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    Blue-958- reacted to oO_ScarFace_Oo in AWE Status   
    Remember when we had a open arsenal with 40 people playing, Pepperidge farm remembers.
  2. Like
    Blue-958- reacted to Eagle-Eye in AWE and its future   
    As I've mentioned several times before, my opinion is that the main problem on AWE is the different mindsets (casual <=> team-oriented <=> milsim). As such, my suggestion: have a place on AW for everyone, 24/7. Pretty sure you could reel in old-timers who left, or a whole new group of players by doing that.
    EU1: as is, vanilla public casual
    EU2: as is, vanilla public casual
    EU3: as is, modded public team-oriented
    EU6: public milsim, vanilla and/or EU3 modset TBD
    On EU6, there is room for banter ONLY in between missions. From start of briefing till end of debrief: A-game only, very strict application of hierarchy and rules etc.
    EU3 and 6 get dedicated game nights (weekly, bi-weekly or monthly depending on how much AW can muster) with pre-made and/or Zeus missions.
    There should be no extra development required, except removal of arsenal restrictions. Seeding missions on EU6 could be I&A or Stiletto, depending on modset, as the mindset is what makes the real difference in their execution.
    Second suggestion, for EU3 and 6: Get rid of as many rules as possible, and keep those you keep to the point. KISS-principle, basically, let common sense dictate what can and cannot be allowed, and the mindset should do the rest. E.g. the rules of a milsim-community (2 servers: 1 vanilla, 1 modded) I play on can fit on a half A4. (see spoiler)
    Compare that to AW's ruleset. Even if you look ONLY at the rules for AWE, most of the words used can be omitted and are really only there to fill the page. Because of it, by the time you're halfway through, you've forgotten what you read at the beginning.
    To give a few examples:
    Rule 5.1 "Use of Teamspeak is mandatory."
    => Of course it is, otherwise you can't use TFAR / ACRE. Put that in a guide called "first connection to AWE", not in the rules.
    Rule 5.2 "Teamkilling is not allowed"
    => Why do you need the examples, if the list isn't meant to be all-inclusive anyway? Not to mention that on AWE, you should expect players to know why you don't TK in the first place. (remember, common sense ...)
    Also, as a side remark, the link to the most up-to-date rule set for AWE sends you here, where the last update was January 25th 2017. However, the topic containing the rules has a different set and layout, but was posted June 22 2017? Which one is current?
    My 2 cents.
  3. Like
    Blue-958- reacted to Shadow Knight in AWE and its future   
    Now this topic says AW and its future, that's fair enough to say but I'm not giving a hell about AW I mean the EU1 players are going to be none the wiser about this its like what 50-60 people on at a time. (Don't give me an exact number) 
    Its EU3(AWE) that all of you should be worried about. Most of the old player (Best players) have left AND NO ONE HAS A FUCKING CLUE WHY THEY ARE LEAVING? Argh.. 
    I'd fucking stab you.. POINTLESS? HOW. Like I just said Most of the player who have been here for a while are leaving. Its not "Pointless" we tired doing something AND DON'T ANYONE SAY WE DIDN'T FUCKING TRY. But like I say to a good friend of mine about this. "We can scream and shout as much as we want. Nothing is going to fucking change."
     Well that's a faded out rule. AW is a fucking awesome a community well. Was a awesome community (I'm talking about the EU3/AWE side here) 
    About flaming someone No. Of course not IF MOST ADMINS ARE POINTING AT ONE GUY WHAT DOSE THAT TELL YOU? ARE YOU BLIND? Wait. I forgot. Both you and Noah only see Rules. That's all you see isn't it? 
    At the end of the day to make things easier for AW in general. I would start thinking about changing EU3 ASAP or pains me to say this: Take the fucker down and start from scratch. Now if you wanna quote every single fucking thing I just said please be my guest. 
  4. Like
    Blue-958- reacted to MoonFire in Rust...   
    @Numbnuts @Wikkidyy What happens when three guys get 'funky' in a cave in Rust....

  5. Like
    Blue-958- got a reaction from D34TH in Gauntlet Version History   
    Training to have the money or inclination to buy the dlc?
  6. Like
    Blue-958- reacted to Kingfisher in Pilot/Player Competence   
    Share names of players? No. I don't think spreading around someone's inabilities to everyone is right, and making people feel paranoid to try out roles if they are new. I feel we have it in a good state where a brand new/newer player to AWE can slot into a role without feeling like everyone on the server has their eyes on them for any slip up or error they make. You can always mention it to other players that someone may be inexperienced, but how you mentioned it sounded a bit more organised than that.
    Politely, I disagree with you there @Noah_Hero.
    I completely understand that when someone has a lack of understanding of their role and is proving detrimental to the mission, it is frustrating. But locking AWE behind training sessions or refusing players from selecting specific roles turns it into a private milsim community. AWE IS a public server. There isn't - and there shouldn't - be something stopping anyone taking what they choose. Although we are more 'closed' than I&A through the TS, modset/repo, etc etc, we aren't private, and we don't vet our players.
    New dude is doing a poor job of their role? Frequent player is doing a poor job of their role? So. What. It isn't a requirement to know your shit. We actively promote and seek to help people learn on this server, but we never tell someone they have to attend a meeting or training session before they can begin playing. Quality shouldn't always be above Quantity. Save that for other Milsim groups, or push that behaviour and ruling for the MSO, I don't know.
    I get it that a dude crashing a heli or wasting resources is annoying when you're playing. But ultimately, it's a mission that will last about 30 mins, then there is a new one, or the map changes. There is no permanent repercussion for them not playing right. You tell them if they're doing something wrong, offer help, potentially advise them to take a different role, or you inform an admin if they're pissing around. I feel we do a good job of helping people improve, but blocking players from roles because they're not good at it is not what this server is about.
  7. Like
    Blue-958- got a reaction from MoonFire in Pilot/Player Competence   
    Having seen the flying you're talking about I couldn't agree more.  I told said player to leave and practice in Editor and I think that's good advice for any new pilots.
  8. Like
    Blue-958- got a reaction from D34TH in first come - first serve   
    @Cebi Huge respect for you for speaking out. Those players' behaviour was disgraceful.
    And good luck to you Scar in the future, may you have all the Kumas.
  9. Like
    Blue-958- got a reaction from D34TH in first come - first serve   
    I won't say much but I understand the problem. I also think the best solution is to spawn the rewards at the side mission, give the rewards to the people who earned it, not the people who happened to connect or respawn at the right moment.
  10. Like
    Blue-958- reacted to D34TH in first come - first serve   
    Maybe just make the first spawn of the reward at the side mission location, at least someone who is actually there at completion would take it for the first ride.
    ps the "only idiots play in eu#1 because it is public" mentality is way below any standards of the human realm imo ...
  11. Like
    Blue-958- got a reaction from Theronas in Locking First Person Only in EU3   
    I have spent around 50-60% of my Arma time around AWE/EU3 and have been with the community for coming up on two years. Saying that I would still probably leave if first person was enforced. At the end of the day its personal preference which is why BI gave us the ability to switch between views, I don't even use third person all of the time, usually just in vehicles and when running long distances, I'd just be annoyed if I lost ability to be able to switch between.
    I also can't agree with making changes to the server in order to get rid of a certain demographic.
    I realise there are a lot of people that take first person very seriously and I have no problem with that, to them I just say let the third-person-ers do their thing and you do yours. 
    Saying all this I'm pretty sure the server will stay as is anyway, just wanted to get my point across.
  12. Like
    Blue-958- got a reaction from Copey in Flares/Countermeasures of MH-6 Littlebird ineffective   
    Turn hard, don't be afraid to throw the heli around and dive for cover, ie hills, valleys etc... Chuck the coutermeasures on for good measure but always expect a second launch, and third and fourth for that matter.
    As Miczils said the littlebird is not suited to being shot at so don't feel disheartened if you take a hit every so often.
  13. Like
    Blue-958- got a reaction from KingFronXos in Gauntlet Version History   
    Training to have the money or inclination to buy the dlc?
  14. Like
    Blue-958- got a reaction from SkullCollector in Gauntlet Version History   
    Training to have the money or inclination to buy the dlc?
  15. Like
    Blue-958- reacted to SkullCollector in Locking First Person Only in EU3   
    The general consensus regarding third-person gameplay is a 'don't ask, don't tell' mentality. As long as you don't call out targets you see glancing over that three-metre wall, I won't call you out on using that view.
    AWE brings together a variety of different mindsets and many will, over time, pick up different traits from one another. In the case of third- or first-person views, it's far more likely that third-personers adopt the serious, realism-centric mentality of first-personers than the other way around. Someone who's learned to play with it won't just fall back on that old crutch.
    In turn we get to enjoy banter with a larger, more open player base. I'd wager most of us wouldn't be here otherwise.
    So we benefit each other.
    Bringing about a change specifically in order to rid yourselves of an entirely non-harmful way of enjoying the game is the polar opposite of what AWE has been so far.
  16. Like
    Blue-958- got a reaction from SkullCollector in Locking First Person Only in EU3   
    I have spent around 50-60% of my Arma time around AWE/EU3 and have been with the community for coming up on two years. Saying that I would still probably leave if first person was enforced. At the end of the day its personal preference which is why BI gave us the ability to switch between views, I don't even use third person all of the time, usually just in vehicles and when running long distances, I'd just be annoyed if I lost ability to be able to switch between.
    I also can't agree with making changes to the server in order to get rid of a certain demographic.
    I realise there are a lot of people that take first person very seriously and I have no problem with that, to them I just say let the third-person-ers do their thing and you do yours. 
    Saying all this I'm pretty sure the server will stay as is anyway, just wanted to get my point across.
  17. Like
    Blue-958- got a reaction from Karate Pyjamas in Locking First Person Only in EU3   
    I have spent around 50-60% of my Arma time around AWE/EU3 and have been with the community for coming up on two years. Saying that I would still probably leave if first person was enforced. At the end of the day its personal preference which is why BI gave us the ability to switch between views, I don't even use third person all of the time, usually just in vehicles and when running long distances, I'd just be annoyed if I lost ability to be able to switch between.
    I also can't agree with making changes to the server in order to get rid of a certain demographic.
    I realise there are a lot of people that take first person very seriously and I have no problem with that, to them I just say let the third-person-ers do their thing and you do yours. 
    Saying all this I'm pretty sure the server will stay as is anyway, just wanted to get my point across.
  18. Like
    Blue-958- reacted to Ryko in Gauntlet Version History   
    Hadn't considered that the DLC was an issue. I'll go back to the Neophron
  19. Like
    Blue-958- got a reaction from Chuck in Opinions on TrackHat   
    Cheers, I'll get myself one as soon as I've recovered from the steam sale.
  20. Like
    Blue-958- got a reaction from Noodle in Opinions on TrackHat   
    Cheers, I'll get myself one as soon as I've recovered from the steam sale.
  21. Like
    Blue-958- got a reaction from Noodle in Opinions on TrackHat   
    I was looking into a Trackir substitute for dcs, this looks perfect and better than the self-build solutions out there.
    Also, @Chuck Norris what's the difference between the 'plus' and normal version?
  22. Like
    Blue-958- reacted to Miczils in "Advertising" AWE on other AhoyWorld servers.   
    As it seems that quite a few people liked the idea. I've made a few of those billboard. I am amazed by the amount of pictures that got sent to me, and i apologize i couldn't use them all, obviously only a few of the billboards are actually going to make it to public AW servers, i believe that 13 should be enough to choose from. I hope i got all the autor's of the screenshots in the description, if i didn't, send me a message and il fix it. Thanks to @IOnceWasATeddy for helping with choosing the pictures, and @SkullCollector the help with photoshop, @McKillen for constantly criticizing my work and my life choices and making up some of the phrases, everybody who sent me those pictures, and specially to @Michal for making a great one himself. 
    Keep in mind that im no professional, and that was probably the fifth time i actually opened Photoshop. 

    Cheers Miczils
    Ps. I sen't some staff members the link to a .rar file with the billboards etc.
  23. Like
    Blue-958- reacted to Miczils in Loadout options   
    There are people saying there should be more restriction and that arsenal should be locked after x time etc.
    I really don't think it fixes anything, and it creates more problems than actual solutions (locked arsenal).

    What i do, and i think it should bo encouraged is literally just say, Were going out in 30 seconds, if you aren't here, you aren't coming. Done.
    I really can't see why so many people think having an open arsenal is such a problem, just leave people that sit at the arsenal, let them figure out why they shouldn't spend hours on their gear waiting for us to come back from an AO. 
    I really can't see the problem, also i don't often see people sitting at an arsenal for longer than 3-5 minutes anymore.
  24. Like
    Blue-958- got a reaction from oO_ScarFace_Oo in Is this ok or not ok?   
    Or people using darters to make AI and off-roads fly? Also not relevant?
  25. Like
    Blue-958- reacted to oO_ScarFace_Oo in Is this ok or not ok?   
    Since we are on the subject I would just like to ask @Ryko How did a flying submarine end up on the sever?

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