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    KingFronXos reacted to Miczils in Big man Copey!   
    Bbbbut we promised Copey we won't tell people about his girly screaming ; _ ;
  2. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to Ryko in Gamenight condottieres Ahoy!   
    The problem I have with a game night that focuses on 6 players, is what to do with the other 20 signups
  3. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to Shadow Knight in Big man Copey!   
    10/10 Top kek
  4. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to MoonFire in Big man Copey!   
    @Copey @KingFronXos @Miczils
  5. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to GhostDragon in Gauntlet Version History   
    52XD is now on the server:
    1) Ambient improvements
    2) Javelin CLU added to HAT gunner 
    3) Further vehicle respawn tweaks
  6. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to Amentes in OPERATION RED ROVER: AWE Game Night, Friday May 5, 1930 GMT (1530 EST)   
    Hi, my name is Unknown
    No secret that I prefer 1st, but as long as people adhere to the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy, it's all good.
    I hate it when people tell me what they can see over the wall.
  7. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to LEO in OPERATION RED ROVER: AWE Game Night, Friday May 5, 1930 GMT (1530 EST)   
    this looks like a uphill battle may i sugest giving bluefor a dedicated mine laying team to dellay the russian advace and block them from doing some epic flanks. the reason i am asking for the mine team is that it looks like the combat zone is gone be rather large  and adding no respawns its gone be a war of atrision and a wel placed mine feald wil hold the flanks for some time.
  8. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to Ryko in OPERATION RED ROVER: AWE Game Night, Friday May 5, 1930 GMT (1530 EST)   
    Seeing as Christiansen is away this Friday, MSO is on hold for one more week. In the meantime, I will be running...
    When: Friday May 5, 1930 GMT (1530 EST) (YOUR TIME ZONE)
    Server Opens at 1915 GMT
    Briefing / Planning: 1930
    Mission Start: 2000
    Map: BYSTRICA, 0530 HRS ~1989
    Mods: Standard EU3
    First person lock: No
    Loadouts: Pre-set
    Respawns: NONE (!)
    Mission Length: ~120 minutes
    JIP: YES, until 2000 GMT: Latecomers and respawns -> Spectate
    Hostilities between the Russian armed forces and the US Army in Bystrica have come to a head, and SATSCAN shows a major armor push from the north of at least three Russian armored platoons.  Your platoon is all that stands between the Russians and a complete takeover of the region. Russian armor is composed of T-72, T-80, BMP-2, BTR-80 and ZSU-234 and may or may not be protected by some form of air cover.
    4x M1A1 Abrams
    2x M2A2 Bradley
    2x 6-man infantry fire teams
    4x AH-64A Apache
    1x Logistics team
    1x Command team

    Any questions, put 'em in this thread.
    - R

  9. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to razgriz33 in [AWE] 111 / 112 Fireteam & Squad Leadership -- 11/05/2017   
    I like the idea of this event, particularly note the "how not to micromanage" part. Historically we've struggled for leaders, either not enough of them or they're not quite sure how not to sound like a drill sergeant  Good luck boys!  
  10. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to Amentes in [AWE] 111 / 112 Fireteam & Squad Leadership -- 11/05/2017   
    "WHAT ARE YOU?!?"
    - Chef Copey
  11. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to Noah_Hero in First Aid question.   
    Better use this guide:
    and this spreadsheet: (the effectiveness values at the different wound-types are meant like: when there is a 1 it can patch up one small of these wouds, at a 2 it can patch a medium wound and at a 3 it can patch a large one; the chance of reopening is self explaining I think; and the Minimum and Maximum times from and until when the wound can reopen are in seconds.)
    Don´t use the Guide/Spreadsheet from the ACE Wiki because it is outdated by a lot!
    Hope I could´ve helped you
  12. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to Copey in [AWE] 111 / 112 Fireteam & Squad Leadership -- 11/05/2017   
    Yeah I'll be running the SL side of things, so expect more swearing than Gordon Ramsey!
  13. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to SkullCollector in [AWE] 111 / 112 Fireteam & Squad Leadership -- 11/05/2017   
    Event Date: Thursday, 11 May 2017
    Event Time: 1830 UTC (see what time that is for you!)
    Description: A combined session for aspiring tactical leaders to be run through the fundamentals and intricacies of battlefield leadership.
    These workshops will run in parallel - the regular training team will be in charge of 111, while Copey will show you everything there is to know about good squad leading.
    111 Fireteam Leadership
    tasks of an FTL leadership fundamentals awareness tactics communication skills standard commands and phrases etiquette  
    112 Squad Leadership
    tasks of an SL how to not micromanage fundamental logistics low-level strategy communication on LR coordination between second-level elements target designation & fire missions  
    To top this all off, we're going to have a mini-gamenight to put all of your newly acquired skills to the test. Volunteers will take (or a lottery will assign) leading roles to guide all the attendees and possible JIPs through a Zeus scenario. You will get a debrief so you know how you fared.
    Because of an underlying issue on AWE that is the lack of volunteers for upper-echelon positions, we have decided to break up our intended progression and bring forward our leadership sessions right after the introduction.
    Building upon this, we're going to return to our regular schedule for 103 Fireteam Tactics the session after.
    The Training Team
  14. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to Blue-958- in EU Servers   
  15. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to Karate Pyjamas in [HOW TO] Mortars   
    A small topic about Mortars

    This video of mine explains the following methods of zeroing in a mortar:
    Calculation Range table  
    It also features:
    Using map-grid for target acquisition Terrain Elevation Map tools (Mills, bearing, distance)  
    Why you want this:
    More precise control Low angle and High angle attack ETA to impact Precise Bearing and Elevation numbers Allows for blind firing So you're no longer an artillery computer scrub  
    Download the Artillery Sheet here:

    The video explains it all:
    Map techniques are interwoven with the methods.
    0:47 - 6:52 Artillery Sheet method (Map Grid + GPS + Contour Levels) 6:52 - 9:12 82mm Range table Method (Maptools)

    UPDATE 1-1-2016 Fire Mission Routine:

    When operating in the some of the cramped environments like we tend to do at times, it's important to follow proper Fire Discipline to avoid friendly casualties when firing artillery shells. It takes time for shells to impact at the designated location so make sure you give friendlies enough time to retreat or prevent them from moving up when shells are danger close.


    Here's an example fire mission that includes all the options (adjust, repeat):

    Update 23-12-2017 Mortar Trajectory Explained:
    With this update I've included 4 plots that explain how the mortar trajectory works and how one should compensate the trajectory for uphill and downhill shooting.

    First we look at the angle the mortar fires at. Increasing the elevation we can fire at things closer to us. If we lower the elevation we can get a bit more distance out of the mortar.

    We now look at how the charge of the mortar affects its trajectory. A bigger charge allows us to reach out further when we keep the elevation constant. We can also use this to our advantage. For example, if there is a really big mountain in the way perhaps it's wise to select a bigger charge so you know you will clear the mountain.

    Now lets look at the theory behind shooting a target above or below you. First we tackle a target above the mortar:

    When we use the maptools we can get a range to the target of dx. However, since the target is above us we can see that if we were to dial in the mortar for that distance dx we would shoot the red trajectory and hit in front of the target. Therefore we need to adjust our elevation downwards so we can hit the target. The range table gives an adjustment in 100m height difference intervals. If there is only a 50-meter difference feel free to just divide the adjustment given by the range table in half or interpolate for other differences. However, a height difference of 10 to 20 meters relative to your own height shouldn't really cause any issues, and adjustment is considered optional.

    Downhill shooting is very similar to uphill shooting. However, instead of lowering our elevation we increase our elevation as shown in the following diagram. The indicated numbers on the range table for adjusting the mortar work similarly, but instead we now adjust in the other direction.

    Understanding the trajectory of your mortar shells is very important to minimize civilian/blufor casualties and to get pinpoint accuracy. That said, the further your target is away the larger the deviations will be, so don't expect pin-point accuracy on targets beyond 1.5km
  16. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to Amentes in GREUH Liberation   
    "Altis has fallen to the CSAT forces, and it is up to you to take it back. Embark with your teammates on a persistent campaign that will span several weeks of real time to liberate all major cities of the island."
     - GREUH Liberation
    I'd like to see AhoyWorld host this as a weekly event, with minimal if any mods, but with a command structure closer to AWE.
    Liberation essentially boils down to a teamwork-oriented PvE mission to slowly but surely conquer the major cities of Altis. Along the way, smaller points are contested for resource points and equipment unlocks.
    It has currently been ported onto a great many maps, and as such it could feasibly be run on other maps after the completion of Altis, provided it attains the playerbase to make it worthwhile.
    Liberation involves building defensible bases, attacking varying levels of enemy occupied strongholds and protecting captured areas from counter-attack, all the while capturing resources used to requisition vehicles.
    The single Commander slot is essential, as he controls individual player permissions, default permissions for newly connected players and has the option of using a de-clawed Zeus interface to control friendly AI units should he deem this necessary.
    Player permissions revolve around rights, essentially being the ability to operate Armor or Air vehicles, as well as the Buy and Build menus.
    The event could be run weekly, with a trustworthy AhoyWorld representative taking the reins as Commander.
    Players could join as an existing group of friends, or as single individuals. Singles would be grouped up together in any number of groups.
    Groups could communicate via Group Channel or a TeamSpeak channel.
    Commander could communicate with Groups via Command Channel or TeamSpeak Whisper. If necessary, could also relay faction-wide messages via Side Channel.
    Microphone would preferably be a requirement for all players, and groups would be expected to work toward the task given by Command, but have autonomy on that task.
    Liberation comes pre-packaged with a system to save the map state between sessions, and defaults to automatic saves every 60 seconds. As such, progress would be relatively safe from crashes.
    Liberation is run by many servers, but almost exclusively constantly up, meaning mostly without a Commander present. This tells me that there is interest, but that it could be done in a more organized manner that may attract players.
    Wiki link: http://greuh-liberation.wikia.com/wiki/GREUH_Liberation_Wikia
    bistudio link: https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/183734-mpcti-coop-liberation-beta/
    Github link for Admin Staff: https://github.com/GreuhZbug/greuh_liberation.Altis
    Setup link for Admin staff: http://greuh-liberation.wikia.com/wiki/Server_Admin
    Commander Whitelist link for Admin staff: http://greuh-liberation.wikia.com/wiki/Permissions
  17. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to MoonFire in AWE media distribution   
    @Copey and @KingFronXos
  18. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to Shadow Knight in Proposing a few changes   
    I don't mean to sound like a dick here but..
    Wouldn't be such a bad idea. But could get abused very easily.
    So what make a table out side of the game and input that into it? (When we get stuff for free anyways)
    Why "buy" them when you can just walk up to an MRAP and get in it. (For free.)

    So like EU1 side mission rewards. 
    Smart, but if ASL should leave after one AO would that reset the amount?
    Would be a very different experience. But I would not like to see people having to walk 15km to an AO because we have no money.
    I agree that usually jets are chilling around the AO. If we do use this cost thing and a jet is needed. Then I guess (If you don't want them in the air a lot) You'll need to keep landing them again and again and again just to keep the "Price" low for them. Might be a pain in the ass.
    A good pilot can be very effective in a helicopter.  
    Yet again I'm not trying to kill your fire. Just I cant see this working on AWE. (Don't hate me )
  19. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to Copey in Proposing a few changes   
    Here have one, free of charge too! 
  20. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to D34TH in Proposing a few changes   
    .. how much would a zeus lightning bolt be priced at ?
  21. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to Amentes in Whats your setup like?   
    U w0t?
    Surely you mean 2x16?
  22. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to Copey in Rule question   
    Wear a helmet.
    There's your answer
    Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using a phone app that is really irritating because it constantly advertises itself.
  23. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to SkullCollector in [AWE] Advanced Introduction 102 -- 27/04/2017   
    Event Date: Thursday, 27 April 2017
    Event Time: 1600 UTC (see what time that is for you!)
    Description: A training session for our newest of players to be introduced to the fundamentals of AWE gameplay.
    Topics to be covered will all be accompanied by at least some hands-on practical parts. This session will include:
    AN/PRC-152 personal radio use How to do a radio check cTab basics Medical basics - bandages and common drugs Brief rundown of roles in a fireteam Basics of buddy teams Getting to know the AT4 at the range  
    Of course there's always time for questions, so if anything is unclear, feel free to ask!
    Our training sessions have finally returned after an unexpected hiatus. We used the time to refine the contents and methods of each session, so thanks to everyone who attended our impromptu training the other week. And special thanks to those who submitted their input on how to improve!
    We hope to see you around and stay tuned for future rotations.
    With regards
    The Training Team
  24. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to Ryko in AWE server: updates, performance, stability   
    Hi folks,

    I just wanted to make a few quick observations about the modded server, given recent work being done on it.
    1. Any changes to policy, code, mods, or server settings are always being done with server stability and performance in mind as top priority. It's great to have access to a ton of modded content, but if that content in any way threatens to bring down the server, it's not worth having.  Similarly, server settings, the kinds of things we allow users to do on the server, and the types of missions that get run, are all in line with this precept.
    Most notably the recent change in custom faces.  It was suggested that removing this feature could help improve server / player performance, and more importantly, stability. We're trying it out.  If we still crash regularly, we'll look at other things, and custom faces might come back.  They might not.
    2. Things will change on the server, sometimes without notice.  It's my hope that we will have the opportunity to notify the player base of upcoming changes, but given that we all have lives, and are often times only able to work on the server in our limited leisure time, sometimes these changes will occur spontaneously and without warning.
    3. Despite an intention to be transparent and open to suggestions, comments and criticism, at its heart all of the servers on Ahoyworld are not run as a democracy.  If you don't like how things are managed here, you are free to play on any of a hundred other Arma servers.  But keep in mind that our aim is always to improve the performance of the game for all players, not to punish players by removing features.
    Let me put that another way: if we make changes, it's not done arbitrarily, it's done for a reason, even if that reason is not always communicated to you.
  25. Like
    KingFronXos reacted to Amentes in Jets DLC   
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