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Everything posted by Amentes

  1. I believe that the rules should be followed. If players are unhappy with the rules, then Admins and CS should discuss changes, and decide which, if any, are warranted. If the rules get changed into something I don't personally like, then I'd know to find somewhere else. I'd quietly exit and that'd be it. How is that an unfair expectation? - I've been where you are before, and you know that. On the 30th of October, I wrote the following to Ryko amidst a discussion relating to the removal of FSG, a change I did not agree with: "Truth be told, if it wasn't bloody hard to find a similar community with active week-day play, I'd probably have been gone at one point looking back." "At this point, personally, I'm here because I can't find something better that isn't weekends-only." Many of you are well aware that I've rage-quit the attempted training process four times in my time here. I've taken breaks, been gone for a month or two, because I was raging hard at people not wearing helmets in combat, or deciding to lug an M240B with 1800 rounds into combat. And I've done it quietly, without making a shit-show.
  2. Also, if that is true, then fuck whomever made that. On this subject, I'll echo the sentiment of the guy in this video:
  3. So make it clear, like you're trying to do right now, that you aren't a part of that? Whatever the intent, you made a thread wherein you talked about a series of problems, and you aimed it at the community at large. The community at large doesn't understand those problems because the community at large isn't subjected to them the way Admins might be. In this thread, you also chose to flame Stanhope. Warranted or not, you asked for constructive discussion in a thread you started by flaming another player / admin. Do you see the problem? I want to believe that you have the best intentions. I hope that you do. But so far, that's not what you've made it look like, and for someone that doesn't know you, you won't get the benefit of the doubt.
  4. Look, despite me having talked to you, Copey and Stanhope while part of this was going on, hearing things from both sides of this, I still don't have a fucking clue what the bloody hell the damn problem is. I'm sorry, but in these threads, the problems simply aren't laid out in a manner that people who haven't been part of the argument from the inside can understand. As it is, all I've seen is complaints about lack of communication that people who aren't in the Admin staff won't be able to recognize, and shit thrown at Stanhope that, again, I personally can't recognise and which resembles more of a flat-out attack on the way out the door than it does anything constructive. I've known you for a long time. I've known Copey for a long time. Some of the shit I see right now, like the ship-sinking meme, I simply can't believe I'm actually seeing, whether it's merited or not. When I hear Numbnuts making jokes comparing Stanhope to Hitler; and I hear people from your camp laugh at that; that's fucking low. I didn't expect low from any of you. I've tried talking to some of you about this. I've messaged Copey several times trying to get his explanation for this. So far, I've heard nothing back about it. It's fucking disappointing; especially when AhoyWorld has been in similar situations before, all of which were handled amicably and without making a public shit-show. I've suggested to all of you that you sit down together. I've offered to sit in a chat with the three of you and moderate you into a civil talk about this shit. Seems that wasn't an option. Why, I don't know.
  5. I'm gonna be the first one to ask that people respect this part of the OP and refrain from posting "bye"-themed youtube videos.
  6. http://eu.crucial.com/eur/en/compatible-upgrade-for/GIGABYTE/ga-h97-d3h#memoryResults
  7. Surely we'll be wearing the wrong camo choice for the environment, being Marines and all?
  8. Have you tested the remaining aircraft? I was spawning A-10, F-15, F-16 and F-22 on Stratis carrier without experiencing that issue.
  9. I believe terrain masking was working when Christiansen used it for MSO. That was a year ago, if not longer, so I will assume (hope) that it's now even better. It does mean we'd have the ability to enforce a no-fly zone, which is great.
  10. Will it shoot at unmanned aircraft and/or personnel? I was thinking the best way to integrate POOK would be to replace your current Anti-Air mission with POOK, full stop, no additional use on Stiletto. That leaves it for use outside of Stiletto, where I'm sure someone will demand that we fly Chinooks NOE at some point, but I don't see it working as a permanent threat on Stiletto. It's not exactly like this specific one is massive either. It adds what, the Vanilla P90 and its real-world variants? Not worth risking side-effects over, IMHO; let alone investing Staff time into solving.
  11. Best time I had was Burning Crusade, rocking a Shadow Priest for progression raiding. Words can't describe how crazy Shadows were at that time. Very competitive damage scaling until a good part into Black Temple; plus Vampiric Touch. Most balanced point was probably 3.3.0 when ICC was introduced. I was rolling a Protadin at that time. By Cataclysm class mechanics were getting samey, culminating with Pandaria, when every class was basically rendered identical. Lock the world of Cataclysm to lvl 80, and use WotLK mechanics. Best case scenario IMO Unfortunately, PvP has always been rock-paper-scissors in WoW. I had fun doing World PvP in Classic; because it was a grudge fest and could result in the entire population of a server slugging it out in Ashenvale for no other reason than a completely insane escalation after one Alt got ganked by some dude from the other factions designated Gank-guild. PvP servers all the way though. PvP breeds observant PvE'ers
  12. Stratis. 3 / 3 total disintegration of F-15 upon attempted Freedom catapult-assisted take-off. Probably a FIR issue but might warrant removal from the spawn list on Freedom. Wrecks of same F-15s haven't despawned after 20 minutes waiting. Crashed an F-22 into the sea, alt-tabbed out to write this, came back to me spawned at 0,0,0. A voluntary respawn got me back on the Freedom. Also: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V9Tv1mP-KpQnZibV9sU19kSDg
  13. POOK is being a pook. Removed for further investigation.
  14. BAF has had some optional extras relocated to make those optionals useable. AW_FIR has had its bisign issue fixed. RHS is the bulk of the download, as usual; a few improvements, a lot of fixes. ACE is updated. I believe this includes some new tools for Zeus. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GdudKylWrM). Also adds a new pylon change feature for vehicles, giving access to dynamic loadouts in-mission. CBA_A3 s updated.
  15. It appears we've been graced with the long-awaited Repo update. Download size: 13GB All hail Soziopath and Ghostdragon.
  16. Despite me getting rather unlucky in the standing-in-the-way-of-bullets department, i had a decent time. Average engagement distance must have been down around the 30 meter mark. All in all, an experience very different to the average AWE style; which is almost always welcome in my book.
  17. I did notice that this morning, yes, and you'd be correct in that it did pique my interest. So many questions remain unanswered. There is essentially no chance that I would even consider returning to WoW as I played it in its heyday, but if the cost can be justified, there's the possibility of running through the old world once again. Perhaps a Dwarf Hunter.
  18. I can't say I have much interest in what Blizzard is up to these days. Sorry
  19. Johnson brought to my attention the fact that the MAAWS currently used on server has a bug when using HEDP rounds that cause these rounds to fall significantly short of their zeroed point of aim. (http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=3629) Until this issue is resolved, I'm asking all players who read this to please assist in spreading this message on server so that we may prevent unnecessary deaths by unaware MAAWS operators not hitting their targets.
  20. Perhaps this might interest you: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6V9Tv1mP-KpUXQzcmEtYnRXVW8/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V9Tv1mP-KpcUtZbEZVblU2N3c
  21. This is after I told Mike99 that the TOW shouldn't have been brought as it violated the rules of AWE?
  22. I know that some players have stopped trying to TL because they felt that their team didn't allow them to lead; commonly this has been experienced by newer players. TL and SL is responsibility; and we have a very large amount of players who don't want that; and some who prefer not to be around people outside their own circle. I don't think there's a feature you can add that would make SL and TL more appealing. It's not about features, it's about the responsibility.
  23. Could get pushed, but it's aiming for '18
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