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Posts posted by SkullCollector

  1. Hello and welcome to AW EU3!


    ACRE is fairly simple once you get behind it. As any role, you will always have a radio called AN/PRC-343, or 343 for short, which you use to talk to your team and squad around you.

    First, make sure you have one in your inventory or otherwise grab one from the radio box at the arsenal. You will know where the arsenal is as that's the meeting place for most off-mission banter, so people will definitely be around it to talk you through it and help you directly.

    To use it, open up its interface either by using the shortcut Ctrl-Alt-Capslock, or through double-clicking it in the inventory. You should now see what looks like this: right next to the antenna you have the channel selector, and to the right of that the volume knob. You can cycle both by left-clicking to go forward, and right-clicking to go backwards. Refer to the left-hand side of the map for your squad's radio channel.

    Now that you have your radio set up, use Capslock to transmit. Radio checks are important routine, so say something quick like, "radio check on the 343, channel 2," and you're fine, nothing fancy.

    Remember not to mix up your Teamspeak's push-to-talk key with your radio key, as they do different things. Your Teamspeak button is used to talk to people right next to you, literally in talking / shouting distance. Your radio key is the one you can re-bind ingame, Capslock by default.


    This is just the basics, because you will learn as you go and customise the mod as you like it. Keep in mind that there's always someone around, happy to help.

  2. It's a DMR.


    The Mk18, real-world Mk14 EBR, M39 EMR, whatever are all DMRs with CQB adaptability. Even the M14 which they are based upon was a battle rifle, not an assault rifle because it fired full-powered rifle cartridges.


    And because it's a pet peeve of mine, marksmen are not snipers.


    Cebi, you ninja.

  3. You'll find a love for structure and organisation on there. There'll always be one guy and guy only telling you to do stuff, no matter your position.

    But it's far from harsh milsim. It's about going somewhere with your mates and putting up the toughest fight. There's explosions, there's banter, there's people playing the guitar in a HMMWV, and there is nightmare fuel if you get caught in an ambush by a couple T-72s and what feels like an entire company worth of infantry.


    So yeah. Good fun.

  4. On 01/07/2016 at 7:04 PM, Bloo Flar3 said:

    Just saying but when on earth did we get 80 people that play EU3.

    At least half of them vote must be from eu1/eu2 people that most likely never touched EU3.


    I'd take these public polls with a grain of salt anyway. Some might never have played on EU3, others might have left early because boo-hoo ACRE and never actually touched the mod on this server once it was sorted out. That's at least what I'm thinking considering the amount of substantial pro-TFAR posts, or rather lack thereof.

    Of course I'm salty at a poll with votes stacked against my preference, but whatever.

  5. Obviously I'm biased because I personally prefer ACRE, but I see no reason to switch back to TFAR when the current implementation already works well. I'd rather iron out the kinks (and looking at the possibility of EU6 with ACRE, it's mutually benefiting) than to switch now only to have another one of these discussions in a few months because AHOSEC players don't like using two systems in parallel. The last time I saw ACRE crap out on somebody on Gauntlet was last month, but that somebody loaded a kit with three identical radios. It took a quick abort-rejoin to get rid of the message and a good schooling so that it doesn't happen again, and everyone was good to go within the minute.


    I've heard no recent complaints about ACRE, at least not during gameplay. Terrain obstruction and limited 343 range have been taken as given, as features not as a nuisance. In fact, I believe it encourages team coherence and enforces a radio structure when there's only one per squad with a line to CMD or support elements. We don't even need a rule or training for that, it's just there, it's again indirect pressure to think and adjust.

    Some of the best fun I've had was as A2 TL trying to recover A1's 152 which he had previously picked up from ASL, while shelled by a BMP-2. It's an integral part of immersion, and if you can't find the 152, you're stranded in hostile territory. Find a civ car and head home, probably under fire. Actually have a mission go to shit and be surprised how much a radio mod can alter your experience once you can't go by the book any more.

    If you're out of range of everything, then something went wrong and you have to deal with it, not the mod.


    Regarding whether EU3 is a realism server or not, I can't tell. But I'm sure we can all agree that we're not here because we want easy, but because we want tough. ACRE doesn't hold your hand, and I love that.

  6. 59 minutes ago, JuX said:

    I have to give the vote to TFAR. It's simplicity will be much better choice for attracting new members.



    How is it easier? For complete beginners, I will argue TFAR is harder to learn.


    ACRE: "You're a rifleman, you're in Alpha. Take a 343 and tune in to channel 2, use Capslock to talk."

    TFAR: "You're a rifleman, you're in Alpha 2. Take an RF-7800S-TR but don't forget the MicroDAGR, you won't have a watch by the way. Enter 202 for the frequency but double-check your spelling. Alpha 1 is on 201, and Alpha as a whole is on 200. You can use an alternate channel and enter 200 so you can hear and talk to your SL. Frequencies below 30 and above 512 are invalid. Use Capslock to talk and T for your extra channel."


    As long as they have their plugins and mods installed correctly, explaining someone ACRE is a matter of a couple minutes. So is TFAR, but I doubt it's actually easier like people make it out to be. The point of weird keybinds is moot, it takes another minute at most to guide a player through rebinding them, if they need to at all. I played with default ACRE keys for over 5 months and had no issues.

  7. 19 minutes ago, Ghostdragon said:


    This is why radio protocol is important.

    i can say this to that entire comment as you did to mine, Its a public server i would rather have people talk over each other and something be caught than everyone just here something less important.


    Another thing, this isn't a realism server stop trying to make it more realistic and keep it fun thats why the majority of the people play here. If realism is wanted make sure that the new server made by kenny is that and dont change this from what it is because the appeal is that it is not realism and welcomes all.


    If we need radio protocol there's an inherent bit of realism to that. That's why we have a radio mod in the first place, to make it more structured and authentic. It's far from milsim but required to function.

    Protocol will be an acquired skill and most players will just pick up the discipline and format of what they hear as they go. I'd rather have a bit of indirect pressure on players with half duplex than for everyone to think it's okay to burst into transmissions.

  8. ACRE.


    Terrain interference gives me wet dreams and local voice is reason enough for me to vote for ACRE 100%.

    The only things I miss from TFAR are the alternate channels on the same radio, but with proper organisation, they're not necessary and just nice to have, same as the backpacks. Want more range than a 152? Put a 117F in your Eagle and still have room to spare. Same thing, there's just no fancy antenna towering above.

    ACRE radios are easier on the user, just turn a knob and change channels. No DAGR for a rifleman radio, no typos in frequencies. Want audible distinction between your radios? Put long-range on the left ear, short-range on the right and adjust volume. Rebind your keys to talk on the radio you want, even without finger acrobatics as per default.


    And why is automatic channel switching such a big deal?

  9. The Steam Workshop isn't exactly the best place to take server mods from, so we have our own repository that you can access through Arma3Sync. You can run the entire game through it and save profiles and mod layouts for quick access to all your favourite servers with specific modsets.


    You can find a how-to right over here: http://ahoyworld.net/eu3/how-tos/


    It auto-updates as well, but notifies before it downloads anything.


    And as to why we use these mods instead of others, well, that's just preference. Some of it is quality over quantity, others are just what serves us best right now.

  10. 15 hours ago, Amentes said:

    Without guidance from above, this rift will not heal.


    I'll poke the hornet's nest and claim that this is right up there with the major issues we face. Months ago during the community meeting, we were promised an increase in communication between staff and players. So far, I've seen none of that. On EU3 we have more active mods and they do an excellent job being the glue between loose planks during play, but they can only do so much.


    Communication, to me, includes guidance and a firm grip on things. It's right there in the word, it literally means to bring together, to share. Instead we got divided. Lately we've seen shifts in the repo that were unannounced to the general public, changes in Gauntlet and just an altogether lack of making sure stuff works before claiming it's finished and done. The repo was updated and didn't work for the better part of a day, which I'm sure could have been avoided had there been proper testing. Unless you were present by chance when it was casually mentioned in a conversation a week before, the requirement for a leading position will have surprised you. Mentioning there were "not just two" reasons for something but then not going into any detail only sparks rumours and division. I've seen many such instances when somebody got insufficient data, or had a slip of the tongue, brought it up somewhere else and fuelled scepticism. 


    We don't need a backstage pass, but I'm confident that some insight into where EU3 is meant to be taken would help tremendously. For a while now both parties seemed oblivious to what the other is up to, what each side wants. People open up to each other in group discussions, but those don't help. On the contrary, they make things worse in the long run, for reasons outlined above. There are assumptions around that don't need to be there, simply because the community feels like the higher-ups don't listen anyway. This thread is good. Show them that they do.

  11. Of course this is a cash grab.

    Arma 3 has been out for close to three years. If anyone expects BI to support, develop and improve a game with a following of this magnitude for free, excuse me, but get out. Up-front sales will only get you so far.


    It's how business works. Arma has opened up a niche market and they're definitely not sorry for any profit they make. And why should they be? Would anyone rather have Arma ditched on the side of the road after, what, v1.04? We had major platform updates, a couple free and three arguably useful paid DLC. The modding scene is one of the liveliest around. If anything, I'd take this as an opportunity to see what else they have in store for us come end of the year.

  12. Of course I'm all for trying out new things, and I'll be the last to object to testing it in the next Gauntlet release. Here is a list of stuff that I just love about the current system, though. Feel free to debate.


    • five-man fireteams; FTLs can assign two buddy teams of two and still remain independent (as "white") to delegate -- especially useful for when there's no SL/CMD and an FTL has to orchestrate Vortex, MAT, Torch, etc. -- and can also easily fill in for a dead / disconnected buddy
    • two-man SL element; as I understand it, any SL has enough strategic responsibilities to warrant staying reasonably far away from bullets and have the medic shift between teams; taking away the marksman from team 1 kinda deflates it for me as I've always seen it as a nice tactical trump card, either to use their AR and marksman as fire support or to deal with priority targets from a forward position
    • two-team squads; as much as I can see the benefit of flexibility with three four-man teams, I'd much prefer extra players in a different squad entirely -- we might lose tactical versatility but gain a strategic one (also leaving SL with less to think about, since 2 < 3, making it easier to get into the position)
    • again, five-man fireteams; the team as a whole packs more of a punch with more rifles and an increased capacity for AT launchers (theoretically FTL + rifleman + marksman / grenadier are light enough, seen and done that quite often) -- I personally believe from experience that this increases the fun for players as they can accomplish more as a singular unit as opposed to having to rely on the parallel team (this is badly worded, I hope you catch my drift)


    Any other point I could come up with is biased because who likes change, so I won't write them down.


    From my personal and very, very novice experience (have you seen the clusterfucks I fabricate as SL?), there are so few leaders because we often have to delegate a tonne of things at once. Without CMD but with a full Alpha there's usually still MAT/HAT and Vortex, which is literally three times as many elements as any SL should have to bear. It's just too daunting. Of course it can be done, we have plenty of evidence, but I attribute that to the experience of those who can do it.

    Stepping up from FTL to SL is a huge leap, which is where I can actually see a benefit of this idea: the SL can still fight. With an actual rifle. Right now the SL can be a bit detached from the experience, thus with some combat roles next to them they might see some more action.


    And yes, I have seen a fair amount of flak towards bad-ish SLs. That's unlikely to change with restructuring, but I doubt it's substantial enough for people not to take up the role.

  13. The current squad organisation is honestly one of the things that made me stay on EU3.


    Some other units and servers tend to cram 9 - 12 people in one Arma group and still have an SL and one or two TLs buried within. This, I learned, screws with comprehension and actually lowers cohesion. If someone JIPs your squad, they're just another name on your HUD and they have no way of knowing where their respective TL is. Players suddenly attach themselves to the other team leader mid-fight, too. Colours help, but only for a time; usually until the first few disconnect. Keeping track of it all is just a burden.

    If the plan is to hand direct command of 9 players to the SL, I can promise you dysfunction.


    With what we have, each fireteam knows exactly who it belongs to and its constituent members will have no issue identifying their buddies. As long as both team leaders do what they're supposed to do, a quick glance on the map will tell you exactly where the other team is, as the TL has their own marker, their members in effect cannot (should not) be far.

    This way we have a bit of independence and autonomy for each fireteam, which, I think, makes for a more versatile, flexible hierarchy.

  14. 1 hour ago, RoyalSertr said:

    May I suggest you hardcode the helmets into the arsenal restrictions? I know it is lot of work, but people still disobey these guidelines (and I am not in the mood to report them for it). Only thing I am scared that it will affect the performance of arsenal even more.


    I'm not sure if that's necessary yet. The rule has been in place for less than a day, so those who check the forums less regularly will probably only catch up with them later. Until then, just give them a friendly reminder if you see someone without a helmet.

  15. There even is a gamenight tomorrow evening which is the perfect opportunity to get back in the saddle. Just spend an hour beforehand to get comfy with ACE so you don't embarrass yourself when the team needs you.


    You may also want to join the training session on Sunday right away. There'll be a medical course that could be interesting to you.

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