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Everything posted by Amentes

  1. Malden 030 Being alone, #vote Missions and Admin acknowledged a vote had been cast, but did nothing.
  2. I'd echo the words of SkullCollector, but add that to my knowledge ACRE can be more work for a mission developer to set up and get working. Because of that, I feel the choice should rest with the mission developers.
  3. Am I not correct in saying that you're currently using the "beta" TFAR 1.0 on MSO? I see radio antennas and shiet in Arsenal when I run MSO mods.
  4. Never hurts to have an online resource when away from ArmA
  5. Realistically, the Chinook can submerge about half the cargo area in water and not have a problem, but it can't "land", as in spooling down and floating. The same is the case for the Sea Stallion. None of the other aircraft in the AWE fleet can do this. To partially submerge the cargo area on any of our other aircraft would also involve submerging parts of the flight control system, which isn't watertight in the slightest
  6. Edit the cargo capacity, you can load anything into anything. Yeah, it won't be visible inside the cargo hold, but ehh. What do people envision them being used for though? I'm having a hard time seeing what job they'd do that isn't already being done by another rotor-wing.
  7. Nice write. I was actually looking for a solution to this same problem, but Shadowplay recently added the ability to separate audio tracks, so I went that route instead.
  8. M1151 - Armored HMMWV, multiple variants. Driver, Gunner, 3 passengers. RG-33 - Armored MRAP, with or without M2 .50 HMG. Driver, Gunner, 7 passengers. M1232 - Armored MRAP, M2 .50 HMG, Mk19 20mm GMG or Unarmed. Driver, Gunner, 9 passengers. M1237 - Armored MRAP, M2 .50 HMG, Mk19 20mm GMG or Unarmed. Driver, Gunner, 9 passengers. M1220 - Armored MRAP, M2 .50 HMG, Mk19 20mm GMG, CROWS M2 or Unarmed. Driver, Gunner, 9 passengers (CROWS 8.) Almost guaranteed to save you from an IED. M1230 - Armored MRAP, M2 .50 HMG, Mk19 20mm GMG or Unarmed. Driver, Gunner, 9 passengers Almost guaranteed to save you from an IED.
  9. The specific example happened on a freshly started scenario. Sadly I was not the only one to leave; if anyone else wishes to name themselves I'll leave it to them. My issue in the example is that it did not appear to me like the majority of players were happy with sitting around, evident by the fact that half of the infantry initially moved outside of the FOB area, but was ordered back. No ground vehicles were present at the time, because the FOB had not been built. I even suggested that it really wasn't necessary for all of us to sit at the FOB location as Logi had their own SL and shouldn't need to be micro-managed, not least becuase that SL was Jochem hisself. I have no problem with long drives, or boat rides; but in this case I waited 20 minutes on the Freedom, then 40 minutes at the proposed FOB location.. Hell, upon entering the location I was asked why I was running around with my weapon up, clearing the buildings, even to the point of me ignoring your order as SL to get my weapon down because I was scaring the civillians in the area. Nobody else was even remotely prepared for contact; which makes me completely unable to grasp why we were going there, and why we were standing around after arriving. Simply moving off on foot, either on one of your anti-IED foot patrols, towards a scenario objective, somewhere to gather intel, or one of the multiple spawn camps that was spotted by multiple players from the FOB location. In the end, I decided I had better things to do, more or less basing that decision on not being the only one to quit for the evening. It's something that could have been solved so damn easily, is why I'm bringing it up. I have no issue with the general decisions made, but I see no reason why it took more than 5 minutes to leave Freedom, and why we waited around so long after reaching the FOB setup location. Hell, if you wanna do a FOB thing with Logi driving people around and avoiding Vortex whenever possible, if that's what people on server want, I'm fine with it. I just don't wanna wait around for an hour for basically no reason.
  10. Which of course could easily mean that a pilot is used very briefly, and then could expect not to be any use from there? Of course you might then ask said Pilot to reslot, but if you're already using Shelldrake and/or a UAV Operator, couldn't both those features be substituted for one Pilot? I'd argue that would be the better solution, especially given the mantra: "In COD, you call in a Hellfire strike. In ArmA, you perform the Hellfire strike." Everybody knows I adhere to the rules, and from what I have seen, no rule has been broken so far. But, personally, I'd never ask someone to reslot out of something that they're allowed to play. I prefer to work with what I am given, as far as is possible. The only thing I'd really ask of you, Johnson and yourself, is that you try to expedite things a bit more. My experience a few days back was one of leaving Freedom after 20 minutes of waiting for god knows what, and then sitting on a proposed FOB location for 40 or so minutes doing really nothing much at all. In that particular instance, to be fair, Vortex had significant issues with the delivery of a Logi crate, but my thoughts at the time, as now, were of wonderment over why we weren't at least going out on a foot patrol or anything like that. Especially given that you guys like to clear the surrounding area of potential IEDs.
  11. Actually, it is. Firewill was asked by the F/A-18 mod creators to integrate his AWS system, and he did; but as it stands the mod creator has still left all of the non-AWS systems in there, presumably because he wants AWS to be optional. And that is why the F/A-18 is kind of a clusterfuck right now, though it still works fine for me.
  12. It's already possible to spawn at primary, select a kit, save it, and then respawn at FOB with that kit. I don't really see why an Arsenal at FOB was ever necessary.
  13. I'd argue it's a shared responsibility. Spawn in, get yourself ready, look at the map, determine where people are and extrapolate what they're doing. If you see a Pilot on his way back to base, then clearly no further action is necessary. If no Pilot is flying, or he's doing circles around AO, it would be prudent to contact whomever is in charge and let that person know your situation. At that point, you may be asked to wait for air transport, or otherwise be instructed in how to proceed. What should never happen is a player leaving spawn without having communicated with the people in the field. There's no excuse for that, considering how easy that goal is to achieve. That's a tougher question to answer. I'd say being in charge comes with the responsibility of keeping the flow going. Occasionally we'll see 6 people joining at intervals of 1 minute. This could lead to a Vortex continually waiting in base in order to fly in all six in one go. Really, how long one waits depends on the situation in the field, but I've really never experienced having to wait more than 5-10 minutes. Technically, there's no such thing as an "unlawful order" on AWE. He could ask you to bury yourself on top of your own hand grenade, and you would have to follow that order.
  14. As someone outside the mod circle, your description sure sounds like a recipe for death.
  15. Bornholm gives me around 30% my normal FPS. Add to that, AIs shooting me through leaves and solid tree-trunks.
  16. Pilots can access the GPS, but some airframes don't allow it to be opened.
  17. First impressions on Bornholm: Framerate is worse than Australia Trees don't stop 5.45x39 Leaves are see-through to AI.
  18. I'm very much guilty of that. We still see people showing up when there's a gamenight. I'm wondering whether that's because of how most gamenights are different, perhaps "better"; or whether it's simply because people know there will be other people.
  19. "Yeah, I sold my second screen; never used it anyway, had to go." - Nobody. Ever. Personally I always skip a year when it comes to graphics cards. Don't wanna spend that money staying on the cutting edge all the time, and I never go for the flagship cards, I always go for the 70, but even those are getting crazy expensive thanks to cryptocurrencies these days. I can't speak for DCS and Xplane, but both ArmA 3 and the Warhammers of Total War are notorious for not utilising the CPU too well. It's unlikely in the extreme that a CPU upgrade would avail you with those two games.
  20. Can't be there, busy with family. Looking forward to a recording.
  21. Couple of Indep RHIBs out of Apex wouldn't go amiss, next to the speedboats we've already got everywhere.
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