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Everything posted by Amentes

  1. Also, putting this on I&A would require all players to use the mod. Which is why it won't happen
  2. Only players in your group will see spotted targets.
  3. Is she straight-up being binned? Seems a waste
  4. Unfortunately, this is not correct for all rifle/scope combinations. In the end, nothing can compete with time behind the rifle.
  5. Question 1: I'd recommend you use the "Vector Nite" for rangefinding. Hold R until red box appears, put box on target, release R. I've always said that as a Marksman, you shouldn't have to rely on the rangecard. When moving, having your zero set at around 300 meters will enable you to quickly engage targets within 50-400 meters without having to fiddle with your zero. In your situation with the technical, your SL probably expected you to be able to judge the rough range by sight alone. These abilities will come with practice, which is why I always recommend that all players wanting to run Marksman first play a while in AAR, Rifle AT or even AR. Add to that, some time behind your rifle/scope combination of choice, on one of the multitude of single-player rifle ranges you can find on the Steam Workshop. Being an effective Marksman takes practise My personal choice of weapon is currently the L129A1 in combination with the AMS scope. This gives you a non-magnifying reflector sight for close engagement, and the choice of 3x or 10x on the scope itself. A deadly combination.
  6. Amentes

    Plat-co Best-Co.

    *Ambient was not on
  7. AFAIK the Grippen won't land on USS Freedom.
  8. Is there a reason why Roster is now on Map? Could we have both options if the reason isn't server performance?
  9. That's one of the gripes I've had for several years. I still see people get into MAT or Marksman without ever having used the tools specific to that role. Many new players will look puzzled when you start talking about ACE interaction menus. Many of these things can be tried out and/or learned by simply using any of the gazillion Steam Workshop practice ranges and/or watching YouTube videos, but despite that some players don't seem to wanna put in that work. That is why training sessions are starting up once again, but deep down it vexes me that it should be necessary in the first place, I must be honest. That said, some things can't be learned without practical experience. The confidence to make the calls without thinking about it for five minutes first, let alone the knowledge that allows one to, most of the time, make a call that doesn't kill everyone. Anyway. More to come I guess. Gotta be off for now.
  10. That's kind of the point of why I wouldn't want to see it introduced to TLs. I really don't want to see TLs constantly firing off HuntIRs and keeping their heads locked on their terminals. As it stands, a TL or SL can let one off and the SL can then do a quick observation while the TLs continue to do their jobs. Works plenty well that way, IMHO.
  11. Ryko, 3CB vehicles seem to draw their ammo from items in the inventory. I'm guessing you'd need a "3CB vehicle crate" at Supply Depot.
  12. We have an NLAW in one of the mods, and we've trialed it before. I have some video footage somewhere of me narrowly dodging an SPG-9 round after firing an NLAW at it. It's a bit too easy to use though.
  13. Recently the FGM-148 has actually been killing infantry and buildings. Iraq and Afghanistan saw it being used mostly against soft targets; weapon crews, buildings and unarmored vehicles. So much so that a new round was developed that incorporates a fragmenting steel case to increase the shrapnel factor. While I agree that the Javelin shouldn't be used on infantry all that much in a Gauntlet setting; I'd still take the RHS version simply because it's better at doing it on the rare occasion that it may be called for. I can even recall a situation where I personally asked a HAT team to rain hell on a group of infantry I didn't wanna have to deal with. I can't call the 3CB more realistic when the warhead it fires has such a low injury radius on infantry targets. It's cool and all, but I'd say they're tied because of that.
  14. Worth noting on the MAAWS; there's a difference in weight and space requirement on the rounds. HEAT > HEDP > HE The Smoke rounds act as Vanilla smoke grenades, which basically means they're worthless. Illumination is best left for the 40mm launchers. Don't waste your weight limit on it.
  15. TLs don't need the monitor. It belongs on the Squad level.
  16. It's worth noting that everything else being equal, the RHS M67 frag takes up less space than the Vanilla frag. I've never actually paid any attention to which one weighs less, so that's worth finding out.
  17. Amentes

    Merlin Mayhem

    Sea Stallion Mayhem?
  18. Hi, my name is Unknown No secret that I prefer 1st, but as long as people adhere to the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy, it's all good. I hate it when people tell me what they can see over the wall.
  19. Looking ever deeper into Antistasi, I get the feeling it would be much better suited to non-public play. It looks like a lot of fun, but I'm having a hard time imagining it being run effectively with public players coming and going.
  20. Yeah, I can't imagine a scenario where this would replace #1 or #2. I'd like to imagine there'd be some players on those servers who might find it interesting though, just as I think a command structure might attract some who don't frequent the AW I&A servers.
  21. Haven''t played Antistasi. Just had a read on it. They do indeed seem to be very similar in what they attempt to achieve. I can see points in the favor of either.
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