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Everything posted by Minipily

  1. This is still being replied to? It's a real old guide.
  2. Love the briefing video, been wanting something like that for a while. I like a quiet stealthy mission if done properly, certainly when avoiding contact. Hopefully this sort of thing takes off, small playerbase style missions with actual story behind it. Again, loved that little video, looks like I might have to talk to you whenever I feel like putting a gamenight together!
  3. Minipily

    test 101.jpg

    Have you been watching 80's movies @Xwatt? You seem to like the colour pink a lot!
  4. All I can remember is the Uncharted 2 Train Mission that goes on for freaking ages.
  5. This is incorrect, these soldiers admit to not being able to do their task.
  6. Minipily


    Truly amazing looking visuals. Don't forget the dust and particle effects from explosions and the sparks from bullets hitting metal. DynaSound paired with Enhanced Soundscape for better reverb is also a great little mod and it will really all come together when you use all 3. Definitely give them a try, you may just find out that you are missing out on something amazing.
  7. Yeah, the CUP maps are quite nice for a bit of nostalgia and overall play ability but I wouldn't say that the quality over-rights the quantity in terms of mod size. The maps we currently have are still incredibly fun and though they may get boring to some, that is purely because we are playing the same missions inn the same areas in the same play style. (fly there or just drive there, do it then go home) With the amazing flexibility and freedom that Stiletto has to offer, there is an infinite amount of things we can do to spice things up. Plus having Zues along can help us create entire scenarios in areas we would never do missions, be it a islet not deemed sufficient enough for a regular mission or just an area where the missions hardly if ever spawn at. As much as I'd love some of the CUP maps as well as the glorious Chernarus, it's just not worth the size. Not that mod size has ever been an issue for me but I know people are keen on trying to keep it as little as possible and even a little more simplistic. After all, the simpler things in life are often the best. Again, I can't stress enough how good Stiletto is and the fact that if we just use our imaginations and decide to do things a bit more differently regularly, we'll cover a magnitude of amazing scenarios we hardly if ever play on AWE.
  8. I find it's easier to just pin a gun on the dead civilian and claim he was an insurgent, gives more leeway in case you need to bomb the village.
  9. I'd agree with this 100% I've had situations where I can't load the vehicle because "vehicle it too far away" but if I stand further away from the whiteboard so my physical character is closer to the aircraft, it then loads just fine.
  10. This is true, hopefully they may get somewhat balanced for each other in the future.
  11. Perhaps, moreover I'm sure a Zues online would give you such toys provided whoever is in charge is okay with it. It's been like that before with the IDAP testing which was pretty darn fun.
  12. Because in some cases it's not been about what the players wanted. You'd have to talk to the boss, I'm just saying that some of these things will probably not be added considering they haven't been added in the past or at least lasted long. I guess that's what you get when people think 2035 technology is the same as HALO Reach despite 2035 technology in ArmA 3 being pretty darn realistic to what advances we have at this present minute. DLC has thrown us back in some cases, there was a poll to add Tanoa as a map for Stilletto and it won the poll some 25-30+ > 1, yet we never got it. A shame considering how fun the map is, I've done some milsim events on it in my time and it works a dream.
  13. Well they probably won't but it would be nice if some were. The Weazel tank fits a really niche role that would be cool to see more on EU3 cough cough recon. It comes in an olive colour too so you don't need the shitty AAF camo. The Tank Destroyer would be cool too but I don't expect that getting added, obviously same goes for the Armata. The Merkava would be nice, it's certainly a blufor vehicle but once again, I just doubt it. The Bobcat would be nice provided it could give ammo to vehicles in Ace, I think it might, It'd certainly be a good vehicle for Logi to assist forces with ammo resupply as well as provide EOD. Once again, will we see it? I think the MAAWs would be nice though, at least the Mod 0, it's pretty nicely detailed. The Mod 1 would probably just get aboosed as it has a built in rangefinder. Prowler AT variant will probably be added but given the community I could see it get abused, obvious aboose aside though it would be a nice tool for smaller teams. That's about all from what I can see, vanilla has some nice stuff to use on AWE but I highly doubt we'd ever see it.
  14. Did the actual mission spawn out there or did the marker just go out there? Often we get missions where the marker buggers off to a corner of the map and you have a real hard time of finding the mission location.
  15. Huh, never seen an ArmA server hacked since the Beta days. I thought most the losers left ArmA or got themselves banned.
  16. Welcome, nice to see a friendly face willing to help get involved!
  17. It should be noted that you can also download DynaSound off Steam Workshop. This will keep the mod up to date without the need to use Armaholic, something I'm sure other people can agree is not very good. Once subscribed on your Steam Workshop, simply open Arma 3 Sync, click on the Steam Workshop folder on the left and drag the DynaSound mod into your AhoyWorld Enhanced folder. Done! If we don't happen to stay with DynaSound, or you don't want it anymore, you can always delete it from your AhoyWorld Enhanced folder and not have to worry about it there. To completely get rid of it, unsubscribe on Workshop.
  18. As per request, thought I might throw together a quick guide to explain some of the fundamental responsibilities behind each role on AWE. Note this will be in a basic explanation, so some more advanced details may be glossed over. Firstly, if you are new to AWE, please consider reading this! Should you be looking for a certain guide, or more detail about a certain role, please consult the Guide Section on the forums! Platoon Element: Alpha - Bravo - Charlie Elements Squad Lead Element: Fire Team Element: Air Assets: Armor Element: Logistics Element:
  19. I could make a simple guide behind this, there are some guides that describe some roles in detail but not all on the average.
  20. Well... This is certainly a different way of doing it. I always imagined you'd just take the track out of the cargo and jam it into the turret to make the Russians truly the first men on the Moon.
  21. 4 HVT missions in a row. Most of which do not work.
  22. There may be other specific rule sets or maybe a change to existing provided on how well this event turns out. However the core principal remains and what you see here is most likely how it will go down. Do not fret, this is much like a regular game of Squad but with more focus and emphasis on things like Teamwork, Coordination and Tactics. All things we expect when we come to any other Game Night. Hope to see a good turn out!
  23. We'll be hosting an event soon! If you have Squad, please feel free to drop by for cookies and fun. If you're new to Squad, plenty of folk can help you out. It's not a scary learning curve, especially if you've played ArmA. Disclaimer: Cookies are not provided by the Squad Moderation Team.
  24. May the sales travel in our hearts forev- OOOOOOOOOOOO
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