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Everything posted by Amentes

  1. Just checked, Autoriflemen do get bipods, please check again on your end
  2. AFAIK bipods were purposely removed from "standard" weaponry, such as MX and thus also AKs. I don't remember if the SPMG comes with a built-in bipod as I never use it, but I believe Autoriflemen were intended to retain bipods, so it sounds like an oversight. If so, rest assured it will be corrected.
  3. L103A2 is a "Drill Pattern" weapon, which means it's literally incapable of firing live ammunition. It's a weapon given out to cadets for drill and training purposes. Probably should just be removed from Arsenal. I remain unable to understand why in the bloody hell it's even in the weapon pack from 3CB, it makes no bloody god damn sense to have spent even a single solitary second doing any work to make that happen
  4. So it straight up doesn't work as shown in the YT video? False advertising!
  5. In fairness, I've always argued that the MAR-10 and the Cyrus are, in fact, Sniper Rifles. That said, there's a lot of Marksman slots and few Sniper slots, and it sucks if someone in a Sniper slot isn't using the tools specific to the class.
  6. That's really not anywhere near as simple as you make it out to be. Spartans and Admins aren't indentured servants, they can't be Johnny on-the-spot 24/7/365. The workload involved with that kind of policing is simply too damn high. It's the same rationale that leads to banning Drones and laser pointers in real life, because a few little shits can't handle the responsibility and think it's fun to fuck with air traffic.
  7. Laser guided bombs such as the GBU-12 no longer require a lock prior to drop. With Tanks DLC we now have LOAL (Lock-On After Launch) functionality, and the bomb will guide itself to any valid laser in its vicinity. The pilot simply has to drop the bomb into an area around the intended target. This also allows for the bomb to be dropped before the laser is on. While I don't have the specifics in front of me, I believe some roles had bipods removed in an effort to combat the extreme prevalence of hill camping. It's still very much possible to weapon rest, that feature doesn't require a bipod. The Nightstalker optic was removed years ago, in large part because it was a primary factor in accidental teamkilling. Until recently, I&A was locked to a specific date, but it now takes its date setting from real life. This means it's currently playing in the cold season, which leads to thermal optics being less effective. This will change back to "normal" as we approach summer. No, you can't buy a thermal camera that is as good as what you see in ArmA 3. The Apex DLC ENVGs have never been enabled on Ahoyworld servers. See above comment on thermal optics leading to TKs. No, you can't buy thermal goggles that are as good as what you see in ArmA 3. No, without mods or heavy scripting it is not possible to change the loadout of an existing asset on a live server. AFAIK, with Tanks update, Titan Compact is no longer able to lock on a laser paint. If you say "pls" because it's shorter than "please", I will say "no" because it's shorter than "yes." ------------------------------------ In all seriousness, feedback is good, but you need to work on your approach here. This reads like you were in a fit of rage while typing it up, and that's rather counterproductive to what you're trying to achieve. I invite you to rephrase this post, as in its current form it leaves a poor impression and probably doesn't reflect your intent. I mean no disrespect in saying that.
  8. The Taru isn't used on EU#3, so such a mod would be pointless there.
  9. Start off by trying to run ArmA through A3Sync, without using the A3Sync Join Server functionality. Once ArmA runs, use Direct Connect with IP to join EU#1.
  10. Drunk Johnson with a PP-2000, I can make no promises that I won't have to shoot him in self defense
  11. Not like it's outdated though. Tank tactics don't change that often
  12. While I've never had an issue with being Driver, that slot will be a lot more interesting with the release of Tanks. With the full 3d interior, driving in first person is a marvellous challenge. Being a good first-person driver will require spatial contextual awareness, and is well worth practicing to perfection.
  13. If possible, a couple days before would be nice, to give the BLUFOR teams a chance to coordinate their gear should they want to.
  14. Use your arrow keys, the window is sticky to whatever you've got selected.
  15. Can BLUFOR expect to know their teammates beforehand, in case people would want to discuss gear synchronization?
  16. I, for one, welcome our new near-useless Thermal overlords.
  17. Unfortunately ArmA is notorious for poor frames, especially in its multiplayer modes. 40 is amazing, but drops to 20 and averages of 30 isn't uncommon. This is mostly down to how the game engine is built, and is part of why the dev is working on a new engine for ArmA 4.
  18. I'd highly recommend you use your mouse and keyboard to fly. A majority of the most respected pilots in ArmA use M/Kb, despite having full HOTAS crazy setups for games like DCS. Game is just built for M/Kb If you want peripherals, the best investment is arguably a set of pedals and a head tracking system.
  19. As of a few days ago, the Arsenal on AW I&A has filtered out several items not available to the players current role. It's not perfect yet, but it's a start. The system informs you of what is removed via text, and often also lists which role the item would be available to. Generally speaking, the limits are sensible for the role. Medics don't use high-powered rifles and ghillie suits, after all As for the VON channels, you're free to use Group, Vehicle and Direct. Global, Side and Command channels are restricted, largely because 60 people yakking away at the same time wouldn't make for a good experience.
  20. Didn't we also have an insanity of issues with CUP trees and foliage not blocking sight for AI?
  21. Haven't tested it extensively yet, but again the track record kinda speaks for itself. One area where no testing is required to prove the discrepancy is in the sighting systems for various weapon systems. RHS doesn't give you the nicely pristine and wide field of view sights with an extreme magnification range.
  22. I honestly doubt it. The track record for that is abysmal
  23. It's very much worth noting that adding Vanilla stuff into an RHS environment isn't a good recipie for a balanced experience. Load up Dev Branch, take the vanilla MAAWS, shoot at an Abrams for a bit. You'll see what I mean.
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