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Everything posted by Amentes

  1. Whats much would you prefer to throw at this problem and how much would leave you starving? And what country are we talking?
  2. What's the rest of your system like? Hard to give a decent recommendation if we don't know any more details. Otherwise, head over to Logicalincrements.com, find a level that's similliar to your system and see what card they recommend?
  3. So have you had any indication as to the cause of the problem? And as an aside, if we're to look on the bright side, at least your servers weren't targeted during the recent ArmA-wide hackfest on all the renowned servers Looking forward to everything working again. Job well done fellas
  4. Also worth noting that there's already two UAVs armed with GBU-12s available. Recently decided to try and learn as many of thier quirks as I can, as they do indeed seem mightly quirky, but I feel like I've got a pretty good bead on their operation at this point. I feel like they strike a good middle-ground, as they're rather hard to abuse due to the inaccuracy of the bombs without laser guidance from the ground. I'm still investigating whether there's a reliable method of having one UAV autonomously bomb targets lazed by the 2nd player-controller UAV, but so far it doesn't seem possible. It can chase a laze, but it is extremely likely to get shot down or flat-out crash itself in the process, often before dropping its payload. The UAVs, when operated properly, seem to function very well when strikes are directed from players on the ground, so I'd say keep that in. Keep the Skalpel-armed Greyhawk as a Side reward, and make its spawn chance near that of the jets as, frankly, its nearly as powerful an asset, but maybe add a 3rd GBU-12 'Hawk. As an aside, I've currently only really got one problem with the UAVs, which is that I can't leave them alone on the rearm pad without them running off and getting stuck. I'd love to get one onto the pad, and then be able to land a second UAV and drive it to the pad while the first one gets rearmed, but currently that is impossible. If anyone has a solution to this, please let me know
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