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Posts posted by Johnson

  1. Hey all,

    As some of you may have already seen or heard, AhoyWorld will be making an official return to SQUAD with our very own public server! Thanks to the efforts of @GhostDragon, we should be up and running shortly with new Squad Moderators on standby to help out in ensuring that everything runs smoothly.


    Many of you will have noticed a recent spike in SQUAD activity both in and out of this community. This is largely due to the increasing playerbase and active development of SQUAD. It is for this reason that staff deem now the perfect time for AhoyWorld to get a piece of that action! Our own server will not only give existing AhoyWorld SQUAD players a home, but also provides the opportunity for new members to join the community.


    However, effort will need to be made in order to get the ball rolling, so we encourage all AW/SQUAD players to join the fun on our server once it's up and running.


    Stay posted for updates on AhoyWorld's SQUAD server and I look forward to seeing you all in the field very soon!




    P.S. SQUAD is dropping a big update within a week, so be ready for plenty of action.

  2. Voters names are public, however this is simply to see who is able to attend and who isn't.

    "- We will be conducting a big Finale for Operation Chingados: Chapter Two.

    - The mission revolves around the capital of Tembelan and will have multiple objectives, plus a massively important part of the lore (for those interested).

    - The more players we get, the more the operation's attack will vary (urban rappelling assaults, scuba assaults, undercover assaults, etc. etc.) so bring as many friends as you can! - There will likely be a role+arsenal rework and the introduction of specialist slots (including Pilot).

    - The modset will likely be updating and we'll let players know when it does (so keep an eye out for that).

    - An important FRAGO will be released for everyone in due time for the launch (recommended for Team Leaders and above).

    - I'll probably release an attendance poll soon to get an idea of player numbers. As always, all players welcome. Feel free to message me or Kenny on Discord with any problems or queries.


    Hopefully we'll get a good turnout this Saturday, its gonna be a big one!"



    We are currently located at Tembelan International Airport (092 048). The Area of Operation is the easternmost region of Tembelan with the boundary of our AO being the capital: Lapangan.



    [1] SITUATION:

    a)      Enemy Forces: No changes.

    b)      Friendly Forces: Leading element Darkstar is located at our Safehouse (0918 0483) to remotely command and inform HeliosFederales UH-1 callsign Junco.


    [2] MISSION: 

    Last operation was a failure. We were unable to take Carmen alive. However, one of our operators managed to scavenge intel from the body regarding Carmen's operation.


    Our mission is to finish off the remnants of Carmen's operation in central Tembelan, perusing any leads we may find. We're grasping at straws here.


    [3] EXECUTION:


    a)     Commander's intent:

            Purpose: Eliminate all Los Zetas threat from the central Tembelan island and destroy their operation.

            Method: Direct assault on Los Zetas compounds and stash-houses.

            End state: Central Tembelan island is no longer under Los Zetas control, our operation has found new intel.


    b)    Concept of operations:
            Scheme of maneuver: [TBD in briefing]


    c)     Tasks: No changes.

    d)     Coordinating instructions:
    Planning and Execution Timeline:
    1500: Units equip themselves appropriately for their tasks.
    1515: Units report to the CO for briefing.
    1530: All elements depart from the Safehouse.

    Route: Air insertion to LZ Market.




    [5] COMMAND AND SIGNAL: No changes.

    (Reference BASE ORDER for Operation Chingados)




    We are currently located at Tembelan International Airport (092 048). The Area of Operation is the easternmost region of Tembelan with the boundary of our AO being the capital: Lapangan.



    [1] SITUATION:

    a)      Enemy Forces: No changes.

    b)      Friendly Forces: Leading element Darkstar is located at our Safehouse (0918 0483) to remotely command and inform Helios.



    [2] MISSION: 

    Although last operation was a success, we were unable to kill or capture the Los Zetas supplier in this region of the island. Local Federales commander Juan Guadalupé has informed us that the man we are looking for is Fernando del Carmen, a dockworker in Tambang Tiga (058 060).


    Our mission is to draw him out and take him alive.


    [3] EXECUTION:


    a)     Commander's intent:

            Purpose: Eliminate the primary vice supplier of North-Eastern Tembelan.

            Method: Direct assault on local compounds. Ambush via amphibious insertion.

            End state: Fernando del Carmen is in CIA custody with minimal friendly casualties.


    b)    Concept of operations:
            Scheme of maneuver: Helios 1-1 will divide into their three teams. Alpha and Bravo will prepare multiple two-pronged assaults on nearby cartel installations in order to drawn Carmen out of Tambang Tiga, whilst Charlie initiate an amphibious assault via kayak down the Khayali River and set up an ambush for Carmen's retreat. Once Charlie have successfully secured Carmen alive, they will move to the RV Castro, RV Dill or RV Oswald depending on the situation and await reinforcements for retreat.


    Should support Helios 1-2 available, they will either accompany 1-1 Alpha and Bravo in their attacks, or conduct their own assaults separately depending on the extent of support.


    c)     Tasks: No changes.

    d)     Coordinating instructions:
    Planning and Execution Timeline:
    0300: Units equip themselves appropriately for their tasks.
    0315: Units report to the CO for briefing.
    0330: All elements depart from the Safehouse.

    Route: Reference waypoints.




    [5] COMMAND AND SIGNAL: No changes.







  5. PLEASE READ BEFORE VOTING! (poll closes 13:00UTC 20/08/20)


    It come to staff's attention that the age old discussion regarding the choice of radio mod used on AWE has recently resurfaced. Staff have decided to let the players choose the outcome of this debate through a poll. This post has also been compiled to provide an unbiased comparison of the two options (TFAR or ACRE) for any members who are unclear of their choices. It should be noted that if the server switches to ACRE, staff measures will be made to ease the player transition from TFAR (i.e guides, advice, troubleshooting, etc. etc.).




    While the comparisons between the two mods may go much more in depth, we believe these to be the main points of interest:




    - Already known well by everyone on the server
    - Simple and easy to use in the sense of practicality
    - Less hardcore in the sense of functionality (very clear radio transmissions, more powerful radio ranges, alternative channels, less terrain/weather interference)

    - Creates multiple mod-related issues for several players
    - Could be considered to be boring or unengaging due to its simplicity
    - Radios could be considered to be too powerful and provoke less engagement with Team Leaders, Squad Leaders, Radio Operators etc. etc.
    - Plugin installer could be difficult for new players to locate




    - Known well by several (but not all) AWE and MSO players
    - Even more simple than TFAR in the sense of practicality (eg. no frequencies just channels)
    - The same features as TFAR + more (vehicle infantry radios, shared radios, antenna directions, weather effects, configurable settings for the server)
    - Has an auto-installer making it much easier for new players to join

    - More Active Delevopment (ACRE has been updated 2 months ago, TFAR has been updated 2 years ago)

    - Would require players to learn the new mod + key rebinding to replicate TFAR keys
    - Could be considered too hardcore (more realistic radios and effects meaning more interference and more for the user to deal with)
    - Can still produce mod problems like TFAR (although much less often so far on the MSO)




  6. updated: 22/04/20




    It's not rocket science (or is it?):
    Red Hammer Studios' RPG-7V2 is an ironically niche weapon when compared to other contemporary Western and non-Western counterparts that the mod developers have to offer. This guide will aim to clarify the ideal utilisation of the weapon and its rather peculiar rounds, without going into too much detail regarding the intriguing history of the "RPG" as all this information you can find elsewhere online. Anyone interested in the weapon or who wishes to have a greater understanding of its rounds and use I encourage to do so.

    The guide will avoid going into too much detail regarding the art of anti-tank warfare in general and will expect the reader to have at least a basic understanding of this discipline; I will focus on the weapon and the ammunition itself.

    I hope that these findings will provide users with greater confidence and effectiveness when using this iconic launcher; whether it be whilst playing as an Eastern faction or simply scurrying for anti-tank capabilities in the field of combat.

    - The RPG-7V2 is not an accurate weapon when compared to most other launchers in ArmA 3 as accuracy is not its real-world strong suit. However, it is not as stereotypically inaccurate as you may think and you will be pleasantly surprised when you nail targets at 500m+. Don't be disheartened or turned away from it if when you miss.

    - The findings in this guide are not based on realism but instead the in-game performance of the weapon. However, similarities to real-life and RHS' interpretation can be found.
    - This information is subject to change as the mod or game may update. The guide is also a work-in-progress but I do intend to update it when and where necessary.
    - Most data is my own personal findings and inaccuracies or broardness may be present.
    - All testing was done in ideal weather conditions (no ACE Wind or ACE Advanced Ballistics). You may need to compensate for this in combat.



    About the RPG-7V2's ammunition:


    As of 22/04/20, the RHS: AFRF RPG-7V2 has seven rounds to its disposal when playing ArmA 3 with only Red Hammer Studios' main mods (AFRF, USAF, GREF and SAF). Six of these rounds are from RHS and one from the vanilla ArmA 3: Apex expansion. Out of all seven rounds, four are designed to eliminate armoured-targets (tanks, APCs, IFVs, MRAPs, etc.) which I have highlighted in red and three are designed to destroy soft-targets (infantry, fortifications, buildings, etc.) which I have highlighted in yellow. But, of course, nothing stops the user from firing anti-tank rounds at infantry or thermobaric high-explosive rounds at tanks (I won't tell if you don't).

    (Keep in mind that the "maximum range" is often lower than the "self-detonation" distance due to the curvature of the rocket's flight-path. The "round speed" can also be used to estimate the "drop" or the "curvature" of the rocket)


    All testing done using the RHS "PGO-7V3" optic for the RPG-7V2.


    Brief: The cornerstone of the RPG-7, the PG-7V is the first rocket adopted by the weapon. This round is from RHS.
    Type: High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT)
    Self-detonation: Approximately 700m

    Maximum range: Approximately 650m
    Maximum effective range: Approximately 600m
    Damage (against armour): Medium; a light but low-powered round ideal for disabling MRAPs and APCs at range.

    Round speed: Average-fast

    ACE weight: 1.43kg

    Notes: A good go-to round for most situations and my personal preference for light-anti-tank over the PG-7VL.



    Brief: A modernised version of the original PG-7V, this rocket is unrealistic and overpowered when combined with the RHS RPG-7V2. This round is from ArmA 3: Apex.
    Type: High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT)
    Self-detonation: Approximately 900m

    Maximum range: Approximately 800m
    Maximum effective range: Approximately 700m
    Damage (against armour): Medium-high; a moderately light but considerably fast projectile capable of instantly destroying most RHS APCs due to its vanilla properties.

    Round speed: Fast

    ACE weight: 1.81kg

    Notes: When you learn how to use the RHS RPG-7 optics with the ArmA 3: Apex PG-7VM you can not only reliably hit targets at 700m, but destroy them most of the time too. Extremely accurate and deadly.



    Brief: A reworked anti-tank warhead currently serving as the primary RPG-7V2 rocket in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. This round is from RHS.
    Type: High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT)
    Self-detonation: Approximately 700m

    Maximum range: Approximately 600m
    Maximum effective range: Approximately 400m

    Damage (against armour): Medium-High; an average round acting as an intermediate option between the PG-7V and the PG-7VR.

    Round speed: Average

    ACE weight: 1.69kg

    Notes: This is my personal least favorite round as it is unpredictably inaccurate for no apparent reason, but when it does hit it does decent destruction.



    Brief: One of the two heaviest rockets to the RPG's disposal, this meter-long round is your best bet when going toe-to-toe with a main battle tank. This round is from RHS.
    Type: Tandem-charge High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT)
    Self-detonation: Approximately 450m

    Maximum range: Approximately 350m
    Maximum effective range: Approximately 300m
    Damage (against armour): High; a very heavy round packing a very heavy punch capable of knocking out most tanks up to the 2012-era.

    Round speed: Very slow

    ACE weight: 2.92kg

    Notes: An often overestimated round (since it looks like a Soviet spaceship) or underestimated round (since it drops like a Soviet spaceship), when you learn how to compensate for this rocket's personality it offers surprisingly consistent accuracy.



    Brief: One of the two lightest ammunitions to the RPG's disposal, this stubby 40mm projectile acts more as a very high-explosive grenade-launcher round.
    Type: Fragmentation
    Self-detonation: N/A

    Maximum range: Approximately 400m
    Maximum effective range: Approximately 350m
    Damage (against infantry): Medium-high; despite its size, it has an in-game lethal range up to approximately 30m when using ACE3.

    Round speed: Slow

    ACE weight: 1.30kg

    Notes: In my opinion, the "ogg" is the second strangest round in the RPG-7s arsenal due to its uncorrelated velocity when using the PGO-7V3, combined with its incredible damage properties.



    Brief: The other of the two heaviest rounds that the RPG-7V2 can use, this rocket is the go-to for pure destruction.
    Type: Thermobaric
    Self-detonation: N/A

    Maximum range: Approximately 400m
    Maximum effective range: Approximately 350m
    Damage (against infantry): High; anything caught in the thermobaric blast radius of this rocket (about 20m) will almost certainly perish, but it does not create ACE3 shrapnel.

    Round speed: Very slow

    ACE weight: 2.92kg

    Notes: A simple round with simple properties and a simple capability; highly destructive against infantry, buildings and light vehicles. Use with caution.



    Brief: The other of the two lightest rounds that the RPG-7V2 can use. Some Chinese guy thought it would be funny to make the OG-7V airburst capable.
    Type: Airburst High-Explosive (HE)
    Self-detonation: Approximately 900m

    Maximum range: Approximately 800m
    Maximum effective range: Approximately 800m
    Damage (against infantry): Medium-high; as far as I can tell, this round unrealistically shares the same explosive properties as the OG-7V.

    Round speed: Average

    ACE weight: 1.30kg

    Notes: In my opinion, considering the unrealistic properties of several RHS rounds, this is the best choice for anti-infantry tasks. Good destruction, unparalleled range, lightweight. Great for the Hindu Kush.


    How to use the RPG-7V2's ammunition:


    This part of the guide will focus on how to effectively use the RPG-7V2's rounds anywhere from point blank to, what is in my opinion, their maximum effective range. The guide will not cover the use of the weapons "ironsights" as not all rounds work with them and it's pretty much just luck. However, when using either the PGO-7V/V2/V3 or the 1PN93-2 on the weapon, skill and experience will reward the user with results.

    There are five optics currently available to the RHS RPG-7V2 as of 22/04/20:
    - PGO-7V (the oldest option with range marks for only the PG-7V rounds)
    - PGO-7V2 (the second-oldest option with range marks for the PG-7V and PG-7VL rounds)

    - PGO-7V3 (the best option for day use with ranging for PG-7V, PG-7VL, PG-7VR and TBG-7V rounds)
    - 1PN93-1 (the worst option for night use, this optic is night-vision only made specifically for the AK-74N/M)

    - 1PN93-2 (often the best option for night use as it is simply a night-vision only version of the PGO-7V3)

    As I previously mentioned, for my testing I used the PGO-7V3 optics which are the ideal optics for most situations, even sometimes at night due to night-vision graininess causing reduce vision. The optic does also feature a stadiametric rangefinder for use against armoured vehicles, however this guide will not currently endeavour into how it is used (Google it and you'll understand in seconds).

    I've seen several guides for this optic and RHS RPG-7 ammunition in the past, however I found them to be either outdated or too inaccurate to use, so I have created my own. It's a bit of an eyesore but hopefully understandable:




    (Imgur link to the image if you want a clearer picture: here)


    To clarify a few things:

    - As I previously mentioned, the RPG-7 is not a laser-accurate weapon (unless you use the PG-7VM) and you will find inaccuracies with some, if not most, rounds. This image is simply an estimation guide.

    - When I've used a rectangle I'm telling the user to observe the already present digits indicating the intended range (e.g. the highest red rectangle highlights a number "1" on the scope, indicating 100m ranging for the PG-7VL rounds).


    - When I've used a circle I'm showing the user different locations on the optic that can be used as fabricated ranges (e.g. the very bottom blue circle indicates that the base of the optic can be used when firing the TBG-7V at 350m or the PG-7VR at 300m).


  7. Map: Altis
    Mission: ALiVE
    Type: Counter-Insurgency (CoIn) / Civil War
    Friendly faction: Altis Armed Forces (2017)
    Enemy faction: Pro-Western Insurgents
    Other faction: [Unknown]
    Starting position: AAC Airfield
    Starting date: 14/03/2020
    Ending date: 30/05/2020


    In an alternate-lore-reality from the vanilla ArmA 3 story; the year is 2020 and the AAF to seek no external support from neighboring superpowers or coalitions in their efforts to suppress the increasing, pro-western radicalism amongst the populus. Unlike in the vanilla game, the "Republic of Altis and Stratis" was never declared in 2015, meaning that the islands have remained a fascist dictatorship ever since. The "Military Junta of Altis and Stratis" is the ruling governmental authority on the islands and shares no motivations with the pro-western protestors to set up a democratic government, or ally with other countries. The rise in violent protest creates untold turmoil in the region and it seems that is only a matter of time before the situation makes turns for the worse. The Altis Armed Forces attempt to retain peace in their homeland, but their nationalist pride proves dangerous in such delicate times.


    ~ "Altis Over All"

  8. Hello fellow AW ArmA players!

    You may not have heard of us or know anything about the AWMSO, but our two groups are more alike than we think!

    Myself,@kennychr and other MSO members have been thinking a lot recently about how we could attract some like-minded Arma players into the AW Multi-Session Operations. Although we have a decent turnout for most missions, we all know for a fact that it's the more the merrier when it comes to Arma, so we are cordially inviting anyone who is interested in gamenight-style missions along to join our usual MSO players for our primary weekend-campaign operations!



    We know that most Arma players just like having a bit of fun in their free time and don't want to be tied to anything too serious or dedicated, so we've decided to try out a sort of "hybridisation" between our two AhoyWorld playerbases.

    Anyone who is interested in these campaign-based gamenights would be more than welcome to tag along for the ride; either to simply get their fill of teamwork-oriented Arma, or to see how they like the MSO playstyle should they want to join into "the suck" more seriously.

    You would be under no pressure to perform beyond any standards higher than your usual EU#2 operations, meaning that, as long as you are willing to stick to the AW rules and are happy to work as one big team, you'll fit right in.


    The way it would essentially work is:
    - You will join into non-permanent roles ("reserve role") that you will be under no pressure to use with our mission's player-progression/campaign saving system (ALiVE).

    - You will either tag along with some of the MSO members in permanent roles ("regular role") or stay in an element of your own, should you have a leader and/or sufficient numbers.
    - You will be treated no differently than you would in your usual EU#2 operations and used as efficiently as every other player on the server. We'll all be kicking ass together as one combined unit.

    We may also have a test-server up before the operations start for people who want to make sure their mods are working correctly and/or to have a bit of a practise.



    If this sounds like something you and your friends would be interested in, shout out int he replies to this post, along with any comments or questions you may have!


    This will be the first attempt to join our two groups, so we will be more than happy to receive any suggestions either before, during or after our events!


    For more information about what the AhoyWorld Multi-Session Operations actually are and how to download and install the mods, please refer to this post (you guys can skip Step 1 obviously and go straight to installing the mods):


    Information about our upcoming campaign (Campaign Six) can be found here:






    I also took some quick screenshots from the mission which can be seen in this spoiler:








    Campaign Six trailer (loud-sound warning!):




    Hope to see you all there!

  9. Map: Lythium
    Mission: ALiVE
    Type: Counter Insurgency (CoIn)
    Friendly faction: United States Marine Corps (USMC)
    Enemy faction: Middle-Eastern Insurgents
    Other faction: Afghanistan National Army (ANA)
    Starting position: (wip)
    Starting date: 27/07/2019
    Ending date: 20/08/2019

    Status: Defeat
    "Although much progress was made by the U.S. Marine forces into the region for the first half of the conflict, prolonged fighting ground allied forces to a halt, locking both sides into tug-of-war battles over territories such as Morut. A failed last ditch effort by the Marines to kill or capture the Taliban force's leader in a strategically fortified town resulted in multitudes of American casualties and the capture of Cpl. Johnson who's current location is unknown, suspected torture and intel-loss.

  10. Map: Fallujah
    Mission: ALiVE
    Type: Insurgency
    Friendly faction: Middle-Eastern Insurgents
    Enemy faction: U.S Army
    Other faction: Iraqi Armed Forces
    Starting position: (wip)
    Starting date: 23/02/2019
    Ending date: 23/03/2019

    Status: Decisive victory
    "The insurgents of the city, after a month of extreme fighting and guerilla-based attacks, we're successfully able to infiltrate, attack and overrun the U.S Army's main airfield base, South-East of Fallujah. The commander of the U.S Army company was executed by the insurgents on film. The damage to the insurgents resources and manpower was dwarfed by the scale of their victory over the American forces."

  11. Map: Tanoa
    Mission: ALiVE
    Type: Counter-Insurgency (CoIn)
    Friendly faction: Russian Spetsnaz
    Enemy faction: Syndikat militia
    Other faction: U.S Marines
    Starting position: 01 12
    Starting date: 09/12/2018
    Ending date: circa 04/01/2019

    Status: Moderate victory
    "Russian special-forces fought long and hard against the Syndikat militia troops residing on Tanoa. The group alone was able to secure the entirety of Tanoa's external islands, along with a portion of the mainland, once again securing the position for a full-scale invasion. However, the combat was extremely prolonged with non-stop intensity for the members of the campaign due to the nature and location of the missions."

  12. Map: Altis
    Mission: ALiVE
    Type: Counter-Insurgency (CoIn)
    Friendly faction: Russian Spetsnaz
    Enemy faction: ChDKZ "Chedaki" insurgents
    Other faction: U.S Army
    Starting position: 13 06
    Starting date: 26/08/2018
    Ending date: circa 06/09/2018

    Status: Indecisive victory
    "Russian special-forces fought long and hard against the local Altian militias in order to secure the southernmost peninsula of the island, pathing the way for a full-scale Russian invasion. While they succeeded in this task, many casualties and resources were lost during the combat."

  13. Concidering how even the polls are, it might be worth concidering the original "Factions" idea; the same idea proposed in this poll.

    I can see both sides being happy if there is both a wide variety of "strict" factions (Serbian Armed Forces, US Marines, US Army, MARSOC, Rangers, Russian MSV, Russian VDV, Russian Spetsnaz, etc. etc.) , but then also generic "Casual" factions (BLUFOR, OPFOR, GREFOR).

    These could all be interchangeable in game, so if most players wish to switch to a specific faction, they can, and vise versa. Those who may remember the Stiletto faction system could see how easilly this could work.

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