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Posts posted by SkullCollector



    Mission Summary

    Every Wednesday, we turn a regular bout of Liberation around to show off what we can do when we put our minds to it.

    Joining this, you can expect a solid experience with high emphasis on teamwork and structure, with an established Chain of Command formed before the mission and staff supporting it all.

    These are the days when we push for harder objectives or complex operations in combined arms, or try things we normally would not.


    Modset Required

    AW Liberation Lythium.html


    For first-time players, read till the end for a setup guide.


    Mission Runtime

    Roughly 2 hours until endex and a quick debrief, followed by a chance to carry on open-ended




    Friendly Forces

    Russian Armed Forces


    Opposing Forces


    Currently: Local Guerrilla Forces



    A Russian combined-arms counter-insurgency task force has been deployed to the mountainous region of Lythium to deter and squash a local uprising. The insurgents have captured every town and base in the area of operations and are therefore overly well armed, including an armoured corps and jets from the military airfields. They are supplemented by outdated surplus.

    Friendly forces have established a foothold near Karift and created a buffer zone around it.



    Clear the region of insurgent forces. Capture strategic objectives. Establish favourable relations with the local populace.



    TBD by Acting Command every Wednesday



    1x 3-man HQ (CMD, RTO, UAV)

    3x 9-man Rifle Squads

    2x 2-man Air Crew

    1x 3-man Hammer Crew

    1x 3-man Logistics


    Admin & Logistics


    - Unlimited

    - Mobile respawns at CMD's discretion (cooldown after use)

    - Re-insertions via air at RTO's discretion



    - Vehicle deployment at CMD's discretion

    - Ammunition and supplies available at the supply depot

    - FOB acts as an arsenal 


    Command & Control

    Operations and ground control lie solely with the platoon commander. RTO handles air traffic and can supplement comms.

    Squad leaders are responsible for the operational effectiveness of their teams.








  2. 6 hours ago, kman said:

    open additional channel for cooperation between elements without spamming uninvolved parties.
    For example me and Alpha TL have been doing some coordination on channel 30, that was being unnecesarily broadcasted to Bravo, Delta and Command. Likewise for B/D.


    If we expect the teams to coordinate semi-autonomously, this is basically required. As Alpha TL I found myself wanting to talk to you a lot more, because we could absolutely have streamlined our tasks. But I either couldn't for a lack of transmission time on 30, or didn't want to because I know how it is to have irrelevant chatter on your ear and really felt for Siege and B/D.


  3. In Stiletto 61, the radio jammer mission is still bugged.


    On separate occasions, we used satchels, GBUs and MAAWS to destroy the dome, but neither the mission nor the jamming effect ended. I kept forgetting to disable script errors, but beyond a spammy one about the dynamic groups and team leadership nothing related to the mission came up.


    Executing a line of code that mysteriously vanished from my logs fixes the issue, but the mission has to be aborted.

  4. 4 hours ago, Amentes said:

    Kinda also makes me wonder why RHS doesn't model realistic weights, given how easy this information is to come by.


    Mostly because Arma. The game engine doesn't work with weights in terms of grams or pounds, but units of volume imitating mass. The space occupied determines the weight of the item, but they are inextricably linked, and all that mod devs can do is adjust the formula to follow for a given mass-volume unit of an item.


    This means a really high-mass, low-volume item like a rocket or mine would have to tend to one end, but neglect realism for the other. It's - again - a balance issue.


    Edit: RHS even wrote a blog post about it: http://www.rhsmods.org/b/8

  5. I wondered where you'd gone, Jasman! Last I remember we talked in the back of a car with Gandalf on Takistan, feeling the tingly feels as we crested the hill overlooking our beloved mess of an AO. Lots has changed since, and you'd do best to see for yourself because frankly I have not a clue what was the latest chic when you last played.


    It's a feisty little thing, this AWE. It won't go under so easily. It kicks and squirms and possibly projectile-vomits all sorts of stringy goo over your back when you hug it, but it's here and we love it for all its faults. Come and stay, make it that little bit better that way.

  6. Protect your ears: audio on AWE just got that tad bit better.


    For those who want it.


    After a successful trial run of both DS & ES, we've decided to keep the keys on the server as entirely client-side mods. This is optional and not a requirement, so if you prefer the default sounds or your machine can't handle the modded ones, nothing will change for you.


    For now, the installation of Dynasound 2 and Enhanced Soundscape lies entirely in your hands. You can find them on the Steam Workshop here and here.

    We explicitly do not support these mods. If your FPS tanks, especially when using ES, that's an issue you will have to deal with yourself. Still, feel free to report and troubleshoot for the community's benefit.


    Enjoy the immersion.



    AWE Steering

  7. So I watched a couple of your videos and just had to look up the game on Steam. Heard of it before, but never really knew what it's about. Turns out I had it set to 'Not interested'.


    Now it's on my wishlist.

  8. 10 minutes ago, Lindi said:

    Different controll scheme which while not bad is getting in the way of me.


    I share that sentiment. I'm so glad that freelook is bound to LAlt by default, too, as that's probably one of my most used buttons next to movement keys and pressing it has become intuitive. Feels odd, still, to play such a similar game with yet such a vastly different feel to Arma.


    So far I've missed out on the good stuff that's been going on, but I'm dying to jump in some time.

  9. Generally, I have a kit for every role for every nation we usually play as. I enjoy character building and so every kit is tailored to a different style; call it roleplay if you will. Mostly I swap out the gun and camo, the misc gear however is fairly consistent across the board.


    That's why I wholeheartedly recommend skimming through the arsenal to see what you think looks good and fits your play style. One day you may want US Army realism, so you grab all OCP gear and an M4; another day you really want to be tacticool with G3 fatigues, MGP operator vests and a SCAR-H. Make it your own.


    Personally, I love mobility. Only one kit exceeds 30 kg, most are well under that, so I have plenty of stamina to outpace just about everyone.

    My basic rifleman is equipped as such:

    • Uniform
      • FAK: 4 packing bandages, 2 field dressing, 2 QuikClot, 1 morphine (because game)
      • 2 cable ties
    • Vest
      • 6-8 magazines
        • The final two mags are full tracers so I know when I'm down to condition red on ammo
      • 1 frag grenade
      • 2 white smoke grenades
      • 2 blue chemlights
      • 2 hi-red chemlights
      • 1 red flare
    • Misc Items
      • Map
      • Compass
      • Short-range radio
      • GPS (unless I feel like not having it)
    • Head
      • Helmet (you never know that you needed it, but trust me, you needed it)
      • Ballistic glasses

    This kit is very easy to adapt to whatever role you take:

    A medic grabs a backpack and fills it up with medical supplies (see the guide Noah linked).

    An engineer grabs a backpack and fills it up with engineer-type stuff.

    A rifleman LAT grabs an AT4.

    A grenadier / TL/SL swaps out the rifle for one with an underbarrel grenade launcher and adds a few 40 mm rounds.

    And so on.


    Create your own basic rifleman, run it for a while, then you can tell what it lacks or has too much of. Adjust and adapt, then build your specialised kits upon the basic one.

  10. Event Date: 24/01/2018


    Event Time: 1900 UTC


    Mission Name: OP Organised Stiletto


    Brief Summary: Join us for our kick-off to weekly organised sessions of Stiletto!

    Every Wednesday will see an orchestrated effort to play Stiletto properly with an established chain of command and staff members to moderate it all. This is when we play the mission coordinated and with our honest game faces, to escape the rut and show off what AWE can do when we put our minds to it!

    For regular players, there is no need to sign up; just join!
    For leadership positions, please fill in the following form. You'll have a choice between PltCo, JTAC, SL and FTL and it's first come, first served. The highest ranking slot will then decide on additional elements such as Vortex, Hammer and Logi. Every week and every CO will be different in that regard!


    Leadership Sign-up: https://goo.gl/forms/8sr5m1hHf3cXCXHs1


    This is the first in a line of scheduled sessions and of course benefits greatly from all your feedback. If you think future sessions are better off on a different day, let us know.

    Hope to see you all there!



    Cover Image: Before_Battle-Kingfisher.jpg.3979dbc1e9e6f836b7edc5ce07ab1d8c.jpg


    Player slots: 44


    Expected Mission Length: 90 minutes to open-ended


    Mods required: Standard AWE


    Server slots: 44

  11. Additionally, staff's internal User Tracking History will be wiped completely clean of all AWE instances of misbehaviour. This does not apply to bans currently in permanent effect.


    This means: everyone starts off with clean slates. Fresh and innocent once more.


    If you were banned within the last 6 months, you can re-apply for your AW member tags and are also eligible for Veteran status as of now.


    Do not betray our trust in you. We want to steer this ship in a new direction and this direction involves all of you and all of us; so make it worthwhile and enjoy yourselves.


    Any questions about what this entails can be posed here. Questions about specific rules can be discussed in the new rules topic.



    The AWE Team

  12. No need to create voice channels in Discord, meaning no community division between there and TS.


    Discord offers:

    • instant announcements via @everyone or @role
    • near universal availability because 1) it can be accessed via browser as well as phones and 2) a fair share of people already have it installed
    • dedicated text channels to organise chats by topic while keeping it in one group
    • infinite text records to 1) pin important messages and 2) keep track of conversations so you don't miss anything
    • possible instant messaging and getting to know the people of AW via the members sidebar
    • an alternative to socialising on TS without having to speak (a major selling point for the busy ones or the less secure who are still eager to participate)
    • bots to spice it up and improve quality of life
    • visible and invisible roles to give to members and staff as appropriate (such as AWE Veteran, Spartan or others)
    If the hesitation comes from Discord conflicting with TS, that is fair enough. However, if there are no voice channels, it is a viable platform for our players to chat and interact. Personally I'd love to just chat without having to talk; often I'm too busy, other times I just don't want to or can't use a mic. Discord would let me be present as part of AW and show my face. That's better than sitting in AFK-ish.
  13. I like them for what they do in their respective niches.

    TFAR is a toy you plug in and have fun with. Radio ranges are forgivable and functionality minimal so that all you really have to know about is your PTT keys.

    ACRE is a simulation that becomes more satisfying the more you know about it. It enforces realism, but as grunts, you also only really have to know about your keybinds to work the 343.


    What I love about ACRE is the suite of customisations it brings. If you enjoy Arma on full effects volume, TFAR will be drowned out by even minor noise. ACRE lets you adjust voice volume in post- and pre-mix to match your preferences without messing with individuals' volumes on TS.

    Local voice is much more dynamic and blocked by obstacles. Sound travels around the wall, not right through it. If you're behind a house from someone, you better start yelling so they hear you.

    ACRE's terrain interference is life, but I know that's not for everyone, especially those who just want to jump in and get gunning.


    Right now, comparing ACRE and TFAR is almost apples to oranges.

    We need a radio mod and TFAR is a radio mod, I guess.

  14. 5 minutes ago, Ryko said:
    • Put the "medical bandages appropriate usage" table in the briefing map menu thing, maybe not the image to save on file size, but just what bandage for what wound (and maybe even reopen times/ chances etc)

    It's a good idea. Can I ask someone to come up with the appropriate text and I'll add it to the default briefing notes?


    Will do. It's not the easiest topic to summarise for all possible cases, but an excerpt from a Rifleman's Handbook-style thing I can do.



     As well I'd need to build in some exception handling so you don't arrive in situations where you are Opfor fighting Opfor.

    Might that be worth just changing the current parameter for? Instead of choosing a specific faction as we do now at mission start, only let us pick between BLUFOR and OPFOR and transfer the faction thing to the whiteboard, with a random default faction. Changing to Russians while on a US carrier seems odd anyway...

  15. 10 minutes ago, Shadow Knight said:



    Let's take a step back here and assume we don't.


    So far, we've been given mixed signals by a multitude of people we couldn't even begin to separate into camps, philosophies or wants and needs. It's all a blur, but fucking swearing the shit out of the situation is decidedly not going to help.

    Evidently Teddy wants to be regarded as separate from the pot-stirring, excrement-flinging parties. That's fine, there's one. Who else will own up to wanting to change things and actually give us something to work with?


    I want a list. Bullet points. No quoting, no name-calling, no pointing fingers unless it's conducive to your argument.

    The glory days of old will remain glorious, but there's no chance of them returning if all you do is reminisce and whinge about how they're gone.

  16. Was there for the discussion last night (prepare for leo).


    I agree that our current rifle squads are too large. It took a miracle to see Bravo on Gauntlet; I have yet to see a functioning B squad on Stiletto.

    The 4-man lead element also detracts from SL duties by ways of multitask overload managing three soldiers in addition to two fireteams. That's good for splitting the one squad we usually have, but this idea is here to enable more squads overall and lessen the strain on Alpha.


    What I would propose is the following US Army-esque formation:


    SL Element

    Squad Leader (SL)

    (Specialist Unit: CIA Asset, RO, Medic, etc.) - essentially a slot to make sure SL has a HUD but isn't lumped into a FT


    Team 1 / Point Team

    Fireteam Leader (TL)

    Autorifleman (AR)

    EOD Specialist / Engineer (E)

    Rifleman LAT (RLAT)


    Team 2 / Support Team

    Fireteam Leader (TL)

    Autorifleman (AR)

    Designated Marksman (DM)

    Combat Medic (CM)


    If we want a medic in SL, get a second rifleman into T2.


    This will retain the familiar SL-TL-TL structure we've grown used to, but cut down on superfluous roles such as the dreaded AAR/ammo bearer/rifleman. It also makes sure that those who want to lead a team know exactly when they will and not fear it's at the whim of SL.


    The TLs would keep their UGLs for a lack of a grenadier that's normally seen in Army squads, so we're still nation-agnostic. Three 40 mm per squad are more than enough, in my mind.


    The benefits as pointed out by Amentes still apply. Quicker filling, higher chance for Bravo - giving us the ability to tackle multiple objectives and encouraging a PltCo to slot up.

    Assuming we keep all slotting rules, this also means there has to be at least some Bravo before higher-end support elements are unlocked.


    I am actually open to the idea of collapsing all three groups into one so that the SL doesn't need a second guy for a HUD and security. But baby steps first.


  17. 3 hours ago, GhostDragon said:

    See the view that dynasound is "made for a vanilla experience" is flawed because the author LAX makes the sounds for both RHS and BAF weapons meaning that the reason they do not meantion "support" is because the sounds are already his


    Which also means that it won't affect us on account of our primarily modded equipment that already implements Laxemann's work. Dynasound does improve ACE-triggered explosions and sundry effects as ACE also draws from vanilla source files, but I would argue that alone doesn't justify a debate to the extent we've seen here. This is also why we're open to reviewing it as an optional addition after all.


    Dynasound comes out best in conjunction with Enhanced Soundscape which we've always been keeping a close eye on in the event it finally serves our purpose, i.e., works with modded maps and produces no tangible performance hit. Thus far, it's not quite there.

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