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Everything posted by Amentes

  1. Certainties: M&B2 Bannerlord Metro Exodus Wolfenstein 2 TW: Warhammer 2, Mortal Empires free DLC BattleTech Cyberpunk 2077 PoE 2: Deadfire MechWarrior 5: Mercs Tentative: Jurassic World Evolution RDR 2 Consortium: The Tower Monster Hunter World
  2. I generally don't reopen ArmA by clicking on the taskbar icon, but in this instance I was complacent and did so, to very unfortunate effect
  3. Can't say I've ever had an issue that was caused by not being in Windowed. Otherwise that's pretty much the same things I've been telling people for years
  4. Haven't combined the two audio tracks for this. You'll have to download it for yourself if you want the pleasure of my own reaction. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6V9Tv1mP-KpdE96cVBpazduZjQ Also, this is why I went silent, @Colsta
  5. Not a critique as such, but it ended up feeling somewhat detrimental to have CMD with only one SL. Might have been better in retrospect to have put Jochem in ASL and leave me in command of Bravo only. Overall, I feel like things went ok all things considered, but I was essentially acting as Cmd without any SLs. I'd be interested in hearing @Jochems take. I'm not convinced I did a good enough job of keeping him in the loop; because of the above.
  6. Sometimes the UAVs decide to spawn without a "driver" AI. The result is them not showing up in the terminal. Sounds like ninja lucked out on missing drivers.
  7. Ghostdragon and SkullCollector are Zeusing on AWE tonight at 1830 British Summer Time, 1930 Central European Summer Time
  8. Bozcaada, trying to disarm nuclear bomb caused loss of scroll-wheel options, loss of ACE, loss of squad menu on respawn.
  9. Made an 11-slot custom squad for some Outreach work. Deactivated and deleted an old 3-slot custom squad. Realised the 11 slots were not in the selection list. Deactivated and deleted the 11 slot squad. Squad Options no longer opened for anyone on server. Server was restarted.
  10. Personally, I'd prefer if no OPFOR vehicles were ever used by BLUFOR on I&A, but as it stands, we can either remove the 2/5 chance of a Kajman spawn in favor of the extremely few players who use AFM, or leave it in for the many players who do not.
  11. I might argue that it would be easier and probably fairer to the majority of pilots who do not use AFM to leave the Kajman where it is? AFM users can easily avoid it, or disable AFM for Kajman flying?
  12. I wonder if this spells the end of fhq_accessories and tf47_launchers?
  13. Yep, that was a 700-round belt fired continuously. Worth keeping in mind, just because the suppressor isn't in more than one piece, doesn't mean it hasn't been damaged
  14. The common problem with suppressors is carbon buildup both in the suppressor and the barrel; however, modern suppressors can fire as many rounds as the rifle itself before requiring service. Modern suppressors aren't cheap, though, and unless combined with subsonic ammunition only serve to lessen muzzle flash and reduce noise levels from the 150-160 range to the 120-130 range. Full-auto on a suppressor is very much possible, but given that suppressors are generally built to be as light as is possible, they do tend to overheat before the rest of the firearm, and this can permanently damage a suppressor on sustained fire. Dumping a 200-round belt through a suppressed M249 is not conducive to the longevity of the firearm and suppressor.
  15. I'm not all that big on Tanoa; at least not as a regular Stiletto/Gauntlet map. I could see some interesting scenarios being created on it though. I do appreciate some of the asset additions from Apex. Prime example, the Assault Boat that we beached today goes 23 km/h and seats 5 people. An Apex RHIB goes around 80 km/h, seats 8, and looks less like a rubber dingy and more like a beach assault craft
  16. Cache green area indicator disappeared, or also the cache marker itself? Green area is supposed to disappear when fully narrowed down to exact location.
  17. Currently working alongside Stanhope to recreate our old training scenario under a new and improved Stiletto framework. Good progress is being made. It should be ready for action soon.
  18. Never encountered any issues with the hand-thrown BAF smoke grenades. I'm assuming you mean it was BAF Mortar smoke that's iffy, right?
  19. Autorifleman is a very good place to start for a beginner. There's really nothing special to the role other than making sure to fire short bursts. On Stiletto, pretty much anybody can pick up a short-range AT launcher, so having a "Rifleman LAT" is kinda pointless.
  20. I've been thinking about ideas for a different squad setup for Stiletto. Currently we have a 14-man squad setup consisting of three teams. I'd like to reduce that to an 8-man squad consisting of one team. Initially I'd suggest: Squad Leader Team Leader EOD Engineer Marksman Medic Autorifleman Autorifleman The basic idea is that Stiletto, with it's multiple-mission setup, lends itself well to sending teams to different areas. The 8-man squad retains the roles of the 14-man squad, while trimming down the fat. The remaining 6 persons are then easily switched into the next squad down the line. This means we'll see tighter squads more suitable for many of the Stiletto missions, while any larger operation can be accomplished using multiple squads. I'd expect that Platoon would be populated earlier under this setup, leaving the SLs free to handle their teams. I was also playing around with the idea of not having a designated Team Leader. This would mean that Squad Lead, at any time, can nominate a player as TL. TL could be replaced by a "Pointman", a role designed around being the first guy through the door. Possibly with a shotgun. I'm posting this with the expectation of starting a discussion on the subject. Constructive feedback please
  21. Just gonna point out that the US is not a signatory of the 1997 Ottawa treaty. Given that most players wear kit with obvious US markings, it would seem odd to call out CSAT for not being a signatory
  22. So the UGV normally has a very short life expectancy, and now you wanna put the Operator in it? Relying on the Blackfish to transport the UGV is a slippery slope at best. Most pilots, by far, simply aren't able to operate the aircraft safely.
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