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Mogadishu is a 10kmx10km Terrain based on movie Black Hawk Down.
Custom Fog paramaeters used. I suggest when you build missions or try map in the editor set FOG to 10-30% best visual effect! 
Map Based on movie Black Hawk Down. Inlcudes multiple locations from the film like Super 61 and 64 crash sites, Bakara Market, US Base Airport, UN Stadium, Beach Shooting Range, etc. 
Over 20.000 Buildings.


Size: 3400 MB 





Opinions? I'd fucking love to do some pro-team building to building CQB fighting on this.

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Looks decent. I like the look of the base. I wish we saw a lot more bases on A3 which actually look protected and used. Most bases were in seem to be highly breachable and weak (just for atheistics of course :))

Bases similar to Camp Bastion, where you can actually see the base in use with living quarters and such would be brilliant. Our bases are so barren and empty and dont feel very immersive imo  :P.

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@plant1ng - your comment puts me in mind of something I have been thinking about - people get bored when nothing happens in a mission.  I think what we are looking for is a state where we encounter some danger, threats that we can respond to, and we really enjoy it when a plan comes together and the team members support each other.


We don't enjoy games where it's lopsided on either side.  Like when:


1) a single infantry platoon with little AT encounters 5 T-90 tanks

2) CAS takes out the majority of threats with impunity

3) a huge platoon of players encounters a single squad of enemies on objective, and a counter-attack of enemies that spawn in the sea

4) bugged objectives that can't be accomplished


(all of which have happened in the last few days :)



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@plant1ng - your comment puts me in mind of something I have been thinking about - people get bored when nothing happens in a mission.  I think what we are looking for is a state where we encounter some danger, threats that we can respond to, and we really enjoy it when a plan comes together and the team members support each other.


We don't enjoy games where it's lopsided on either side.  Like when:


1) a single infantry platoon with little AT encounters 5 T-90 tanks

2) CAS takes out the majority of threats with impunity

3) a huge platoon of players encounters a single squad of enemies on objective, and a counter-attack of enemies that spawn in the sea

4) bugged objectives that can't be accomplished


(all of which have happened in the last few days :)



Please stay on topic. None of that relates to this map. Please either start a new topic or post on the tracker.

Post feedback here: http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/3704-operation-gauntlet-feedback-thread/page-9



Who here has actually downloaded and played this map? Before you read on don't think im against this when I first this post I was full on for supporting this after downloading and playing the map I changed my mind and wasted the hour it took me to download it. Now read on.


The map is 10x10 but the city its self is 1x1. So that leaves half the map to water and half the map to empty land. 

The only, lets say furnished, part of the map is the city it self. Nothing else has been done. For 3GB+ It really isn't worth adding.

The city is nice. But it's a shame to add 3GB for a 10x10 map which would only get used for 1x1. Unfortunately i dont see it getting added at this time. 

If the map gets finished then maybe later on.

Go test the map you will totally agree with me.


3GB for 1x1 square aint worth it. If you're not gonna test it then check these links:


Full map: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/617346715995978671/08AF331EBF085359767CFF16FBC6B5ABC4D96F7F/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside|2048:1104&composite-to=*,*|2048:1104&background-color=black


The city map: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/617346715995979953/7182FE7158AB9B5177535E660748843148A471F3/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside|2048:1104&composite-to=*,*|2048:1104&background-color=black


The City from helicopter: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/617346715995997971/A816A62D382E54CB4C7C90589709E5A6611FB22F/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside|2048:1104&composite-to=*,*|2048:1104&background-color=black


The rest of the map: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/617346715996003508/3C2E67B83EDE57643240013940E06160774139E8/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside|2048:1104&composite-to=*,*|2048:1104&background-color=black


Feel free to check my steam for more screenshots. Or try it yourself.

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Thanks for looking for CQB maps and evaluating them. CQB being something I'm really missing a lot..


For me not so much the size of the city matters, rather the quality of the buildings: I prefer much more the irregular, asymmetric, partly broken, destructible buildings like in Zargabad city for CQB or even on Altis - compared to most of the buildings present on Fallujah, Chernarus and Panthera. The size of the map doesn't really matter to me here.


I'm sure you'll find the best available and practically feasible maps for that, as I'm sure I'm not the only one with a dedication for CQB in here.

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