raz
  12. Like
    duffyman reacted to Minipily in Arma 3 Iron Front Server   
    If this was something that would be actually brought in, Jochem and I can help build a mission for it, Jochem has already started I believe.
    Many good ideas for it being a World War 2 fanatic so should be interested.
    WARNING: The mod is a straight copy from Arma 2, so expect an arse ton of bugs, it's being worked on frequently but it will be a while before it is "Great" quality.
  13. Like
    duffyman reacted to Glitch390 in Arma 3 Iron Front Server   
    So some people have voiced a interest in an Iron Front server, with enough interest we will be able to host a server on EU5.
  14. Like
    duffyman reacted to David in Website Downtime   
    Sorry about the recent website downtime, we've got it all sorted out now!
  15. Like
    duffyman reacted to TheScar in Leadership Training   
    ... could ... not ... resist ...
  16. Like
    duffyman reacted to Ripper in Ahoy!!   
    Hi guys, Started playing EU#3 yesterday with my bro Gambit (he doesn't know SovietWomble before anyone asks) and was having a blast. Ended up filling in the free slots in last nights game night, AMAZING!!! All i can say is Bravo Overwatch with MAT squad on the hillside.....
    Can't wait to get back on EU#3 again
  17. Like
    duffyman got a reaction from MessedUpSmiley in Sunday Gauntlet Night (27/09/2015)   
  18. Like
    duffyman got a reaction from DoubleClutch HD in Hello from me DoubleClutch HD (rhymes)   
  19. Like
    duffyman reacted to DoubleClutch HD in Hello from me DoubleClutch HD (rhymes)   
    hey guys i'm DoubleClutch HD or Ralton you can call me Double, Clutch, ralton or ralt i will respond to all of them. I play on Arma 3 EU3 if you've seen me on there already you'll notice i'm rude to NobleClaw, that's because him and i are mortal enemies! nah not really we're really good friends so we will fire shots (not literal) at each other.
    look forward to playing with you all
  20. Like
    duffyman reacted to alganthe in challenger 2 tank   
    How about no ?
  21. Like
    duffyman got a reaction from Nutek in Gamenight 19th September 2015   
    Signed up.
  22. Like
    duffyman reacted to MessedUpSmiley in Letter status 17092015   
    I totally agree with you, playing on this map offers different experiences to any other, most of the experiences & firefights and movement is unique. I can't quite compare it too Fallujah either, seeing Fallujah is repetetive.
    Also you should really swap out '@alganthe' with '@Josh'. He worked really hard to get this working for everybody.
    Logistics is very nice, although I haven't seen much (proper) use of the supply depot(s) yet.
    1.1* Only thing I'd like to ask is that we don't overplay the map right now; so that we don't all turn our heads downwards when it comes into the rotation like we used to do with Fallujah after overplaying that for about a month or two.
    ^Chris & BACON are both right about it just being general stupid to divide the radio in 3 - SLFTLFTL - FT1 - FT2. Also I've noticed that a lot of people; especially new ones tend to come in blank (not calling their callsign) or directing their calls to everyone.
    On the (CAS choppers); you are supposed to request permission not like this: "I'm going to lift off and scan the area around base" (Note: blank) or "Engaging enemy offroad". Also, could CAS pilots please stop engaging targets which are so far out of the AO / off route that they don't even pose a threat anymore. It just leaves you with less munition.
    You know what does? Telling them to keep their mouths shut unless they got something useful to say.
    Keep the stuff on radio to what your fellow fireteam mates would want to hear or be aware of such as contact or orders. Just use friggin' direct otherwise.
    I do agree, the markers are becoming a pain in the arse, but I still think it's better like this.
    I think the problem is people are afraid to ask questions. There is also plenty of useful infomation on this forum or any other fora. YouTube videos might even help.
    Next time, get someone to boot the A SL off his seat, he should look after all his troops. Not just a selective group of experienced ones.
    Rather have Logi have a UAV controller or a Recon squad instead of CT or Charlie.
    I don't think there is any rules concerning this, but it used to be a standard to keep your laser off unless you were designating contact or setting up defensive directions.
    3.2 & 3.5
    Ambient AI is okay as it is I guess, but on some ops - Convoy and nuke - I prefer double timing it past the ambient to prevent the objective vehicle to get less exposed. It is fun as it is a surprise most of the time, came into an awesome situation with duffyman and Josh today.
    I couldn't agree more. And then there is people who keep hotmic'ing with push-to-talk...
    Remove the arsenal and force people to use (improved) randomized standard loadouts. Randomized as in diffrent beard or glasses etc. every once in a while.
    Initiative is never a bad thing, unless exposing/endangering yourself or teammates in the process or going against orders.
  23. Like
    duffyman got a reaction from David in Gamenight 19th September 2015   
    Signed up.
  24. Like
    duffyman got a reaction from FrOzT in Mogadishu   
    time for a black hawk down game night
  25. Like
    duffyman reacted to David in EU5 now running Exile!   
    Some of you have been playing Exile with us over the last few days but now we've got one running on EU5! Come and play!

    You can download it here: www.exilemod.com
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