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Everything posted by Minipily

  1. Minipily

    Double rainbow. wow

    If you go to the end you might find a pot of gold! Or perhaps a bunch of PLA I don't really know.
  2. Sounds pretty interesting, I shall pop in me thinks.
  3. I'm not even fully sure why we have this mod other than the fact Middle Eastern Coalition use the gear. I mean, it's nice to have variety, but I'd rather have good quality variety both in texture and protection rather than ones that look bad and provide too much load/protection. I mean, it's a small mod I understand but obviously it all adds up at the end of the day and people still seem persistent and lowering the repo size so there you go. Anyway good work @Noah_Hero on taking time to review it all, even if no one takes the information handed to them it's good to know the lengths you went to make it possible.
  4. I'd be happy to do some SL or TL in this, the mission is freaking amazing.
  5. The footage is just in... It's worse than we thought...
  6. Howdy folks! Some of you may be aware that the Rockstar Social Club Crew for AhoyWorld has gone MIA. After receiving permission from @PiranhA, I have taken the liberty to create a new one. Please feel free to join! Joining the Crew will allow you to more easily find sessions with other AhoyWorld members as well as possibly aid any future events. You will find the crew here: https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/ahoyworld
  7. Minipily

    Scuba <3

    Twas fun, shame we didn't have an SDV to speed things up a little bit.
  8. The Atlas LHD is up to date and working perfectly fine, you just need to find the right version, I recommend Workshop. The USS Iowa is good if you want to remove a map with it's cannons but really it's only good for aesthetic and occasional fire support. The Fast Sea Frame looks pretty good if you want to transport vehicles for an invasion scenario. There was a Spanish mod called FFAA that had a nice detailed LHD style ship but I'm unsure of it's status, you'd have to look it up. There is a German Military mod that includes a pretty nice landing craft but I'm also unsure of the status of the mod. Overall, Naval on ArmA III seems to be a forgotten front. Most people, particularly folks on AW are just more happy using helicopters and infantry with the occasional land vehicle. It is nice to see that you're interested in the Naval front though, I myself love combining all arms on ArmA 3 to create a large war scenario, it's why I play the game.
  9. I believe TFAR's terrain interference is limited to valley's however while ACRE should be interfered by buildings and tunnels. I've had people occasionally have issues with frequencies when they forget a decimal, hear a frequency wrong or perhaps the channels all refresh to different frequencies because of a radio that is not configured properly. These issues of course are rare and not a big deal though. Like others have said, I believe that TFAR is a toy and ACRE is a tool. ACRE is indeed more enjoyable, realistic and leaves more room for interesting communication based scenarios but for a server such as AWE, TFAR is required.
  10. Well I personally think and of course other opinions vary, that a way of fixing it would be to take ASL yourself perhaps. Like @J0hnson, I see it more of an ASL leadership decision issue, which sure some people may not like but they just gotta tough it up and carry on sometimes until it becomes an issue across the larger audience. I think a lot of players that take ASL like the use of Logi and not many things will change their style, I mean personally I'm always up for changing things up, so I may sometimes limit the use of Logi and Vortex and purely use ground forces with a small team to drive reinforcements back and forth in a truck.
  11. I'm aware, it's always a player issue these days anyway. But at the end of the day an ASL doesn't have to listen if one person doesn't like what he's doing, he's in charge.
  12. I don't really see any issues, it seems like a players issue if they have one. I find that if SL wants a FOB, he can have a FOB and the increased use of FOBs over the few months compared to last is quite enjoyable to see. I can agree that some FOBs are useless, particularly when someone decides to take Logi straight away and assume that a FOB would be useful and place it in an area that is not useful. At the end of the day I find that if someone takes ASL and wants a FOB, nothing stopping them, and I'd welcome them to do it as much as they want. I don't really get annoyed when I can't do a mission because of it, because building a FOB is a mission. Technically, everything you do on AWE is a mission.
  13. Let me just say that Training sessions are not just there so who ever is teaching can be like "oh i'm better than you" and to make all students feel like they don't know anything. It is purely there so someone can revise something they may be a little rusty on or perhaps learn something they don't know. It would be much appreciated if we got a nice turn out and would be a pleasure to bring everyone up to speed on topics for the MSO, the training will be especially useful when the MSO starts getting much more heated.
  14. I actually remember when EU3 first opened, we used a Chinook mod that involved you having to physically walk inside in order to get in and out of the positions. I had a crash once with it in the water and upon getting out, it placed me in the crew bay. The chopper slowly started roll upside down while I waddled through the water until it was fully upside down. It started to sink which forced me to swim but I couldn't squeeze out of the closed ramp area or rappelling hole, I subsequently drown 3 minutes after the initial crash. I miss that mod, way ahead of it's time in 2014.
  15. AW MVP 2017: @Ryko Dealt with a lot of sh*t and still managed to keep the ship afloat. AW most friendly admin/staff member 2017: @PiranhA AW most helpful admin/staff member 2017: @Ryko AW most helpful user *Non-staff* 2017: @Amentes or @Noah_Hero AW friendliest user 2017: @Noah_Hero or @Jochem (Did put Piranha here but I already had him for friendliest staff) AW most tacti-cool ARMA player 2017: @Minipily AW best ARMA pilot 2017: The one who kept turning off the spinny fan when rappelling troops. AW best TeamSpeak singer 2017: @J0hnson AW funniest person on Teamspeak 2017: @J0hnson or @HybridRage AW best moment 2017 (can be in any game or on teamspeak/forum): After Action Report should be made for this. @J0hnson, @kennychr and myself were tasked multiple assignments on our own on Stratis EU3 and fought like hell to complete them. Ourselves taking on upwards of 2 Platoons (approx 60+ INF) on our own and retreating through the various valleys of Stratis, eventually running out of ammo for our riles and fending off with stolen weaponry and pistols in order to get our humvee and escape. It was a brilliantly amazing experience and a core example of how AMAZING Eu3 is with as little as 3 people. AW best forum post 2017 (please put url in): RIOT RIOT LETS START A RIOT AW best drunk member 2017: @J0hnson, I'm yet to get him hammered on EU3 or War Thunder, lets all peer pressure him and/or send booze. AW best driver 2017: @J0hnson, his actions were so good in fact that it got him banned. AW worst driver 2017: That one guy on EU3 that was told to stay left but instead stayed right and had a head on collision over a blind hill at a closing speed of 200+ km/h. AW best baby 2017: I dunno, probably one of the people that complained that AW was dead but couldn't think of a reason why? AW most absent staff member 2016: @Elcour BABY COME BACK AW best fail 2017: Oh boy I feel like all of these are from AWE unless David deleted the servers again HA GOTEEM. I dunno, having trouble thinking of a specific so one but if I ever do it will be from AWE no doubt. AW best banned member 2017: @Copey??? AW best TeamSpeak channel of 2017: Probably the "Create own channel" or "Other Games" one because its the one I usually sat in with muh harem before I got my tags and proceeded to store all the tastiest memes and laughs in there. AW best game of 2017: Probably ArmA III because what else but I've had a lot of fun on Squad and a few other games this year. For AW itself though, probably ArmA because lol originality. AW best official server of 2017: Probably EU1 because without it, where would Ahoy be? Can't really imagine the community without its vanilla servers.
  16. It is set to 4, same as a humvee. At least 20 spaces would be appreciated and realistic given the space and weight limitations I'd say.
  17. That's rather clever. Add that to a flatbed RHS truck and possibly the upcoming? Blackfish and I'd be a happy bunny.
  18. I dunno what update, possibly Apex but it seems all choppers can do it. It helps with emergency landings on waters too.
  19. I dont, Ryko probably does. To do Logi on EU3, you either air lift or load the boxes inside a vehicle large enough. I believe a 600RP crate takes up 10 cargo spaces in Ace, could make the Blackfish's cargo space higher so it doesn't use the same amount of space as a Humvee. Using the attach to script is a bit crap. Anyway I'd be up for these vehicle's addition, but I wouldn't be hurt if they weren't. They add a bit of variety and of course they're not a mod so not many reasons to argue about it.
  20. If the Blackfish could actually hold Logi Crates then I'd love to see it used.
  21. Congratulations! May we call her "Little Ass Kicker"?
  22. What man intends for this... One shudders to imagine what inhumane thoughts lie behind that mask, what dreams of chronic and sustained cruelty...
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