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    applechaser reacted to MidnightRunner in PMC Ops REVENGE Week 11 @ 18:00 UTC 17/09/2021   
    Mission Name:
    PMC Ops Revenge Week 11
    Server Details: 
    Port: 2302
    Mods Required:
    Arma 3 Preset CHADS Revenge.html (Plus usual optional mods)
    TS address: ts.ahoyworld.net
    Expected Mission Length: 120+ minutes (may go over or under expected mission length)
    Player Slots:  43 
    Platoon // 3 man element
    Alpha - Delta // 9 man elements
    Nomad // 2 man recon element
    Vortex // 2 man pilot team 
    After our successful raid on the CDF data hub and upload to the Russian defense net, tensions between the nations have been high.
    The Chernorussians are obviously denying any responsibility but naturally the evidence shows otherwise.
    We have learned the the Russians believe a splinter group within the CDF was responsible and as such have remained sceptical.
    In an effort to drive this wedge even further a Russian officer is to be killed by what appears to be CDF troops. 
    1 x UH-60M
    1 x MH-6M
    Various ground support vehicles
    Friendly Forces:
    UN Observation force
    Chernarussian rebels  
    Enemy Forces:
    Local criminal factions
    Neutral Forces:
    Chernarus Defense forces
    Russian Military observers/advisors
    Civilian presence to be expected, concentrated in built up areas.
    Ambush CDF forces on the way to the Russian compound and steal their equipment.
    While posing as these CDF soldiers we will move to the airfield under VDV control and kill the officer in charge of all Russian forces in the area and disable any assets at the location.
    The troops to be ambushed are enroute to the airfield and as such our arrival as them should not raise any suspicions. Maintaining cover while the operation continues will be paramount.
    1. Ambush the CDF convoy
    2. Steal their uniforms and equipment
    3. Infiltrate the airfield in disguise and find the officer
    4. Eliminate the officer and disable any VDV equipment you can
    5. Maintain the cover supplied by the humanitarian mission  
    Movement Plan:
    At Commanders discretion
    Rules of Engagement:
    Enemies may be engaged on sight based on current squad orders
    Civilians are present in the area so collateral damage is to be kept to a minimum.
    Admin & Logistics
    Equipment & Resupply:
    At the commander’s control, assets are available at base to facilitate this.
    At commanders discretion, transport assets are available.
    Command & Control
    Overall command lays with codename "Overlord" who will set objectives and ROE.
    Operational control on the ground lies with the Platoon Commander.
    Radio channels are set for each element and can be viewed as part of the map. Platoon has limited discretion for change but structure is to be maintained.

  2. Like
    applechaser reacted to Bomer in Task Force Sol - Operation Situation Report   
    Situation Report & Mission Statement: Horizon Islands
    12:29 UTC // 3rd of august 2036 // Classified
    Partially declassified, only intended for 22 SAS regiment, B Squadron assigned to Task Force Sol
    The Horizon islands have been the battleground for the better part of a century now. Since the fierce battles of World War 2 throughout the icy tension of the cold war the strategic importance of the former French colony has made it an unstable region. It frequently passed from puppet master to puppet master.
    For the past 15 years the islands have been stabilizing under the partnership of local Russian “Born” Politician Igor Zelemnikov and business mogul/vice president Hue Chin. Their partnered government grew out of a peaceful protest a dictatorial confederation in 2021. The global community applauded the peaceful transition though MI6 intelligence believes that that both men were instrumental in causing events that ultimately led to the protests.
    Both Zelemnikov and Hue are tied to Horizon Island through their intelligence work during the periods that their respective governments exerted control over the islands. Zelemnikov’s ties with the current Russian government are flimsy but it is clear, based on current Chinese investments and coded messages sent to and from Tanoa, that Chin is still working with the Chinese Ministry of State Security to some extent. Furthermore, their party, Nouveaux Horizons, is currently the only political party.
    Zelemnikov was a KGB officer stationed on the island when it was under soviet influence. The public narrative is that he was born on the island to Russian parents and has lived on the islands ever since working a wide range of minor jobs before rising to fame organizing the first peace march in 2019. Zelemnikov is in fact from Vladivostok, spent time as Spetsnaz operative in Afghanistan during the exodus in 1989 before joining the KGB and getting stationed on Tanoa. With the fall of the USSR, he was disavowed and remained on the island as mercenary fighting a guerrilla war against the government until he re-appeared during the peace march. Zelemnikov is a charismatic individual, a cult leader in any other light. The man has a way with words.
    Hue Chin is a lot more honest about who he is. Heir to the Chin Digital Media empire, he took over his family’s business when his father Lee Chin passed in 2016 due to unknown health complication. Lee was an eccentric individual that like showing off his physical health. Lee Chin’s criticism of government crackdown on media & online entertainment therefore may have been the health complication the doctors were referring to. Prior to all this Hue Chin spent time in military academies as well as a 3-year gap where even the combined efforts of western intelligence can’t pinpoint where he was. Hue spent much of his time from 2010 to 2021 buying and selling land around the Horizon islands to Chinese companies and islanders to curry favour with them as well as doing the MSS’s bidding.
    The pair ushered in a golden decade for the islands as Chinese businesses heavily invested in the region. The island modernized rapidly but wealth quickly pooled around the wealthy business owners rather than the regular population. This led to a series of large-scale protests throughout the island chain in 2032 which to everyone’s surprise was beat back aggressively by government forces. These protests led to a downfall in standing with the global community. After the discovery of Uranium on the island of Tanoa Chinese influence and the militarization of the islands has increased dramatically.
    With the increase of animosity to the outside world in the last five years the global community has denounced Tanoa’s government and called for the stop of Uranium mining & enrichment, harsh sanctions on trade, and opening of borders to human rights watchdogs. Tanoa has answered with the promise to arm themselves accordingly to the threat that the global community is making themselves out to be. They have begun expelling American and European embassies and organisations.
    “We have licked the heels of despots for too long. Tanoa has been a truly free nation for 15 years and we shall not submit again!” -Igor Zelemnikov
    China, and by extent all members of the Canton Protocol Strategic Alliance Treaty are applauding The Horizon islands firm stance and have recently begun training and equipping the Horizon islands. Furthermore, MI6 has confirmed CSAT Is performing weapons testing on the islands. NATO [redacted] officer, [redacted], is even making a case that the recent earthquakes on the island are caused by a device first encountered by said officer on the Mediterranean islands of Altis & Stratis.
                    “The only logical thing to do when the Western world threatens to play empire yet again. The Horizon Islands have our full support.” -CCP Spokesperson
    Aside from a minor CSAT presence and the HIMF a third faction currently operates around the Horizon Islands. The Syndikat, or just Syndikat, a loosely organised smugglers ring in the Indian & Pacific Ocean, and the west African coast. The key leader is a man that goes by the alias Warlock. We know very little about him but whenever we roll up a cell this name comes up as being the leader. Syndikat have begun appearing in the jungles of The Horizon Islands raiding villages and smuggling drugs, guns and more wherever they like. Though Syndikat is not our priority we may find ourselves fighting them during our operation.
    MI6 and the CIA have gathered enough intel to build a case against the two men in The Hague for instigating a popular uprising through inhumane acts, crimes against humanity and extortion.
    The firm stance of the Horizon Island government began around the same time this Intel came to our light. Insiders are concerned there are potential moles in both agencies. This document is therefore your eyes only. Each of you will be deployed into a hostile country for potentially 6+ months with only each-other to trust. Beyond the draftee of this document, The heads of MI6 and the commander of the HMS Proteus no one knows the full reason or plan of this operation.
    Mission objective
    Carrier Group Severn Is to be sent to the Horizon islands to deliver and extract brigade of Royal Marines and SAS teams.
    The Royal marines will be retrieving the embassy members from Georgetown.
    SAS teams will use the cover of the rescue op to infiltrate the island chain and begin a multi-phased operation wherein they will gather intelligence, Sabotage, raid & assassinate high value targets in preparation for a coalition invasion. Meanwhile, they will also keep track of and attempt to apprehend Igor Zelemnikov and Hue Chin. Carrier group Severn will retreat from the area leaving operatives with no immediate support. HMS Proteus will return occasionally for supplies. Operatives are to maintain total radio silence on comms outbound from the Islands to ensure concealment. Messages requests and intel will be relayed via HMS proteus. Only when the general mission is at risk may radio silence be broken.
    Phase 1: Establish foothold
    Operatives will infiltrate and secure several Forward operating bases within the Tanoan jungle. Targets have been chosen from a selection of abandoned military installations, Jungle temples & archaeology sites, and cave/rock formations. Once secured these positions should be fortified and stocked with supplies brought in via supply drop from carrier group Severn before it leaves the area.
    Phase 2: Gather intelligence
    Operatives will gather intel on troop strength, weapons development, High Value Individuals, and points of interest such as government buildings, checkpoints, Uranium mines, & Military installations. Multiple potential landing sites will need to be investigated for the coalition invasion. This will be done through observation, infiltration & hiding within the population.
    Phase 3: Sabotage
    Based on intel gathered operatives will begin assaulting point/people of interests and weapons development labs found during phase 2. [Redacted] will send in a team for support on any of the special weapons development lab. It’s important that any sabotage performed during this phase will not draw direct attention to us or our intentions. Any targets assaulted in this phase will in some way impact the Islands economy, morale, or CSAT’s weapons development.
    Phase 4: Bite and Hold
    With the invasion imminent Operatives will move and begin assaulting points of importance on the surrounding islands to ensure safe landings for coalition forces. Operatives will need to hold these points of interest until friendly forces come in to relieve and hold the positions instead. Operatives will then retreat to the main island and prepare to attack and hold points of importance there in anticipation for the invasion of the Main Island. After successful landings Operatives will work to find and capture Igor Zelemnikov and Hue Chin.
    Once Igor Zelemnikov and Hue Chin are in custody Coalition forces will move into the capital & establish a more moderate government. Zelemnikov & Chin will then be tried in The Hague.
    SITREP Mission Progress Notes
    Warlock is sending a certain M'Bala to investigate the losses of some of their hideouts, which we have now occupied as bivouacs. These Familiers as they are called are Warlock's personal soldiers. They are well trained and well equipped. We should watch out. Weapons Development Labs
    Cheng - Project Asp - Advanced Viper suit development
    Due to being uncovered twice by HIMF and CSAT and other global events we are now at war with CSAT.
    During Operation Thunderstruck a nuclear explosion occured at the Red Spring Uranium mine. The direct area around the site is lethal. At this time it is not yet clear what the damage of the fallout and radioation is.
    Listening Post Leicester is now running and gathering data from secure channels. SAS operatives has been rescued. All soldiers are accounted for. ION elements have been successfully exfiltrated. Igor Zelemnikov and Heu Chin have been taken into custody. They will now await their trail in the hague for warcrimes they've commited prior to and during their reign of the Horizon Islands. Evidence provided will further support our decision to invade the Island Chain in front of the global community. Additionally, their capture means that the Horizon Island government is headless. We intend to make use of the ensuing chaos to offer a reasonable surrender to whoever fills the void. Our stolen Polaris Dagor has been secured and safely stored back at base. Weapons Development Labs
    Cheng - Project Asp - Advanced Viper suit development
    Liu - Project East wind - Secured and transferred to CTRG
    Zhang - Project Atrox - Weaponized Virus development - Dismantled - CTRG retrieved a sample and counter agent.
    Xhaio - Project Isotope - Weaponization of Radon - Dismantled
    Wang - Project Black Gauntlet - Likely the Weapons lab in the Uranium mine.
    We managed to steal a truck full of CSAT equipment. Included were guns, helmets and uniforms. We'll keep it stored for when we need to impersonate CSAT.
    Landing sites have been evaluated and marked. Some positions are mined but not impossible to deal with
    A number of military facilities are located on the western islands. Potential targets for sabotage/airstrikes
    An SAS team has made the mistake of driving on a main road through a major settlement, they collided with a HIMF APC which called in CSAT reinforcements. We have lost contact with the element. We can only assume that CSAT knows we are now on the island. All we can hope is that none of the operatives survived to be interrogated. It is likely HIMF & CSAT will be on full alert when our next operation rolls around.
    Bivouac Plymouth turned out to be a Viper training camp testing new Viper equipment called Reflectors. The assault triggered a very strong response from CSAT. It is likely whatever we found was very important to CSAT there
    Global consequences of the campaign
    The events on the Horizon Islands have lead to a third world war. While the world is mostly divided between east and west the division is much further based on the current and historic relationships between the two main parties; CSAT and NATO. A number of countries remain neutral. Most notably Russia and Argentina which both find themselves between both sides but have a strong enough military force to deter a possible invasion. The UN Security Council as assigned Argentina the duty of UN observer in the coming conflict. Russia meanwhile seems to be playing its own game amidst the chaos.  
    Igor Zelemnikov and Heu Chin have been taken into custody and are being tried in The Hague. A number of assassination attempts have been made during the trail but for now both are very much alive. So far the trail has revealed evidence for the crimes against humanity committed by the pair along with the experiments CSAT has been doing on the island. Public opinion of our invasion of the islands and our response to CSAT's declaration has therefore swung in our favour.  
    The rescue of ION operatives has made its rounds in the media back home. Aside from A PR boost for the military it's also meant Many PMC's are offering their services at reduced rates to our governments as covert soldiers. Intelligence agencies are currently vetting these groups and establishing a spy network of PMC's.  
    The Red Spring nuclear incident has been devastating to the Horizon Island region. While the blast itself was minor, enough radioactive material was distributed over the main island to severely impact the agriculture there. Blue Pearl Industrial harbour and the villages around the mine will likely not be usable for the foreseeable future meaning a significant effect on the Island Chain's economic strength. A whole new deep sea port will have to be build.  
    While we managed to destroy most weapon development labs we failed to find further intel on project Asp. it is likely this development will proceed and we may encounter more powerful Viper units during future campaigns. Nonetheless we have crippled CSAT's military tech strength and have developed necessary countermeasures to the developments we found on the island chain. Where CSAT may have had a leap in technology a year ago we have levelled the playing field  
    CSAT is in the possession of an orbital laser capable of storing solar power and transferring it into a high intensity energy beam. While we have specialists working on figuring out the exact details of the device and ways of taking it down we will have to be cautious when fighting in High intensity areas. So far we know it can only be on one location at a time and takes time to get into position. It heavily relies on earth's rotation to get anywhere fast.  
    Any Further questions in regards to the current situations may be directed at the officer currently investigating the situation by responding in the thread below.
  3. Like
    applechaser reacted to Bomer in Task Force Aegis – Torn Citadel 14/09/2021   
    Mission Name:
    Task Force Aegis – Torn Citadel
    Server Details:
    Port: 2302
    Mods required:
    AWE Aegis-456+.html
    TS address: ts.ahoyworld.net
    Server opens 30 minutes ahead of time
    Expected mission length 120+ minutes (may go over or under expected mission length
    Player Slots: 31
    ·         Central // 4 man command element
    ·         Alpha-Delta // 6 man infantry squads
    ·         Faust // 3 man Mortar pit team
    Communications report & analysis: Matterhorn – K2
    [Comms initiated]
    “Matterhorn to K2 priority message. Torn Citadel, Torn Citadel.”
    “Send for K2. Status?”
    “K2, Matterhorn is under attack. We are under accurate Mortar fire and are being attacked from multiple directions. Requesting immediate QRF.”
    “Understood Matterhorn, Mobilizing QRF. What is your combat status?”
    “K2, Our Mechanized Element is destroyed. Callsign Dragon was in transit for maintenance has been destroyed on our helipad. We are combat effective for now but have limited ammunition. We expect to hold out for one or two hours with the current pressure.”
    “Copy that Matterhorn, QRF is staging at Altis International Airfield. Unclear on ETA. Will keep you updated.”
    [Several minutes later]
    “K2, we need that QRF now! These aren’t just FIA. There’s too many of them for that! Enemies broke through one of our barriers but have been repelled for now. Additional, we have smoke rising in the nearby IDAP camp and Syrta itself.”
    “Matterhorn, We are doing what we can. I suggest you do the same. Ensure IDAP is safe. They’ve been targeted once. They may be a target again!”
    [inaudible from Matterhorn. Someone shouting off radio]
    [Comms disrupted & subsequently lost]
    [Attempt to re-establish coms]
    [Attempt failed]
    [Attempt to re-establish coms]
    [Attempt failed]
    [Attempt to re-establish coms]
    [Attempt failed]
    End of  report
    ·         Pandur IFV  - Destroyed
    ·         AH-99 Blackfoot - Destroyed
    ·         UGV Stomper
    ·         MK6 Mortars + artillery computer
    ·         Strider motor pool
    Friendly Forces:
    IDAP // humanitarian aid group
    ION // PMC tasked with protecting IDAP
    Enemy Forces:
    -FIA insurgents
    Syrta locals
    Hold out until QRF from the airfield arrives.
    Investigate smoke in Syrta & IDAP camp
    Movement Plan:
    At commander’s discretion
    Rules of engagement:
    At commander’s discretion

  4. Haha
    applechaser reacted to Bomer in Task Force Aegis – No man left behind 31/08/2021   
    Mission Name:
    Task Force Aegis – No man left behind
    Server Details:
    Port: 2302
    Mods required:
    AWE Aegis-456+.html
    TS address: ts.ahoyworld.net
    Server opens 30 minutes ahead of time
    Expected mission length 120+ minutes (may go over or under expected mission length
    Player Slots: 21
    ·         Central // 4 man command element
    ·         Alpha-Bravo // 6 man infantry squads
    ·         Sigfried // 3 man IFV element
    ·         Wyvern // 2 man WY-55 Hellcat Transport element
    During our operations in Kavala Private Mark Rollins was captured by FIA insurgents while protecting the local AAF commander. The FIA released a ransom video demanding the release of a number of FIA members in exchange for the private’s Life and freedom. Turns out the FIA aren’t the most Tech-savvy and uploaded the video directly from an IP in the village of Abdera. The German platoon stationed at FOB Matterhorn is currently closest and mobilizing to head to the town and find the Private.
    Abdera is a civilian centre heavily impacted by the civil war. Civilians in the village have mixed opinions on the Peacekeeping forces. It’s Important we’re on our best behaviour when in the town. Be nice to them and help them if they ask.
    In other news IDAP is back in the area and helping the local population and a minor earthquake occurred on Stratis doing no damage. After all the shenanigans with those chemicals things are finally starting to quiet down! Did anyone see that video of the cat getting startled by the quake though? It’s adorable!
    ·         Pandur IFV
    ·         WY-55 Hellcat
    ·         UGV Stomper & other small to medium logistical support drones.
    Friendly Forces:
    AAF // despite our efforts to protect the city of Kavala, AAF Leadership have gotten rather angry with us. We're not sure why. AAF is still friendly but seem unwilling to cooperate.
    Enemy Forces:
    FIA insurgents
    Abdera is a civilian centre heavily impacted by the civil war. Civilians in the village have mixed opinions on the Peacekeeping forces. Insurgents will likely make use of this by blending in with the population.
    IDAP is operation in the general area around Syrta, be sure to watch out for their white helmets and orange logos.
    -Find and rescue Private Mark Rollins
    -Maintain Hearts & minds with the Abdera population.
    At commanders discretion
    Movement Plan:
    At commanders discretion
    It is recommended to travel along the main roads considering old unexploded ordinances and mines.
    Rules of engagement:
    We’re headed into a civilian area with Insurgent activity. Do not fire unless fired upon and ensure your target is an active combatant.

  5. Like
    applechaser reacted to Bomer in Task Force Aegis - Operation Ajax: The enemy of my enemy 24/08/2021   
    Mission Name:
    Task Force Aegis – Operation Ajax: The enemy of my enemy
    Server Details:
    Port: 2302
    Mods required:
    AWE Aegis-456+.html
    TS address: ts.ahoyworld.net
    Server opens 30 minutes ahead of time
    Expected mission length 120+ minutes (may go over or under expected mission length
    Player Slots: 21
    Central // 4 man command element
    Longsword // 6 man CTRG team
    Battleaxe // 6 man Spetsnaz team
    Wyvern // WY-55 Hellcat armed
    Dragon // AH 64 Apache CAS
    Beagle // F-38C peregrine CAS/CAP
    During the events of Clean-up and Heisenberg events unfolded that lead to a temporary coalition with the Russian Federation.
    The Russian FSS Have been hard at work to destabilize the Altian islands with the express intention of drawing CSAT out of Stratis where an Iranian force is training AAF soldiers. Intel suggests however that CSAT is doing more than training but also uses the island as an experimental weapons development centre (EWDC). As NATO activity has thrown a wrench in the destabilisation of the island the FSS are now willing to work together with NATO to defeat the common enemy that is CSAT by staging a surprise assault on the island.
    Our mission will be to find the EWDC, find out what they are developing, gather evidence and then destroy it. First we must destroy two SAM sites on the eastern shore to ensure CAS elements can perform their duties.
    As stealth will only get us so far with the heavy presence of CSAT & AAF on the island we will be receiving a number of CAS elements to ensure mission success. We will be attacking the island at a time that most posts will be minimally occupied due to a religious holiday. Once CSAT and the AAF are aware of our position though we will have a limited window to perform our mission and get out. Given enough time they will mobilize and overwhelm our position regardless of the fire support we can offer.
    Due to the geopolitical situation we find ourselves in it is unlikely that this will turn into a international incident. CSAT will have reason to keep this facility a secret and them making a big deal out of this would mean that secret would come out as well.
    AH 64 Apache CAS
    WY-55 Hellcat armed Transport - 6 Passenger seats
    CH-49 Mohawk Transport - 16 passenger seats
    F-38C peregrine CAS/CAP
    Friendly Forces:
    Russian Federation
    Carrier Group Severn
    HMS indomitable //  Staging point for Dragon & Beagle
                                    -available for additional support in the event of overwhelming odds.
    HMS proteus // Submersible staging point for ground teams.
    Enemy Forces:
    Stratis is for the most part abandoned. The only two civilian populated settlements are Girna & Agia Marina.
    -Destroy SAM sites
    - Find the experimental weapons lab
    - Find out what they are developing there
    - Bring back evidence of its existence in the form of documents & photos
    - Destroy the experimental weapons lab
    -Hold out until Wyvern arrives for exfil
    -Exfil with Wyvern
    Central, Longsword & Battleaxe
    -SDV towards nearby SAM sites.
    -Clear samsites and set charges.
    - Blow SAM charges & Move into position to breach and clear Air Station Mike-26
    -Breach and clear Air Station Mike-26
    -Gather evidence & Take pictures.
    -set charges to blow Experimental Weapons Lab
    -Defend Air Station Mike-26 until Wyvern arrives for exfil
    -Blow up Experimental Weapons Lab
    -Exfil with Wyvern
    Beagle & Dragon
    -Standby until Sam sites have been destroyed.
    -Cover ground teams from the directions of Stratis Air Base & Kamino Firing range until Wyvern has exfilled ground teams
    -Beagle will also be responsible for keeping the airspace clear of enemy fast movers.
    -Provide reinsert & light CAS
    -Exfil Ground teams once their mission is complete
    Movement Plan:
    Insertion points and movement plan indicated on map
    Rules of engagement:
    There are no limits on ROE. Do consider that opening fire may compromise stealth and begin the mobilisation of enemy forces in the event an alarm is triggered.

  6. Like
    applechaser reacted to Bomer in Task Force Aegis - Operation Ajax: Heisenberg 17-08-2021   
    Mission Name:
    Task Force Aegis – Operation Ajax: Heisenberg
    Server Details:
    Port: 2302
    Mods required:
    AWE Aegis-456+.html
    TS address: ts.ahoyworld.net
    Server opens 30 minutes ahead of time
    Expected mission length 120+ minutes (may go over or under expected mission length
    Player Slots: 23
    ·         Central // 3 man platoon element
    ·         Alpha – Delta // 4 man CTRG fire teams
    ·         Phalanx // 4 man Blackfish-Armed overhead support
    The chemicals found in Malden were brought there via a Russian Spetsnaz team. Fortunately we tracked an Submersible leaving the island and reaching a Russian Sub which then travelled all the way here to the Barents sea. The island is entirely abandoned and seems to have recently be re-activated as a purely military installation.
    UK Carrier group Thames has reached a holding position beyond the islands radar while CTRG operatives are preparing to HALO jump over the island to find proof of the chemical production on the island and destroy it.
    There is a radio tower and radar installation nearby that will need to be disabled to prevent the enemy from calling in a QRF and giving us space to perform our mission.
    V-44x Blackfish (armed)
    Friendly Forces:
    Thames // Carrier Group Thames
    -available for additional support in the event of overwhelming odds.
    Enemy Forces:
    Russian Garrison
    The island has been abandoned for several years. No civilians are to be expected.
    -cut off communications to this part of the island to prevent QRF
    -Disable the radar installation so Phalanx can provide overwatch and fire support without risk of interception
    -Assault & secure the potential chemical facilities
    -Gather intel through documents, photos, laptops, interrogation and other points of interest.
    -Destroy any chemical facility & Depot
    Stealth is of utmost importance to the initial start of the mission. Between insertion and assault of the potential chemical facilities stealth should be maintained. Once radar and radio are down you are clear to go loud as the local garrison would then be unable to see you coming or call in QRF.
    Movement Plan:
    At commander's discretion
    Rules of engagement:
    There are no limits on ROE. Do consider that opening fire may compromise stealth.
    AWE Aegis-456+.html
  7. Like
    applechaser reacted to Bomer in Task Force Aegis - Operation Ajax: Clean-up 10-08-2021   
    Mission Name:
    Task Force Aegis – Operation Ajax: Clean-up
    Server Details:
    Port: 2302
    Mods required:
    AWE Aegis-456.html
    TS address: ts.ahoyworld.net
    Server opens 30 minutes ahead of time
    Expected mission length 120+ minutes (may go over or under expected mission length
    Player Slots: 20
    ·         Central // 4 man platoon element with Falcon UAV
    ·         Alpha, Charlie //4 man squads with ED-1D UGV specialists.
    ·         Bravo. Delta // 4 man squads with SAW gunners.
    ·         Hawk // 2 man Sniper team
    ·         Eagle // 2 man Sniper team
    Over the past week a great amount of intel has been sent in from a German platoon in Syrta and PJ’s in Malden suggesting a chemical attack on Kavala. Thanks to eagle-eyed soldiers we know when and where the FIA will be striking.
    They will be setting up chemically loaded explosives along the route for the Veterans day parade that will occur the following day.
    The new AAF government moved Altis’ veterans day to celebrate the birthday of a controversial officer within their ranks that died in the last few days of the civil war. Making he event itself a sensitive topic amongst the population
    We have been sent to Kavala ahead of the FIA to evacuate the civilians in the targeted areas, clear out any explosives they might have already placed, and arrest any FIA insurgents attempting to set charges.
    - ED1D demining drones
    - MQ12 Falcon UAV
    -Hunter MRAP's
    Friendly Forces:
    Kavala Police Department
    Enemy Forces:
    FIA Insurgents
    Aside from the regular civilian presence many Altians from across the island have come for the parade. Expect many civilians in the area.
    -Secure objective markers and evacuate civilians
    -check for explosives along the route
    -Arrest or kill FIA insurgents attempting to plant explosive charges.
    -Keep civilians safe
    At commander's discretion
    Movement Plan:
    At commander's discretion
    Rules of engagement:
    We’re headed into a civilian area with a large variety of armed individuals moving about the streets. Extreme trigger discipline is to be expected.
  8. Like
    applechaser reacted to SiegeSix in [AWE] The Boomerang Effect SUNDAY 08/08/2021 @ 18:00 UTC   
    The Boomerang Effect
    Mission Length
    90-120 minutes
    In 2018, a group known as the Молящиеся святые killed a french nationalist. A chain of political events kicked off from the killing, which led to the Italian ambassador in Greece to make a public statement on social media, that he condemns all actions this group has made. This message made him target number one. The group managed to hack his private computer revealing involvment in human trafficking, Italian diplomatic plans and secret military interventions in Greece. The group claims they only target high profiles to reveal their true nature. This has made the ambassador anxious to get off the island.
    Friendly Forces
    Private Security Contractors, Motorized Contractors
    - 4x4 Teams (TL, Medic & two operators)
    Local Police, Motorized Armed Police
    - 1x8 Bravo 2-1
    Ambassador, VIP
    - x1 Italian Ambassador (first come, first serve)
    Enemy Forces
    Молящиеся святые, ?
    - Unknown
    Indenpendent Forces
    Armed Civilians, ?
    - Unknown
    The ambassador has been anxious, so he has hired us, a private security company to aid him in his escape off the island. Since aerial transportation is risky, we'll have to go by vehicle.
    Load convoy Drive VIP to civilian airport NE of island  
    Command / Logistics
    Overall command falls on callsign Lonestar. Operational command falls on Spartan Team Leader.
  9. Like
    applechaser reacted to MidnightRunner in PMC Ops REVENGE Week 7 @ 18:00 UTC 06/08/2021   
    Mission Name:
    PMC Ops Revenge Week 7
    Server Details: 
    Port: 2302
    Mods Required:
    Arma 3 Preset CHADS Revenge.html (Plus usual optional mods)
    TS address: ts.ahoyworld.net
    Expected Mission Length: 120+ minutes (may go over or under expected mission length)
    Player Slots:  43 
    Platoon // 3 man element
    Alpha - Delta // 9 man elements
    Nomad // 2 man recon element
    Vortex // 2 man pilot team
    The local criminal groups have made several bold attacks against humanitarian efforts in the area, This makes our efforts, while only a cover, look ineffective.  We obviously cannot allow this slight against our reputation. Along with this we have been contracted by the rebels to destroy 3 fuel silos near Berezino being used by government forces in order to reduce the ability of their forces to move around.
    1 x UH-60M
    1 x MH-6M
    Various ground support vehicles
    Friendly Forces:
    UN Observation force
    Chernarussian rebels  
    Enemy Forces:
    Local criminal factions
    Neutral Forces:
    Chernarus Defense forces
    Russian Military observers/advisors
    Civilian presence to be expected, concentrated in built up areas.
    We have obtained cover to move aid to the hospital in Berezino. This will lead us near both objectives. Move into the area get payback on the criminal factions and complete the contract for the rebels.
    1. Destroy the criminal compound to send a strong message
    2. Demolish the target fuel silos
    3. Maintain the cover supplied by the humanitarian mission
    Movement Plan:
    At Commanders discretion
    Rules of Engagement:
    Enemies may be engaged on sight based on current squad orders
    Civilians are present in the area so collateral damage is to be kept to a minimum.
    Admin & Logistics
    Equipment & Resupply:
    At the commander’s control, assets are available at base to facilitate this.
    At commanders discretion, transport assets are available.
    Command & Control
    Overall command lays with codename "Overlord" who will set objectives and ROE.
    Operational control on the ground lies with the Platoon Commander.
    Radio channels are set for each element and can be viewed as part of the map. Platoon has limited discretion for change but structure is to be maintained.

  10. Thanks
    applechaser reacted to MidnightRunner in Frontlines Changelog   
    Frontlines Version 0.4.11 update for 27/07/21

    [Tweaked] Arty computer enabled for vehicle based artillery
    [Tweaked] IEDs/Intel can no longer spawn on top of each other
  11. Thanks
    applechaser reacted to GhostDragon in Add AW rules to forums navbar   
    Done! Under guidelines
  12. Like
    applechaser reacted to ansin11 in Add AW rules to forums navbar   
    Could a link to ahoyworld.net/rules be added to the navbar of the forums (similar to Support Us and Forms)?

    That way it would be a lot easier to find the rules. I was recently looking for them and found myself having to resort to using the search functionality of the forums to find them buried in this pinned post.
  13. Like
    applechaser reacted to Mikael in After action reports / replays   
    Hello everyone.
    I am not entirely sure if this is the correct place to put this, as its not a mod request per se, but I have been watching Dslyecxi's videos lately and the AAR reports are absolutely fantastic.
    You can see an example here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CC9gmF2re0
    I've been searching around, but it seems that shacktacs's AAR mod is private and not accessible to the public.
    Would it be possible to create a similar system for AWE? I realize that its probably not doable for Frontlines/I&A (although it would be absolutely awesome), but I think we could learn a lot from our gamenights by using it.
    Even if we dont get the fancy 3D graphics, having a tool like this: https://github.com/OCAP2/OCAP might do the job almost as well, although we lose altitude info from air assets.
    OCAP2 also supports a website, so it can be publicly accessible.
    Anyways, I know we have some fantastic dev's, so you guys would have to comment on the feasability of this.
    It would also have to be tested for performance impact and stability of course.
    What does everyone think?
    Would you be interested in sitting down and having a look back at what happened?
    I think at least for me, when squad leading, it would be a fantastic tool for learning.
  14. Like
    applechaser reacted to RiverWolf in Introduction of Regular Community Meetings   
    Thank you again for the community meeting I felt it was welcoming and had quite a chill feeling to it but most importantly it was good to share ideas as one whole. Here's to many more productive meetings 👍
  15. Like
    applechaser reacted to Mikael in Introduction of Regular Community Meetings   
    I was unable to attend today, but I just watched the VOD, and it was good. Thank you for hosting the meeting.
    One item I would like on the agenda going forwards would be a simple recap since the last meeting.
    What have happened since last time, aswell as a recap of the points from the previous meeting and any updates on progress for the previous items.
  16. Thanks
    applechaser reacted to MidnightRunner in Introduction of Regular Community Meetings   
    Slides from today's meeting:
    Thanks to all that showed up.
    Items for further discussion and polls will be posted soon 
    VOD available on : https://www.twitch.tv/ahoyworld
    Minutes to follow
  17. Like
    applechaser reacted to Bomer in Task Force Aegis - 3 (27/07/21)   
    Mission Name:
    Task Force Aegis – 3

    Server Details:
    Port: 2302
    Mods required:
    AWE Aegis.html
    TS address: ts.ahoyworld.net
    Server opens 30 minutes ahead of time
    Expected mission length 120+ minutes (may go over or under expected mission length
    Player Slots: 20
    -3x 4 man Pararescue squads
    -2x 4 man Helicopter crew
    The trawler that escaped with Thamos Ioannou has reached the island of Malden masquerading as a Russian cargo ship.
    Radar suggests the Ship has finally stopped moving.
    We are not sure why it decided to land near Malden.
    US Airforce Pararescue Jumpers are gearing up now to find the trawler and save Thamos Ioannou.
    2x HH-60G Pavehawk search & rescue helicopters. Callsigns Perseus & Hercules.
    Friendly Forces:
    Nearby NATO/Civilian airfield available for tasking
    Enemy Forces:
    FIA Insurgent remnant.
    Malden is a civilian populated island, expect civilians in every settlement.
    -Find and Rescue Thamos Ioannou.
    -Find out why the insurgents sailed all the way to Malden.
    -Find trawler
    -Trace Ioannou’s tracks
    -Rescue Ioannou
    -Gather intel along the way from Ioannou, captured FIA or documents
    -Hercules and Perseus will both provide Recon, Close Air support And Evac.
    Movement Plan:
    -Load into Perseus and Hercules.
    -Move along the coast until you find the Trawler
    -Land or fastrope nearby
    -Rescue Ioannou and gather intel.
    -Load back into Perseus and Hercules and RTB
    Rules of engagement:
    We’re headed into a civilian area with Insurgent activity. Do not fire unless fired upon.
  18. Like
    applechaser reacted to MidnightRunner in Invade & Annex DLC Maps Version History & Feedback thread   
    Changelog for 3.4.07
    - [Added] Disclaimer message when opening UAV Terminal
    - [Added] Chance for ATGMs on UAVs
    - [Added] Next AO hint and spawn delay
    - [Added] Revive actions for medical vehicles
    - [Added] Backend Discord functionality
    - [Added][Altis] Mainbase teleporter to docks
    - [Added][Altis] Main AO SubObj Mortar Team
    - [Added][Altis] Main AO SubObj AA Fortification
    - [Added][Altis] Main AO SubObj AAA Fortification
    - [Fixed] Sidemission Destroyer not despawning
    - [Fixed] Downed player medical icon Z position
    - [Tweaked] Sidemission SecureAsset holdaction range
    - [Tweaked] Enemy CAS jet type probability
    - [Tweaked] Abandoned vehicles moved to spawnpoint get health and fuel
    - [Tweaked] Repair/Refuel actions
    - [Tweaked] Supplycrate contents and drop actions
    - [Tweaked][Altis] Main AO garrisoned building set to indestructible
    - [Tweaked][Altis] Helicopter respawn delay increased (2 -> 5 min.)
    - [Tweaked][Altis] Main AO SubObj Comms nearObjects range
    - [Removed] Deprecated defines
  19. Like
    applechaser reacted to Havoc in Frontlines Feedback Thread   
    Enemy units will come looking for captured units that are still carrying their radio. To prevent this, players have to strip and search every captured unit.
    Edit: and remove their radio ofcourse
  20. Like
    applechaser reacted to Havoc in Frontlines Feedback Thread   
    Couple of things that come to mind to help fix this issue.
    - Haven't noticed it yet but it would help with night operations if there is a full moon. If you have the right screen for it in 80% of the situations you don't even need night vision when it's full moon, and in other situations the extra ambient light helps in general.
    - I was planning on requesting the bettir mod, this might be a good time to actually do it. This mod could help fix the problem that you are describing by adding weapon and helmet mounted IR flashlights.
  21. Like
    applechaser reacted to RiverWolf in Frontlines Feedback Thread   
    I'd like to make a suggestion regarding night ops, I think it's a shame with how crap the ACE night vision is puts pretty much a complete stop to any kind of night op and as much as I would like to use flares to aid the night they are highly ineffective because of how little time they last and no matter how many are brought they run out quite fast and they also add unnecessary weight to your load out so to counter this I suggest simply adding the vanilla night vision, it would save a lot of hassle and it will keep players from leaving when night rolls around and generally give a bit more fun to the players who do stick around.
  22. Like
    applechaser reacted to Minipily in [Mod] BettIR   
    We've been using this on the MSO for a while now. It works great and contains everything that should have been in the vanilla game to start off with. Pair this with the Modern Warfare NVG colours and you get some pretty nice NVGs.
  23. Like
    applechaser reacted to Havoc in [Mod] BettIR   
    BettIR This mod adds, amongst other things: NVG-mounted IR lights (compatible with particular NVGs only) Weapon-mounted IR lights (e.g. vanilla IR laser pointer is enough to use this functionality) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2260572637 I believe this mod will increase the enjoyment that players can get out of night operations by improving visibility in low light situations because right now night time gets mostly skipped unless there are players willing to fire flares up every 20 seconds for hours. I think most players already have experience (either through MSO, or an AWE gamenight at some point I believe). Also, it's cool.
  24. Like
    applechaser reacted to RiverWolf in Frontlines Feedback Thread   
    I hear you Dom, can't make it too rewarding.
  25. Like
    applechaser reacted to ansin11 in Introduction of Regular Community Meetings   
    I would be interested in updates regarding the current ...
    ... financial situation ... staff situation ... status of Invade & Annex 4
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