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Posts posted by SkullCollector

  1. 1 hour ago, Arkod said:

    And since we mentioned fiream mobility, I'm going to ask again to replace marksman with another speciality role like grenadier. You can add a marksman to SL team.


    If they sit, they're shit.

    Moving them to SL won't change that and I'm fairly confident it won't work against the issue of wanna-be squad-level snipers. With SL it will put pressure on them to coordinate another rifleman, especially with ASL considering the current workload. They will inevitably be attached to one of the teams, and that's that. 

    I'd rather groom everyone out of their habit, as TL, to leave the marksmen behind or, as marksmen, to actually want to stay behind. There's a time and place for everything, but a marksman is not a sniper.


    I also disagree with the AAR's uselessness. With 600 rounds on me as AR in an intense AO, I go through all or most of my boxes quite regularly from suppression alone.

  2. 11 hours ago, Ryko said:

    What I want to avoid is another clear team fiasco. Fsg would have all the big toys in one group, so why wouldn't you take a slot there instead of filling up alpha?


    For the same reason we technically shouldn't have any support teams before Alpha is full, except MAT: rules. They work ... okay, so adjusting them to replace, "MAT is okay" with, "half FSG AT is okay" shouldn't be too hard. (Somebody make that more elaborate.)

    I wasn't around for the clear team, but it's already well-established that support teams hang back. In my mind, 'Fire Support' only underlines their role on the battlefield, just like Talon suggested CAS for some players.


    As for heavy weapons in primary squads, I'm not sold either. Our FTs are too mobile by nature.

    With an MMG you decrease the potential volume of fire in a team and increase weight substantially compared to an M249 buddy team, and with a SMAW / MAAWS you slow the whole team down, because somebody has to carry extra rounds in addition to the AR load per FT. As @Amentes said, AT4s are more than enough and removing the one limiting factor that is reusability would make things too easy.

  3. 18 hours ago, Vlk said:

    It was. Vortex transport talon cas


    This is wrong and that's the reason it was done away with. It wasn't actually like that, but because Talon sounded CAS-y, people joined it for the CAS and wanted it to be CAS only.

    I hope we've matured enough to have different call signs again, even supposedly aggressive ones.




    Is there anything to be added RE: FSG? I tried to incorporate some feedback and would like an opinion on the last update.

  4. As @Ryko and others pointed out, ASLing is hard and often amounts to more work than fun. You get everyone in Alpha on one ear, all the LR assets on the other and the odd local chatter in between, so you likely have no choice but to hang far back, actually walk away from everyone, and step up to CMD. cTab makes this easier, but you still have to rely on your TLs to relay information. This either requires staying on their short-wave, so you still receive sundry transmissions, or setting up an additional channel for your leads, which will see comms break down if they die and no one remembers to tune in on your additional. But that's Alpha and not to the point.


    This is another plausible reason to combine support elements into FSGs: you halve the potential stress on support radio comms by shedding some workload onto FSG SL to coordinate his 2x3 teams with autonomy. If you normally had MAT + HAT, now you only have to deal with one 6-slot FSG AT. Nothing will stop them from splitting up for different approaches, so flexibility remains a given. If you had both FSGs half-filled, well, nothing changed, you still deal with, for example, an MMG and an AT team which retain all the power, but gain more versatility. FSG1 wants to ditch their MMG after an AO in favour of a Mk19? Ask CMD for the green light and have at it. If FSG - General gets to pick AT as well, even better. Most flexible squad ever, my goal is achieved.


    Right now ASL has to adjust to whichever support team is online at the time anyway, so even if FSG didn't ask to bring a Mk19, neither did ASL ask current MMG to bring an M240B. They just joined the slot and did.

  5. If the FSGs were done precisely how I briefly described them, a rule change is definitely in order (and as far as I know has been talked about for a while already anyway). But the way I did describe them raises issues, which you've fairly pointed out. 


    TL;DR#2: Have 2x FSG with 6 slots each, one FSG specialised in AT, the other general and flexible. Both FSG will have 2x3 teams with one guy on LR in touch with CMD and one guy listening to that guy.


    As a rule of thumb, I'd have liked to see one FSG per full squad (that is, Alpha and Bravo), with each FSG consisting of two elements with SL on long-range (lieutenant), specialist (corporal), assistant (private); TL (sergeant), specialist (corporal), assistant (private). For the sake of clarity, one FSG could then be a general squad with access to statics and MMGs as well as AT, and the other with access to only AT but thus of all varieties, including TOWs. This would satisfy those who clearly want an AT role, but still leave a highly flexible support group as an option. If the AT specialist team is 6 strong, hell, I gladly take the firepower considering the amount of random tanks we've seen lately.

    In the lobby this could be shown through a simple appendix after their call sign -- for the lack of better names, Cannonball (FSG - AT) & Rainmaker (FSG - General).


    As for the separate map markers, I'm all for encouraging better communication, so as CMD I'd rather task a given FSG with a target or objective and have them coordinate themselves on the occasion they have all 6 slots filled. But that's just me and I realise that relies heavily on a decent leader.


    Edit: In fact I think a group of six under one support SL would lighten the burden for CMD. The firepower of two teams is available, but he only has to task one guy with a decent amount of free rein.


    Regarding the sniper team, I'm quite against it. I wouldn't mind giving the general FSG the option for high-power rifles, but make very, very clear that snipers are at the CO's disposal and a no will always be a no. This would otherwise either end up with just ditching them on a hill a klick away or tears because the platoon is on the move again.

    Marksmen, on the other hand, I find very useful. They are meant to move with the team even into towns and take out priority targets with good accuracy, like statics, other marksmen or HVTs. It's the job of the team leader to get their arse in gear and move or actually leave them at a vantage point, but they are not and never will be hilltop snipers.


    If any of the FSG do not comply with the rules, the CO has all the right to report or at least bollock them. But the rules we're talking about here are hypothetical at this point.

  6. Hello lovely people,

    I thought to put this into the request board straight away, but someone with an opinion suggested general feedback first might work out better.


    TL;DR: Change the call signs of Vortex / one of the Vortex teams, and merge support squads into FSG.


    Vortex call signs, while nothing wrong with the name inherently, could work with a simple relabel to a name as decided on by the community or the Steering Committee. As yet Vortex is only distinguished by a single number which is easy to miss or forget in transmissions, especially during heated situations (yesterday's Zeus OP proved that to me in particular). We previously had Talon, and as I understand that was done away with because it suggested a CAS-specific role.


    A number of ideas came up during a quick discussion on TS, some of which were as follows:

    • Torrent
    • Whiplash
    • chess-related, specifically Knight, Rook, Bishop, Pawn
    • Phantom
    • Reaper


    (Thanks to @Copey and @Kingfisher. Copey foreshadowed an extensive list of ideas, so stay tuned for that.)


    What I think this will do is prevent general confusion and allow pilots and co-pilots to add the single number to their call sign instead. Easier access, less risk to forgetting a number. And quite obviously it adds a bit of variety, which is always nice to have.

    So we could mix things up and rename both pilot teams, or have Vortex + something else. Feel free to chime in with your own ideas for call signs.




    The other thing that followed up in that discussion of call signs were the support teams, e.g., MAT and MMG.

    As it stands we have two MMG teams, MAT and HAT which very rarely are all filled, let alone used effectively. Merging them into two general, say, 5- or 6-slot teams would enable them a bit of flexibility in their weapon of choice at the discretion of ASL / CMD. There will be less of an urge to reslot from MMG to MAT if required, and a general fire support group could also always deploy statics such as Mk19s and TOWs instead.

    Perhaps give these FSGs unique call signs as well, just for the fancy.


    Edit: Refer to my follow-up post that tried to include some of the feedback. TL;DR#2: Have 2x FSG with 6 slots each, one FSG specialised in AT, the other general and flexible.


    So I would like everyone's feedback on this, as especially the FSG thing would change things up dramatically. What do you think? Would you amend something?

    Once a sufficient amount of input has been gathered, this will be moved to or recreated in the request board for a final decision.



  7. Loved the mission, big gripes with the team. On my side there was no effort to consolidate and coordinate, which I kinda attribute to the singular respawns and subsequent on-foot lonewolfing to the AO. Very reminiscent of King of the Hill, and I dislike that.


    +1 on the vehicle respawn, although it would inevitably clutter the contested sectors around midgame pretty quickly. Plus I don't know if despawning unused vehicles should even be considered minding their use as cover. So, perhaps make teamleaders more aware of their rally point ability, and provide a vehicle on the basis of the number of player respawns, e.g., every 5 respawns at a given point, pop in a transport.

    Pretty sure a fair few people left after death because they couldn't be bothered to solemnly stroll back. Providing a transport every few respawns would encourage waiting for others, which in turn would help team cohesion.


    When players die, TFAR does not mute them for everyone else.


    Other than that, I'm looking forward to trying this again. The first session on the salt lake was odd, the second one was perfectly placed. Definitely worth becoming a regular thing.

  8. This looks incredibly grim, like a dystopian novel set in the Middle Ages. Exactly my thing.

    I'd normally hold off on early access games, especially ones as ambitious as these (StarForge anyone?), but this genuinely piqued my interest. Got it on my wishlist and will follow its progress.


    So how does the multiplayer work? I'll just assume it's similar to Rust, and if so, an AW gathering on one is as good a place as any to start the game.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Stanhope said:

    What do you guys think about this and do you guys know a better way to handle people deleting the stuff you mark on the map?


    Mark it in your group channel. Unless you run an open group and such people join it, nobody you don't trust will have access to it. Bonus: it prevents clutter on the map for side.

    EU1/2 aren't my domain, but I'm pretty sure chat and map markers work the same way everywhere.


    And honestly, it's a public server. Dicks will be out and about, so come prepared and have a thick enough skin to ignore whatever flak you get. It shouldn't be up to you to school impatient players, just kindly set the bird down. Have a talk with them if it itches you too much. The odd ones to complain shouldn't make you ruin the game for your other passengers.

  10. 32 minutes ago, Amentes said:


    I'm gonna suggest that the crates be embellished a little bit, actually.


    Way I see it, we were all supposed to put our gear in there, which means there should have been a weapon for each person. Turns out there wasn't. I think it'd be reasonable to add a few M4s in there so that we don't get that situation again.


    I think the amount of NATO weaponry was fine, as when I told Delta to get AKMs I did that considering the amount of 5.56 ammo left, i.e., none. There were enough M4s to go around, people just overstocked on ammo (even though it was genuinely very limited).

    What I would like to see fixed, though, is the disconnect clean-up of bodies, unless the persistence script effectively works around that. I'm very sure we lost at least two M39s and a number of RPGs to disconnects.

  11. 1 hour ago, Colsta said:

    Wouldn't Alive be a better option there, @Ryko?


    I would love to see ALiVE used here as well, but unfortunately persistence across server restarts requires all players to register on the War Room. Sure, everyone could just dump all their stuff in a crate again, but then we're back at where we are.

    Additionally, I'm not sure if the module plays well with swapped slots. I've had players in different slots than before just load the profile from the previous occupant, but I didn't pay much attention to that and ended up forcing slots -- not ideal here.


    If you can find a realistic way to coerce gently convince everyone to sign up for the War Room, please.

  12. Bear in mind that you can always carry two types and access each one with Ctrl + H and Alt + H by default. I believe to have access to the minimised version in the corner of the screen it has to be in the actual terminal item slot, so put a microDAGR there and the Android device in your inventory. Open the small DAGR with H and if you need to mark things or text someone, open your Android with Alt + H. (All of this as per default, rebinding highly recommended.)


    I personally find every form of cTab to be far too large and intrusive to be left open permanently, so I just check for updates every other minute.

  13. 1 hour ago, Amentes said:


    How is Elite these days?


    I own it, but I decided to wait until it was a bit more on the complete side, and so haven't really been keeping up with the times.


    Hard to answer. Elite has always been the create-your-own-story kind of game that I like and others don't, but with the engineers there's at least a semblance of a task from which on you can again just do whatever you want. Frankly I haven't done much of the faction warfare lately so I couldn't tell you what changed there, but I will check that out. Looks still to be a grind.

    Planets are cool, I guess.

  14. PC:


    glorious Arma 3



    Civilization V + Beyond Earth

    Cities: Skylines

    Kerbal Space Program



    ... and millions of other, mostly singleplayer, games



    I have what some already consider an artefact from antiquity, others scoff at it for being newfangled and distinctly millennial: a PlayStation 2.

    It's got some great nostalgic games, stuff like TimeSplitters, NFS Underground 2, hell even old Dragon Ball games are still fun with a mate on splitscreen. Especially nowadays where most TV sets are larger than good old 27" CRT.

  15. ACRE ran incredibly smoothly for months and months after the initial problems were ironed out mission-side. I can understand it might seem like ACRE is bug-ridden and unreliable because it's back to an extreme now, but that is simply unfair to say when that only happened after the 2.2 release and / or Gauntlet 48. On my server ACRE works just fine, although their issue tracker does have records of sporadic failures since the update.

    Understandably we need radios now and not just when a hotfix comes out, but for all I know it might be a server thing considering a fair few players have recently begun having extreme FPS drops and crashes. Radios have an odd delay between button press and transmission start, which to me looks very much like a bandwidth thing.


    If we cannot wait for a fix, I'm all in for a temporary switch back to TFAR, but ACRE's roadmap seems much more appealing compared to TFAR's completely halted development. Unless somebody from AW has done so already, I would love to collect feedback from players and server admins to create a bug report on their tracker, because that's way more reasonable than to just abandon the mod completely.

  16. Quote

    3) We know some people will really miss some of the great optics available in SMA, so we've implemented the much slimmer FHQ weapon accessories mod which fills this gap and also adds a great deal of awesome optics.


    The glorious Spitfire cannot be replaced, but I'm sure I'll be fine.



    4C) ASR AI3 and VCOM AI Driving will both be implemented on the server


    This. This is just so much this.

    I will go ahead and recommend looking into Pooter's Enhanced ASR if the version you have isn't that one. It will have the AI look for cover properly instead of just dispersing, and once they feel comfortable to do so, will rally and launch a counter-attack on the enemy's last known position. Which is scary. Really scary.


    As for cTab, is that the follow-up of what we tried to emulate by restricting chat channels? I personally loved the top-down relaying of only team-relevant markers, but I can also remember a few people being unhappy with the time it took to do so, and the confusion it caused for non-leaders when their TL assumed everyone saw them. Could we get a broken-down version of what this will mean for each step in the hierarchy?


    Loving the changes, great calls on pretty much everything here. Cheers.

  17. I'd be in as long as the world is asteroids only. Planets would severely limit the playerbase for performance reasons.


    I do think, though, there'll have to be something special about it to warrant an official server. Otherwise there'll always be the argument of, "get a few mates together and host your own." Perhaps regular building contests or other events might be worth looking into, and rally some early adopters to flesh out a spawn base. Make it modular and just wait for it to become eye candy.

  18. At this point I think I enjoy playing the Russians more than NATO, mostly because of the little differences in style and method. And also because their medic has that adorable little pouch for his stuff, so cute.


    It takes a while to get used to the AK line-up, and it's harder to discern gun fire by sound because insurgents use AKs as well. 'Bad optics' will quickly become irrelevant once you get used to using iron sights, and there's always the amazing PK-AS or 1P63. But iron sights are love.

    The little things are what set Russians apart, like stadiametric rangefinding or different, non-NATO calibre guns. They appear less versatile, but are much more effective at what they can do; as far as I can tell anyway.


    When we play NATO, I feel like some kind of operator spec-ops elite unit, whereas Russians seem like regular old forces. What I'd like to see is more mechanisation, though. BMP OP, but the BTR-80A with its 30 mm is just so sexy.

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