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Everything posted by kennychr

  1. ------------------------------------------FLASH------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------URGENT MESSAGE------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------run(startmsg)------------------------------------------ 01011111011011010110100101110011011100110110100101101111011011100101111101100100011001010111001101101001011001110110111001100001011101000110100101101111011011100010000000100000001111010010001000100010001110110000110100001010011010010110011000100000001010000010000101100001011011000110100101110110011001010010000001000111011000010111010101101110011101000110110001100101011101000010100100100000011101000110100001100101011011100010000001111011000011010000101001011111011000100110000101110011011001010110111001100001011011010110010100100000001111010110100001110100011101000111000000111010001011110010111101110100011010010110111001111001011101010111001001101100001011100110001101101111011011010010111101101111001110010111000001110010011101010111001101110001001000000000110100001010010111110110111001100001011011010110010100100000001111010010000001011111011000100110000101110011011001010110111001100001011011010110010100100000001011010010000001001000010011010101001100100000001110110000110100001010010111110110110101101001011100110111001101101001011011110110111001011111011001000110010101110011011010010110011101101110011000010111010001101001011011110110111000100000001111010010000001000001010101110101111100100000001010110010000001011111011011100110000101101101011001010010000000111011000011010000101001111101001110110000110100001010011010010110011000100000001010000010000101101001011100110100111001110101011011000110110000100000010111110110110101101001011100110111001101101001011011110110111001011111011001000110010101110011011010010110011101101110011000010111010001101001011011110110111000101001001000000111010001101000011001010110111000100000011110110000110100001010011100100111010101101110010011010110100101110011011100110110100101101111011011100010000001011111011011010110100101110011011100110110100101101111011011100101111101100100011001010111001101101001011001110110111001100001011101000110100101101111011011100011101100001101000010100111110100111011 ------------------------------------------echo(endMessage)------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------transmissionOVER------------------------------------------
  2. Alpha days on stratis I&A then i joined in on the original modded server which I miss cause it had acre (badly ported acre but still acre). Then i kinda stuck around and have had alot of fun since then
  3. objects in inventory can't have a addAction** That code sample has to be run on mission start
  4. Objects in the inventory can't have addActions. The easiest solution would be to do: fnc_removeDamage = { player setDamage 0; }; while {true} do { []call fnc_removeDamage; sleep 30; };
  5. Hi Jake. We have moved on from Patrol Ops and written our own perpetual mission running on Eu#3 called Gauntlet. But my guess is that theres a setting in the mission parameters that you can change to select how many mission before it restarts or put it into perpetual mode.
  6. So a handfull of you got to see the Objectives system I was testing yesterday (25\09) in a small singe instance mission yesterday. That was just me checking to see if it worked properly in mp. Now the task is to check if the function i wrote for making a new task everytime a objective moves\gets created is underway. So around 2300 orso im gonna run some tests on EU#3 to check if the new code works and that a task gets a new ID everytime it should ETC. Keeping to the spirit of last test its going to be PVP but on bit bigger scale this time, its BLU vs INDEP this time in a simplified cache hunt mission where INDEP defends and BLU attacks. There will be some vehicles present also for those who missed them last nights test Hope to see a good turnup =)
  7. 8person rule applies, Logi is Angel with two engineers added, Logi is never needed untill you surpass a certain point in player count. Medevac and other sling able choppers so long as your not taking away the transport capability of Vortex. If players can hike from the supply point yes, but just as a transport chopper no, logi is for supplies and casevac first and foremost. Logistics are a 2. line unit, they are not meant to see action, they will see action when doing FOB\Supply points cause of the ambient AI, but they shouldnt be fielded in AOs as a main attack force. Yes\No, in the start of a AO you shouldnt creep in with a FOB as it might get taken out easily, this will leave forces without supplies. But at when the AOs edges are secured you can inch up the FOB.
  8. Logi is rolling out with the full .31 udate coming soon as we need to add the trinkets from the new ace update. Also dividing one squad into 3 radio channels is way too impractical, keep it on one, use local talk for random chitchat and just use radio for critical stuff as we have done since we ran acre on the old modded. If everyone does proper radio disipline the only thing youll ever hear on a radio is movement commands and contact calls. TFAR on yelling reches very far ,so inside a fire team its enough imo.
  9. Ever stopped and thought about that we limited some assets to promote other types of movement/gameplay than having every op done by helicopter and having ah-9-xx raping the AOs ? Also yes this is in the wrong place, thread locked
  10. Thata the intended vic, only problem something broke with the vehicle respawner, we have fixed it but im currently moving houses so the fix is on my offline computer
  11. So in a typical EU#3 scenario we are fighting against enemies equipped with AKs. Booted up ARMA3, loaded up the arsenal fireing range thing, loaded up my basic russian grenadier loadout(AK with GL v/ stock ammo). Selected the vanilla ACH Helmet. Result: Range 20m 1 shot to the head Without headgear 20m 1 shot to the head: Tryk PASGT ( To rule out "OP" vanilla helmets ) 20m 1 shot to the head: And without headgear again 20m 1 shot to the head: Either my ARMA3 is broke or it seems that helmets work exactly like they are suppose to? Facetanking bullets wont work unless your fielding some heavy duty Jason Vorhees mask made out of Kevlar\Titanium combo stuff made by Tony Stark. Also, digging through configs and general BIS wiki about the cfg's for gear shows that helmets range from 1.2-1.8 in armor rating whereas cloth stuff as berets and field caps have _0_. I dont see any practical application for this beret other than to cater to your needs to play dressup. With that said gear restriction is coming to cut down the OCONUS SAS FSK SEAL SPECIAL TEAM DELTAFORCE 6 Pripiyat dressup simulator 2015 that happens every time theres a new restarting of the mission\server.
  12. How about...........no We have enough stuff as is in the VA, adding just the core GEAR mod will give over 100entries more in the uniform section
  13. Whats this? When Josh contacted squad about the group buy, the extended a invitation to come play ARMA3 with us. Who is this for? As stated in the header, the guys who bought the game thru the group buy on the forums and Ahoy+ Subscribers When is this happening? Sunday,16th August 1830UTC\GMT Whats gonna happen on that date? We play some modded arma3, you can ask about the Squad, its mechanics and we generally have a good time.
  14. Hello and welcome to this weeks game-night We will be playing Gauntlet On ArmA3 EU#3 MODDED. The map is Fallujah The meet up time will be as follows: Saturday - 15:30 GMT Mission start You will not be allowed to JIP once the mission briefing is over.. Click here to apply for a slot! Failing to do this my mean you are not guaranteed a slot. I'm stressing that any mucking about while we are doing this event will be met with according punishment for degrading other players enjoyment of the event. Normal EU#3 rules apply Hope to have a good turn out and I will see you on the battlefield For info on how to get the mods click here.
  15. So seeing as we don't have enough players to run a full logistical team i made this first draft of a deployable FOB. This can\will serve as CMD and Angels forward operating base as the truck,when deployed will get a 5times boost to the radio range, a field hospital(medic tent) and a crate with the regular supplies. How it works current is: ground has to be fairly flat, you cant deploy it while moving (duuuh =P ). Basically you go from this: To this:
  16. Nightstalker or NVS, and seeing at its daytime my cents tips towards the first. Shame on yoooo doooofyman. And now on to some constructive input(CS posistion and EU#3 Manager aside) Lets start with pilots: I think we need to have stricter enforcements on who can fly. Either by means of moderators enforcing whos flying stricter. Maybe a whitelist. Something along these lines. Too many times someone who isn't amazing at flying is flying (DO NOT NAME PEOPLE) or they just make stupid mistakes which causes amounts of frustration to the ground units. _IF_ they cant select a LZ and land at a reasonable aproach rate I would like for them to give up the pilot slots, go to a rifleman slot or practice approaches and landings more in the ediotor. This is basic stuff. That said, accidents do happen and one fuckup wont\shouldnt lead to getting barred from flying, consistent fuckups and general bad calls shoul. After a while you should be able to understand that a 1/1000th chance of landing in a hot AO with a metric fuckton of BRDMs that want that sweet sweet littlebird ass is not a good call. Thermal scopes: These should all be removed. Absolutely no need for them, plenty of scopes that work with NVGS and such like. People just abuse Thermals and should leave them in EU1. Thats all i've got on thermals matter. Remove thermal scopes from infantry, they aren't needed. Its easy-mode. General Rule: Some sort of general rule very similar to Rule 8. Which covers all units. Tanks and air. Limiting them to going free for all. I suggest this after seeing a tank rolling around not asking anyone if it should engage going all free for all. This should go under following the CoC, as usually you wouldn't go fuck about on your own on Eu#3 as this is against the teamwork spirit of Eu#3. Also generally when you step into any of the Hardware of Eu#3 you have so much more power than the infantryman, you could easily decimate a AO with one unit. This would corrupt the gameplay for anyone else, i.e the squad that just spent 5 minutes planning their bound\maneuver having it decimated by a hail of HEAT\SABOT and .50cal. //CSmode on. I'm monitoring this thread and soaking up any useful input and taking into regard.
  17. Hello and welcome to this weeks game-night We will be playing (un)Gentlemanly Warfare. On ArmA3 EU#3 MODDED. The map is Panthera Details about the mission will be below The meet up time will be as follows: Saturday - 15:30 GMT Mission start Brief: Mounting tension between the neighboring country to Panthera has risen to new heights, to prevent a invasion from the government of Panthera the neighboring country has sent in a covert task force to destabilize the country before a pre-emptive attack can commense on the mainland. This force is tasked with capturing 2 Airfields and a chokepoint where a military checkpoint is. The force consist of: 1x Command element 2x Squads 1x FSG(FIre Support Group) consisting of MMG\Javelin. You will not be allowed to JIP once the mission briefing is over.. Click here to apply for a slot! Failing to do this my mean you are not guaranteed a slot. I'm stressing that any mucking about while we are doing this event will be met with according punishment for degrading other players enjoyment of the event. Normal EU#3 rules apply Hope to have a good turn out and I will see you on the battlefield For info on how to get the mods click here.
  18. Last time anyything was done to the rules was when raz rewrote them to be more structured @30th may. There has veen no additions that i can think of since we sat down and made the rules the firat time when we had players just dicking around like 5 year olds
  19. First page updated and will post session 1 details here: Hello everyone and welcome to the weekly AW Eu#3 Training session. Below you will find when it starts, how we would like you to behave during said session. Session start: 1600 GMT 26. July This session will contain following training blocks: (Note these can be expanded upon if users\us deem we have time for it, tho we are aiming to keep the sessions to around 30-45minutes long to not hog up all the playtime on Eu#3) Block 1: Static training for formation training,explaining how to effectively transition between them Block 2: Move by foot to one of the manoeuvring fields,making the squad leads call different formations while we are moving. Block 3: Bounding towards an enemy position in chosen maneuvering field. explain why this is optimal. Squads take turns doing it one squad at a time. At Least 2/3 runs of this. Block 4: Company level bounding. Block 5: Any session related questions (10 minutes). I would like to ask of you to keep the chatter to a minimum while we explain stuff and ask us questions between sub-task i.e bounding session->question(s)->bounding session as this would make the session less time consuming. Regards Pfc. Christiansen
  20. Nono, i think you can combine laxeman with jsrs, but usually one soundmod at a time or it wil cause conflicts and either crash your game or make your sound funky
  21. Bottom number along the ranger line indicates what the target height is configured for, in this case of the rpg pso scope its 2.4 meters
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