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Posts posted by WinterMute

  1. AW MVP 2020: @Xwatt

    AW Most Friendly Admin/Moderator/Spartan 2020: @Lindi the Gold Standard of friendliness

    AW Most Helpful Admin/Moderator/Spartan 2020: @chicken_no6 this one will go far!

    AW Most Active Staff Member 2020: @MidnightRunner no idea how you do it all.

    AW Strictest Staff Member 2020: @Lindi but fair!

    AW Best Team Player 2020: @SkullCollector

    AW Most Helpful Member *Non Staff* 2020: @Gambit - if you even hint about the possibility that you're trying to learn something he knows about he will go out of his way to teach you, and let's not forget the behind the scenes stuff for the CHADS and some liveries for my iracing cars...!

    AW Most Friendly Member 2020: @JJ Cakes - going to start a petition to get his bit of the USA on UTC so he can get to more events ;)

    AW Tacti-cool member 2020: @Stryker990 

    AW Most Incoherent Member 2020: @RiverWolf - https://streamable.com/3oogeb

    AW Best Pilot 2020: @Norris for chasing that random dude down in the PMC Ops. Absolute mental stuff - (16 mins in)


    AW Worst Pilot 2020: @Toasted_Bread_Slice because we stop and watch nowadays... https://www.twitch.tv/ahoyworld/clip/EasyFastRatNinjaGrumpy

    AW Best Voice 2020: @Bomer the cleric

    AW Funniest Person on Team Speak 2020: @MidnightRunner - https://youtu.be/F3WAEch22N0?t=978

    AW Worst Joke 2020: @LH5 https://www.twitch.tv/ahoyworld/clip/GenerousPeacefulApeTheThing

    AW Best Moment 2020 (can be in-game, on Team Speak or Forum): @MidnightRunner - see that song about Paddy

    AW Best Forum Post (please put URL in): @SkullCollector for this


    AW Best Fail 2020: @Icze the mine detector

    AW Team Speak Channel 2020: EU1 Altis. Just a nice place to hang out and sometimes even to play Arma

    AW Best Screen Shot 2020:

    AW Candidate for the Hague 2020: @Sho_Iwaizumi records the evidence he then shows at his own trials tbh

    AW Role Model 2020: @Lindi

  2. You will, as time progresses, be able to look at a pilot landing to pick you up from base and decide whether or not the pilot is going to be able to get you to your destination safely, and certain names will stick out in your mind as "do not fly" and "highly skilled" (everyone in between being "normal levels of skilled, and intelligent decision makers").


    Having a formal list (even just hosting it) kind of puts AW in a position of responsibility for the quality of pilots as well and that's an additional burden on the (unpaid) staff's time. The current system lets actively bad pilots be dealt with as and when they appear.

  3. Same. I never remember to do that thing that "I'll just do that later" so place is a tip. It's a pain in the arse, if I get distracted from doing something it's not getting done.


    Rig (prebuilt, as it was the same price as components... black friday! Oh and 0% finance because low pay!)

    Ryzen 3800X

    Asus B450-F (would have preferred X570)

    16 GB Corsair Vengreance 3200Mhz RAM... RGB of course

    1TB Corsair nVME SSD

    1TB Corsair MX500 SSD from previous PC

    2TB Seagate HDD (for videos and "storing crap from old PC" until I tidy it, which I will never do tbh)

    Corsair iCue 220T Black case, with the air front not the glass front

    Asus RTX2070 Super Dual Evo

  4. Dear Mrs More,


    I am writing to confirm to you that, unfortunately, following events in Kinduf City, your son Clay has passed away doing a great service for his country.


    His final act of heroism was to detonate mere seconds after hearing (and being offended by) a nasty Russian invader saying "I'm shit at spotting IEDs", and the immediate aftermath of his heroism was loud Scots-accented gurgling from across the street.


    We believe this action delayed the invaders enough for the server to fall over before the Russians could complete their advance on nearby military installations.



    Cmdr I. N. Surgent

  5. "Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but there's a phone-detonated IED, so Kalae Me Maybe"


    Attack on Kalae - 2020-7-29


    Alpha 2, Rifleman (AT), Green squad


    My account of events, which may be accurate: 


    A mad dash to load up vics, absolute hive of activity, followed by a long old convoy to the objective alongside Hammer, with a few IEDs spotted and dealt with. We achieved early eyes on Kalae Village, dismounted and approached in defillade to go loud a bit closer to the enemy.

    During this I got domed, but while I waited for reinsert everyone else got killed as well.


    After reinserting, I think we lost Hammer and I unknowingly had a broken radio. We managed to capture Kalae Village North (taking some losses to a VBIED set off by a guy with a dead-mans switch and then to blue-on-blue caused when the bomber was being targeted by another squad... didn't help that the victim was CLS!)

    Highlight is me hitting the wheels of a vehicle from 550m with an RPG that only ranged out to 300m.


    Regrouped, discovered the broken radio situation, remounted and moved to a plateau further down the mountain. Dug in some trenches behind smoke and proceeded to draw a lot of attention, with primary threats being an M113 and a sniper, as well as a few attacks via defillade from Kalae Base.

    I launched about 5 RPGs at the M113 and decided that I shouldn't quit the day job...


    We made good use of vehicle mounted guns in the attack on the base, but lost both vehicle gunners during the attack (I was one) and so I missed the rest of that objective. I then ditched the RPG part of my loadout in favour of light weight.


    Reinserted again, near the radio tower, and retraced steps down to the base, then down into Kalae Village South, where we were working on regrouping with the surviving Alpha force as we ended up in a literal minefield. Patched up 2 engineers who had made a good attempt at disarming a mine, and learned a lesson about spacing.


    Regrouped with Alpha. Was given a functioning radio, and proceeded to Kalae HQ with 1 Gaz (the other remained at Kalae Base), where as far as I can tell a total MASCAS happened.


    Reinserted (see the theme?) at Kalae Village North, hoofed it down to Kalae HQ, where we transported down to Kalae HQ and linked up with Bravo. We had achieved Phase line Blue.


    The next target was Kalae Barracks. Under cover of smoke and mortars, we pushed across the runway and captured small outposts en route to the HQ, providing cover from incursions from other local objectives whilst Bravo went capturing the objective. An Su-25 attempted to take off but was dispatched rapidly.


    Whilst this was in place we received word of a counterattack to the West, focussed on the HQ we had previously taken, so we moved to a small outpost East of the runway and suppressed some enemies, and then... my connection failed.


    Feedback type stuff:

    Other than the comms issues (that I and Riverwolf experienced), which pissed me off immensely, I enjoyed the op. It did feel at times that we were not particularly working in concert with other elements, the later assault with Bravo across the runway was a highlight in multi-squad co-operation and a big morale boost after a challenging OP.
    Don't know the nitty gritty of how comms were between squads because I don't monitor 30.

    I'd rather not take an RPG in the short term. I think I am more effective in other roles.

    I would like it if we have a Forward Operating Base that is close to the front line as the convoy there and the reinserts were lengthy.
    The pacing was very strange as a result, and it was theoretically possible to spend 20 minutes out of the battle and immediately have to respawn.

    Some weird thing went on with TFAR.


    Ok, let's hear your side of the story...

  6. As some of you may be aware I've started taking turning left seriously in iRacing, and I'm currently rocking a Bobby Labonte lookalike skin on the ovals. Is anyone creatively inclined able to make an Ahoyworld skin for my car? I have attached the template and I can chuck some pennies at you (or theAW servers ;) )  for it. I plan to race this car for at least the next 3 months or so and then I'll have to see about getting the skin adapted to the car(s) I end up in next season... (and eventually for the Daytona 500...! Of course... unless the skin makes me a massive target on track) 



  7. On 5/6/2020 at 8:00 AM, Stanhope said:

    For starters not nobody calls it in, I know several regulars that will happily call it it.


    The other night we had the problem where so many people were lazing the same target the UAV pilot (of known high standard) was unable to get a lock.

  8. I enjoyed the mission, it was good having a walk through of Enhanced Movement etc.


    Most people have already said things I've thought, to a point. I don't think the structure of the squads was bad necessarily. 4 man teams is fine. I think the noise on LR can be solved by only speaking when spoken to, except in emergencies - and the job of setting that rule comes to the PC in the briefing (and I think this problem was only properly visible in hindsight). Use the downtime (When you run out of objectives) to patch wounds etc, and await further instruction. With LR being less noisy, hopefully PC will have extra capacity to keep the plan coming.


    Helis were used weirdly for the initial insert. Could have driven HMMWV's to those LZ's. I am assuming we have wildly superior equipment and are massively outnumbered by relatively unskilled (ok, skilled enough to survive the war preceding this scenario, but not formally trained) Opfor with Soviet Army Surplus weapons. Would be cool to have had a hot LZ in a confined space (I trust a lot of the pilots involved to be able to fly the little birds up a duck's arse if needed, so this would be no bother to them) - these could be chosen with intel from the Eyes In The Sky - and then work outwards from there. I don't know if you can structure a mission to make that the obvious solution to the initial insert, or whether you need an absolute psycho PlatCo.


    The CLS heli idea would see some properly intense LZ's brought into play.

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