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    Titangames98 got a reaction from SkullCollector in The Fireteam Leader's Field Manual   
    Agreed.  This is so ridiculously helpful, thank you for the educational post, they are underrated and I can't use enough of them.
    As a semi-new, but avid, EU3 player I am going to try a team leader position soon because of this post and the basic things it teaches, and hopefully build on the advice provided and combine it with the things that others in-game tell me to do as a team leader.  I know the team could use more leadership, and strong leadership, and this really really makes it a lot easier to tell myself, "Hey it isn't that bad. I could easily do this. I should try this soon."  And that is exactly what I shall do. Thank you SkullCollector.
  2. Like
    Titangames98 reacted to Josh in We Will Not MilSim.   
    Yeah the time warp stuff was annoying as fuck tbh but i think it was a mistake. Russian jets = Cherno Defence Force Jets which are a BLUEFOR team from Arma2.
    But yes probably should be more NATO jets not Russia-esk.
    Well that wont fix anything will it? That's totally the wrong mentality "Im not a snitch". 
  3. Like
    Titangames98 reacted to Copey in We Will Not MilSim.   
    Quite honestly, to me, the reason why the rules appear to be getting enforced more, is because there are a lot of new players around. The problem with that, is that there are more people not following the rules, intentionally or otherwise. That means that some people - myself included - have gotten pretty tired of the amount of pissing around. Its stupid the amount of messing around that goes on sometimes. So that's meant that mods are having to enforce them more.
    As Josh said Now it is time to clean up and make sure that certain people do.
    EU3 has been around for ages, and it still will be around for ages. The majority of people, as you can see from above posts, are happy with the rules, and the way they are enforced. It says it when you join the server, EU3 is your place for serious game play. EU1 is always busy so I'd recommend 2 to enjoy some casual arma. 
    If you think this is milsimming, go join a unit, then you might have a clue what that's like.
  4. Like
    Titangames98 reacted to Josh in We Will Not MilSim.   
    Because people don't follow the rules. Now it is time to clean up and make sure that certain people do. 
  5. Like
    Titangames98 reacted to MessedUpSmiley in We Will Not MilSim.   
    You could see it from a different POV; if you would just play with common sense, we wouldn't need to enforce any rules.
    The rules are only here to gain the quality of gameplay the biggest part of our playerbase desires, if you can't cope with that; feel free to hop on EU#1 or EU#2.
    They have even got sniper teams!
    ~ IGN
  6. Like
    Titangames98 reacted to Radfahrer in We Will Not MilSim.   
    EU3 is good because of RULES and the ENFORCING of those rules .
    So no matter how "chic", "hip" or "in" or "hot" it is, or ever will be, it still is EU3 :
    In short : It´s bigboy´s territory, the oldest and biggest of the bigboys set up some easily followable rules so just stick to them and have your fun with the others .
    If you really want to mess about, start up your own dedicated server chockfull of mods and mess about there, but PLEASE, DO NEVER try to undermine the quite lenient ruleset given for EU3, because that is what makes EU3 SO GREAT .
  7. Like
    Titangames98 reacted to Rave in We Will Not MilSim.   
    The current iteration of the ruleset has been in place for at least for at least 4 months and before that there was a similar ruleset. Maybe you're new and dont know about that - but then again you should have read them to play on EU3. If you want to dick about please go else where as you will just end up spoiling play on the server for others.
    Also who is this "WE" as i have not heard a complaint besides yourself.
  8. Like
    Titangames98 reacted to BACONMOP in We Will Not MilSim.   
    If you want a casual server play on EU 1 and 2.
  9. Like
    Titangames98 reacted to David in We Will Not MilSim.   
    No they haven't, it's always been the same. We aren't milsim, we just don't want people taking the piss in what they do because that ruins the experience of others.
    It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.
  10. Like
    Titangames98 reacted to Chuck in We Will Not MilSim.   
    Rules are rules Zak. They have been put in place for a reason. Mods and admins are giving up their time to make everyone else's time at ahoyworld alot better and sometimes by doing this, we cant make everyone happy all of the time.
    This would ruin the fun for the people that are serious.
  11. Like
    Titangames98 reacted to kennychr in Valiant Update #002   
    So been kinda slow on the development front lately as I have had alot of overtime at work. 
    But quick update :
    InternalTestingCanditate-1 is around 65%done in testing, 6 issues where uncovered and squashed, one needs another test on dedicated.
    Then ICT-1 gets merged into mainbranch of the mission.
    Pending that the PTC-1 will be branched for the public test.
    1st stage is testing of initial mission init where you have to capture one of the airfields in order to establish a base, where from ill add a teaser pic in the bottom of this post. When the initial capturing has been done Ill need people to write down feedback on how it felt etc. where to do that ill show when we get there
    2nd stage is the logistical aspect of it. i.e im emphesizing more on actually staying more in the field in this mission than previous so ive put inplace some stuff thatl be explained fleshed out later.
    3rd stage is doing actual missions. the ICT-1 and PCT-1 will have limited mission numbers as ive done alot of changes backend with writing a custom AI-spawner and addin caching and hc support to the mission for them sweet sweet frames that you love and hopefully i succeeded in doing so with the changes.
    When this is done, issues that gets logged and or noted under test will be opened and changes will be done and the issues will be closed.
    Then PCT-1 will be merged with main branch. Then i branch out a new branch for mission development which subsequently gets tested and tested... then merged back in and voila we have a RC which can be played!

  12. Like
    Titangames98 reacted to Mascant in First experience on EU3   
    I try to be supportive with my gf.
    "sure hun, I look after the kids. You go out with your friends and have a good time, don't be back before 4."
  13. Like
    Titangames98 reacted to GhostDragon in EU3 TRAINING NIGHT - THURSDAY MARCH 3 19:00 GMT   
    will be there for the marksman stuff, 
    give me a holo sight with magnifier i can hit at 500m
    give me a sniper scope and good look getting me to hit a barn door at 500m
    also i do believe this is Ryko not raz  
  14. Like
    Titangames98 reacted to Gamerhero in EU#3 REPO update   
    Ahoy there EU#3 Players,
    We have received your feedback about being more open and are committed to an open dialog with our players. In line with this mentality, we have some news to share about the MODs used on EU3.
    The MOD set will be changing in the near future. For a variety of reasons these changes are already decided: our changes are in line with recent Arma updates, and the future of the server.
    Why are we doing all these changes you may ask? There are multiple reasons. As you may know, recent Arma updates broke the TRYK Uniforms. Stuffedsheep and Glitch combined several uniforms sets into our own AW uniform set. RHS is being replaced with the CUP pack for accessibility, compatibility and EU#3 future mission related reasons. Since CUP contains every weapon in the HLC MOD set, we can get rid of those too. The same reasoning is maintained for RH pistol. The net effect of these changes will save you about 1 GB in disk space.
    So a lot of the mods are getting removed, but content-wise everything will remain practically the same. CUP may not look as pretty as RHS, but in the future it will. Our goal is to keep transitions like this rare, and from now on, to give you notice that these changes will be happening.
    Also, we will be adding the new MODs first, and then a few weeks later, take out the ones scheduled for removal. This will help people through the transition in terms of creating new loadouts, and also help the Development team to ensure the missions work in the process.

  15. Like
    Titangames98 reacted to David in Taking the reins   
    Hi all, those who attended the meeting (and from looking at this forum) will know, Raz stepped down as leader today, handing over to me.
    For those that missed the meeting, here is the link to the recording.
    So what is changing?
    As I said in the meeting nothing will be changing immediately, I need to survey properly where our weaknesses are and how we can improve. I will however be looking at the following:
    Improving coordination between staff members.
    At present it is difficult to keep track of user records, in particular users who have been warned but not banned, it is easily lost information and tracking will become tedious if it’s not done properly. It won’t happen overnight and it will require careful planning.
    Improve communication from staff to the community.
    It was raised in the meeting that quite often things are pushed through without consulting with the community, this is a problem all through the ranks not just between users and admins. I recently made a judgement call which blew up quite spectacularly which highlighted the fact this is prevalent everywhere, we knew it was a problem, but underestimated the extent to which it reached. Consultations will be on the up!
    Removal of the US server
    I brought this up in the meeting, it costs us £85 per calender month, was hosting Squad which is not populated and not bringing us any income. It was incredibly quick to resolve, here’s why:
    Graduated offences
    Something I have been looking at is a graduated offences system, instead of warning, kick and ban for all broken rules there would be 2 or 3 thresholds, racism would be your top tier and get you and instant permanent ban from our servers whereas spamming VON would land you a warning. Another possible avenue was different consideration dependant on membership status. This is just at idea phase.
    EU3 Mods & Spartans
    We have all regarded Spartans and EU3 Mods as the same rank, it isn’t clear though. I am not a fan of different routes for different play styles as it may not be equal, one route may favour another. I’m not sure what to do with this as I don’t really want to shake these up too much. Again, this is just an idea.
    Community engagement
    Our current community engagement is very low, far lower than it should be. Basically a lot of our admins don’t play on EU1/2 a lot, this means we don’t engage with the non members and that means they don’t become members. My plan is to drive up community engagement, gain members, promote people into the lower ranks (Field Ambassador etc) more frequently to end up with a broader admin team, this spreads out the workload for admins and in turn makes playing on EU1/2 less stressful for them, making them more likely to play. In short, not playing on EU1/2 means it’s more work in the long run.
    Regular community meetings
    Something we are lacking is meeting with the members, we do it from time to time but nowhere near enough to really connect, I’m aiming for quarterly.
    Both my predecessors got caught up with was delegation. I work away during the week but I keep in contact via the forums, both my predecessors found themselves trying to do so much and ultimately succumbing to stress. I’ve been a part of communities where the owner eventually took his own life, I have no plans to get in that deep. I can’t afford to be trying to do everything, I work away during the week and the rest of the admin team have my complete trust and are more than capable of making educated decisions about their sectors for me not to worry about them. I aim to be guides on the side of a bowling alley and nothing more.
    Taking suggestions to the top
    I can’t stress this enough, we will always listen to you, you can come to us any time on TeamSpeak with a suggestion, failing TeamSpeak we have the ideas forum, specifically for this, please don’t be hesitant in bringing things to us, we don’t bite.
    New website
    For a while we have been developing a new website and this was discussed in the meeting this evening, it’s not been a matter of urgency and it’s not an overnight job. We were planning for wordpress, it’s on the cards for the future, but it’s not our top priority.

    Raz has done a fantastic job for the last two and a half years since Rarek left in which was not a clean break. Leading from this is remarkable and we have made great strides in the years. It truly is incredible. I have known Raz for over 7 years, I am nearly 22, that’s over 30% of my life and he has been nothing but a great friend to me.

    Now on to me, I will make mistakes, I am not perfect, I do not have a handbook, I do not have any business or management experience. I got to where I am by making good decisions, but I will no doubt bring some terrible ideas to the table and horrific mistakes. I managed to delete half of TeamSpeak and the entirety of EU3 throughout my time here and I will continue to make mistakes (although I hope these are few and far between) and I rely on you the community, to tell me when I am making errors.

  16. Like
    Titangames98 reacted to razgriz33 in 27th Feb - EU3 Town hall!   
    Think about your concerns and then think about how you would address them and tackle them. That's what I'll be looking for from you the end user at this meeting. I hope this helps you to build your point of view in due time. perhaps google keep would be a good way to keep track of points you wish to make and scribble down anything interesting you hear.
  17. Like
    Titangames98 reacted to ParabolicAJB in 27th Feb - EU3 Town hall!   
    Only thing to apologise for is the lack of punctuation 
  18. Like
    Titangames98 got a reaction from ParabolicAJB in 27th Feb - EU3 Town hall!   
    I want to make it clear here that the admins are doing their job and nothing here is against anyone at AH working EU3 or gamenights.  Also, sorry for such a long post but I really wanted to get my point across because Ahoyworld is mainly the reason I play Arma3 and I would like to help and improve things in any way I can.  
    Being one of the newer EU#3 players (I have been playing EU#1 and EU#2 for about a year and a half now and Arma3 since the alpha), one of the main topics I would like to see discussed is the lack of seriousness in a serious environment.  EU3 is meant to be a serious gaming environment for the more hardcore players, right? Hence the strict forum rules, countless mods and complicated (if you're new) files to download and such.  That is exactly what I was looking for when I wanted to get into EU3; a serious gaming environment for both the hardcore players and softcore players looking to get into the most realistic part of Arma3.
     Parabolic said in one of the first comments in this thread that the casual attitude needs to happen at the right time, and yes, jokes are needed but only at precise moments and not during a serious mission or a gamenight, unless during debrief and other out-of-mission downtime.
     I've played two of the three most recent gamenight missions so far, and I did immediately notice the lack of strong leadership in a few areas.  Some weaker squad leaders do know what they are doing, yes, they really do.  Its just a matter of execution and its something that should not be done for the first time in a gamenight.  However, I also feel that both of the missions I participated in, the Fallujah mission (blackhawk down) under Bacon and the chaotic Sahrini town mission under Icy, seemed to be understaffed.  Not by admins, but by players. I think there were only maybe 30 players in each mission. If the server was more populated during these two missions, then maybe a stronger squad leader would have been present.
     Anyways, back to the main point. It really just doesn't fulfill anything for me, and I'm sure others too, when there are players who join EU3 during the week and for the gamenights, and just screw around constantly.  It ruins the whole environment of a serious and yet fun time playing these missions when there are around 4, maybe 5 or more players, in both of the gamenights I've played, who will talk about waffles and bananas and STD's and weird sexual things that should be left at the EU3 server lobby, and not taken into EU3, especially gamenights.  YES, there is a time for jokes and all of that stuff, but I think it should not be in the middle of clearing buildings or any part of a mission.
     Having weaker squad/team leaders may have an impact on this, maybe a stronger squad or team leader would have told these players to cut the shit during a mission.  Maybe better leaders would take action and discreetly inform admins (not using side channel, I hate that). Like I ParabolicAJB said earlier, this weak form of leadership recently has been the cause of a casual, and I think somewhat immature, attitude at the wrong time.
     EU3 is about a hardcore Arma3 experience for the serious gamers, and players will join and treat it like EU1 or Altis Life.  It breaks the immersion, but I think it also supports the issue that players will skip right over the EU3 rules here in the forums just to get the TS3 password and get into the server to do whatever the hell pleases them. The people guilty of the screwing around are rarely in the forums as far as I've been able to tell in the last month. Yes, I might have finally joined the forums a month and a half ago but trust me, I check the forums daily at about 11AM-2 PM MST (I live in the States) and I know EXACTLY who the hardcore players and the experienced EU3 veterans are and it is honestly so easy to distinguish them from the people who join the gamenights and EU3 play sessions during the week and just treat it improperly.
     Again, I apologize for the super long reply, but this is just a concern and opinion of mine that should be brought up at the meeting on Saturday. I'm a little bummed that I will not be able to make it to the meeting to share this, so I thought I'd leave it here to be discussed, and hopefully we can come up with a resolution.  Thanks.
  19. Like
    Titangames98 reacted to razgriz33 in 27th Feb - EU3 Town hall!   
    hear ye, hear ye!
    27th February at 1600UTC
    A meeting is to be held on teamspeak to hear ye concerns and questions. This is just for eu3 and I have nothing prepared, this one is all for you guys.
  20. Like
    Titangames98 reacted to kennychr in Valiant Update #001   
    So I am guessing from stuff I have glanced on at the forums that there is a small(large?) need for info about Valiant.
    Ill give a quick update about where its at now, what has happened since it was first started and where im currently at.
    Since the first init of the codebase of valiant I have done :
    60 commits during 106 days
    Added: 20k lines of code( DAC and the way FSM is regarded in git subtracted roughly).
    Removed: around 5k lines of code( DAC and the way FSM is regarded in git subtracted roughly).
    Made some alterations in the way the FSMs act, fixed countless stray variables.
    Added logging to all relevant states in the states off all mission currently in the framework to ease debugging.
    There is currently 4 main missions and 2 side missions, more will be added but mission generating is on hold until my current 
    feature is completed and tested in a AW TC (coming soon). 
    Honestly a lot more work that I cant remember cause I probably suppressed cause headaches.
    What im currently doing work in is a rewrite of the missions(completed) and other aspects of the mission to accompany 
    diffrent modsets(ref units etc) so that when it goes public outside of AW. Users\communities have a mission param to 
    select what modset they use. In the start this will be limited to RHS,CUP and Vanilla as those are the most mainstream IMO.
    A Test Candidate will probably be tested on EU#3 in either this weekend or the next one. Ill see how much time I have to work on it tomorrow.
    For now here are two pictures of the threats other than ambient you will face.
    Positioning will be fixed.


  21. Like
    Titangames98 reacted to BACONMOP in Gamenight Sat. 30th Jan.   
    We will be playing Operation Clipped Wings


    On ArmA3 EU#3 MODDED. 

    The map is Fallujah


    The meet up time will be as follows:


    Saturday - 3 PM GMT Mission start



    Brief: A helicopter has been shot down inside of Fallujah. We need to get in there and secure the crash zone and rescue any survivors and recover any bodies from the wreckage.



    You will not be allowed to JIP once the mission briefing is over..


    Click here to apply for a slot! Failing to do this my mean you are not guaranteed a slot.


    I'm stressing that any mucking about while we are doing this event will be met with according punishment for degrading other players enjoyment of the event. Normal EU#3 rules apply


    Hope to have a good turn out and I will see you on the battlefield


    For info on how to get the mods click here.

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