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Posts posted by SkullCollector

  1. Back when there were plans to move over to CUP entirely and we had a transition period with both, I wasn't keen on keeping CUP but still optimistic we'd get used to it. People cried for RHS and it stayed, so now we still use both just to have the benefit of, I suppose, insurgent units and some EU gear.

    But even after months with CUP in place, nobody really used any of it if they could avoid it. The vehicles save for a few were shunned and passed up on in favour of RHS, most notably the humvees (but honestly I just lost track of what vehicle came from which mod). The same happened with uniforms and even more so with weapons.


    If CUP was necessary for Valiant or other plans, I can definitely see why just having that would bring about some consistency. But now that RHS itself offers an insurgent units alternative and people are actively proposing standalone mods to replace CUP aspects, having two major mod packs just doesn't seem viable from an outside perspective.

  2. Also when there are reforms please do something about reading the rules. Like submission for acre, or similar.


    I agree. We should ask for at least 100 Ahoy Coins as payment through a form before handing out the password to the channel, and add one for the server itself; that way, only long-term AW members are able to join EU3, and the scrub epidemic might finally ebb off.

  3. Perfect, this will finally prevent the notorious asset spam and enforce caution when moving into the AO.


    Might I suggest 50 AC per respawn, too? This will roughly fall in line with the real-life cost of death. If you cannot pay up, put in place a loan system with 2 AC / day in interest.

  4. Yes Fabs I have, and Kieran, like Josh, is one of the rare voices that have been very helpful.


    Every single response by EU3 players in both of the relevant topics have been voices of reason and advice, and are not negative for the sake of shooting down the idea. A quote of a post without an argument might back up your claims, but proclaiming that you are the victim of a conspiracy of salty EU3 players only serves you appearing like a fool.

    Honestly, this whole thing has got turned around under a false pretense, and you being adamant on your opinion makes you read between lines when there is no content there. We are literally trying to tell you how these mods work and what is necessary to use them effectively, but everything not playing the ball to you is immediately dismissed as disruptive. There will be no progress here until that notion stops.

  5. I think that the EU 3 players are kind of bias to this idea to be completely honest. 


    So far I haven't seen anyone from EU3 mentioning it in this topic and I think bringing this up again might disrupt the thread.


    There is a certain complication to using ACRE "loosely." I'd like to ask first if the implications are clear to the ones wanting this server. Do you know about directional sound, terrain occlusion, static and voice volume? There comes a certain necessity for discipline with these things when you have 40 guys on the same channel, especially with full-duplex magic radios.

  6. That wasn't the discussion i was talking about Colsta in that post, But i have no way else of explaining EU 3 for the people and there reasons for why they don't play it. How would you explain EU 3 so i don't use that terminology again? 


    It feels like you're looking for a category for EU3, which I don't think it has. Milsim implies ranks and a fixed hierarchy of roles, often even requiring to address by rank and sir / ma'am. EU3 has none of that. Everyone can join whatever role they wish to take, with many customisation options and no requirement to use non-magnifying scopes or iron sights as a regular rifleman.

    Perhaps you got us on the wrong foot or didn't listen closely enough when you played on EU3, but I am 100% sure that we love banter and to relax.


    Everything you might associate with milsim, i.e., command structure and roles, comes with using a radio mod and the desire to be organised. The realism mods we use, like RHS for weapons and uniforms, are just what the playerbase likes to use from personal preference, not because we are dead-set on simulating reality.

  7. However I think that a game night of this nature would be a great idea to provide a bridge between those regulars on EU#3 and EU#2/1.


    I also think that this is the best approach to the situation, and is not as demanding in maintenance. There might even be a regular gamenight in this fashion to periodically remind people of EU3's way of doing things. If they like it, there's more of a chance that they download 20+ gigs of mods.


    Mod this gamenight extremely lightly. ACRE and ACE only, no show, just the manners.

  8. The mission was absolutely enjoyable, although I, for one, could see a minor caveat that might have contributed to the clusterfuck after a while. I didn't think about it beforehand, yet when I had to assume Boris lead from my Boris 2 TL position, it felt a bit overwhelming and impractical to assign SL to a TL by default, as you did with Anna and Boris 1.

    Obviously this was my maiden voyage as SL, so take this with a grain of salt, but I prefer the separate command elements.

  9. I personally have played against AI while running this mod while helping the Colliers test their missions and I only have two words.

    Absolutely. Terrifying.

    For one the enemies run for cover when they get shot. They push towards your position. They try to flank you. They circle you. They bombard you with GL fire if they have the means.

    It's exponentially harder. And proportionally fun.


    The eloquence is strong with this one.

    Couldn't have said it better myself, and I agree wholeheartedly.


    In more than a few testing runs for a 30-player mission, we were a fireteam's worth of players trying to assault the first town from many different angles, with mechanisation and sometimes even heli support. We couldn't get past the first compound. We managed to clear it and were forced to abandon the assault and fight for our lives, as the AI flanked and surrounded us. Nothing has ever been as scary as being a medic, alone, with one magazine holed up in a shed and hearing the AI's footsteps and voices as they moved in on me, literally a metre away behind the wall with no way out but the ambush-inviting doorway.



  10. With their new album release on my birthday, the obvious choice now is Amon Amarth.



    And there's always Civil War to instil a bit of awe as we march.



    Metal generally fits the theme really well, but for proper Battle Metal, there is no one to take up on Turisas.



    Or Sabaton.


  11. Must... resist... self-advertising...


    As far as I am concerned, as long as we state the rules on spawning in and perhaps even linking relevant posts (team leader manual, hint hint), we have done our job for new players. If they choose to ignore them, tough luck, quality check is a kick.


    There is nothing wrong with learning, and I'm willing to host a team leader workshop at some point if interest is there, but choosing to be ignorant is, to me, a bannable offence in and of itself. It's EU3, not some King of the Hill fragfest.

  12. I think it would be good to have side chat for only the person in command so this way his plan could be broadcasted over the whole server and not have people ruining the realism for other people


    The issue isn't about the chat channel, it's about map markers. Even if mission lead had access to it, no one else would and so couldn't see any markings.


    I'm pretty sure there is a way, probably another mod, to copy each other's maps. After being briefed by their SL, team leaders should rally and fill in their team anyway, so it's just one tiny thing more to do before a mission.

    I've seen it before, but I'll have to look for it.

  13. Is there an option to disable CAS bird respawn if a certain player count threshold hasn't been met? If we then leave the pre-spawned aircraft untouched, they are still ready for use in an emergency, but will have to be handled extra carefully as their loss would be permanent.

    For flavour, perhaps consider this a deal with battalion high command, that our platoon will only get heavy assets if the threat warrants it and calls for a fully manned operation. Until then, resources are saved for another day.


    This wouldn't irreversibly keep us from having CAS if we're just one or two players short, but also add a bit of risk, thus preventing recklessness. Mostly, anyway.


    If not for Gauntlet, perhaps for Valiant. Considering the infil method, it's even more authentic.

  14. With decent headphones, I found the audible feedback fairly accurate. With speakers, not so much, though. Arma is one of the games which, I think, benefit the most from a good sound setup.


    If you don't already, try sticking to cover like rocks and burned-out vehicles, then take a moment to look around and plot your approach. This is especially effective with a couple mates, and is then called bounding overwatch when one unit moves, while the other covers.


    With an educated guess, consider the most likely enemy position and keep a solid object between you and there, like a rock formation, a house block or even a moving vehicle on an advance. Like PiranhA said, your best bet is to spot them before they spot you, but if they use their AI magic to get their bearing first, you'll be thankful for any centimetre of concrete or steel you can find.

  15. I get 'no message received' every time I join directly through Arma3Sync. It is no issue when I start the game through it, and then join manually through the menu.


    So far I've suspected the sheer amount of mods to be loaded, too. Perhaps starting up, then immediately joining the server is too quick for all mods to be initialised.

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