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Everything posted by Minipily

  1. "Mini RUN!" *turns around* "What?" *immediately dies*
  2. This is true but it's a select few situations that caused a little frustration for a little players and they thought they'd explain it, nothing wrong with that. I believe it's all been smoothed over now with Ryko's new version of Stilletto, so with hope, no reason why one wouldn't do as instructed.
  3. If it's something we need, sure. I believe with the new version of Stilletto, troops can now just spawn at a FOB if one is active so initial ferries for those that would rather not respawn isn't going to be required. But usually if we use a Vortex it is indeed to support Logistics when wet feet to dry feet (carrier to land) is required and/or if we otherwise require supplies faster via air.
  4. Before we start, let's try not to start this into another rant about a certain person because I smell it coming. 1. Using Vortex is fine, lot's of people still do. However, myself and @J0hnson have started our own little policy where we are going to put a strangle on vortex and limit use of the role because we would like to enforce more ground based logistics, leaving the overall gameplay with a slightly slower yet more rewarding feel while retaining the feeling of a large scale operation with small scale player counts. If people would rather still use Vortex when they lead, awesome, go right on ahead but myself and Johnson have been feeling like limiting it's use and that's fine, it is after all the leaders decision and fortunately the decision has gone well with the majority of the player base. 2. The post he made was targeted at myself, I was sitting on the carrier for 15+ minutes as I was ordered to be on stand-by and not leave the deck. To use up some of that time, I spent some time trying to load up at Fast-mover for CAS which took additional time because I am not fully aware of all the FIRWIL systems and I was debating if they were going to work with the 2 seater F-18. Sadly the 2 seater F-18 wouldn't share weapons operation with the weapons officer in the back so I had to grab an F-14. Overall however, I was where I was supposed to be and that was standing by on the carrier. I myself like you, do not object to sitting around "doing nothing" for minutes maybe hours because in the end, i'm doing what i was ordered to do, and there is such an order as waiting. 3. I personally would not object too much if they wanted to be flown in rather than start at the FOB like ordered to, however my commanding officer saw differently and sadly, sometimes peoples preferences do indeed slow down operations sometimes. Fortunately, the new version of Stilletto has smoothed over this issue, and there should be no reason for a player to not start at the FOB now. If they still refuse to, if myself and @J0hnson are in command we will simply say, tough. 4. Fast roping only works on choppers if they have the fast roping equipment, which at the moment I believe seems to only be the little birds and sometimes the Venoms. I and others wouldn't object to fast roping, but of course there is a time and a place to do so and you do not need to fast rope into a large open area that a bird could just land in unless it was some sort of a hurry. @J0hnson also occasionally does para-jumps, but once again, there is a time and a place and sometimes organizing one can be a hassle. But! If you have an idea for a cool insert or operation, talk to me or Johnson and we'll listen, we're all for doing new things. 5. I don't know anything about scripting unfortunately, I know @Jochem does however and he may have a suggestion, otherwise @Ryko himself may be able to answer. Hope I could answer some questions from my point of view at least.
  5. Huh, news to me. Yeah I thought they weren't designed to go part and part because of the clusterfuck.
  6. May just be an issue on my side then. I'll double error check.
  7. Sure, I understand that you left and went to Ryko because you couldn't be flown in, but a good majority of people yesterday had fun, they didn't leave because they weren't. Funnily enough, EU3 isn't like EU1, we can't always expect to get into combat after being flown in by Vortex everytime, it's actually fun to take things slower and do new things like setting up FOBs and defending it against the ambient AI counter assualts which I may add are amazing thank you Ryko.
  8. Funny you say that after your extensive play the other day, and your valued feedback when you couldn't be flown in. I understand that we need to try and value everyone's preferences when playing EU3, but sadly that's pretty darn hard when a lot of people all have different preferences, so we tried to go for the majority, and we did, sadly yours wasn't in there i'm afraid and I understand you didn't want yours to slow it all down, but it would and did, so if you didn't want to respawn and begin playing from the FOB, then at that time that was your issue i'm afraid, rest of us did fine, damn good session all around.
  9. Unless it was literally just fixed, the pylon re-armament for the F18's own weapon system still clips and no control for the weapons operator on my side. I believe it's because the F-18 weapons are using the FIRWIL pylons which do not go hand in hand on that perticular bird, not a huge issue, just a little bug. Apparently the GPS system on it doesn't work now too though but I dont know about that, apparently a mission error rather than a mod confliction but that's just what I heard from Origins. The F14 is also mainly a CAP plane, so it does not have access to Mavericks, Dumb Aimed Rockets or a large assortment of bombs. I tested it out the other day with Adshield and we were only able to use GBU-12 Paveways, which though still worked fairly nicely, was still not as combat capable nor fun as the F-18 which still remains a personal favourite for me and a few others since it was first added in 2014. Additionally, when using the F14 with a bomb load, my weapons operator did not have access nor could secure control of the weaponry, this may be a FIRWIL bug at the moment unless it's just on the F14 and the F18. No surprises for the F18 anyway, it's not supposed to work with FIRWIL, it worked perfectly without an error on it's own but now it seems to not be having the same magic. I may test more in depth with other birds on the server soon to check everything. Personally me and others do believe the arsenal at the FOB negate the use of logi, hence why Ryko has made it a temporary arsenal in the new version of stilletto. Having an arsenal at the FOB means that Logi do not need to have CMD element have them use Vortex or themselves to transport supplies long distance between the main operating base and the FOB, the core reason why logi is logi. Logistics means delivering supplies after all. Essentially, a lately myself and Johnson have been trying to push away the use of Vortex, purely using ground troops as much as possible to enforce more ground vehicle usage and proper infantry maneuvers. It's worked pretty well, occasionally Vortex may be needed to bring the initial supplies over from the Carrier but after that, all work done by him can be done by ground troops just as easily if not a little more so sometimes. I believe the issue of Vortex or Logi having to switch role should be fixed yes, the way to fix it is to just have an updated logistics spawn pole at base with updated ammunition that covers the larger spectrum. I can see how you may thing the arsenal may reduce the lag and have everything you need, but I personally have never received lag for extra boxes nor see how having everything at a FOB immediately is fun. It negates the use of long distance logistics, makes everything faster and easier and removes the additional fun from the stilletto mission. I'm sure we'd all rather work to receive supplies at the FOB, creating a whole new mission out of nothing, rather than just easily rearm with an arsenal at the FOB. If people just think of EVERYTHING on stilletto as a mission purely than just the missions marked out, you will have a lot more fun, trust me on that one because that's what Stilletto does that makes it so great. The best thing about stilletto is how one can create a mission on their own, note how we spent at least an hour or two yesterday just securing a FOB and the location around it, it was incredibly fun doing large scale logistics like driving the convoy of trucks there and building it up and having resupplies be brought in. Having an arsenal at a FOB would negate about 90% of what me and others have been trying to do on Stilletto recently, and that's change things up and create some fun new scenarios as well as create large scale operations with low scale player count. just my good ol' 2 cents, hope I explained it clear enough.
  10. I tested out yesterday. You seem to be able to select F-18 weaponry, however the pylons are fucked and clip with each other and the weapons operator in the 2 seater does not have access to use said weapons, nor can control be changed. I'll have to test myself to see how it all seems to work but it wouldn't surprise me if these mods collide with each other, a shame considering the F-18 is the most capable ground pounder we have for most Stilletto missions being carrier-borne.
  11. Minipily

    Contact at Kamino

    >tfw the comment to that picture is exactly what happened for us two.
  12. Great changes, should smooth over any issues. Love the limited arsenal time thing, I was skeptical of a arsenal at a FOB because it would negate Logi but that fixes it.
  13. Well if we weren't using a shit jet mod we might not have been waiting so long for it to get sorted, also waiting for the command to go which was lengthened because ASL crashed. I'd rather not fly you in until I'm ordered to, and my orders were to standby on the deck with a fast mover awaiting the order to set off for Recce and CAS. USS Freedom was out of the picture as a spawn point for the infantry, not for the air crew. As you'd expect from infantry, they aren't supposed to be disembarking from a Gerald R. Ford Class Carrier.
  14. Well I think me and Johnson both agreed that you don't have to play if you didn't want to do what he was ordering. If there's no way to actually teleport to the FOB, then that is indeed the only way we could do it. We were playing from a stand point that the FOB was the main area for reinforcements to come from, scrapping the USS Freedom from the rest of the picture once we had the FOB up. Of course people spawn at the Carrier initially because of mission design, but once they had their gear and respawned over to the FOB, it was all conducted from there. So yeah, if you don't want to respawn and there wasn't anything Johnson wanted to do about it in ASL because he was prioritizing ground forces and the fun of the rest of the server, then I don't really know what to do for you. No need to be rude and call me salty, I'm just saying that that was the way command was ordering the mission and if it didn't make you happy, then apologies but he was focusing on making sure everyone else was having fun. So yeah, I go option 2 because it indeed goes both ways, command had his preferences for the mission and it seemed to work for everyone else. If he can't make everyone happy then oh well, he's just making sure the majority do and they did.
  15. Will a teleporter between the two work? It will help if people have not realized to save their loadout with ACE Interation and for those wanting to grab another loadout, they can just use a teleporter between the carrier and FOB. It will also fix the "respawning issue" so people don't have to cry about respawning in order to spawn at the FOB like command told them to.
  16. I imagine you are referring to being told to respawn from the Carrier, this is because there was a FOB built and there is no direct line to teleport to the FOB from the carrier at this time. We were playing purely as a ground force and using the FOB as a sort of main base to respawn and depart from. Hope this clears it up, there was instructions on the map as well if you didn't notice.
  17. Jesus wept Malden has some dangerous rocks. I'm starting to think that I may have been killed or wounded more by the rocks on that map then I have by enemy fire, usually because I like to play carefully and go around the enemy or take cover, just for said cover to be working for the fuckers.
  18. Sadly that was only because cTAB was removed from the modpack and the new version is broken, but who are we to judge someone if they need a cTAB to not shoot a friendly 200m away? But yeah Stratis is brilliant and I don't think we really need Bornholm, it's just a large mod with less value than it's weight I believe.
  19. Thanks for listening and bringing AhoyWorld to the highest peak it has ever reached @Ryko. I understand many people, including myself, have given you shit in the past but you truly have done a good job and I commend your efforts. I feel @PiranhA was a good choice to take the helm, he seems to have the best intentions for the community and is capable of listening to people's thoughts and criticisms to make it better. I would also like to thank him for his kind words as well as @Colsta after the last community meeting, it really means a lot to me. Perhaps tonight at the community meeting we can discuss things together and as a community thank you for your endeavors. It is also interesting to see David return, though we may not have the best relationship as of the last time I saw him, it is good to see an AhoyWorld Senior (EU3 Veteran like analogy, no you're not old) make a return and I see no reason why we cannot settle any differences. Once again, thank you for your efforts.
  20. I'll be there. I'll be sure to listen then very poorly explain/translate it to Johnson so it's of no help to him.
  21. Dammit, I'm going to be busy 2 years ago! Maybe another time.
  22. Well that's it lads. I guess AW is dead :((((((
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