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Everything posted by Amentes

  1. PCML was a useless piece of garbage. With Tanks DLC, it fills a useful niche, as it's far more portable than a Titan, while still being able to at least disable anything up to a Kamysh in one good hit. In a PvP setting, it'd definitely be harder to spot a PCML launch as compared to a Titan launch, which would be a big plus in its favor.
  2. Both the launcher and the rockets have significantly greater weight and volume, but then they're also the second most powerful AT. I'm not sure what its max effective range is, but the PCML was increased from around 500 to 800.
  3. Recent Dev Diary on Tanks DLC. BLUFOR Rhino MGS and its UP variant. 3-man crew. Armor is no good against 40mm and upwards, but what it lacks in protection, it makes up for in speed. 120mm Cannon, 12/8/8/4 APFSDS/HEAT-MP/HE/Laser Guided ATGM. Also packs a .338 co-axial MMG. Commander gets a Laser Designator system. UP variant adds 50. RCWS and ERA to hull front, turret rear and turret sides. A SLAT cage can be added, covering 360 hull coverage on the standard variant and omitting the front hull on the UP. Both variants can load into the Blackfish, like the Marshall. GREENFOR AWC 301 Nyx. 2-man crew. Basically armored with Paper Maché, this won't stop anything above 7.62x51, however it's extremely maneuverable and pretty quick. It's also smaller than a Hunter, and so makes for a tough target to hit at speed. AT variant provides a .50 turret and an ATGM system capable of loading 2 missiles at a time, with three slow reloads available. Locks to heat, but is weaker than the Gorgon's Titan AT system. Recon variant has no weapons, but provides a Strider-style extendable observation pod, as well as a rotating radar dish. Autocannon variant provides a 20mm rapid-fire cannon with 60/60 AP/HE. Also packs a 7.62 co-axial MMG. AA variant (not pictured) provides a 50. turret and a SAAMI capable of loading 4 missiles with 2 reloads. Haven't tested it's effectiveness, but expect a Cheetah trading damage for reloads. All variants can be configured with SLATs and will load into a Blackfish, though despite leaving plenty of room, it's too heavy to allow anything but a Quad Bike with it. REDFOR T-140 Angara. 3-man crew. The "Steel Monster on Steroids." Even more durable than the M2A1 Slammer. 125mm Cannon with greater maximum engagement range than any other system. 20/12/12 APFSDS/HEAT/HE. 7.62 co-axial. 50. RCWS. You'd expect it to be slow and bulky, but you'd only be half right. This thing is fast in a near-straight line, like the T-100 before it. It's K variant replaces the 50. RCWS with a 30mm autocannon firing 60 MP rounds with three reloads, and also adds a sensor package linking it into the system introduced with Jets DLC. No SLATs for this bad boy though. Not that it needs them anyway. BLUFOR M4 MAAWS Mod 1 BLUFOR's new Light AT. Unguided, lightweight, low volume ammo, that still packs a good punch. Range increments up to 1000 meters. Think of it as an improved RPG-42. This also comes in an AAF variant, M4 MAAWS Mod 0, which essentially just has a shittier optic and AAF camo schemes. ----------------- In addition: REDFOR has a new AT launcher. A slightly more powerful PCML with higher weight and volume ammo, that in return is wire-guided and so can't fire-and-forget. Quilins now have a variant with the new OPFOR AT launcher replacing the 7.62 Minigun. Prowlers now have a variant with Titan AT replacing the .50 HMG. Marshall, Gorgon, Mora, Marid and Kamysh are all able to field SLAT systems, covering a full 360 degrees on all. Some of them also have options for turret SLATs. All ATGMs but the new REDFOR one can now select Direct- or Top-Attack modes.
  4. Sadly not, it's unfortunately not an uncommon occurrence. It's usually either the nuke countdown with cam-shake effect followed by everyone getting dead, or this news banner-style deal saying "I hackzor'd you, look @ my coolness," often with info on where to buy the software used. These guys aren't hackers, fortunately. They're just using other peoples work.
  5. What Ryko means is that players can't visually identify whether a T-100 is friendly or not. With some GREENFOR vehicles, we've got them in actual NATO beige camo now, making it pretty easy to tell the difference.
  6. Yeah, Subnautica should definitely be experienced without any outside help for the first playthrough at least. The experience of exploring the world is a major factor in what makes the game superb. Any assistance detracts from that.
  7. Subnautica really is a rather well-crafted game. Deserves high praise. Is it your first playthrough? Asking because of the 5th part
  8. The primary thing with custom scenarios is it has to work in the context or Arma. IMHO, this rules out anything underwater, which is really just a shit experience for all involved.
  9. https://www.magpul.com/products/pmag-40-ar-m4-gen-m3
  10. The M249 is too accurate, but it shouldn't kick much more than it does. It's a heavy gun, which isn't entirely undesirable in an LMG.
  11. M27 is designed to shoot single-shot, suppressing the same way a Marksman does, by killing the guy next to you so you're too scared to pop your head up. The difference between M27 and M38 is a 10-power Leupold optic, which really tells you all you need to know. The 27 isn't meant to shoot bursts for suppression. It's an IAR/DMR frankenrifle that works pretty well as a DMR and kinda sorta ok as an IAR, except IARs historically never work because the infantry treats them like LMGs. Which is what the Marines rediscovered when they issued them in place of M249s. It's worth noting the IAR concept is entirely superfluous as it's originally a middle ground between the emplaced machinegun and the standard non-automatic infantry rifle. These days, that middle ground IS the standard automatic infantry rifle, except of course the Marines were using old S/1/3 M4s, And clearly the Marines have realised this, as they're now doing exactly that. Keeping the SAW and introducing a S/1/FA rifle to the infantry.
  12. Also, IAR abuse has been going on since bloody world war 1. Barrels getting cooked, fun stuff.
  13. It's really just a straight upgrade of the M4s, which is a long time coming. It may well signal the end of the Marines attempt to re-implement the IAR concept; especially given that Marines in the field treated the M27 like an M249, more or less rendering the attempt a failure. The question I'm left with is whether this means every grunt will be issues an M27, or if the intent is to rig yet another designation for what is essentially a pimped HK416. They've got 27 and 38. Maybe they need a 49 too?
  14. Don't know what to tell you other than I was spawning Greyhawks off Plane Service two days ago.
  15. The Raven is launched by hand; literally. It doesn't require a miniature runway to land either, as it essentially stalls itself out while low over its intended landing position, followed by the drop to the ground. Yes, you can set waypoints for the UAVs, but you can't use any of their primary functions without becoming an ostrich. For perspective, we currently employ UAVs as the Platoon level. Around the world, assets like these are largely fielded one level up from that. I'm not overly fond of the idea of adding UAVs to any role on the Squad level, as it'd likely add to the already prevalent tendency for SL to be stationary and well behind the fireteams. That's something we need to move away from, not towards
  16. It's important to keep in mind that the UAV Operator can't use the terminal without being stationary and losing all awareness of what goes on around him. This is a key reason of why he shouldn't ever be assigned to any element that's expected to move around, which includes the Squad Leaders team and I'd argue any Recon team. It's certainly possible for a team such as Recon to bring a Darter along, but IMHO it's better if they don't control it themselves. If they did, it would be a useless asset anytime the team was moving, which is the time where it'd be most useful to them.
  17. The primary advice I'd give is pick a few weapons and get comfortable with them. Don't switch weapons every half hour, you'll never learn to shoot straight with any of them that way I usually carry: Rifle, 5.56 (HK416, recently SCAR-L) - Optic, 4x (SU-130/PVS) - Laser target pointer (AN/PEQ-15) 6-9 30rnd STANAG, 5.56 (M855A1) 1-2 Frag (M67 RHS) 1-2 White smoke (L50A1) 1 Blue smoke (L71) 2 Cable Tie Earplugs 4 Bandage, Packing 6 Bandage, Qiuickclot 2 Morphine 1 Tourniquet NVGs Radio (with programmer) Compass Map
  18. I generally keep my view distance at 3000 for Foot, 4000 for Ground Vehicle and 8000 for Air Vehicle.
  19. Alternatively, don't use a sidearm. Hell, for the same weight, you could bring an extra 150 rounds for your 5.56x45 primary.
  20. 99.9% of all "hackers" on Arma servers don't actually do any hacking. It's just kids using scripts they bought to cheat on Wasteland. Ignore them when it happens, they'll go away soon enough. Kinda like not feeding the trolls, conceptually
  21. A rather different but very enjoyable scenario, which I'll be looking forward to seeing from a different perspective. Very hectic, but in my view clearly intended to be so.
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