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    lexota reacted to Pastry in EU3 connection problem   
    For me, i will just get the, 'No Message Received for 'x' seconds'. As said, a dc and re-connect fixes the issue. It doesn't really bother me, i was just letting lexota know that he isn't the only one! 
  2. Like
    lexota reacted to Zak in Gamenight / Mission idea   
    Hey guys,
    I've been entertaining this idea for a while now; A mission where we don't have a VA, and only have a finite amount of weapons, ammo, tanks, Helos, etc.
    I think i would add a nice aspect of having to bring back everyone, alive or dead. It would invalidate suicide tactics, and place higher priority on making sure everyone made it back.
    What are your thoughts?
  3. Like
    lexota reacted to SkullCollector in The Fireteam Leader's Field Manual   
    Hello lovely people of AWE,
    There is always room for leaders and it's fantastic to see players step up to the responsibility of command. For the newcomers to the role, it can often be hard to find a starting point amidst the pressure.
    To this end, I’d like to offer some basic advice for beginners and old-timers alike.
    Treat this like a checklist to go over while waiting for deployment. A field manual, if you will.
    Your fireteam
    Depending on the exact composition of your specific team and the mission at hand, you will generally have an automatic rifleman, his assistant and two riflemen under you, totalling a team of five. The actual number ranges from 4 to 6.
    You are the fireteam leader, or (F)TL. On the battlefield, you are the bottom-most strategic planner, but the top-most tactical leader. This means that, of all chief positions, you have the most direct control over how specific nuances of the plan are carried out.
    Your second-in-command is the automatic rifleman, or AR. He will assume leadership if you are KIA or combat-ineffective, and he carries the most firepower. Make sure to utilise him well, as his light machine gun can easily turn the tide of an engagement.
    A specialist can assume a variety of roles specific to a certain team. An engineer is useful for repairs, bomb disposal and demolitions, whereas a designated marksman supplements a team's effectiveness at range, in suppression and picks off high-priority targets such as MANPADs or other sharpshooters.
    Certain missions may introduce other specialist roles. The specialist often dictates which role you play in an assault; a marksman combined with your AR turns you into the ideal cover element, while a breacher or engineer suggests you be the forward element. Play to your strengths.
    Finally, you have up to two riflemen who might be grenadiers or carry anti-tank launchers, or one might even take on the role of an ammo bearer. Consider them your all-round assets. Think about having at least one AT launcher at your disposal.
    Moving on.
    Lead by example. A good fireteam leader will be up front and in the middle of an engagement, fighting and suppressing like any indiscriminate member of his team. He will keep his cool and observe the situation to adjust stance, priority targets and the team’s advance as necessary.
    Micromanage & be concise. As a rule of thumb, your squad leader will tell you where to go, whereas you decide how to go there. Having an eye on your team is essential, so make sure everyone knows what their job is. Give easily understandable orders to reduce questions and misunderstandings to a minimum.
    Show tactical initiative. Your SL is always delayed. You know the plan and the commander's intent, but you also know what is going on right then and there, so use that to your advantage. Be disciplined about this and use good judgement when adjusting your tactics.
    In the field
    Secure your flanks. Never let your guard down and choose the formation most suitable for the situation. If you travel and have to stop, form as close to a circle as you can while utilising cover and concealment. Order your team to face and secure all cardinal directions.
    Use buddy teams. A buddy team is a unit of two soldiers, usually assigned a colour for easy access (helping you be concise!). The AR and AAR should be one by default, but their compositions are up to you. These will bound together, cover one another and perform various tasks you assign them as a single element. Sometimes you don’t need them, but it is better to assign teams at base while you can. Organise with your fellow team leaders to avoid overlapping colours, causing confusion on radio call-outs.
    Know your team. Be aware of who your AR is and familiarise yourself with the skills of each individual member. A quick quality check is to let them assign their colours themselves, so if they ask how to do it, you know they are more or less beginners. Keep an eye on them and treat them well, and help them as much as the situation allows. Again, lead by example.
    Account for your team. Make sure no one is left behind during travel or bleeds out without medical care after hard contact. You are expected to rally up your team in a timely manner, and should always be the last to get into a transport vehicle when deploying to or exfiltrating from a mission site. Let your SL know that your team is loaded up.
    Update your SL. Acknowledge orders and succinctly relay information to him. You are his eyes and ears on the battlefield, and he relies on you to enhance and execute his plans. If you take contact, let him know. If you have KIA or wounded soldiers, let him know. If you need fire support, let him know. Do not take long-range radios with you. Rely on the chain of command.
    Exert voice discipline. Make no mistake, we are here for the fun. But if you hear the call of banter, keep it to local and do not clutter the radio channels. Control your voice volume appropriately. Pass this on to your team, as you are responsible for their actions.
    Be nice. We all have fantasies about Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, but ask yourself if you would like to be shouted at while playing a game. Your orders have to be carried out, yes, but a simple please goes a long way. At the end of the day, we are all playing pretend with guns on the internet, so keep this in mind and you will not share Gunny Hartman’s fate.
    Useful phrases
    Obviously there's a lot of room for deviation, but if you feel there is something critically wrong, feel free to comment.
    Have no fear, and remember to open your mouth. Communication is key.
    Google Docs file for easier reading
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    lexota reacted to zissou in A new "No, we cannot lift the Slammer." Billboard   
    Already in the pipeline 

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    lexota reacted to TheScar in A new "No, we cannot lift the Slammer." Billboard   
    Also,..it has approval of the new prez of US of Awesomecountry!

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    lexota reacted to ChronoZoggt in A new "No, we cannot lift the Slammer." Billboard   
    As the title already says, maybe you guys could add a billborad to spawn that tells people that slammers cannot be lifted.
    That question gets asked at least two times a day, so that would be one way to prevent it
  8. Like
    lexota reacted to David in donations paypal only?   
    Our monthly outgoings are about £130 per month.
    I will look into alternate payment methods.
  9. Like
    lexota reacted to kennychr in Valiant Update #002   
    So been kinda slow on the development front lately as I have had alot of overtime at work. 
    But quick update :
    InternalTestingCanditate-1 is around 65%done in testing, 6 issues where uncovered and squashed, one needs another test on dedicated.
    Then ICT-1 gets merged into mainbranch of the mission.
    Pending that the PTC-1 will be branched for the public test.
    1st stage is testing of initial mission init where you have to capture one of the airfields in order to establish a base, where from ill add a teaser pic in the bottom of this post. When the initial capturing has been done Ill need people to write down feedback on how it felt etc. where to do that ill show when we get there
    2nd stage is the logistical aspect of it. i.e im emphesizing more on actually staying more in the field in this mission than previous so ive put inplace some stuff thatl be explained fleshed out later.
    3rd stage is doing actual missions. the ICT-1 and PCT-1 will have limited mission numbers as ive done alot of changes backend with writing a custom AI-spawner and addin caching and hc support to the mission for them sweet sweet frames that you love and hopefully i succeeded in doing so with the changes.
    When this is done, issues that gets logged and or noted under test will be opened and changes will be done and the issues will be closed.
    Then PCT-1 will be merged with main branch. Then i branch out a new branch for mission development which subsequently gets tested and tested... then merged back in and voila we have a RC which can be played!

  10. Like
    lexota reacted to Dreams in LOGI/Logistics Idea (May Be The stupidest Idea Ever To Come From Me)   
    See I found this scrip link here: http://www.igipl.net/en/arma3/igiload-script/igiload-overview and it works pretty well. It can be used for MP  and SP. Basically it's used for loading stuff into vehicles but actually show the crates, You can use it with a  Merlin,Zamak,Tempest,and HEMTT I know some may say why just though vehicles well the answer to that is I don't know. But what I do know is that this would be nice to have and maybe get people go logi and you can also do para-drop with the script. Also it would mean that you could just continue to the next Area Of Operation which means you could have a little campaign before having to RTB. This also means that the logi pilot wouldn't be just for med-evacuation. I was just planning on using if for a gamenight me and Pac are thinking about and it would be used to some convoy op missions on gauntlet because who doesn't like convoying on Altis or Chernarus. It would also add another aspect of gameplay to EU3.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
  11. Like
    lexota reacted to SgtHellborn in AhoyWorld Arma3   
    I have been playing a lot on the servers and i love it..you dont see such good servers alot on arma3, but this one ill give 5stars donation is coming soon lads i would die if this ever stopt! Keep doing what you doing
  12. Like
    lexota reacted to Mascant in First experience on EU3   
    I try to be supportive with my gf.
    "sure hun, I look after the kids. You go out with your friends and have a good time, don't be back before 4."
  13. Like
    lexota reacted to PiranhA in Airsoft   
    Well Pyjamas, enjoy!

  14. Like
    lexota reacted to MoonFire in EU3 TRAINING NIGHT - THURSDAY MARCH 3 19:00 GMT   
    It was a great turn out, and a great training night, thanks for that Ryko i've also got some screenshots of (basically) everyone on the marksman range.
  15. Like
    lexota reacted to Ryko in EU3 TRAINING NIGHT - THURSDAY MARCH 3 19:00 GMT   
    Great turnout today!  I also managed to capture some great video I will post tomorrow!
  16. Like
    lexota got a reaction from GhostDragon in EU3 TRAINING NIGHT - THURSDAY MARCH 3 19:00 GMT   
    Thank you Colsta!
    And thank you Ryko for making this trainingnight happen. Also thx to Amentes & Ghostdragon as they were great teachers!
  17. Like
    lexota reacted to Colsta in EU3 TRAINING NIGHT - THURSDAY MARCH 3 19:00 GMT   
    Teamspeak -> Settings -> Plugins -> ACRE2 -> Settings -> Global Volume
  18. Like
    lexota reacted to rickrock in First experience on EU3   
    Yesterday was my first time on EU3. Even with the repo update everything worked fine, and I was able to play my first mission with awesome guys, even if we were low on player count.
    I just wanted to say that for a new player on EU3, you guys are really understanding and answer lots of questions. That makes a whole lot of a difference and that just makes me want to play more. The play style is what I look for (being a cooperative and teamworking player) so I hope to be able to play as often as I can.
    That topic is just a shout out to a great community, and I wish my experience can inspire others who seek the same gaming experience as I am.
    Thank you a lot and see you around!
  19. Like
    lexota reacted to fir_nev in EU#3 Media topic   
    Happy fir_nev cannot stop dancing after mission is over.

  20. Like
    lexota reacted to Josh in EU#3 Media topic   
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    lexota reacted to ranarick in EU#3 Media topic   
    So for none game nights i will use this topic to put screenshots/clips, feel free to add your own if you got any so people that wonder what we do on EU#3 can get a quick glimpse.

    This was recorded yesterday just a small portion of it seeing my audio screwed up afther this part XD
  22. Like
    lexota reacted to kartikmathur123 in Hello let's be friends   
    I am new to ARMA, I've spent more time watching videos of ARMA than playing it. 
    I like James Brown, and the colour brown. Yes, I am brown and no you cannot make fun of my accent because I don't think it's that bad.
    You can find me in game as Goliath. It took me 15 mins to decided a name because I think it makes a good impression on your peers if you are new. 
    I drink lots of coffee and my doctor says I'm slightly overweight but I'm working on it. I do like some broccoli once in a while.
    I live on a small island called Bahrain (but my nationality is a secret). We have lots of Banks here, host the Formula 1 every year and have a bunch of protests against the ruling family once in a while. 
    In ARMA I enjoy flying helicopters and planes but I'm terrible at flying them. I also enjoy sniping but I had no clue how to zero my weapon until a week back (after some 120+ hours of game time).
    Sometimes I kill things, it makes me very happy. I frequently check the scoreboard to see if I'm doing better than my peers so that we can brag about it later. Also I despise casual gamers because I think it's cool to hate console scrubs. 
    I've been a console scrub for about 8 years, it feels good to ascend to the master race. I'm thinking of getting a golden colour bath robe.
    Jokes aside, really looking forward to spending time on EU3#. I haven't played a lot of tactical shooters, it's liberating.
    I've played EVE Online for about 3 years and I'm aware of comms discipline and precise communication. I think I'll be a good fit. 
    Basically what I said was I know when to shut up and take orders. 
    So see you guys out there. 
    Let's be friends

  23. Like
    lexota reacted to David in Looking for admins to support the EU1/2 servers   
    I did have a long post written out here but I hit the back button (cause that makes sense, right?).
    In short, if we promote too early we run the risk of giving off the impression, Field Ambassador is to reward the members who are mature, play well, report problems properly, integrate, don't cause arguments, help others out etc. It doesn't have anything to do with length of membership although we do need to have known them for it to happen, it can be difficult to pick out the members who do deserve it though, it's a massive pool of members, if you feel you deserve it, the best course of action is to continue doing what you're doing & we'll wake up eventually! If anyone speaks up and says "Hey I deserve Field Ambassador!" the first thing we'll do is consider it immature.

  24. Like
    lexota reacted to TheScar in Looking for admins to support the EU1/2 servers   
    Did you really had to take that shot at the guy already on the ground?

    When it comes to admins for the servers - in a perfect world - you had for each server 4-5 core guys/players that are online at different times over the day/night to react to problems/issues that occur.
    But,lets do the math quickly (ARMA only)  - EU1 x4,EU2 x4,EU3 x4  - thats 12 guys being able to make decicions in behalf of AHOY and all of em should have a decent sense of justice/rules/problem solving/representation of AHOY.
    The Staff need to make sure those very admins are trustable and dedicated - you r not looking for 2month admin,you want long term relations with your game admins,in order to keep the machine running smoothly.
    Then you d might want a different rcon access pw for EACH server,so one game admin cannot corrupt all 3 servers,but thats just a tech. thing aside...
    I m only talkin game admins here,dont forget the staff thats required o keep the servers updated/restarted on regular base/etc.
    Basic point is,even the staff likes to play ARMA at times,they should not suffer due continues monitoring of servers /chat,too
    So,everyone on AHOY (members and regular players) should take some responsibility to assure AHOY servers stay the way we enjoyed em in the past ...
    friendly,helpfull and a fun time to be had on em
  25. Like
    lexota reacted to Someone in EU3 TRAINING NIGHT - THURSDAY MARCH 3 19:00 GMT   
    As I've just begun playing on EU3, I will do my best to be there to sponge up as much knowledge as possible
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