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  1. Enjoy http://www.dumpert.nl/mediabase/7395425/2de6ab44/soldaten_aan_de_drugs.html
  2. Now, I know a few of the AW members feel this way so I wanna know how the entire community thinks about it. First of all, I like Logi a lot! Making a flat area into a big operating base is pretty awesome. However, by the time the FOB is done, the server is almost gonna hash because of the 6 mission limit. Of course we could increase the mission limit but that isn't really the solution if we are looking on server performance. Also, I've noticed that FOB's are (almost) not being attacked... Basically you can place all essential buildings and forget the defense part like walls and towers. So what is the use of building a FOB that is almost never being used to its full capacity? I've been brainstorming this puzzle for a while and I think some of these idea's/suggestions can increase the functionality and fun for Logi but also the other players! Idea's: 1. FOB Attack/Defense - Increase FOB attacks. - Disable FOB respawn if its under attack. - FOB's can be taken over by enemy. - Mission will only hash if main conditions are set but also if all FOB's are under friendly control. 2. Logi Pilot - Reintroduce Logi Pilot so FOB are faster created and Logi can reslot and join the fun on the battlefield. 3. Add more stuff - Add more items like chairs, tables, campfire, tents, camo net, etc. 4. Logi GUI - Create a friendly Grafical User Interface so its better to make out what you are selecting. - Set Direction needs to be linked with your mouse scroll or keyboard when activated so you don't have a random direction. - Gradient Check needs to be improved or removed. It doesn't work and is most of the time a pain in the ass. - Supply refund when removing items. 5. Friendly AI's This is a big one but just a suggestion! - Make it possible that we can spawn AI to defend the FOB. Logi can order AI to man the .50 cal and stand behind a sandbag. - Medical building, Vehicle, heli and jet spawn all need AI medic/Engineers to be functional. You can even add a simulation if a vehicle needs service. 6. Spawn Camera - Although its not realistic. Placing a spawn camera to see Main base spawn and FOB spawn will indicate the players where to spawn.
  3. <15:06:09> "Ryko": GrandBravo: Yes i have that recording and sorry, i didnt had the time to create the feedback <15:06:38> "Ryko": GrandBravo: well i would like to send you the recording but the thing is... I basicly tolled everyone that they can say what they want and their names would not be published. If i send you the recording, then my trust/word would have no point... I'm working on the report as we speak. I'm very sorry that its been already a month ago. I've been too busy with some personal shit and also had to fight off a bad cold. Ill do my best getting this done ASAP!
  4. This is indeed more like it, but doesn't really do what i want it to do. distanceValue = 5; timeValue = 120; [_reward] spawn { { _delVeh = this select 0; if (isMultiplayer) then {_u = playableUnits;} else {_u = switchableUnits;}; while{!((_u distance _delVeh) => distanceValue) && ((_delVeh distance "respawn_west") < distanceValue)}do{ sleep timeValue; if(((_u distance _delVeh) => distanceValue) && ((_delVeh distance "respawn_west") > distanceValue))then{ deleteVehicle _x; }; }; }foreach _delVeh; }; Here you go, courtesy and kind regards of BACONMOP
  5. This 'script' will make about 80-ish % of the rewards spawned by the mission get deleted 2 minutes after spawning in. The other 20-ish % won't be affected at all. And i don't think we want rewards to despawn after 2 minutes. That'd make the current reward system obsolete. Then you change the sleep... Even better: [] spawn { { while{(player distance _x) => "distance value"}do{ sleep "time value"; if{player distance _x >= "distance"}then{ deleteVehicle _x; }; }; }foreach _reward; };
  6. Considering the amount of work and commitment you put in AW, you are one of the last persons that should apologize...
  7. Or objective was simple... Move in, eliminate any resistance we would face and destroy the Radio tower. We had a nice warm meal, packed and ready to go. Under the command of Maximus as ASL Lead and my trusty Team Leader Dirty Shape. A nice mission was prepped with good approach and over-watch positions. Alpha 2 would provide overwatch, where Alpha 1 will move in and secure the objective. We moved out with ASL, Alpha 1 and Alpha 2, full confidence that this would be a peace of cake but soon proven otherwise... Good men have fallen, mistakes have been made but the most important fact is that new bonds have been established and a brotherhood is formed. http://plays.tv/video/5992276e1637c53f13 Ps: The action times are listed in the video description. @Cellhawk, @SkullCollector, @Mouldy
  8. Thats not quite the goal of this idea. Maybe in the future we'll look to the arsenal and figure out some system to create that a challenge as well. But first we need to get the developers and the community interested in this plan and get a startup running! Although tnx for your input
  9. @Ryko Also I mentioned a Start-up to experience player opinion about this game-mode. I estimate this wouldn't be a lot of work to just get a concept running but I wouldn't really know due to the lac of programming experience
  10. Hi Ryko, This is indeed a problem but also the challenge that I want to create in this game-mode (what @ansin11 also mentioned). You need to approach the mission on a complete different way and try to achieve it with the gear you have. You don't have to kill all the AI, getting the intel or killing the officer is good enough. If you sneak into the base and kill just 2 guys to succeed it, good job. It brings out the SpecOps, infiltrate and secure (nice game-mode name I&S ) the objective without them knowing you where there. If the base is too heavy guarded, maybe you want to coordinate with the marine squad for them to create a diversion or something. Ammo wont be a big problem because you can scavenge ammo and equipment at the missions from the dead guys or possible ammo crate. It might not be the same ammo type that you have so you might need to make the decision to drop your weapon and continue with a different one. Wounded or killed is indeed a problem, but thats what all servers and game-modes are facing. To counter the change of you getting killed, I thought of making the theme Rebels. With this I mean you have inexperienced/amateur AI with low equipment like a light to no body armor and light armored vehicles for example offroads (so no viper teams or similar). In rare cases you might fase a Mora but you wont face a T100 or a Tigris. There is always a change of you getting killed but if you keep your heads cool and approach the mission tactical enough, the change of survival is high. If you end up in a big fire fight, a trigger might occur that reinforcements are underway (but that is one of the later steps). Furthermore, you are not facing an AO of 100 infantry and 20 tanks but a "side-mission" with 10, 20 or maybe even 30 AI dependent the mission objective. Aside that, the server is meant for low amount of players, 20 a 25 men, easy enough for Vortex to transport the respawned guys over or reequip the teams with vehicles and gear. If this doesn't satisfy your question Ryko, we can always look at additional solutions like a mobile spawn-points, arsenals or even an FOB. However I personally wouldn't like that idea because it removes the pressure of tactical play.
  11. Hi all, It always interest me how carefree everyone can play the missions on AWE and I&A. Side mission secure, return to base and rearm. AO complete, return to base and rearm. Its a complete back and forth activity with minimal pressure and excitement. Sometimes something interesting happens but those situations are mostly Zeus interactions. That's why I came up with this idea to make players scratch their heads and improvise on the spot. I've been working on this idea for quite a while but I have minimal to no programming experience in Arma 3. I'm hoping that AW will look at it and might consider this as a new game-mode to make AhoyWorld stand out compared to other Arma 3 communities. Idea/story-line: SpecOps, works in unknown territory. Gathering intel, securing or executing objectives. There are around 5 missions active (see it as side missions on I&A). Each mission is different form the other. Secure a chopper, destroy a radio tower, execute an officer, save a hostage... you name it. Some missions can be succeeded very easily (execute an officer, sniper team just kills him). But some missions may contain intel that you can find on the spot. These intel packages can trigger a random mission nearby that might be time based (a hostage is going to be executed within 10 minutes, rescue him!) or story based (We're known of general Copey's location, get him before he relocates!). This forces you to improvise because RTB might take too long. The Marine's are there to support the SpecOps if shit hits the fan, extracting the SpecOps/hostage/VIP or take care of secondary missions. The main goal of this idea is to put pressure on you and your teammates where critical decisions are made on the spot and RTB is not the next task after a mission. Start-up: I can understand that this might be quite a challenge to program. That's why I suggest to start in steps. AW already have tons of scripts and programming experience due to the I&A and AWE servers. It might be possible to setup a trail server to test the basic and obtaining the opinion of the community. Divide the map in 4 a 5 sectors (like you guys did with the FOB's and the AO spawning near that FOB) and spawn in each sector a so called "side-mission". If that side mission in that sector is complete, a new side mission will spawn nearby. AW obtain most of the scripts to complete this idea, they just need some tweaking. The collecting of intel in these mission (further explained in the Idea/Story-line) would be excluded in the beginning just to monitor server performance and game experience. After reviewing the community opinion about this idea, further steps can be initiated like adding the intel related factors and more mission idea's. Server settings: (optional) Mission time-based: Continuously (Game night) Accessibility: AW members (can be public of course but fear lone-wolfing attitude) Map: Tanoa (due to the density of the forest and theme) Enemies: Rebels Mods: None Player count: 20 - 25 - Pilots: 2 - UAV/Commander: 1 - SpecOp team: 6 - Recon team (snipers): 2 (1 sniper, 1 spotter) - Marine squad: 10 - 12 Optional/secondary idea's: - If you have infiltrated an objective, a random event can occur where (for example) a jeep with a few guys (unaware what is going on) approach the objective. Forcing you to get out of there quickly and miss critical intel or risk being engaging in a fire fight. - Mission location divided in 4 a 5 sectors (top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right, middle), each sector can obtain a special character that the SpecOps team is trying to hunt down. - Add civilians to some missions for experience game play/realism/intel gathering. - Destroying ammo crates on side mission will lower gear quality of up following missions in that sector. [24-7-17] - I got a script where you can go undercover as a civilian and not be detected as a hostile. So maybe 2 slots for like CIA? [24-7-17] - *To be continued* Please give this idea a think-over and I hope that you guys get my vision. Its all a concept so don't assume that whats post here is a must. Additional ideas are welcome as always but lets keep this post clean for now and add suggestions in the steps beyond. Greets, GrandBravo
  12. I just want to comment that (although I did voted on it (accident)), Town Sweep is the same like any other basic Arma mission. Move in and kill every living thing you see... It would be nice that we get pushed to or limits in a hopeless and stressful situation where we need to rely on or partner next to us. Swap out ammo, shoot your best friend in the head to spare him the pain while he gets eaten by zombies... that kind of stuff. Much more fun and challenging than tactical insurgents and kill every zombie, it becomes a little boring. Hope you guys see my point and vote on a different mission than Town Sweep! Ps: DIBS ON VIP!
  13. MDCCLXXV Ah nice, would love to see it sometime. Any possible way i can see the code for my selfe? Really interested in how you made it
  14. Thx for the reply's First of all, JuX, considering the amount of coding AW has put in the EU severs, i think they are able to pull this one off... Second, i understand that (most) people wont want to wait 15 min to be rescued but like Jason (and i) already considered, the probability of one of us getting captures is rather small... Only those who think there an one man army might be "punished" by this and will realize how important and nice team play is. and third, i strongly think that if something like that occurs, people will try to safe its comrade. Unlikely on the results of how it will go, people will learn. The hostage is however screaming in side chat "SAFE ME, IM BORED!" It just need some time for people to understand and get a feeling of it. I assume that when the AW EU servers started, it wasn't full the first day never mind even half of it... Ps: It doesn't have to be 15 min, or deactivated suicide... those were just variables to explain the idea
  15. Got an nice idea that you guys might like. As you go in to combat and you get shot, you wait for the medic to revive you or you press the respawn button. However i was thinking about a third option in changing the BTC - revive script! How about if the enemy AI get within 5 meters from you and there are no friendly's closer, you automatic be an hostage. At the same time, that hostage player spawns tight up and striped from its gear some were random in a new small enemy base. A priority objective starts saying that we got 15 minutes to safe or friend or he will be executed. Depending on how they act , if the rescue squad got spotted the time will be shorten to a few minutes and they need to hurry. When the player is a hostage, he is unable to move, kill him self, or do something else then waiting to be rescued. I am eager to hear everyone's opinion! Greets! GB
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