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Everything posted by Amentes

  1. There were actually five, with two or three others trying to spawn in, according to ShadowAce who was in Zeus at the time.
  2. I honestly don't get why it could ever take more than 10 minutes to get a reasonable amount of build points out. One vortex pilot, even better with one guy assisting at base, can load up Medium (300) crates into the ACE cargo of a CH-47 and fly at speed. A mistake I see happen a lot is the attempts to sling heavy 600 crates. Flying with slung cargo forces the pilot to fly at low speed, and even then one can never be guaranteed to not experience desync and lose the cargo. Medium crates are simply the speedier choice. I suppose I might suggest that Light be entirely discontinued, as it appears to serve no real purpose. While visually interesting, this would add unnecessary stress on server, diminishing player experience. -- Overall I've never been a fan of FOBs. My personal preference is removal of Logi in its entirety. But I suppose that's a different debate
  3. Amentes

    Double rainbow. wow

    Was the sun on the opposite side of the sky, around 41 degrees? I'm asking for a friend... The secondary isn't reversed. Guess Bohemia fucked up
  4. It's certainly a problem if equipment used by the enemy either is OP in a way that means they either can't be killed by our weapons, or that our protective equipment is null and void. Other than that, given that weight and load isn't a concern for the AI enemies, such imbalances can be disregarded.
  5. I'd argue there's no need to entirely remove the mod. If Ryko uses it for his PLA, it could simply be removed from player access, but kept for PLA. This also means it could be used in custom scenarios. As I've said in many other threads before this, I have no problem with repo size myself, nor do I believe that going from 20 to 30 gigs would have a major impact on who chooses to check out AWE and who does not. As such, I see no reason why we can't have a ton of stuff, but I also see no reason why having a mod should be dependent on player use. Having a mod singularly for the benefit of creating new and interesting enemies is, to me, a perfectly good reason.
  6. I'd support making that change, possibly even with a cutoff sub-30. I can't begin to count how many times I've seen 15-20 guys running around AO, only for Arty to pop. Nobody leaves AO to go to Arty, and there's nobody left to insert there. The result is the Arty pummels the everliving shiet out of everything in AO, often decimating the AI forces or wrecking 80% of buildings in a city in the process. Half the time the Arty shoots, it does more harm to AI than to players
  7. Looks like right side rotor disc intersected a wrecked building, or rather it intersected an area in which there would have been a visible wall if the building had been intact. Arma may have treated that as a collision.
  8. AFAIK that's more or less hardcoded and isn't something that can be changed by a mission-maker. Easy solution, don't use auto-land Really though, the auto-land feature can be a recipe for disaster, given that it doesn't concern itself with other aircraft occupying the runway, FOD or runway incursions.
  9. I'd argue a Mortarman doesn't need a rangefinder.
  10. Yet in nearly all cases, this requires them to first open up Logi through PlatCo. That should never happen without first checking with the player in command. 1: Ask SL for a shopping list, build FOB while waiting for a reply, then stock up. No delay caused, and if it is, that's not on Logi. 2: That's why I prefer to load 300-pointers into Chinook ACE cargo, that way I don't have to worry. 4: Pick an area that isn't tiny. I almost always look at FOBs from the air and go "Huh, where did they want me to land?" 5: We only have so many maps though. It's not that hard to find a suitable location, especially when so many of us know the maps pretty well. 6: Again I find this is largely a problem relating to people trying to limit the size too much. 3: If I was gonna run with a FOB, I'd start off by flying everybody there in whatever size bird I needed. Primary force could assist in clearing out anything in Logi's way, and then push on to a new task. If flying in on a Chinook, a 300-pointer could be loaded in ACE cargo allowing for the immediate construction of a vehicle spawn. Pilot assists Logi with delivery of construction crates, everyone else deals with a task, goes on a patrol, anything else to keep them occupied. In my experience, sadly, "done correctly" seems like a rare state of affairs. Where does this end though? Should we open up Bravo and Charlie so we can have 6 Autorifleman and 3 Marksmen? What about having 4 pilots?
  11. SL should never have to ask people to slot out of Logi, as there shouldn't ever be people in Legi without them first having asked SL. What I've seen too many times is that someone will go into PlatCo, open up whatever he wants, then slot into that. This happens without people having talked to SL. We saw similar things happen in Gauntlet where someone would take UAV Op and then ask SL if that's ok. Again, this is not OK, as it puts it on SL to say "No, get out", rather than "Yes, get in." Frankly; it's a disrespectful way to go about it. I'm of the opinion that PlatCo should never be used to unlock something without a PlatCo also staying in the slot. At any rate, yes, it does revolve around the leadership of the player in charge, but with the above examples it's also clear that the players in general aren't doing the SL any favors.
  12. I can see it being cool to have 4 guys clear a building while recording the perspective of each. Put it all side-by-side in one video. Probably best done outside of the training environment though.
  13. The problem, Mr Scar, is not an inability to change BLUFOR colours, but rather the inability to change the colour of an individual team. Your suggestion doesn't allow for that.
  14. Bitch, I still got to the oW faster than you
  15. I'll also be taking any random questions about AWE or MSO, should anyone wonder about something that isn't listed.
  16. Ok, I've confirmed at this time that our lord and saviour Ryko is gonna fix something for me, which should result in the WIP training map remaining WIP, but being useable to train on.
  17. I'm now in the process of figuring out what works and what doesn't on our current WIP training scenario. After that I'll have to see if I can get some of the more useful guys to assist me in adding the functions I can't create on my own.
  18. Oh man. Ok, so in the past this has been done, and there's currently a scenario floating around that's pretty close to being finished, for this purpose. The issue here is it's been tried, and people didn't actually show up for it. What we've learned is that the playerbase has historically preferred learning as they go, on the job as it were. We have several users, myself, included, who would be happy to provide instruction and/or round-table discussions, but most of those same people, myself included, are also a bit burned out with trying to set it up and not see any interest. As it stands, if a group of people was to ask for this, I'd be happy to oblige, but I'd expect a commitment from those people to actually be there at the agreed upon time.
  19. To have two voice chat systems is synonymous with segregating the community. If AW means to continue running one or more servers using TFAR (or ACRE), then TeamSpeak is a necessity. The conclusion; stick with TeamSpeak or kill #3 and #6. I'm sure my preference is obvious.
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