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Posts posted by razgriz33

  1. Here at AhoyWorld Towers.... well you have to use your imagination, we don't ACTUALLY have any towers, or for that matter any property.

    I will point out that Josh volunteered to write up a post and so this is from my POV what's going on, I'm sure his post will be better constructed than mine! here it is anyway


    We're rather busy, responding to user feedback (see new moderators and channel stuff), creating new ideas and moving in new directions.


    I heard from a few of ya that you wanted to know what the story was for EU3, so here goes: we're in the process of making a new game mode internally but one of our members is working on something too, pace is slow and steady but as we know that's who wins the race. Bringing in new moderators to try and hold the super structure that is our modded server. I would like to say that although our rules may seem a little strange, they were done for a reason (think when you see "do not drink" on a bleach bottle, who's drunk that? for the same reason we have no more than 1 pilot for x amount of players, once upon a time we had more pilots than troops). We're not trying to run a concentration camp either though so apply a little logic, yeah if you're packing light why not carry an AT4 for your anti tank guy. you get the idea. Anyway yes! moderators ahoy.


    Lots of events are planned, so much so that i dare put in a DCS event right now but i'm thinking of a guns only pvp air-air hot ramp start scenario, we've  got events easily available to see on the news section.


    Create your own channel has been adjusted, we're trying out a new approach to try and make this work for you. please show it and us respect, please keep your channel names and descriptions etc simple "MAT4Life" is fine but "lemonparty" is not, admins don't want to be wasting time investigating whatever weird thing you have going on in there and i'm sure you agree their efforts are better placed elsewhere. in short, please respect it and we can keep it :)


    New Staff will be covered by josh in more detail


    Testing stuff ranging from new mission types for modded to improved server configurations, Kammy is doing magical things behind the scenes over the holidays and we're now able to allocate resources much more effeciently


    I still suck at delegating and grenade throwing. If you think that somebody else could answer your question please ask them first, starting from Field Ambassadors, EU3 Moderators (If on EU3) to Admins to Core Staff and finally bother me with your troubles, I am all ears. If however you still deem it necessary to go straight to me you can always email [email protected]


    Internal improvements of which i can't really disclose but stuff does happen behind the scenes to make things better for the front of house.


    That's it for my update, stay tuned for Josh's post, thanks to all members of our community.

  2. The community has asked and we have listened


    We will trial run the other games (create your own) channel as "Create your own channel"


    This is on the understanding that we name our channels nicely, no probing into grey areas, you don't want to waste admin time by them having to research whatever a papa frankau is or if that avatar is hitler or not. keep it simple for us and simple and friendly for you. and no chuck itty bitty titty is not acceptable ;)


    Play nicely and we'll keep it  ;)  :rolleyes:

  3. Dear Members,


    Edited post:

    The community has asked and we have listened


    We will trial run the other games (create your own) channel as "Create your own channel"


    This is on the understanding that we name our channels nicely, no probing into grey areas, you don't want to waste admin time by them having to research whatever a papa frankau is or if that avatar is hitler or not. keep it simple for us and simple and friendly for you. and no chuck itty bitty titty is not acceptable  ;)


    Play nicely and we'll keep it   ;)   :rolleyes:


    original post:

    We would kindly ask that you name the channel you create to match the game you are playing.

    Failure to do so will result in your channel being deleted, further persistence may lead you down the path of the disciplinary garden.


    On behalf of the staff: we appreciate your cooperation.

  4. Dedicated servers aren't really possible at this stage, they are if you have a pc with a great connection though. the reason being is because you need a graphics card to launch into the GUI, there is an option to disable that but you still need a rudimentary graphics system that's a little better than showing the OS.


    I normally organise events on friday evenings, although this friday i'm unavailable, try sunday afternoon/evening (GMT) some of us should be on then :) typically playing mission generator stuff in whatever aircraft you like

  5. to reiterate exactly what pero said:


    All of our ArmA servers are currently experiencing memory leaks, I do not initially suspect it's our fault because it happened across all servers after the nexus update, which notoriously released breaking content by removing mission dependancies.


    Bohemia are not the most professional or reliant when it comes to releasing updates.

  6. I think in leadership terms you are as strong as your weakest link. if you have a FTL that can't round up his team then the squad leader in effect has a weaker squad making the platoon weaker. looking at t'other game night i had an excellent team including a couple i didn't really know, the other team leader was on the ball and so was the  squad leader. it was awesome being able to trust the other fire team leader.


    yeah anyway, fingers crossed for some great results from this event and others in the future

  7. If you think about it, don't they drop backpacks containing a fair amount of weight when entering a firefight? return to backpack to grab ammunition (or rockets/missiles in this case)?


    Another question is, how much do we want this to be a simulator vs game. In our public stomping grounds i'm guessing stamina will be turned off as they are not really aiming at a full on simulation, what are our goals for eu3? Do we really want an accurate as plausible simulation or do we want to tone it down a little for gameplay?

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